Warp Theory: A primer in FTL drive systems.


Quantum Scribe
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Special Credit for the following post to:] Mr. Edwin Gary Schasteen rgrunt@yahoo.com for sending this to our TAP-TEN Research Foundation</font>< [A HREF="http://Tap-Ten.org" TARGET=_blank>http://Tap-Ten.org</A> ]

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<TITLE>Warp Theory: A primer in FTL drive systems.</TITLE>
Warp Theory: A primer in FTL drive systems.

Submitted for the review of scholars

By: Dr. Ael Rin Sirion

Quantum Technician


The secret of warp capacities lies in knowing why the light speed
limit exists. Understanding this technology will require an advanced
understanding of reletivity. In simple, how was the light speed limit
arrived at in the first place? That is the point as which we, thusly I,
should begin.

Reletivity is a fascinating concept in that it states that objective
observation is really subjective. For example, from a planet's viewpoint,
it's star appears to be moving and the world looks stationary. If we look
at the same system from the viwpoint as the star, the planet appears to be
moving. From the viewpoint of the galaxy, both will appear to be moving
compared to a "reletively stationary" galaxy. And it goes on like this.

Now we question which of these is the truth. The only reasonable
answer to this question is that all of these observations, and countless
others which I have not mentioned, are all true. How can a contradiction be
the truth? Reletively! Since there is no single universal reference point
which we can all agree upon as absolutely stationary, we cannot discern if
any of these reference points is truely stationary. All movement must be
measured reletive to a "reletively stationary" reference point since there is
no objectively stationary reference upon which to base all movement.

This being said, we can refer to ourselves as stationary. If you have
ever moved about in a vehicle which moves at a smooth accelleration, then you
have felt a phenominon which is the basis for reletivity. You feel stationary
and objects you see through the viewports appear to be moving. Should your
vehicle drift forward, reletive to the vehicle directly beside you, you may
try to stop your forward momentum even if it is the other vehicle, your
reletively stationary reference point, which is actually drifting backwards.

Although it appears that I'm off course in this dissertation, this is
an important concept. With the exception of reference points, designated
stationary or moving, you have no sensory clue that you are moving. This
leads us to question what will happen if you were to have a clue to movement
outside of the reference point? Absolute proof of such a thing would topple
reletivity as we know it.

Now we come to a point where we have just such an experament. Without
the above assertion, we will not arrive at reletivity. It is an absolute
belief that there is no such sensory proof which will shatter the stationary
illusion of SMOOTH accelleration which leads to reletivity.

You hop into your space ship, and move off to the nearest star. All
the time, you accellerate smoothly to maintain a 1 G environment. There is a
mirror above you, perpendicular to the nosecone. Clearely, the light from
your face moves to the mirror at C-(ship's velocity) and bounces back at
c+(Ship's velocity) . If you were to keep going for so long that you reached
the speed of light, C, then the light moving toward the mirror would be moving
at C-C or 0 units per second. Your reflection would vanish. Suddenly, you
have sensory proof that you're moving.

Don't let the C+C case of the light coming back at you escape notice
either. The extancy of the constant C states that light has a fixed velocity
through any medium, including the air of your ship. As a result, light will
always return from the mirror at C units per second. Base a clock on this
structure and something amazing will happen.

Assume that the clock is so large that a beam of light bouncing from
the mirror would take 1 second to return. That leads us to the equation that
the distance to the mirror, D, is C/2 units. The total speed of the light
beam is C-V(Ship's velocity =V) for the outgoing leg and C for the incomming
leg. ( C-V+C = 2C-V units per second)

At this point, we are using SPOTS <Simultaneous Pulse Optical[BR>Transmision System ] transponders, which can send and receive photon pulses
from the same element. It is important to note that this is isolinear in that
the pulse moves directly forward in the exact direction that the ship is
moving and moves directly back over the same path. When the ship's velocity
is C, then the photon pulses will move toward the mirror at the same speed as
the mirror will be moving away from the SPOTS transponder. The result is that
time stops. Up until this point, the return leg of the voyage taken by the
photon pulse shortens by the same distance as the departing leg lengthens from
the movement of the ship.

Even though all the points for a single, strait line, we have a
triangle. Now we do the experiment in the old way, where the sender and
receiver elements of the photon pulse are side by side. Now the photon pulse
has to move across the ship as well as moving from front to back along the
ship. Something interesting happens. The beam is moving toward the receiver
throughout it's entire flight, thus, if the flight to the mirror is lengthened
by the movement of the ship, this pulse hits the mirror off center. If the
mirror is not wide enough to reach between the centers of both the sender and
receiver, then there is a speed at which the beam would miss the mirror.

This leads to an odd perception in which you, unaware that there is
any reletive momentum, see space warping in the mirror. Suddenly, you can
see further to one side of the room, beside you, than you could. It's a slow
process, depending on the velocity increase during this time, however, you
could eventually see the side of objects which face the mirror. Note, that any
change in reletive velocity voids the guarantee of reletivity. Acceleration,
as used in this paper, refers to the movement of the bodies involved and not
to a change in velocity.

