
Some will argue that it's still "uncertain" at this point

WW lets you modify and redistribute their code as long as you aren't selling your modifications. We wanted to make a strategy game that encompassed the entire planet using sat images, so it seems like the ONLY way to do it for free.
well, depends on how much time your going to spend on the project. i know about ALOT of cool engines. btw, is accurate physics important to you?
How much time I spend depends on how much money I have hehe...

Which engines should I look at? I've used Ogre before, it was nice. I didn't like CrystalSpace or Irrlicht much. We're going to make use of LUA a lot too. It's nice n' fast.

Plans are for something very simple, no physics.

But who knows, the Second Life server/client are open source. It might be fun to put as much of the earth into a Second Life grid that will fit. I'm not sure how much code they have released to the public so far, but it'll be possible eventually. Then you could make some wicked frickin games hehe... If they release enough code to allow that sooner rather than later, then we might try it that way instead.
You might just have a good point. It sounds really interesting. I'm going to check it out. At any rate, it's clever. I too believe the past is not forever behind us and that the future is with is as we speak. I'll research further. Thank you for your insight.
Jim Imamura @ U of Oregon said this:

We do not know if this indeterminism is actually the way the Universe works, because the theory of Quantum Mechanics is probably incomplete. That is, we do not know if the Universe actually behaves in a probabilistic manner (there are many possible paths a particle can follow and the observed path is chosen probabilistically) or if the Universe is deterministic in the sense that I could predict the path a particle will follow with 100 % certainty.
How can you equate the observer into the equation since in quantum mechanics the observer effects the result and have no idea how it will effect the result until it happens.


"In any case, it is now understood that the uncertainties in the system exist prior to and independent of the measurement, and the uncertainty principle is therefore independent of the observer effect."

I guess TV tells lies on all those Pop science shows. Or that’s physics has changed its opinions on certain things. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Do you have time to share your thoughts on Bohmian Mechanics?
To be sure, I am not anywhere near an expert on Bohmian Mechanics. However, I am very aware of his work and I tightly resonante with his ideas of "Active Information", an "Implicate Order" which is a higher-level system from our perceived Explicate Order, and his concepts of the Bohm Pilot Wave which are the closest thing I know of (scientifically) for explaining the relationship between Mind and Matter. In point of fact, I draw an association to the "Implicate Order" that Bohm spoke of and the way I view Massive SpaceTime (i.e. the errors and uncertainties in our Explicate Order arise from our wish to separate Mass from SpaceTime). IMO Bohm is the ultimate friend of those who insist reductionism is a dead end. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I'm not sure I interpreted this correctly, does Bohmian Mechanics bring order to chaos?
I don't know. However, it does seem that the Bohm Pilot Wave is a "solution" to the utterly probabalistic situation of the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. By adding the Bohm Pilot Wave to the classical wave function, it is my understanding that things are not left solely to probability, but instead the Pilot Wave (hence its name) is what directs certain results to occur over others. In my view this Pilot Wave speaks to a conscious field, and that this conscious field utilizes "active information" in order to achieve its INTENTION.

As I say, I am no expert on Bohmian Mechanics, and I would invite Darby to correct me and shine the light of knowledge on anything I may have messed-up. But I do think Bohm's work is the closest to my own theories and research based on Systems Theory and my investigation of the TOL. Although I certainly am nowhere near the level of physics rigor as Bohm! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/ooo.gif

The thing is this (of several). If a real time traveler goes into the past and affects it, has causality been preserved? The cause comes from the future of the event. Or will one argue that the future from which the cause originated was caused by the past?

However, I think a better refutation is that a cause can originate from a level independent of the physical universe, say the spiritual plane. This is not part of the causal history of the physical universe.Or suppose, a visitor from a completely independent realm of existence decides to drop by and see what we are doing. That intrusion is outside of the history of physical causation. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif