Young Sir i was nearly brought to tears by the tale of you plight and misfortune. i myself am 15 years of age. your creativeness and apparent curiosity should be commended. i would much like to here you story "time Dome".
i will be praying for you my dear boy. use your writing to escape your troubles. dont let them drive you to harsh actions.
keep up hope, and remember god loves you veary much.
I hope this helps because I am/have been in your exact situation. Just remember how fast lizards are when they strike and mabey you won't want to go there. Besides, aren't you lonely enough. I am.
I would go crazy (or crazier, if I had not found altruism. Religion is institutionalized altruism that crams the issue down your throat. However, the Pope is a very savvy fellow and catholic does mean basically the same thing. "Rise above it." This is his advice and mine. Look to the trials of Job for explaination, but suffice it to say that perseverence is a virtue . Love everything, including the challenges, because if it bothers you it will. You are the one who chose to be bothered. Be thankful for what little you have, but never stop seeking. Best of luck, if you believe in that sort of thing.