And now we get to the transverse experiment. The mirror is now
mounted on the port side, with the sender and receivers mounted at opposite
ends of the Starboard wall. The receiver is at the front of the ship and the
sender is at the tail. Now, viewed from outside, the photon pulse has to
catch up with the mirror, and then catch up with the receiver. If we were to
compute the distance as viewed from outside the ship, it would be much further
from the sender to the receiver, off the mirror, than it is from the inside of
the ship. Time is slowed. Interestingly, the opposite will happen if the beam
was to be fired the other way, from front to back. Time speeds up moving in
that direction.

This stretching of time is spacial reletivity. If we were to compute
the triangle formed by the sender, mirror and receiver, it would be possible
to arrive at the remarkable E=MC^2 as the amount of energy contained in 'dead
mass,' but that is not our current concern, so we'll skip the exercise. Yet,
it is important to note that this formula expresses only the energy in the
mass and not the energies which can be stored in it. Heat, kenetic and the
like are added to this. That is important because the increase in kenetic
energy as we approach C adds to the apparent mass of the body and is part of
why we cannot exceed C within Normal N-Space <time-space>.

The slowing down of time and the reletive increase in mass are the
real reasons that FTL <Faster than Light> drive is considered impossible. It
is important that you know these effects, however, it is not important that
we discuss them at length because they must NOT apply in the processes
outlined in this paper or FTL drive, all of warp technology, will be
<H1><CENTER> Starting Point.. </CENTER></H1><HR>


Notice another odd effect. All falling bodies are conducted through
space at the same velocity under a gravitational accelleration. Weight, and
mass, seem to have no effect on gravitational accelleration. This simple
observation is the beginning of inertial bias, field accelleration and full
blown spacial warping. Although inertia is added to these bodies while they
are in reletive free-fall, there is no difference in the way that the field
of gravity reacts as a result of this increase. In fact, the increase in
mass which results from high velocity momentum actually adds strength to the
gravitic field it generates.
Reducing Inertia to a Speed.</H1></CENTER><HR>


Matter is comprised of many small components which act as larger
singular structures. The exact nature of these components is purely
theoretical, although it is known that such structures contain energy
contained within quantum fields. This of genesit particles, particles on the
boundry between matter and energy such as photons, as bubbles of quantum
forces which are full of pure energy.

If you wish to accellerate such constructions, you will notice that
the whole structure will deform as the intertial forces along some connections
propogate. Inertia itself is an expression of this deformation in the way
that the attempt to accelerate the body in one inertial state must move
through the body and reach each component of the body in order for it to reach
a stable rate of movement. Clearely, the speed of inertia is the speed of
sound through the medium in question.

Since the force which is applied to change the inertial state of a
body is applied to a small portion of the body, the components of the body
adjacent to that point will be moving reletively faster than the remaining
portions of the body. Contraction along the body will result in something
called inertial compression which can cause stress failures in the mechanical
and structural systems of the body in question.

Sound, like accelleration, is a compressional wave, thusly, the speed
of sound increases proportionally to the density of the medium. This velocity
is not a matter of the compressability of the medium as virtually
incompressable materials, the basis of hydrolic systems, experience the same
increase in the speed of sound reletive to density. Such compression is,
rather, the ability of the medium to conduct isolinear momentum without
excessive dispersion.

An increase in the speed of sound through a body does not result in
the loss of inertia. Conversely, it results in the increase in inertia since
the entire body must be moved by the applied force, at the moment of inertia,
rather than the applied force simply changing the inertial state of small
parts of the body in any moment until the whole body is in its new, steady,
inertial state. This can be conveniently expressed as F=MA where force is the
mass of the body times the acceleration.

F/A=M therefore, the higher the inertial conduction (acceleration),
the lower the mass which can be accelerated by it. This action is also time
dependant, posessing the property of quantum energy. Quantum energy requires
that the whole quantum of energy required to change a state must be applied
in one instant or it will have no effect on the system. There is never a
'residual' in quantum energy. None of the 'excess' energy from one moment is
available to change the state of the body in the next moment.
Field Accelleration</H1></CENTER><HR>


Now we reach the first principle of warp technology. The main reason
we exceed the light speed limit is inertia. As a body approaches the light
speed limit, C, it's mass will increase exponentially up to infinity at C.
Our second problem is the 'time slip' which states that time must stand still
to a body moving at C or the principle of reletivity will be violated. I'll
get to the second problem later.

Field accelleration refers to the accelleration of the body by
applying the momentum to the components which make up the body rather than to
the body itself. The difference may seem small, however, it is profound. In
older forms of propulsion, force is applied from the power plants and is
subject to inertia as it propogates through the body to change its inertial
state. With a field accelerator, the body is emersed in the field and biased
to a certain inertial state. There is no inertial effect since the force does
not have to propogate across the body.

