Alens/Humans, perhaps we will find out that in respect to some species no matter how different we may appear on the outside, we may be all one of the same.
Time~Travel and Teleportion via Star-Gate Navigation of the QSG system within the our universe's woven fabric of energy within the Space~Time Continuim is something that makes it possible for beings from afar to expidite the process of making distant visitations to Terra-Prime like a local vacation.
Please allow me to give you a few good mind cookies to digest while you are all searching for answers too these age old questions of "Time"...
"Imagination is more important than knowledge, knowledge is limited, Imagination encircles the world."
---Albert Einstein 1879-1955
Time travel has become, if not respectable, then certainly fashionable in some quarters of the physics world over the past decade or so. Much of the blame can be laid at the door of the astronomer Carl Sagan, who was writing a science fiction novel in the summer of 1985, and asked the relativist Kip Thorne, of CalTech, to come up with some plausible sounding scientific mumbo-jumbo to "explain" the literary device of a wormhole through space which could enable his characters to travel between the stars. Encouraged to look at the equations of the general theory of relativity in a new light, Thorne and his colleagues first found that there is nothing in those equations to prevent the existence of such wormholes, and then realised that any tunnel through space is also, potentially, a tunnel through time. The laws of physics do not forbid time travel.
This realisation had two consequences. When Sagan's novel, Contact, appeared in 1986 it contained a passage that read like pure Sf hokum, but which was a serious science factual description of a spacetime wormhole. And as Thorne and his colleagues began to publish scientific papers about time machines and time travel, the spreading ripples have stimulated a cottage industry of similar studies.
Interestingly enough, Stephen Hawking once opposed the idea of time travel. He even claimed he had "empirical" evidence against it. If time travel existed, he said, then we would have been visited by tourists from the future. Since we see no tourists from the future, ergo: time travel is not possible. Because of the enormous amount of work done by theoretical physicists within the last 5 years or so, Hawking has since changed his mind, and now believes that time travel is possible (although not necessarily practical). (Furthermore, perhaps we are simply not very interesting to these tourists from the future. Anyone who can harness the power of a star would consider us to be very primitive.
Imagine your friends coming across an ant hill. Would they bend down to the ants and give them trinkets, books, medicine, and power? Or would some of your friends have the strange urge to step on a few of them?)
- Michio Kaku
We process Time, by living. We live in the world in a human body.
The world is a concentratedInformation field, the human body is concentrated information field. We operate in an Information rich Time-Field.
So what is happening here? What happens to the time we process?
Is Time processing us in some way? Is the body a Time machine, that projects us through the Information-Field we call the world? The world is filled with other Time machines, and our inter-actions with these other Time machines are what we call experience.
If we had no Time we would have no experiences and would not be living.
Time is what we eat to stay alive, it is what we digest our experience with.
Death is Time Processing us by eating us. By eating our experiences.
Time then is the inter-action of information fields, a mutual processing of intelligent life energies between cosmic structures that feed on one another. This happens on multi-dimentional levels and the more conscious the inter-action the more we as human beings are aware of the flows of information, the denser the time field becomes and remains in the memory as an intelligent resource. This intelligence is created as an ally that has the freedom of the whole Time-spectrum to exist simultaneously in the past, present and future.This is then something which we and other beings can use to time travel, to surf the 'Temporal Internet' and explore our futures and pasts and enhance the time densities of present moments enough to alter realities and information flows within the 'universal essence'. We then become Time messages in human bodies beaming information via planets, stars, and galaxies back to the Primal Matrix.
This is Time Processing.
Once you breakthrough, you have eternity, then there is no "Time" and using a machine to pull it off may be like breaking into Heaven with a Can Opener!
"CONTACT": What is behind the Message?
The purpose of this work is to provide a short digression or discussion of the physics underlying Carl Sagan's book "Contact" <1>. We will focus on how the Message was transmitted and on the possibility of relatively rapid interstellar travel for human beings through wormholes . The Message consists of a radio signal originating from the neighbourhood of Vega (a star 26 lightyears away). It carries encoded information and, we assume by hipothesis, that this signal travels through a similar type of wormhole as used by the daring characters of the book. We will analise how this codification is achieved, and ignore intirely the contents of the Message, i.e., what is being encoded.
*A discussion with Paul Davies on "Time Machines."
For the 2001 Quasar Club launch activity, Paul Davies, physicist and author, spoke with students about "Time Machines". Professor Paul Davies has written many popular science books for the general public, including About Time, The Ghost in The Atom, Superforce and The Accidental Universe. He's interested in the big questions of physics, religion and the social aspects of science. This is as well as writing the textbook I used to study quantum mechanics for my Bachelor of Science degree. In his research, he's looked at the beginning of the universe, the nature of time, quantum gravity, black holes, high-energy particles, and more. Paul Davies is an Honorary Professor at The University of Queensland and at Imperial College, London. His home page is...
Time Machines
Time travel has become, if not respectable, then certainly fashionable in some quarters of the physics world over the past decade or so. Much of the blame can be laid at the door of the astronomer Carl Sagan, who was writing a science fiction novel in the summer of 1985, and asked the relativist Kip Thorne, of CalTech, to come up with some plausible sounding scientific mumbo-jumbo to "explain" the literary device of a wormhole through space which could enable his characters to travel between the stars. Encouraged to look at the equations of the general theory of relativity in a new light, Thorne and his colleagues first found that there is nothing in those equations to prevent the existence of such wormholes, and then realised that any tunnel through space is also, potentially, a tunnel through time. The laws of physics do not forbid time travel...
<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">"Everything you know, Wrong!
soon we shall all discover the truth."