Vision of my own death in the very distant future


Chrono Cadet
Sooner or later I had a ancient,mythical vision of myself dying all my senses are turned off for instance as an example even these days nowadays in the very distant future in that vision I’m permanently blind and permanently deaf symbolically metaphorically speaking. My own flesh lying in the coffin in the graveyard. As for a my own soul it is unknown remaining a mystery of what might happen to me. Kind of very dark and very grimm vision,huh? Male soul. I don’t know any further more details,but probably I would enough stop having all five senses. Sounds spooky,scary,creepy,disturbing dark sense of humor,right?
Here is what I would do with this dream, I would flip it positive. Here is what I mean. Like for the feeling of death I would flip or switch it to mean life, etc. If I received this dream I would Ask the Spirit of Truth what it means. Let me know what you think about this change of perspective?
Here is what I would do with this dream, I would flip it positive. Here is what I mean. Like for the feeling of death I would flip or switch it to mean life, etc. If I received this dream I would Ask the Spirit of Truth what it means. Let me know what you think about this change of perspective?
Well, you know what they say, “Brian, some things in life are bad; they can really make you mad. Other things make you swear and curse. When you’re chewin’ on life’s gristle, daaan’t grumble; give a whistle and this will help things turn out for the best…Aiiin…”

“Aiiin, keep ‘em laughing as you go; just remember that the last laugh is on you. Aiiin, always look on the bright side of life…Cheer up, you ol’ bugger; give us a grin.”

Thanks to composer, singer and actor Eric Idle of Monty Python. Special thanks to Graham Chapman (Brian).