Any quantum force of sufficient capacity can produce a warp field.
Gravitation is the most often expressed force, however, electormagnetism is
the most used force since it is the most controllable and understood. It is
also important to note that electroweak force, of which electromagnetic force
is a subset, is kenetic whereas gravitostrong force is static. Static forces
are difficult to bias and often require an actual imbalance in the field to
achieve the warp effect. Kenetic forces have a polarity and can easily be
biased in their natural flows without applying undue stress to the structure
of the body involved.

Handling the 'time slip' problem is the most complex part of the
system. Although the field is external to the body and does not experience
the distortion of time in itself, the body contained within the field have to
cope with displacement as movement across vast distances in space result in
movement through equally vast amounts of time. This is an unacceptable
consequince of warp travel.

Field acceleration handles this as well. The body within the field
experiences no inertia and is therefore in a state of stable inertia all the
time. Such bodies are moving at sublight velocities sufficiently small as not
to experience time slip. It is the surrounding space which is warped by the
allererator field. Quantum accleration of the entire field frame compresses
space in an isolinear fassion.
Time Dilation</H1></CENTER><HR>


Two types of time disruption occur in faster than light (FTL) space
flight; virtual and actual. Actual time dilation is the difference between
the reletive 'speed' of time within the warp field and time measured outside
the field. Virtual time displacement is the apparent change in time resulting
from moving into space over distances so vast that your point of departure
appears to move backward in time and your destination seems to move forward in
time by an equally great distance.

Virtual time displacement is the one which cannot be solved at present
and the simpler of the two to describe, so I'll start there. Since light
moves at a constant velocity, moving faster than light will require light
which leaves your point of origin at the present time to have to catch up with
you. That means that you could see yourself leaving port by stopping at the
right point and using a powerfull enough theoretical telescope. If your
departure was broadcast to your destination, about a light week into space,
you could watch yourself leave your point of origin almost week after you
arrived at your destination!

Since higher life is also social life, this displacement has a real
effect on the mental state of star age (Ketueen) races. When you arrive at
your destination, only hours after you leave port, a week would appear to have
passed even though you did not really slip through time. The real
displacement is that your only contact between these points will have been
limited to light speed limited communications. This means less in the age of
subspace radio, however, radio doesn't correct for your vision.

You see your point of origin moving back in time as you leave and your
destination moving forward as you approach it. At one time, this form of
isolation posed a mental health threat to colonists. They would sometimes
look out into space and see a time before their home star was created. Radio
wasn't fast enough to counter this effect.

Actual time disruption results in the dilation of time within the
cabin of your ship as a result of it's forward momentum. We reduce this by
compressing space along isolinear chanels between navigational points so that
we can move through space at sublight speeds while covering lightyears in
seconds. This dilation cannot be completely neutralized because the ship will
be moving and ANY velocity results in this effect. N-Stable drive compensates
better than the I-Fix system, but the dilation is still there.
I-Fix Drive systems.</H1></CENTER><HR>


Common warp drive units are in the I-Fix class since they do not
involve moving through alternate dimensional vortexes. They are fixed in
N-space which is the same 4-dimensional time-space within which the ship
originated. These drive units rely on the principles of field accelleration
to produce short-cuts between navigational points. This works by producing
strong enough quantum fields along an isolinear corridor to produce an
apparent shortening of linear space between two points in N-space.

This effect is largely an illusion. Space itself does not really
fold. The quantum field projected to appear just ahead of the body to be
conducted along the warp chanel really accellerates the body in such a way
that no inertia is experienced, thus it appears that space is moving and not
the body being conducted along the chanel. As a result, the body within the
field 'tricks' N-space into refreshing the structure of the body at a distance
from where it could actually have been while bounded by the light speed limit.

I-Fix drive mechanics is a combination between superstring theory and
aether theory. Aether theory is the older of the two and was thought to have
been disproven long ago, until revived by corrolaries of superstring theory
and reletivity. Superstring theory is essential to warp dynamics in that it
allows the bodies involved to be conducted along the warp chanel as the energy
they are made of rather than as completed structures. If this was not
possible, the quantum fields required to producte the warp effect would crush
the body being conducted along them. Such bodies must be absorbed into the
fields during movement.

Aether theory expresses a material, called aether, through which
magnetic waves propogate. Gravity is expressed as the consumption of aether
by mass, kind of like the 'vacuum' produced near the drain plug of a tub.
Superstring theory expands on this to say that the aether is not consumed, but
that it oscillates into another dimension to return at another point where
there is reletively no mass.

Superstring theory is drawn from the fact that all 'solid particles'
of matter can be diffracted by the 'double slit experament.' This indicates
that subatomic particles are not solid, but standing waves. That leads to a
new view of reality in that nothing is really solid. Warp theory draws from
this to allow for a quantum field to be constructed along a field-frame such
that the body within the field is indistinguishable from the field. At that
point, the body cannot be destroyed by the field because there is no
difference between the field and the body.

