Walmarts Closing

Let's see....

5 stores out of over 5000... why that's... that's 0.1 % of their stores! :cautious:

2000 employees out of 1.3 million... and that's 0.15 % of their employees! :cautious: :cautious:

What the hell is going on at Walmart?? It has to be some kind of conspiracy!! :sneaky:

By God, I just KNOW it has something to do with time travel and I'm sure John Titor is somehow involved. :confused:

Remember his post;

posted by John Titor on 2-16-2015

When you see walmarts closing all around the country because they can't flush their toilets, you'll know that N-day is near. Then you'll believe in me. o_O

I don't remember which site he posted that at... but I'm pretty sure he did...maybe. :unsure:

I'm not going to stand for this... :mad:

I'm going to go to my local Walmart today and DEMAND to know...whats up with your plumbing?? Is it OK or are you going to shut down?

And then I'm gonna buy a bunch of supplies, like Easter candy that's on clearance, for the coming catastrophe... and especially a gas can... they have them in the automotive area for $8.97, Walmart #: 550336193.

Good luck to everyone... I hope we can survive this. :(

Paulajedi, I'm not making fun of you, just the conspiracy theorists who come up with the stupidest ideas. If it was "your" conspiracy theory...oops...sorry. :oops:

Let's see....5 stores out of over 5000... why that's... that's 0.1 % of their stores! :cautious:
5 plumbing issues in different states?

By God, I just KNOW it has something to do with time travel and I'm sure John Titor is somehow involved. :confused: Remember his post;
I didn't say that. I didn't even imply it.

When you see walmarts closing all around the country because they can't flush their toilets, you'll know that N-day is near. Then you'll believe in me. o_O
The plumbing issue obviously isn't true. I just want to discuss the possible reasons Walmart is doing this.Another theory is that they had something bad shipped to some of the stores.
One is close to me, so I'm particularly curious as to what is going on and why they are being so hush/hush about it.

And then I'm gonna buy a bunch of supplies, like Easter candy that's on clearance, for the coming catastrophe... and especially a gas can... they have them in the automotive area for $8.97, Walmart #: 550336193.Good luck to everyone... I hope we can survive this. :(
That could make a good marketing campaign.
"The sudden closures were only announced five hours before they took place, thrusting thousands of employees out of work with little or no notice."

So, you think that's normal business practice?

Certainly a lot of buzz on the net for this. So far nothing from the msm, but whateverthehellhappened™ was enough to get attention. The burden is on Walmart to explain the what and why behind this. A major corporation doesn't want itself covered up with rumors. They'll either tell the truth or hand out a credible lie. It's worth attention, even if the story turns out to be something less than stellar.


"There's always something going on, Danny!"

- Nicholas Angel

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Let's see....5 stores out of over 5000... why that's... that's 0.1 % of their stores!:cautious:2000 employees out of 1.3 million... and that's 0.15 % of their employees! :cautious: :cautious:
What the hell is going on at Walmart?? It has to be some kind of conspiracy!! :sneaky:

By God, I just KNOW it has something to do with time travel and I'm sure John Titor is somehow involved. :confused:

Remember his post;

posted by John Titor on 2-16-2015

When you see walmarts closing all around the country because they can't flush their toilets, you'll know that N-day is near. Then you'll believe in me. o_O

I don't remember which site he posted that at... but I'm pretty sure he did...maybe. :unsure:

I'm not going to stand for this... :mad:

I'm going to go to my local Walmart today and DEMAND to know...whats up with your plumbing?? Is it OK or are you going to shut down?

And then I'm gonna buy a bunch of supplies, like Easter candy that's on clearance, for the coming catastrophe... and especially a gas can... they have them in the automotive area for $8.97, Walmart #: 550336193.

Good luck to everyone... I hope we can survive this. :(

Paulajedi, I'm not making fun of you, just the conspiracy theorists who come up with the stupidest ideas. If it was "your" conspiracy theory...oops...sorry. :oops:
Actually the closing of retail operations in such a manner is unusual. Even though the closings don't have anything to do with Jade Helm ( maybe ), still was financially motivated trickery.
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5 plumbing issues in different states?
AND 5 out of 5000 stores, in 5 different states is hard to believe....exactly... why??I'd be willing to bet there are 5 houses in my neighborhood alone that are having a plumber visit today.
Corporations make decisions like that all the time.

