Violent Protests not covered by Mainstream Media

Y-A-W-N. You really don't have anything better, CigMan?

I'll say it again: I lived through the Rodney King riots, and armed myself each day when that was going on. "Protests" are part of the American fabric (and a basic right). When things start to escalate to the level of the LA riots, THAT is when I will stop yawning.

Palestinian protesters against republicans students... doesn't suprise me. Their actions appear to be brain dead as their leader, the U.S. has always supported Israel. If they hate Bush, they hate every American president that has supported Israel, notice their comments, they would rather die than be called an American, why don't they leave the country then. I know it's fashonable to hate Bush, but it's also fashonable to inject collagen into your lips. Follow the propaganda generation of moore, eminem, franken, pdiddy, streisand, osama if you will, it's your choice.

Reminds me of what I heard on CNN yesterday, they reported, "Fallujah will be as bad as Vietnam", what the crap... CNN apparently have stopped reporting facts but have turned to reporting flasehoods, 70% of Fallujah has been captured with 71 fatalities, comparing those numbers to Vietnam is insane.

I honestly think these protesting groups ENJOY protesting... just for the sake of protesting, like a mob ganging up on frankenstein...

If you believe the scare tactics you deserve to be scared.

I agree with Rainman, Yawn... civil war? Not even close...

--- Razimus
I know it's fashonable to hate Bush, but it's also fashonable to inject collagen into your lips. Follow the propaganda generation of moore, eminem, franken, pdiddy, streisand, osama if you will, it's your choice.

personally .. i dislike bush for his policy over the last four years. lumping the above ppl into the same category is a typical tactic i've seen used thruout some media outlets in the last years .. kinda like was done with communists in the 50's. if u disagree your a threat right ?

and speaking of propaganda .. jus look at the mountains of it that come from your very own white house. comparing moore/streisand to osama is jus plain ignorant of the facts.

Reminds me of what I heard on CNN yesterday, they reported, "Fallujah will be as bad as Vietnam", what the crap... CNN apparently have stopped reporting facts but have turned to reporting flasehoods, 70% of Fallujah has been captured with 71 fatalities, comparing those numbers to Vietnam is insane.

you see .. to date they have taken areas of the city that are easy in urban terms .. its over the next few days that we will see how close it gets to what they are reporting as then it is when they try take the old city , which is a mase of tiny streets .. and this is a lot tougher to take the modern town taken already.

also i believe that the comparison to veitnam also comes from the way the US used "village suppression" during that war .. simliar to what is being done in iraq. personally i think its a bit of a stretch to make that comparison but i like to state all the facts/opinions in order to let you make up your own mind.

If you believe the scare tactics you deserve to be scared

now forgive me .. but the only person i'm anyway scared of is your commander and chief. al-q was pretty much a dead org till he got into power.. now recruitment is at a all time high. and remember .. the way they work ain't half as fancy as rummy would have you believe .. al-q is driven on belief .. and that is a very hard thing to kill .. the more you try the stronger it becomes.

jus as some extra reading/watching on the above points .. i'd recommend watching this

the power of nightmares

its made by the BBC so its from a reliable and usually unbiased source.

jus some thoughts

BBC unbiased? BBC NEWS has been one of the most biased critics of Bush, period. That's a fact, they make CNN look like Fox News.

Believe what you will, I threw those people in the same boat because they ARE in the same boat concerning Bush, they aren't for him, their against him. If you're a terrorist sympathizer you should be scared of Bush.

--- Razimus
Re: Violent Protests not covered by Mainstream Med

BBC IS relatively unbiased. You have been brainwashed by the mainstream American media. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, WB, UPN, and of course Fox all have people shared on their board of directors with major oil companies and/or the highly corrupt Citigroup & Morgan Stanley, and carry a blatant neo-con bias.
Re: Violent Protests not covered by Mainstream Med

First of all, I'm not brainwashed by anyone, my main sources of news are over two dozen news sites, I don't read them because I buy everything they say, I read them in an attempt to filter out an un-biased view. It's no use attempting to communicate this to you, you're obviously the one that has been brainwashed, how many times have you seen ferenheit911 ? seriously, how many times. Did you believe most of what was in that movie?

Corporate arab oil connections are a load of crap... I wish oil was cheap but it simply isn't.

This is me... 'facts' 'logic' 'reason'
This is you... 'conspiracy' 'bush evil' 'so open minded that your mind is closed to anything but the simple truth'

A generation of brainwashed kids... yuck, commence brainwash sequence...

If you didn't vote you don't deserve to complain.

Guns are good if their used wisely.

War actually has accomplished many good things.

Bush is the kickass cowboy wearing his boots that kicked the dude wearing the flip flop sandals.

--- Razimus

Ps... seriously... it's fun gloating in a free country with a kick ass president, kicking
ass all the way to the moon, I look forward to the moon missions coming soon, as fun as it is arguing with losers and watching yall whine I'd like to focus on an un-biased view of the specific theme of this forum. Namely, time-travel.
Re: Violent Protests not covered by Mainstream Med

National Geographic Magazine said only forty years of oil left.

What do we do after that Raz, or are you going to take a sub-major in alternate energy?

The powers that be know oils dieing as a power source, so it looks like alternate sources of energy are what you should be paying attention to?
Re: Violent Protests not covered by Mainstream Med

Bush's next plan for space which he announced within a couple days of the election is to put weapons platform satellites in orbit to destroy any "enemy satellites" with. The space junk this will leave will prevent any more moon missions. For anyone.
Re: Violent Protests not covered by Mainstream Med

I just heard this morning that President Arrafat has died. It happened at 2.30am british time.
I am glad to hear various leaders respects being paid to Arrafat, the only exception, Israel saying they are glad to be rid of him. Such a pity the Israelis do not wish to extend the olive branch of peace, weren't these the same people who were supposed to have been persecuted most of their existence? Interesting that they have learned nothing.

On a side issue, Scottish families whose sons have been killed fighting for the Americans, have protested to the priminister tony blair, one of the families members has been quoted as saying he would kill blair for what he has made our people do, fighting an american war is not our mandate in the UK.
Re: Violent Protests not covered by Mainstream Med

again with the personal attack raz .. so i don't agree with your viewpoint ? calling me brainwashed even tho u have no idea of who i am and how i think ? judging my mental state by a few replies on a forum ? bit quick to judge don't ya think ?

It's no use attempting to communicate this to you, you're obviously the one that has been brainwashed, how many times have you seen ferenheit911 ? seriously, how many times. Did you believe most of what was in that movie?

seriously .. i ain't seen it yet .. and a question for you .. do u believe that sadamn gassed 10000 kurds at the end of the iran-iraq war ?

This is me... 'facts' 'logic' 'reason'
This is you... 'conspiracy' 'bush evil' 'so open minded that your mind is closed to anything but the simple truth'

really ? i'm so openminded ? and this is a bad thing ?

the simple truth as u like to call it is a administration that is filled with ppl who ..

sold weapons to sadman;
have flouted international law when ever they see fit;
ignored the kyoto protocol becuase it doesn't suit their business interest.

i've talked to ppl like you before .. many times acually .. and no matter what i say .. even if they are 100% facts .. if it doesn't agree with your own beliefs then u won't believe it. i know when to admit i'm wrong .. do u ?

Re: Violent Protests not covered by Mainstream Med

Such a pity the Israelis do not wish to extend the olive branch of peace, weren't these the same people who were supposed to have been persecuted most of their existence?

Dude, get a grip and stop being selective in your remembrance of history. Israel DID extend the olive branch of peace. What do you think the Oslo Accords were all about?? Go back and read them. Arafat was going to get well over 80% of what he was demanding. But HE said "no" in the hopes he could get more. Instead, he got nothing.

Oslo is the reason Arafat's legacy will be as a failure. He was not able to swallow his pride enough to deliver SOMETHING to his people.

Re: Violent Protests not covered by Mainstream Med

As I linked above, there is VIDEO of the tank on the streets of LA, not just photos.