Reletivity also helps here. Imagine that there are two stars, one on
each horizon from where you are standing on a planet. Your planet is orbiting
its star away from one star and toward the other. Since the speed of light
must be a constant, and you would see it as higher on the star you are moving
toward, there must be extra space compressed along the leading edge of your
orbit to account for the additional distance the light from that star has to
traverse to stay at a fixed speed. Likewise, there has to be a stretching of
space so that the light from the star you are moving away from does not appear
to be moving slower than C.
N-Stable Systems.</H1></CENTER><HR>


N-Stable drive units rely on the existence of dimensions which run
along the same plane as N-Space yet have important differing properties. For
example, hyperspace is a dimension which is essentially empty and has no light
speed limit. These dimensions must run along the same plane as N-Space so
that re-entry is possible after the distance required is traversed. The
extancy of such planes is not beyond the reach of probability.

Extra-dimentional travel for short distances requires entry into a
plane which matches the state of N-Space adequately for the survival of the
passengers of the vehicle making the journey and a shift in phase which
produces an effect which can be mapped onto N-Space as faster than light
momentum for a fixed period of time. The survival aspect of the requirements
is understandable. Mapping an effect onto N-Space as a fixed period of FTL
movement is a bit more complex, but the entire process wouldn't be worth much
without it. Why bother using N-Stable drive if you cannot get anywhere you
couldn't get just as easily without it?

Hyperspacial travel is a limited subset of wormhole travel. A tunnel
is created between two distant points in N-Space and the body travesing that
distance jumps into it. This is a subset of wormhole travel, and not real
wormhole travel, since a wormhole has no real length. True wormholes are
direct connections between distant points in N-Space which can connect without
regard for time or spacial distance.

Wormholes are like mirrors running in reverse. You look at a mirror
from the side and the mirror is an maybe inch thick. The reflection in the
mirror is close to two dimensional, and should be two dimensional. Looking
at the mirror from the front will yeild a reconstruction of 4 dimensional
N-Space within the apparent space of the reflection. There is no true limit
to the amount of space which can appear in this 2-D matrix. It will appear as
large as the space being reflected by the mirror, and last as long as the unit
of space being reflected.

With a wormhole, the effect is reversed. You look into the wormhole
and see the N-Space at a great, or not so great, distance from your current
location. It could be across the room or across the universe. From the side,
these locations will be separated by much more distance than they are through
the wormhole. Apparently, the length of the womrhole from the outside is
many times as great as the distance within the wormhole.

Moving through the wormhole requires a reletive dimensional stabalizer.
Any warp capable ship will be able to use the inertial field accellerator as
a stabalizer and enter the wormhole. The real problem being that wormholes
are are dimensionally unstable with a tendancy to collapse across any particle
of solid matter which enters them. This effect is due to the quantum folding
of N-Space which causes solid matter to hold its shape. Warp fields reduce
the body within them into a single field frame which appears to be a
collection of genesit particles held suspended across a magnetic matrix.

Hyperspace uses wormholes to move into a paralell dimensional space
which can be reletively smaller than N-Space or where the light speed limit
does not exist. Since these dimensions overlap N-Space at every point,
movement along these planes will allow you to re-enter N-Space through another
generated wormhole at a distance so great that light could not cover the same
distance in the same time frame. The case where space is reletively smaller
is the most like standard I-Fix drive, but it is not the only application of
compressed space. It is possible that the dimensions on the space you jump to
can be twisted in such a way that your ports are directly adjacent.

Perihelion is the most extreme case of spacial compression. In this
case, only a single point covers all of N-Space. From perihelion, you can
return to N-Space at any point in space-time without limits. This is the
domain of a special breed of FLT drive called star-navigation. Bodies moving
through perihelion using star-navigation are de-actualized for entry and then
re-actualized by the star-navigator at their destinations.

Spaces where the light speed limit does not exist also has an extreme
case. It is possible that additional planes which overlap N-Space use the
same time-space, however, they use it in differing orders. For example, time
spent in one of these dimensions maps back to distance traveled at light
speed. This is not all that impressive unless you realize that lateral
movement maps back to time in N-Space, thusly the body can return to N-Space
before it left. Since velocity is a matter of distance and time, the light
speed limit technically does not exist in these dimensions.


Now that the cold theory is basically finished, or as far as I intend
to go for now, we can get into reducing the cold theory to practice. This is
the exciting part even though it is really just a matter of math and
demonstrations of the concepts expressed to this point. You are still years
from reducing the hard science expressed here to your own working drive units
even if you understand everything in the remainder of this thesis. That's why
you spend years in the academy....



Long ago, the military was looking for a way to evade missile radar
on ships. The experamanet was called the "Philidelphia Project." It worked
by using a huge military degauser which cloaked the ship in question within a
huge magnetic field. This ship was not onle radar invisible, but actually
vanished, to reappear many miles from its starting point. Thusly began the
application of spacial warp technology.

A book was written in an attempt to explain why this happened, and the
entertainment industry built a story around it so that most people didn't even
know that there was a factual basis to the whole thing. This was an excellent
cover for the dissemination of information and for keeping the general public
from knowing what was really going on. All the truth was generally available
and nobody who was uninitiated cared to look.

From there, an experament began circulating through the underground
based on the infamous millitary project. The file containing this experament
is called "RGFC" for 'Reletive Gravity Field Control.' <Title breakdown is[BR>unconfirmed as of this writing.] This experament can be very hazardous if you
are not fully prepared for the incredible heat it will generate, so extreeme
caution should be used if you decide to go through with it. You will be
working with 50 Kev DC power systems flowing through coils and that is very

RGFC starts with a thermoplastic tube about two feet long and 8 inches
in diameter. A field coil is wound around this tube, and a second coil of
equal capacity is placed within the tube. This tube is sealed, with care to
be sure it can handle a great deal of heat and pressure, after flooding with
glycerin. The glycerin was the optimal electrolyte for the system when the
file was last updated. Both the internal and the external coils are charged
to 50 Kev (DC), and then a 25 Kev power supply is split between the coils.
Each of these three power sources must be independant to avoid crosovers which
will drain the effect of this field wave guide. Connect the negative lead of
the 25 Kev (DC) power supply to the negative pole of the central coil's power
and the positive pole to the positive pole of the outer coil's feed.

The original design called for a third coil to run through the exact
center of the whole thing as an antenna to inject frequencies into the
complete apperatus, however this has been replaced by looping a coil around
the outside of the completed wave guide. This newer design makes for better
field control. Structurally, the field guide is two electromagnetic coils
with a capacitent field across them. A central iron bar might amplify the
effect, however, it will also be subject to the same effect as the cores in
high voltage transformers and deform from the pulses in the huge magnetic
field. Powdered iron would be a better choice.



Based on this design, I came to the pionization core system. In
essence, the pionization core is a more efficient and mineraturized version
of the wave guide described in RGFC. Three elements are used, each one acting
as the wave guide listed above, placed in a cone shape. Exact specifications
of the pionization core are too sensitive to be released here, however, I must
detail how to use the completed structure.

Each pionization element has two power leads, and a pointed end. It
takes three elements to form a completed pionization core, mounted about a
circle so that the three elements are 120 degrees apart. (equadistant.) This
assembly is tilted so that the pointed ends, close to the center, but not
touching, are above the assembly. Antenna leads are fixed to the blunt end of
each pionization element. Three elements is the minimum which can be used to
steer a phased array in 3-dimensions, and the angle of the elements adds to
the controllability.

The power leads of the three elements are tied together under the
centeral ring, however, they must not enter the actual field produced. Two of
the elements are tied to the negative supply from the leads on the blunt end,
with the third accepting the positive lead. Keeping the points of the three
elements close together allows the quantum disturbance to be maintained within
the tight magnetic bottle.

<PRE> " /*\ " " + /-\ - " </PRE>

Element 117 <Neutronium></U>


Now we need an intense power supply. Scientists theorize that the
elements of the periodic table, which become radioactively unstable at about
cesium in the periodic table, eventually return to stable elements. This
happens at Neutronium, element 117. Neutronium is a black metal of massive
density and semiconductive properties in the same class as Carbon, Silicon and
Germanium. We know this from its placement on the periodic table.

How does this give us power? Since element 117 is the first stable
element in the periodic table, and decrease in the gravitostrong quantum field
will result in spontaneous degeneration of neutronium into a mass of matter
and anti-matter. This degradation is so fast that the inertia of the
surrounding air is great enough to contain all but the magnetic energy
emissions. Since this is conducted across the pionization field, we can tap
the power easily.

There is a missmatch in this form of matter anti-matter reaction which
yeilds genesit particles. Positive matter and anti-matter do not have the
same mass. Such an imbalance limits the stable state of the fuel burned in
the reactor. Overburning will result in the build up of genesit particles and
possible mass residue formation. Caution must be taken to keep the engines
burning clean.

Element 117 is not the only element which can be burned in this way,
however, as it is the densest element easily effected by this process, it will
result in the highest energy production. Heating the fuel increases the total
energy production since it produces a corresponding reduction in nuclear
stability before fuel burn is initiated. This reaction is bottled by the
quantum field containment system and thusly is not constrained by the low
pressure requirement of magnetically bottled mass anti-mass reactors.
Aether burners.</H1></CENTER><HR>


The oscillations of quantum mass in the aether is another source of
quantum energy. Since aether theory makes atoms themselves into mechanical
systems, it is required that these systems have a source of energy in order
to be maintained. Theoretically, aether burners draw their energy from the
other dimensions into which the aether flows. There is a huge amount of
energy available if the aether flow itself can be tapped.

