Ren said> Creedo,
if you are so smart how come you don't have a working time machine?Or cyborgs walking around your apartment and AI programs posting to the internet for you? How come you havn't created an anti-grav device so you can fly off and meet the Aliens who are watching you?
Reply to each challenge>if you are so smart how come you don't have a working time machine?
Creedo answers; If I did or if I did not, I would not say it on this forum.
Ren said> Or cyborgs walking around your apartment
Creedo ans; What would the purpose of a human with implants walking around in any apartment that I would have be?
Ren also said> AI programs posting to the internet for you?
Creedo answers; What would be the purpose of any cyborg posting any A.I. program, of an unspecific nature anywhere on the net be?
Ren said> How come you havn't created an anti-grav device so you can fly off and meet the Aliens who are watching you?
Creedo answers; There is the symantology of this question.
If aliens helped create man and watch over him, and they serve in the function as caretakers and always have access, then why meet your caretakers?
2.You can, by Bruce McCarthy's book, on How To Build A Flying Saucer, out of fiberglass and other materials, build your own flying saucer, that is antigravity based.
However here is the problem, the North American Air Defense Command would have jets scrambled on you, in about fifteen minutes time, if you were to build such a craft.
Your cost, would be about one hundred thousand dollars to build a half way decent saucer.The other problem is, if you got this ship to go to another part of the galaxy, there would be the social impact on the person using it, in the process of landing there.
As was said in the movie, The Voyage Home starring William Shatner, Leonard Nemoy and Jill Ikenberry, there is the statement, when landing in Battery Park in San Francisco by Commander Spock, "It would be safe to say, that most people in this time, have never seen an extraterrestrial"?
So Spock covers his ears, with a torn part of his robe.
The reverse for most Earthlings going to other systems, is true.
We would all be in a state of shock.
The said mythical Coruscant in the last of the Series of Star Wars, shows what some very large offworld cities might be like.
You might get arrested in landing at the wrong area, when going to such a world?
You might not also have proper credits, in order to approach that world, in a proper way and have problems on that world.
There might also be security issues, even if you were to make it to that world, such as your ship being confiscated?
Getting there might be hard, but getting use to another world that you have landed on, with your own version of a homebuilt flying saucer, might be doubly hard?
You have referred to me in some unkind was, as a bullsh*itter and making stuff up.
In my book, I consider you a troll and are worthy of little other than making trouble, on this board for others.
There have been trolls placed here before, but they were eventually run off.
You had challenged me, I had answered you, let's just let it go at that.
You said you worked for a phone company. Well tells us, what types of connections are made for phone jacks for i.p.s as compared to phone serivce and what gauge wire are phone lines, made of?
If you can't answer these questions, then you may not be even who you say you are?