WANTED: The Where & When location of Dr. David Anderson!

RE: WANT: to shadow:

To Shadow, please note that in Askme.com physics, the problems imposed by classical relativistic physics, ment that there had to be more refernce points, than what Einstine and his contemporaries had offered.

Some of the physics and cosmology buffs, including myself, had tried to start a stringed space at Askme, however were turned down by management.

One of the problems encountered were to try to super C light, within the old context of the train trying to go faster than light, with a new relativistic source of C, prismed and reflected upon that near to light speed train.

Can't do that you can only change the enviroment surrounding photons, to either acceleraite of to slow in reference to the relative V of C in M+.

This is why Einstein went scailer close to the end of his career, even when he had encoutered the mass in the bedspread theory.

Brian Green had encoutered the what is known as Pan Calu-yabi Universes, or universes placed upon universes, in his book, the eligant universe.

So realities always do have a mirror fold to them and a dualistic representation to their constructions.

So the top velocity of C, is not really that inportant, nor is light ever really considered a barrier.

Frequency and its use, is what's of paramont inportants here and this is why time travel sort of fades into aliens as well as Dr. Anderson.

The motives of the Pleiadeans as well as Anderson seem to both track each other.

They are here one day in fabulous forray and the next day, the issue at hand is totally denied.

This is an IRS issue, not so much of one would his time travel expierments work.

Everyone knows that you can tensor C, over on itself.
And if you do this just so, as Green had intimaited with the example of liquid iron, being made to dance with points on it at differing frequencies of current applied, so does super tensor C, have the ability to leave this dimension, if particle vectors are added to this light pumped matrix.

Lasic work, is simple, to make a device to leave this frequency for an X pourpose, takes a little more work.

Let us imagine why Dr. Anderson is not here so we can ask him questions?
RE: WANTED: to shadow:

Shadow makes you laugh

TTA makes you cry

CAT makes you





And the TTA makes you
when he catches you with your pants down, for the one hundredth time.

And then I am like

And then your wife is
at you, and slaps you 5 across the face.

Then you are

Naughty Naughty Daniel

Don't be so much like
, or you'll be
when you are living in the dog house
the dog, instead of the Cat


P.S. Did I use them all?
RE\'TTA:No you didn\'t, not your own...:

No you didn't, not your own fear.

Your biggest fear, is that John Titor was real.

You won't admitt this and the prospect of many bombs going off at once, has you disturbed.

You had expressed this earlier.

Go back in time to what I had orrigionally said within some of my post at the begining.

Were they true?

If you were in my body and went through what I went through, then it would be you makeing the claims.

You have to know how to read it.Read it between the lines.

To you this is a game, however to me this is past expierence.

You'r preditory and can't leave well enough alone.

You have to antagonize everyone to the point to where they want to kill you and then when nobody likes you, you can't figure out why?

Your a truly self destructive person and don't know how to let vasilate, for frienships sake alone.

This leaves you with the same moutain to climb, to your own self's endless self shallow view, that you must win at any cost.

You probably don't even know what friendship is on the net, let alone saying something nice to someone?

This is why I had said that you were culturially schizophrenic and could not adjust to living without the attage of conquest towards others.

I had saved a young boy's life once who had drowned.

When they had pulled him out of the water, he was all blue and it was up to me alone to save this kid, as out of a crowd of like ten people, nobody knew what to do.

I feel that this kid was dead.

I gave this kid one chest compression while a lady who was caucasian, just gave a single breath.

It was like a miracle, the kid threw up water, came back to life and had started to breath.

God has a little something planned for you and I'm sure of this.

Just when your certain that life is so normal, something switches the tables and all of a sudden, your in the thick of it.
RE: RE\'TTA:No you didn\'t, not your own...:

I know you take your experiences very seriously, and I can relate to that. But in regards to what I said to you, what does any of this have to do with me?

I don’t think I am the only one here who has trouble making sense of what your saying half the time. Even Shadow who said to me, to give you a chance, is also now telling you the same thing many have already tried.

I’m trying to see how your perceiving me as being the bad guy in all of this. It concerns me that you feel this passionate that I am doing harm to you.

Please, don’t hide behind big fancy words, just tell me what you don’t like about me

I don’t fear that John Titor might be real. I go to sleep just find not even thinking about him. A lot of things don’t faze me, which is perhaps also why you fear me so much. That I am so difficult to reach and exploit like all the others.

Isn’t that what truly makes us adversaries Daniel?

As for the rest of the stuff you mentioned about John Titor and bombs, I really have no idea what you’re talking about.

And reading between the lines, is what I do best
. I’m a critic. I tell people the truth.

<<You have to antagonize everyone to the point to where they want to kill you and then when nobody likes you, you can't figure out why?>>

Okay, let’s be democratic about this, and see if this is truly the consensus view.

So let’s take a poll here:

Who wants to kill the TTA?

Who wants to kill Creedo299?