Aether burners are like paddle wheels placed in the flow or aether as
it flows out of our dimension through the quantum distortions of solid mass.
Higher masses naturally have greater quantum distortions yeilding a larger
aether flow. While the aether is flowing between dimensions, it leaves low
pressures surrounding the masses involved, and this causes reletive motion
between any two masses which have aether flows associated with them. In short,

Actual aether cannot be burned. If it was consumed, the universe
itself would experience a much higher enthropy level than it does. Eventually,
the universe would collapse inward upon itself as the fabric of aether into
which space is woven would grow steadily smaller. Observed reality is better
served by the theorem that aether simply oscillates back into N-Space at
points of no mass.

This theory also states that warp systems not be used close to any
inhabited system because there is a maximal velocity to the aether flow of
space and this results in a buildup of gravity in any place where warp systems
regularly operate. Space takes time to compress and decompress. Use of warp
systems in open, inter-stellar, space is advised since this space will have
a lower compression and is most likely to decompress between jumps.

Quantum energy theory states that energy can be extracted from this
system indefinitely so long as the amount extracted in any quantum-moment is
too small to promote a state change. In short, you can extract as much power
from the field as you like, as long as you don't take so much at any one time
that you deform the field. This amount of energy, constructively and
destructively, is referred to as a quantum. Because this energy must be
extracted in a single time period, a moment, the whole unit describing the
quantity and time is called a quantum moment.
The Formula....</H1></CENTER><HR>


Calibrating the system for use requires knowing the relationship
between the field and the reletive velocity generated. Since these tests
have yet to be done to figure the precise amount of energy involved to create
an effect of any measured amount, we will express our calculations based upon
a set of known values which is specific to the configuration involved. These

  1. <LI>) The radius of the resulting event horizon. All quantum compression
    fields result in the creation of apparent black holes. The event horizon
    is the exact point in this 'hole' where the excape velocity is C.</LI>
    <LI>) Our distance from the center of the event. Center of gravity is an
    important constant in any spacial compression system. It is the best
    place to measure range from since it is the point at which all the force
    of the event appears to be comming from.</LI>
    <LI>) Period of exposure. This one is kind of touchy since we can leave
    this value in the resulting value and have a velocity which is added to
    the reletive velocity of the ship to result in its final velocity much in
    the same way as you'd add windspeed to planet based flight through an

<Factor 1, radius, is R | Factor 2, distance, is D | Factor 3, time, is T >

<CENTER> 2CR^2T/D^2 = compressed space.</CENTER>

Quantum fields fall off by the inverse square law. Reletive to your
starting point, you move off twice as far and the field is 1/4 as strong.
1/2^2 = 1/4. (2^2 means 2 squared. Please accept my apology for not having
a superscript key handy.) If you move off until you are 3 times as distant,
the field strength is 1/9 since 1/3^2 is 1/9. This leads to an interesting
observation which will be important in the actual calibration section.

Mass builds up in 3 primary dimensions, however, the gravity falls
off in only 2 dimensions. The effect of gravity, in keeping with the
increased volume creating it, should be a minimum of cubed and it is only
squared. Gravity appears to act in a strait line between the centers of
gravity, thusly one dimension, and the other dimension is theorized to be
time itself. Measuring gravity is always in a velocity, thus we need a
distance and a time.

At this point, our formula is 1/D^2 . Half as far from the center of
gravity and the field is 4 times as great. 1/(1/2)^2 = 1/(1/4) = 4/1 = 4 .
Four times as great as what? We have the answer in our list of reletive
factors. Four times as great as C. C/D^2 leaves us with one problem. This
formula is only valid if D is measured in units of R. We must free up the
formula a bit by putting R into the equation to enforce the reletive balance
for any system of measurement.

R^2/D^2 . What we start out needing is (D/R)^2 which expresses D as
how many units of R we are from the center of the event. This is important
because our formula is only valid if D is measured in lengths of R. Then we
we go through the conversion: (D/R)^2=(D/R)(D/R)=D^2/R^2 . Since this is on
the bottom of the equation, C/(D/R)^2, we have to calculate 1/(D^2/R^2) which
is R^2/D^2. The formula is now CR^2/D^2 .

Our next constant is T. What we're after is a matter of distance, and
calculating out the units of this equation, we resolve to a velocity:
(m/s * m^2 / m^2 = m/s) To get rid of the seconds, we have to multiply 1/s
by s. S is seconds, thus we need a time value in the equation. CR^2T/D^2 is
the result. If we leave out the time constant, we'll have the accelleration
added to some I-fix drives which place a quantum disturbance just ahead of
them and 'fall' faster than light.

The total compression of space really does not end at the center of
gravity, so we end up with a total compression of 2CR^2T/D^2 . This is the
weakest portion of the formula since, although undenyably real, can the ship
really use this portion of the warp? Only if the ship crosses the center of
gravity. There is only one safe way of doing that and it involves placing the
center of the warp field within the ship itself.

