TTI run by CIA? (conspiracy time! :-)


Quantum Scribe
I know this is not the conspiracies forum, but I don't care about conspiracy theories. I decided to check where this site is hosted.


Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=81ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=68ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=67ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=69ms TTL=56

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 67ms, Maximum = 81ms, Average = 71ms

Followed by looking up at yields:

IP Address:
Latitude/Longitude: 38.9343 -77.1775
ZIP Code: 20598
Time Zone: -04:00

I know someone will say it's merely coincidence and there are many technology companies in the area. But knowing how many people at this site will jump on this, I just want some entertainment. What do you think? :D
many technology companies

You mean like DARPA ?

I wonder if they have lunch together /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Who knows?
(Poetry of Donald Rumsfeld).

Speaking of that, anyone find it odd that Titor never mentioned DARPA in the future?
Seems like a good 't'was.
(If he did, forgive me I haven't read all the archives of stories).

Sometimes I think we like to believe in the fantastic because it makes our ordinary lives seem a little more interesting.
Followed by looking up at yields:

i suggest you use or

ip2location sucks. it told me i was in gulfport and that i have dsl. both were wrong. im in columbus, and im using cable.

it wouldnt tell you where anyone is at anyways. it will only tell you where the server is. the funny thing is, it cant even tell me where that is. my isp is based in phoenix, AZ. so, if your using anything that says my isp isnt based in phoenix, its junk.
checkout deploy akamaitech contracts sometime
i suggest you use or

ip2location sucks. it told me i was in gulfport and that i have dsl. both were wrong. im in columbus, and im using cable.
It was a joke. I wasn't able to get any useful information from WHOIS sites. That's why I used ip2location. I'm waiting for some of the paranoid people to respond. :D
What's paranoid about actually learning?
If a person becomes paranoid about not fitting into a social structure and then conforms by acting and saying what is deemed to be 'an acceptable topic'
It's then that the ones that call others paranoid, label out of fear (their world conceived in a way that functions as a 'safety blanket');
Fear being the entire essence of paranoia.

Wouldn't bother me in the least if TTI were the CIA, DARPA, or run by the owners of McDonald's for what it matters.

Smoking causing health problems could be construed as 'paranoid' -
depends whom wants you to believe it and what they have to gain.

Blanket stereotyping imo is a fear mechanism in itself. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif


I'm not sure why mentioning the 'CIA' makes anyone paranoid.
I'd be much more paranoid of the FSK or Guoanbu.
Expanding on that last sentiment...

It's plausible another country could easily establish the technology that we could, or will be totally compromised in terms of data communications without ever knowing it.
Encryption & latency?
Get rid of those two things and whoa boy.
I for one don't want to be on any 'invisible' piggy-back rides.

Now that's real paranoia
What's paranoid about actually learning?
If a person becomes paranoid about not fitting into a social structure and then conforms by acting and saying what is deemed to be 'an acceptable topic'
It's then that the ones that call others paranoid, label out of fear (their world conceived in a way that functions as a 'safety blanket');
Fear being the entire essence of paranoia.

Wouldn't bother me in the least if TTI were the CIA, DARPA, or run by the owners of McDonald's for what it matters.

Smoking causing health problems could be construed as 'paranoid' -
depends whom wants you to believe it and what they have to gain.

Blanket stereotyping imo is a fear mechanism in itself.


I'm not sure why mentioning the 'CIA' makes anyone paranoid.
I'd be much more paranoid of the FSK or Guoanbu.
You're no fun. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif

Was there a particular reason why you left out the last line of the return on your inquiry where it resolves to webhosting whose general office is located at 8661 Elm St, 4th Floor, McLean, VA?

What? Every web that they host is the CIA?

Was there a particular reason why you left out the last line of the return on your inquiry where it resolves to webhosting whose general office is located at 8661 Elm St, 4th Floor, McLean, VA?

What? Every web that they host is the CIA?
No. :D My entire post was made as a joke. I was waiting for the conspiracy theorists of TTI to fill in the details.
So, who's baiting whom?


Funny thing is, usually the conspiracy theorists have the wrong idea of the definition in a pure form just as much as the skeptics - for one without the other, would be likened to dancing in a room that's dark without any music ^^.


1. the act of conspiring.
2. an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot.
3. a combination of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evil purpose: He joined the conspiracy to overthrow the government.
4. Law. an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act.
5. any concurrence in action; combination in bringing about a given result.

Anyone that theorizes any of the above goes on in today's world must really be 'disillusioned'.

A quick search will show the world is not 'such a fluffy pink elephant' ^^

Conspiracies are quite real - the word just gets 'misused' alot


Satellite vendor charged with conspiracy to hack Dish Network

Two Cincinnati Dentists Charged with Conspiracy, Tax Crimes

Doctor charged with conspiracy in failed UK car bombings

Psychiatrists Charged with Conspiracy in Death of Anna Nicole Smith

Two from Aurora charged in drug conspiracy

Two Individuals Charged With Attempting to Bribe U.S. Army Contracting Official
I am surprised that recall didn't jump on this. He regularly accuses myself and Darby of being CIA operatives...
Exactly. But I didn't want to call him out by name. :D Maybe he had a day away from the computer.
I know this is not the conspiracies forum, but I don't care about conspiracy theories. I decided to check where this site is hosted.


Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=81ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=68ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=67ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=69ms TTL=56

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 67ms, Maximum = 81ms, Average = 71ms

Followed by looking up at yields:

IP Address:
Latitude/Longitude: 38.9343 -77.1775
ZIP Code: 20598
Time Zone: -04:00

I know someone will say it's merely coincidence and there are many technology companies in the area. But knowing how many people at this site will jump on this, I just want some entertainment. What do you think?

Well that would help explain why a couple of guys with scientific backgrounds and goverment connections have taken over a time travel forum as their own little playground and have run it like Stalingrad. Two little dictators in their own little world.
Not like the CIA would be capable of having this site hosted anywhere else beside's Mclean Virginia I suppose, but have it set-up so some amateur net detectives can trace the black-op Time Travel Institute project directly to them.

P.S. R and D, aren't some of us other operative's due for a job performance review ?

Hey..R and D..Research and Development...whoops...wasn't supposed to say that...About the review, never mind.

Well that would help explain why a couple of guys with scientific backgrounds and goverment connections have taken over a time travel forum as their own little playground and have run it like Stalingrad. Two little dictators in their own little world.

Yes, of course. In fact, if you go to my member info page you will see that, now that the cat is out of the bag, I have changed my occupation away from that "misleading" title of "aerospace design engineer"... I mean REALLY! No one could have such a job, and I have certainly not ever exhibited knowledge of aerospace here, huh?

Would you like some more swill with your gulash? Too bad, since I am a dicatator I say when you eat and IF you eat! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
P.S. R and D, aren't some of us other operative's due for a job performance review ?

We will put your personnel file on Leon's desk (Panetta), and talk you up a bit to see what we can do. But realize that since that whole "Nancy Pelosi says you guys are liars" flap very few people are getting promotions...

Hey..R and D..Research and Development...whoops...wasn't supposed to say that...About the review, never mind.

No worries... as long as you keep secret the whole Redirection and Disinformation campaign, then I don't see any..... awwwww frack! Me and my big mouth!

A few of us here at Area 42 in Texas were thinking of taking the underground bullet train to Area 53 in California.

...the Ritz Carlton for lunch ?

This was encrypted, wasnt it ? I mean, only you can see this right ? Oh Damn, I think there's a loose wire, one sec...there that should fix the @$$%$%@#%.

ddk6933n50$%^ ?