Plesae cast your votes.
<<Your a truly self destructive person and don't know how to let vasilate, for frienships sake alone.
This leaves you with the same moutain to climb, to your own self's endless self shallow view, that you must win at any cost.>>

Okay, I hear what your saying. So you believe that I am shallow, and that I must win at any cost…? I do believe my character has proven otherwise countless time. I’ve given others in the past, credit where credit is due. I have let many things slide, for the sake of argument. I don’t see how I am having to struggle with any mountain because of my selfishness to win at any cost? I want everyone else to win
not just me. When they win, I win.

<<You probably don't even know what friendship is on the net, let alone saying something nice to someone?>>

If you are upset because I am not your friend Daniel, it’s not that I haven’t tried to be. It’s because you have made it so that I cannot be. What do you say to your friend, when you know he’s doing something he shouldn’t be doing?

Of course I’ve tried telling you, but you wouldn’t listen. You’ve made huge threats, insulted me, and practically cursed that I have a horrible future with my mate. Now that’s pretty low Daniel… How can you expect anyone to want to be your friend when you will exploit them at a drop of a hat and use your powers on them? (Remember that Twilight Zone episode I referred you too?)

Friends don’t let friends do something that will harm them and others. And anyone if they are truly your friend will tell you exactly what I just told you.

<<This is why I had said that you were culturially schizophrenic and could not adjust to living without the attage of conquest towards others.>>

Culturally what? I am not versed in my cultures. I have 4 races in me remember
I do not follow in their traditions. But I respect them.

As for conquest of others, do you want to go back to my name (Cortez) to use as slander against the TTA?

Yes I am related to him, as so are a lot of Cortez’s. But what does this have to do with me now?

I may still work towards leading people to something better as how my ancestor once did, but I in no way want to conquer them. I want to help them.

Bytheway, I’m not the one here who’s abusing his power

One need only to see with one eye, to see who’s the only one here who is leaning on their culture to conquest towards others. Hint-hint
that’s you Dan.

Bytheway, anyone remember watching an old Married with Children episode where Al and the family are doing a psychic hotline scam?

And does anyone remember that gypsy, Madam Zelda, or whatever her name was? I can just imagine Daniel here, so outraged and upset jumping up and down in a fit, wanting to curse me, and turn me into a monkey.

Well I hope you manage to calm your self down a little
. You’re to old for this Daniel, but your mind is still young and unwilling to comprehend principles and be wise. I think you need to stop your practice and spend 1 day doing some serious re-thinking about everything I’ve said to you. After all, it’s only the truth, and it needed to be told. It can be harsh to hear at times, and I’ve put it as gently as I could for you to get the hint. After tonight, it’s out of my hands. If you can’t see this as my hand out to shake in friendship, then it’s your loss.

RE: RE\'TTA:No you didn\'t, not your own...:

TTA, Creedo posted above,

<<God has a little something planned for you and I'm sure of this. Just when your certain that life is so normal, something switches the tables and all of a sudden, your in he thick of it.>>

Yes TTA this is true!!! I TOO SEE THIS...........................

RE: RE\'TTA:No you didn\'t, not your own...:

Well geeezze-louise both of you don’t keep me in suspense
tell me what that plan is?

TimeTravelers are having a field day editing portions of my life, sabotaging it to fit their agenda.

Where God’s plan for me fits in all this, is to get have me take notice of their crime and get mad so as to be the TTA

I do more good for my self and everyone else that way.

RE: RE\'TTA:No you didn\'t, not your own...:

<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 12-Aug-02 AT 04:54PM (EDT)</font>

Sorry TTA, that is going to have to reveal itself to you in good time!

Creedo, I remember you telling me some time back that you are prone to kidney stones? and I pondered to think here for a moment and than it came to me!

If you back up and read the artical above that I posted on remote viewing it mentions something about Calcium Efflux being emited by the brain during times of deep meditation and possibly by a NBIT (Novel Biophysical Information Transfer)

I know that the hertz mentioned above are about equivalent to Ham Radio but if this can be emited by the brain over a long duration of time, it could possibly be harmfull to the body?

I did some investigation into Calcium Efflux and came up with all sorts of information. But one intriguid me! It mentions that when engaging in deep meditation(theta state)Calcium Efflux is produced in the brain and then carried throughout the blood stream it can damage body tissue and organs! one of the known protiens is Albumen which at high doses in the human body can cause kidney damage (including stones) and failure!

Maybe your body is just prone to Calcium Efflux naturally, through your DNA? I heard that they did allot of EM and Microwave radiation testing in Czechoslovakia.......years back......

RE: RE\'TTA:No you didn\'t, not your own...:

Hmm, that's really interesting CAT, There's was a article I read awhile back about altered states in the brain saying that some people have gone insane from doing long stints of meditation that would line up with what you said, maybe some people got brain damage from being in that deep-level state too long.