5 things need fixed... plumbing or whatever... economy is slow... close them and fix them while we can. Not a big deal when you still have 4995 other stores to make up any shortfall.

I didn't say that. I didn't even imply it.
I was being facetious.

The plumbing issue obviously isn't true.
You may be right... you may be wrong... but what is your "obvious" proof.

Another theory is that they had something bad shipped to some of the stores.
Now that, could be a "reasonable" idea but, I don't think those Walmarts are in the same distribution zone. That one is possible, though not the most likely.

...why they are being so hush/hush about it.
Maybe, since it involved less than 0.1% of their stores, they didn't think it was a very big deal...

"The sudden closures were only announced five hours before they took place, thrusting thousands of employees out of work with little or no notice."So, you think that's normal business practice?
and... they are paying the laid off employees their pay for 60 days, in accordance with the law.There's a-whole-lot-a no-big-deal goin on here but hell, why should that stop the people on the internet from loosing their frikin minds over it.

Actually the closing of retail operations in such a manner is unusual.
But not unheard of or a new event and as I pointed out, the people are being paid. Now, if every Walmart instantly closed...that would be unusual.
Usually, the only reason why any major retailer closes any store is when it is no longer profitable. As long as any retail operation is bringing in a positive cash flow, only a complete building collapse would cause it to close.

"Channel 8 in Brandon, Florida, looked into the claimed plumbing repairs and found it was a fictional cover story. "...8 On Your Side has found no paperwork and no work done on the plumbing," reports WFLA. "According to Hillsborough County, Walmart didn't notify the county's permit department either. No one there has heard a peep from Walmart about any major repairs." The news outlet goes on to report: " On Tuesday, 8 On Your Side stopped by the Walmart, and found no plumber in sight at the Brandon Supercenter, just hundreds of confused and concerned customers. "

And so it goes with the other Walmart stores that were closed "for plumbing reasons".

The stores were probably closed to make a point, and any loss of revenue will be negligible compared to the money saved by scaring the other employee's from trying to unionize or push for higher wages.

Now, as far as Jade Helm, were you aware that U.N. troops and other foreign soldiers are participating in the "exercises"?

One reason why I don't think that Jade Helm will result in anything "bad" happening, is because of Hillary. If she is denied her chance to become president of these United States in 2017, oh my. :eek:

As a side note, I started this thread, and will enjoy discussing conspiracies if I want too. In response to your "meanie" post, it was a toss up between the Smarty Pants Dance video, or Hey, Hey, you, you...Get Off of My Cloud.

Now back to enjoying the severe thunderstorms we're having here as created by those DARPA folks up at HAARP.

Good ol' 8 on your side. They will help people with problems around the county.

Walmart said these closings were temporary. It probably just is financial, but the conspiracy theories are spreading like wild fire.

I'm half tempted to create a joke thread about this, but we can also do it here:


1. Hillary stopped shopping there for her suits

2. They ran out of motorized carts

3. Rednecks were required to wear more clothing so they boycotted.

4. Squatters took over.


As long as any retail operation is bringing in a positive cash flow, only a complete building collapse would cause it to close.
Or... to make major changes in its layout or improvements to the facility, when normal operations would be disrupted or disruptive, if it remained in operation. BTW, there are "laws" dictating how many, properly operating restrooms, there MUST be based on employee and customer occupancy rates.Is Walmart closing because of plumbing? I don't know... but the conspiracy advocates have no clue either, but that sure won't stop them from making one up.
Super-duper 8 On Your Side

"... has found no paperwork and no work done on the plumbing,"
That's BECAUSE...

"According to Hillsborough County, Walmart didn't notify the county's permit department either.
So, starting work on the plumbing would be "illegal" at this time...

" On Tuesday' date=' 8 On Your Side stopped by the Walmart, and found no plumber in sight at the Brandon Supercenter... " [/i'] 

Because they can't yet... permits haven't been issued. 

...just hundreds of confused and concerned customers. " 

Incredible reporting by incredible reporters. Florida's finest, I would imagine. 

As a side note, I started this thread,... 

oops...wrong thread... you started this one;


...and will enjoy discussing conspiracies if I want too. 

I made no indication that you, or anyone else, should not. 

In response to your "meanie" post,... 

I was trying, unsuccessfully it would seem, to be funny about how conspiracies develop. 

I guess this song is about me then.