There is a lot of amazing [censored] that does not get reported in the mainstream American media nowadays, as well as a lot of outright lies. Like I saw on Faux News (only watching Faux because that's what my parents had on in the hotel when they came to visit), they were saying that during the Republican National Convention in Madison Square Garden that the protests were only on the preceding weekend and pretty much died down after a few protesters got arrested. As an actual New Yorker I can tell you that is a big lie. There were protests with hundreds of thousands of people starting right outside where I work EVERY SINGLE DAY THAT WEEK, with each day seeming bigger than the previous, and on tuesday and wednesday that week protesters actually made it IN to the convention, even though the surrounding area within about a 2 mile radius was turned into a police state with 3 rows of police officers with assault rifles in formation lining all the major streets, subways on the west side were closed, and lots of streets blocked off. How come THAT didn't get any mainstream media coverage.

On the plus side, when Bush comes to visit, restaurants give out free food because otherwise with the basically dead business they get those days from people unable to move around the city they'll end up throwing it away.
Re: Violent Protests not covered by Mainstream Med

Because this is more factually un-disputably technichally focused to-wards the great
moon missions I will respond to this.

Quote from glugglug...
Bush's next plan for space which he announced within a couple days of the election...

Let me stop you there glug, that is totaly false, is it possible for you to go one single sentance without lying?

President Bush announced his new vision for space exploration on the moon and mars specifically during a news conference on January 14th, 2004, I happened to watch it live, it was a historic occasion, the last man to have walked on the moon was there, some trivial persuit trivia his name is Eugene Cernan.

--- Razimus

President Bush Announces New Vision for Space Exploration Program
Re: Violent Protests not covered by Mainstream Med

Hey cerial what's up, umm... check who I was replying to before you take it personally...

[re: glugglug]

But if you wish to take it personally be my guest.

--- Razimus
Re: Violent Protests not covered by Mainstream Med

Perhaps you missed this part...

"""Not even an American vehicle...
These vehicles are Canadian Armed Forces Coyote Direct Fire Support Vehicles."""

Also the movie seems to have been pulled. The still photo looks terribly fake.

Maybe the Canadians are invading Los Angeles ?

Stop already...there were NO tanks confronting protesters in L.A.!!
Re: Violent Protests not covered by Mainstream Med

Can someone tell me why the guy from Halo is driving the tank? :-)
Seriously though, this is some info for those who thought tanks were really being used.
From the same website as the tank movie.


I wasn't there at the Tuesday night demonstration in Westwood, but I did do some follow-up investigation this morning about the two armored vehicles.

Turns out the West Los Angeles Veterans Administration was having a Veterans Day parade and celebration this morning (Wednesday). I drove over and walked in to the WLA VA to look around at 10:50am.

Lots of marching middle school ROTC "cadets" (including 11-to-14-year-old boys and girls from Mt. Vernon Middle School all in US Army uniform, some shouldering parade "rifles") and a high school band and antique cars filled with VAFW members. And two USMC Striker armored vehicles complete with 6 or 7 Marines in fatigues and body armor giving junior high ROTC kids and adults tours of the vehicles.

I talked to one Marine with one of the "Striker" vehicles. He told me they had driven the vehicles up from Camp Pendleton the night before (Tuesday) on the freeway. Getting off the 405 Freeway North taking the Wilshire East (instead of WEST to the VA) offramp, they would have passed Wilshire and Veteran where the anti-war rally was underway protesting the attack on Fallujah in Iraq.

I asked him if he was "rolling around Westwood" Tuesday night. He said, "Yeah, and we drove past that anti-war demonstration. We was lost. We're not from L.A. We didn't know where this place (WLA VA) was. We were trying to find it."

"Did you drive around the block twice?" I asked.

"Yeah, we did. We stopped to ask them (the protestors) directions, but they weren't very nice."

There was more conversation, but that was the gist of it from the Marine side concerning the armored vehicles. For what it's worth.

I've also been receiving emails from friends who were at the rally who tell me the LAPD officers said they had no idea why the Striker armored vehicles had shown up.

So nothing like tanks being used yet I would say.

There you go Raz I agree with you, for now. :-)
Re: Violent Protests not covered by Mainstream Med

[q]Let me stop you there glug, that is totaly false, is it possible for you to go one single sentance without lying?

President Bush announced his new vision for space exploration on the moon and mars specifically during a news conference on January 14th, 2004, I happened to watch it live, it was a historic occasion, the last man to have walked on the moon was there, some trivial persuit trivia his name is Eugene Cernan.[/q]

You can read about his real plans here:,14493,1345460,00.html

It is the Republican party that can not go one single sentence without lying.