Someone described it well, "theta state is like being at the bottom of a pool, there's a lot of pressure on you and it's hard to stay, but as you get adjusted over time, you can stay longer and longer." (paraphrased)

Anyway, CAT, I wanted to ask you something,

Is it possible for someone to be able to have a real time remote view/OOBE (at the same time) ability? Can you learn how to do that?
RE: RE\'TTA:No you didn\'t, not your own...:

Hi Tracker,

Well I do know that our Biblical Sages tell us that such meditation can be dangerious! It links us to GD and forces that we are not capable of understanding and combating, I havent quit figured this out yet? Yes though, I can understand that the brain is a chemical machine and regulates and controls the body in this way. To much meditation in the wrong ways can be harmfull in creating an over abundance of chemical hormores and toxifying the body. Perhaps this may be the reason why humans only have so much REM sleep time?

Some people can meditate for years and nothing transpires, but the the person that can properly tap into and stimulate their brain can do wonders. I think the key trick is CONCENTRATION and being able to keep a constant thought process.

From what I understand there has been allot to testing done on remote viewing and allot of people say its not consistant enough and all bullsh!t and doesnt work! but I can only relate to my own exsperiences.

This past weekend I had a rather unbelievable occurance transpire. I went out of town to meet somebody half way for some merchandice that I bought off of EBay. And on the way back I stoped for dinner in a tourist attraction town which is about 3 hours away from my home. After dinner while driving through the town I had visions pop into my mind of my realtives being there.
I passed by a bar/restaurant called Marleys and I said to myself if I look close enough in the beer garden, I will see them. And than I passed people bungee jumping and invisioned my niece there, but I thought to myself, what am I thinking she wouldnt be doing that, because she has a bad back.

Well anyways, when I got home I got on the phone to call my mom to let her know I was home. I told her I stoped in this tourist town for dinner and she told me, did you know that so and so were there for the weekend? and than it clicked and I put two and two together and understood my physic vision.

I got on the phone and called my nieces cell phone in the town 3 hours away and told her that I was there passing through. She said to bad we could have met up with each other. She told me that they went to Marleys bar for dinner and she was watching the bungee jumping but she chickend out because of her bad back!

Coincidences like this are all to familiar with me!

RE: WANTED: The Where & When location of Dr. David Anderson!


Last week good old Dr. David Anderson's website Time Travel Research Association said, "Time Travel My Ass."

As of today if says, "This Site For Sale."

So - if you want to buy a real time travel research facility contact them. I'm sure that the good and trustworthy Dr. David L. Anderson of Rochester New York will make you "such a deal."

Maybe he'll sell you his laboratory too.
RE: WANTED: The Where & When location of Dr. David Anderson!


It's getting even more interesting. Not only is the site for sale - the contents of the old site are a part of the sale.

If one supposed that Dr. Anderson had actually made some Earth shattering break-through why would he be selling the site and it's contents (which would include his copyrights as the site itself is copyrighted, the client list, moneys collected from membership fees, membership list, Tri-Star database, etc., etc.)? Would the sale include inheriting the debts of the old TTRC/TTRA?

The organizations involved with advertising the sale, posting and hosting the site as it is currently registered are a convoluted by linked bowel of spaghetti...The Traveling Book Foundation, World Genesis Foundation, Newmark Technology (his ex-employer). It's all the same people, just different corporate affiliations. They are all Romanian non-profit corps with the exception of Newmark, which is a subsidiary of Bosch (Germany)...but it has a coprorate office in Hungry. All the players have been assocaited with Anderson for quite some time.

There's even a site going up called "TTRCSolutions.com." If he sold the Time-Travel.com site along with it's contents the buyer would be faced with competing with TTRC (Time Travel Research Center). The buyer ends up with a probable copyright conflict. Time Travel Research Center (TTRC) and Time Travel Research Association (TTRA) are copyrighted names associated with the original site which is for sale.

Very strange...caveat emptor.
RE: WANTED: The Where & When location of Dr. David Anderson!


If time travel and sliders type dimensional travel is real and discovered, then history as we have known it is 'already gone'. The big thing 20 years ago was free energy. Free energy can be regulated because ironically one has to sell it (and be taxed on it) before it is worth a dime. Dimensional travel however, is its own market. Government can't stop it, tax it, nor control it. It is unclaimed territory. It would be like cyberspace to the Nth power.

Suppose for example the Star Trek replicator were invented tomorrow. Say you owned one. Well golly gosh, would you try to sell it to some vulture capitalist for 3 cents on the dollar or would you just stick a Kugerand in it and "let 'er rip"? Such machines WOULD MAKE ECOMICS OBSOLETE. The old world would pass away. Let Anderson n Co. play their games because one day the game will be up. It could end in nuclear fire, as they are wont for us to believe or it could end in a billion paradises to behold. I'm thinking the school yard games are about over. There's gonna be 'a whole lotta waking goin on'.
RE: WANTED: The Where & When location of Dr. David Anderson!


Here's the thread that I was refering to.