Remember this:


Followed by this:


If we were over run by Russians, I must have missed it. Sure made a lot of noise at the time though...didn't it.

oops...wrong thread... you started this one;

Hmm, yeah, whoops. :whistle:

We use to be able to have sub-titles for a thread. Automatically saw it that way. Sorry about that Paula

Taylor Swift to a Texan ...lordy you are mean. :'(

I did delete the smarty pants dance video and seriously considered posting a Rolling Stones song instead, you got me though, wrong cloud.


I'm standing by what I wrote about any store that has a positive cash flow. There isn't any reason to close the store for improvements if it is working. The only time I've seen any stores close for "improvements" is because the sales were declining. For repairs requiring closure of the store , such an event wouldn't take the employee's by surprise.

The company claims that the Midland, TEXAS store had 100 to 150 plumbing issues, yet no one has seen a plumber, nor have WE ever seen any indications of any such plumbing issues prior to the closure.

Based on my own experience as a retail manager, closing those stores because of labor costs could easily be the real issue. Do you think that any company would publicly proclaim , "We are closing 5 stores today . without prior notice, because the workers in those stores make too much money. Time to hire new employee's who we can pay less ! "

It also makes sense that Walmart would proclaim that they are going to raise the minimum wage it pays employee's, then make adjustments to account for the wage increases. Wouldn't surprise me in the least if more stores end up with "maintenance issues", and are closed.

I was trying, unsuccessfully it would seem, to be funny about how conspiracies develop.
I tend to have a dry sense of humor that usually gets missed as such, so can understand. Although conspiracy theories can change like sand in the wind, they do help to keep people vigilant. That in itself I don't think is a bad thing. Getting into a panic about a theory - I agree is not a good thing.With Jade Helm, even as a benign exercise, seems that more effort would have been made to make the public aware of what was taking place. Again, living in Texas, nearby some of the locations of these exercises, didn't hear a word about it except through a conspiracy theory website. And it was something to definitely discuss with my neighbors.
With the Walmart closures, I believe Raquel said it best...

It's worth attention, even if the story turns out to be something less than stellar.
They claim they are closing for 6 months. Perhaps they are installing more self serve lanes to cut down on employees. Most of the lanes were never fully staffed anyway. I personally avoid Walmart because of long lines and rude people. The few extra bucks aren't worth the stress in my opinion. I use coupons and watch sales at other stores, anyway.

But as you told me privately, they are reorganizing, opening express stores, etc.

Conspiracy theories are still a lot of fun to contemplate. Imagine the government ransacking some Walmarts to create military supply warehouses. hehehehe. Heck, if there were a zombie apocolypse, I'd certainly find a Walmart!!!

Let's see....5 stores out of over 5000... why that's... that's 0.1 % of their stores!:cautious:2000 employees out of 1.3 million... and that's 0.15 % of their employees! :cautious: :cautious:
What the hell is going on at Walmart?? It has to be some kind of conspiracy!! :sneaky:

By God, I just KNOW it has something to do with time travel and I'm sure John Titor is somehow involved. :confused:

Remember his post;

posted by John Titor on 2-16-2015

When you see walmarts closing all around the country because they can't flush their toilets, you'll know that N-day is near. Then you'll believe in me. o_O

I don't remember which site he posted that at... but I'm pretty sure he did...maybe. :unsure:

I'm not going to stand for this... :mad:

I'm going to go to my local Walmart today and DEMAND to know...whats up with your plumbing?? Is it OK or are you going to shut down?

And then I'm gonna buy a bunch of supplies, like Easter candy that's on clearance, for the coming catastrophe... and especially a gas can... they have them in the automotive area for $8.97, Walmart #: 550336193.

Good luck to everyone... I hope we can survive this. :(

Paulajedi, I'm not making fun of you, just the conspiracy theorists who come up with the stupidest ideas. If it was "your" conspiracy theory...oops...sorry. :oops:
Holy crap, the sarcasm is strong with this one. o_O
Taylor Swift to a Texan ...lordy you are mean.
Sorry, I didn't know Texans had an issue with Taylor Swift. :(Since I'm soon to be an Okie from Muskogee, (well a bit south of there) I'll have to ask my son if I have to not like her too.:thumbsdown:

Sorry, I didn't know Texans had an issue with Taylor Swift. :( Since I'm soon to be an Okie from Muskogee, (well a bit south of there) I'll have to ask my son if I have to not like her too.:thumbsdown:
I don't think her hair is big enough for Texas.