UFOs after Earthquakes?

The Roadie

Temporal Novice
Hi all. I'm new here. Not sure if this has ever been discussed, but anyway. I lived in Christchruch , New Zealand for over 40 years including through the earthquakes of september 2010 & february 2011.
A couple of interesting things happened before and after then events and I wondered if anyone else has ever encountered it.
On the night of the Septmeber quake which happened at 4:50 in the morning , (I was heading to bed from my radio studio in the backyard at 130am. The night was really still and clear. In the sky off towards the south I noticed a couple of white lights, which seemed to be hovering for the entire 15 minutes that I watched them. They were off in the direction of the quake epicenter.
A couple of nights after the February 22nd quake , I was back at my home & noticed similar lights above the wrecked city. they hung around for a few minutes then went straight up and disappeared.
I was working night shift in the port a night later when we had another massive after shock which was centered in the harbour basin. A co worker & myself witnessed the same thing again. Lights appearing for a few minutes over the area of the epicenter then disappearing.
Sorry for being long winded. Has anyone else every seen that happen during times of earthquakes?
I wondered if it was extraterestrials observing the damage after an event they may have dected?
Any thoguhts?
Not earthquake but volcano erruption :

EDIT : LOOK AT THIS ! Happenned over australia on 2010 January 15, 22, 27 & 28 and february 2, 4 May due to H.A.A.R.P or extraterestrial force :


I live in California, home of the earthquake. We have at least 1,000 measurable quakes a month and, no, we don't have reports of UFO's.

At night, or even during the day, seeing a light in the sky and stating that its trajectory is "up" is tricky. This is especially so if the light is a considerable distance away. As you look at it and gauge the angle between the surface and the light the angle can increase greatly as the object moves but that does not mean that it is climbing. It could, for example, be flying straight and level and on an approaching course. Moreover, a light in the sky is not sufficient to make the assumption that it is unidentified (other than by you), strange or involves LGMFM, MIBs, etc.

Now that you have posted this idea others will follow on, other atl-sci sites may have the idea put on their sites by readers of this thread and, Viola! The number of "UFO's" reported after earthquakes will increase for a short time.