At the center of gravity, D=0. 2CR^2T/0^2 is undefined in common
mathematics. In higher forms of math, it is possible to prove that 1/0 is not
undefined, but infinity. This point must be avoided since there is no single
point of N-Space which could contain more than all of N-Space. By the
geometric definition of dimensions, this point is in another dimension.
Geometric Definition of Dimensions.</H1></CENTER><HR>


By definition, a point is a unit which occupies no space. Stack an
infinite number of points, end to end, such that AB+BC=AC and you will have a
line which is 1 unit in length and no units in width. AB+BC=AC is the sinple
mathematical definition of between. It means that, the distance from A to B
along a strait line, plus the distance from B to C along a strait line, is the
same as the distance between A and C. Every point in this line is required to
be between the point where you start and the point where you end up.

Your line segment has no width. Stace enough of them side by side
with each line being between your first line and your last line, and you will
have a single plane with a width of 1 unit. Again, this simply requires an
infinite number of lines and an extended definition of between. It does not
matter what unit of measurement you end up with, the concept is the same.
Zero times infinity is 1.

I can hear many of your thoughts stating "zero times any NUMBER is 0."
To this I respond, "what number?" Both zero and inifinity are concepts, not
numbers. Zero is a place holder and takes the place of a number which has no
value. Infinity is, by extension, also a place holder. Rather than having no
value, infinity has ALL value. These concepts are opposites.

Stacking an infinite number of planes will give you a single unit of
height. The width of a true plane is infinite, as is the length of a true
line. We have now come up to 3 dimensions and a fourth remains. It remains
to be seen if N-Space is bounded or infinite in any single dimension, however
theory leans toward N-Space being limited in all 4 dimensional planes which it

An infinite stack of 3-D spaces will give you a single unit of
duration. Q-Techs, such as myself, often refer to any single 3-D space as a
moment. It is like a frame of film holding an infinitely small portion of
time in a static representation. A moment lasts for no period of time and is
a basic concept of physics. 4-D N-Space is dynamic and physical computation
will be error prone because of imperfections in the way moments project across
seconds, like the smearing of moving objects in any single frame of film.

If we extend this, we end up with an infinite amount of time-space
becomming a single unit of 5-D space. Our entire known reality is just a
single point at this higher level. From this point, it would be possible to
enter anywhere in our time-space. However, our N-Space is so small that it
would be lost if you move at all in this higher plane.

Star-Navigators are an odd breed of men in that they're born with the
gift of being able to actualize across this vortex at perihelion. I will not
get into these mechanics as it is beyond the scope of this paper, yet, it is
a fasinating application of Quantum principle and mechanical capacity. Unless
you have a star-navigator and the photon echo array he needs, do not cross
this central vortex of the warp field.
Pionizer Configuration </H1></CENTER><HR>


A standard, class 1, field frame is generated from an array of nine
pionization elements arranged in 3 pionization cores. The pionization cores
are equadistant around the ship's hull, forming an equalateral triangle. Class
1 is primarily for small craft so this small assembly is sufficient as it is
adequate also for our discussion. Three pionization cores, given enough power
could handle a body of any size. Configuration is the key.

Each core is made up of 3 pionization elements fashioned into a cone
with the top cut off. The area between the points at the top of the cone is
for the bottled quantum disturbance. In essence, the body of the warp capable
structure is ringed with three contained 'black holes' at specific points
along its hull. These cores are usually positioned just ahead of the center
of the ship along a horizontle axis, with the cores facing forward in the
same verticle plane.

To use the drive, it must be calibrated at this point. The angle of
the pionization cores must be adequate for the three quantum disturbances to
combine ahead of the ship without passing through any part of the ship. If
the fields intersect the body of the ship, structural instability will result.
Tune the freequency injectors of each pionization element so that the quantum
disturbance generated by each core will move along the skin of your ship at
a distance no less than 1 diameter from impacting with any part of the ship.

The minimal angle at which the 3 cores can combine quamtum fields as
close the the nose of the ship as possible without hitting the skin, is called
the ship's critical angle. Do not exceed this angle. Conversely, the power
limits state that the quantum disturbances can only remain bottled up to a
given distance from the pionization cores, the main reason that the cores are
forward of the ship's center, and this is referred to as the range angle. As
the term implies, this sets the ship's warp range by setting the maximum
compression the ship can handle.

At this point, the field looks like a cone. It originates from 3
points and extends until the three field beams combine into a single field
just ahead of the ship's nose. From this vortex, where the three quantum
disturbance fields combine, a single compression chanel forms directly forward
from the ship's nose. This is the ship's warp chanel.

To chose a ship's vector, setting a course, you would draw a line from
your ship's center of gravity to the destination point in space. Then, you
steer the beams generated when each core extends it's quantum disturbance
until the beams intersect at a point on that line as close to the ship's nose
as possible. All three beams must be balanced so that no single field is
clearely stronger than any other. When the beams combine, the entire front
of the ship will become a singular field-frame and be pulled into the warp
chanel. Your trip begins when the quantum-moment of the fields first reaches
the inertia of your vessel.

