TTI run by CIA? (conspiracy time! :-)

I thought it was just about the right time to move this to the forum where it belongs... even though no one asked. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Those that manipulate time have known for years who monitors this site. Nothing new. As for who runs runs it...well, who cares, it's all the same.
Russia-Georgia Conflict Blamed for Twitter, Facebook Outages

Hey Kerr, we were just talking about security before this happened in an email, - I for one an not surprised by this at all. Is the purported person really pro Georgian?

The ironic thing is that Facebook & Twitter are extreme media venues of democracy (used by the people) and it came exactly during media coverage of tensions and Russian 'propaganda'.
Our media was tearing Putin to shreds while theirs was using it to promote his image.

Coincidence I'm sure, but interesting patterns. If one had to do the math in terms of probability of a 'pro-western' Georgian (with all other variables included) just happening to be the ignition of that problem - it's interesting.

If alot of ways for people to get the real news can be suppressed,
IE. Iran using Twitter to get what was really happening out, WHY would a pro Georgian want to shut down their lines of possible communication when there is tension of possible war? (That's not me speculating, I actually do read alot on this)
We remember what happened to the news reporters during the last Georgian crisis.

It seems to me that empathetically, NO GEORGIAN that is pro democracy would want to shut down one of the proven ways to get the truth out right on the eve of the crisis when media is showing aggressive moves on the Russian part right in stride with the Russian propaganda machine.

I welcome any views on this.


Reference as well
Iran Protests: Twitter, the Medium of the Movement
<font color="red">

Simply a point:

The internet is location free. Let's consider the Iran elections. The posters need not have been in Iran, they may have been organized in the U.S., and they didn't have to be telling the truth.

Point: There is no truth in politics. Ex: Check out that 'birther', what's her name, "Oily Tits?" [/COLOR] /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif
Wow. Forget the conspiracies in that regard for a second. This is one of the first times I think I understand a military man when he said;
"Leave the politics to the politicians".
Way too much hurt with heritages to play any cards in lieu of the subject.

No matter how relevant or not the topic is - hearing any topic brought up with these outside variables on the sidelines - towards historical sad to watch on both sides.

With that in mind, once again I think it's best to leave the politics to politicians.
GLP is really getting bizarre lol. It's entertaining reading - something like crossing finding a diary in a psych ward and the twilight zone.
You can really see how some of the people feed off of each other as it gets more obscure.

Sometimes I don't mind speculating the fantastic, but some of these people appear quite convinced. Maybe it's just a creative stress outlet for them, who knows.
Yes, GLP is getting bizarre--if you can get to it. My I.P. address has been banned off and on for the last couple of weeks.They say they are being attacked by "shills". The site does list itself as a forum for the "lunatic fringe," though.

I don't try to figure out motivation any more. For example, the almost mindless fixation on the "Kenya birth certificate." Are these people being paid by the Republican National Committee to embarrass Obama? There's something desperate I can't put my finger on. One does have to remember that whatever one's political opinions they make very little impact on the outcome of things.

Remember those Frankenstein movies where they show an ugly mob of peasants with clubs coming to get the Doctor and his creation? The mindless mob mumbles menacingly /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif

on the "Kenya birth certificate." Are these people being paid by the Republican National Committee to embarrass Obama?

No. The controversy was started by former Pennsylvania Attorney General Philip Berg, a Democrat. He was a Hillary Clinton campaign staffer. A specific wing of the Democratic Party wanted to embarass Obama.

He filed the original lawsuit with the Third Circuit Court of Appeals (Pennsylvania) in August of 2008 (Berg vs. Obama, Third Circuit Court of Appeals No. 08 – 4340). As far as I know t is still an active case.

The real question is where was all of this outrage when similar suits were filed against John McCain? Or didn't you know about that? Yes, it's true. Every time that McCain has run for the Senate or Presidency a Democrat has filed suit charging that he is not qualified under Article I, Section 3 or Article II, Section 1 because McCain was a military dependent born in the US Panama Canal Zone when his father was on station there. The claim is that he is not a natural born citizen (qualification for President) and has never applied for US citizenship (qualification for the Senate).