<CENTER><H3> Bon Voyage.</H3></CENTER>
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Wow! I couldn't even finish reading all of this because I keep forgetting the errors I found in the previous paragraph before it. I'm not one to criticize anyone. I earnestly want to find ways of travelling faster than light and time traveling which is why I've pursued becoming a physicist, but we have to keep our facts right or the physicists will be right in criticizing us as being "pseudo-scientists". First, element 117 is not a member of carbon's family of elements. It's actually a halogen in the family of gases beginning with fluorine, chlorine, bromine (which is liquid at room temperature), etc. and would probably be pretty unstable. The "island of stability" that nuclear chemists talk about is situated around element 115 and can be calculated using quantum mechanics (different from quantum field theory) because of "filled shells" that result inside the nucleus of element 115. Element 118 would also have various degrees of stability in that it falls in the family of noble gases whom have filled electron shells. Being that element 117 is one away from 118, it would be extremely reactive chemically (but this is assuming its radioactivity isn't to bad so that it lives long enough to react chemically). It's electronegativity is high but not as much as the other members of its family.
Second, many of the points in the article are vague, irrelevant, or putting the cart before the horse. For example, what is an acceleration wave? (Is this the same as a gravitational wave?) How do you increase the speed of sound through a medium? Isn't this the result of increasing the density of a medium? Here we have effect preceding cause. What is the gravitostrong force? If this is a combination of gravity and strong nuclear interactions, it can't exist without having the electroweak in it also meaning it would be the superforce described by physicists at the Big Bang. This is something built into the structure of this universe and therefore can't be manipulated. Not saying that in another universe it isn't possible. Sorry, this is mother nature's rules, not mine. How do we know an acceleration wave is a compressional wave? It more than likely is a transverse wave like electromagnetism. Even though gravity classically requires matter to generate it, we know by new theories that gravitational waves can be produced that travel outside of any matter and their only medium is space-time itself. I believe strongly that the relationship between gravity and inertia is the same as the the relationship between electric and magnetic interactions. Gravity and electric are static whereas inertia and magnetism are their dynamic counterparts. Motion generates the second forces from the first forces. Electric forces are mirror images of gravity and when we understand gravity we will have counterparts to Maxwell's equations to describe gravity and inertia's relationships. In fact, these equations will look like Maxwell's but inverted somehow. This is all part of the TOE (Theory of Everything) wanted by physicists. I've forgotten many of the other problems I ran into reading this article, but did anyone else feel the same? I've also found the best way to visualize higher dimensions is the number of distinct lines you can place at right angles to eah other. Imagine two lines perpendicular (at right angles) to each other; Next, place a third line so that it's perpendicular to both of the two lines; this is three dimensions. Finally, place a fourth line so that it's perpendicular to all three previous lines. Can't do it? That's because that would describe four dimensions, a concept almost impossible in three dimensional space that describes our world. Go ahead and try though! I can almost see it...
I apologize if I offend anyone, I'm just rtying to keep things as real as possible
No offence taken thankyou for the knowlege, I invite anyone to critisize and correct anything that I send and would ask that the same be done for all people who post. I have yet to recieve a critique from even those who work with me at my normal job who hae little or no knowlege on the subject that has not been benificial. As a matter of fact with each critique that I stumble on to whole new revelations and a more complete understanding of my own theory. And that is without fail. Your expression and oppinions are more valuable to me then all the money in the world to conduct research. Your minds are the best super computer out their becuase God is it's designer.

Edwin Gary Schasteen
Victor S;
Thank you for the response, as Gary Edwin Schasteen mentioned, I also agree with his response "Likewise" opposition is our greatest allie to find a link between improper observation of the the inner workings of the cosmos, and misaligned calculations to discover what is really making it tic-toc. <pun intended>

Different mechanisims call for different applied math & physics, even some that our current command of mathmatical language & phusics are merley on the forefront of understanding. Some of our concepts are still in proces of "Re-configuration" an what this translates to is that we are examining ways to decipher some of the mathmatical language of our ancient ancestors once commanded, and combining that information to be applied to our current understanding of applied modern physics & mathmatical language of today.

There is so much that we have come to know, yet vey little we have yet to understand.

Your ideas of a "Linear" since of applied phsics & mathmatical language perhaps does not apply to the before-mentioned propulsion theory, however it does not necessarily negate it's potentiality to work, using quantum mechanics as you mentioned, but quantum mechanichs operates in a "Multidimensional" vortex that whence it is open, it's energy is existing on several planes simutaneously while interconnected, or inter-linked and the space-time continuum is being folded. or "warpped" as in the same applies in an atmosphere (hyperspace) and in the next acceleration, the subject would move alon a spring, or "coil" like hyperdimensional time-line as in what Dr. David Anderson of the "Time-Travel Research Foundation claims as a "CTC" or (Closed Time-Like Curve" (see website.)