Time traveler_0: Hi. I do believe in time travel, that man will eventually interact with reality in ways that we are only beginning to imagine. It is still extremely hard for me to set aside the possibility that you are just toying with people here on the forum, and as I hear from some, in other forums as well. Your story is extremely interesting, however, and I don't want to miss an opportunity of a lifetime to gather insight from someone who has supposedly "been there done that", so I will set aside my human urge to judge you, and see were this goes. So - I'd like to ask you a few questions.
1) I saw on another page of this board that you are from 2036, and still use batteries and solar cells. why do you still use batteries, when such great men (thats my faith talking) such as Tom Bearden and the former Floyd Sweet and Bruce Depalma, have possibly made great strides in the areas of free energy. What happened to limit the success, and widespread distribution and developement of these discoveries?
2) have your scientists found a link between consciousness and reality?
3) Is light speed as you understand it simply the capacitive reactance of our spacetime/quantum vacuum?
4) I'm gonna throw my idea of how a time machine works out there, and it would be cool if you could key me in on how far I am from your truth:
A time machine in my book, is slightly like a teleportation device. It zeroes in on a specified pattern of quantum states (like the quantum states of the particles involved during a significant event) and then reconstructs the coinciding reality. This is because reality is possibly a hologram, related to the wave interactions at the virtual (fundamental) particle/wave level, and if you look at a small portion of a holographic plate the entire image will be on that section as well as the whole plate, just with a lower intensity. The quantum patterns duplicated by the time machine will be interpolated to form a complete reality. Now, the time machine records and impresses your quantum imprint on the resulting reality, causing virtual particle/wave interactions to form your resulting physical body. The virtual state of a particle, is possibly just the period in its life where it does not interact with the surrounding environment. A virtual particle does not exist in time, which is the reason it can become virtual in the first place. A virtual entity lends itself to the creation of time however, in that its interactions with other particles gives rise to the property of time. When one virtual particle exchanges its information with another virtual particle, a real particle results (one that is measurable - actually the mere process of measurement creates a real particle because of the unescapable exchange of info between what is assumed to exist (the virtual particle that will soon become half of the observed entity), and the virtual particles that confirm that asumption by interacting with the inferred particle). The concept that a fundmental particle has a virtual state is where the possibility of time travel comes into play. Actually, what is actually happening is inter-reality travel. There are an infinite amount of virtual particles (because they can not be observed) so they constitute the realm of possibility. Any and every potential transfer of energy takes place out of the virtual particle flux, because of its zero/infinite existence in time. Therefore, when one decision/observation is made, a whole new universe is started. This happens in jumps, due to the interactions of virtual particles. At any given instant, however, consciousness (the mediator/observer of particle interaction) can only see/exist in its own universe, but the potential for its existence in others as a parallel entity is infinite. I'm starting to run out of time, so I'll quickly sum it up. We now have the mehanism for time travel and teleportation - they are extremely similar, but instead of materializing something in its own time, another time is chosen. each time a travel is made, you make a reality jump to a different "world line". You would not be able to return to your exact world line, but to one so close, it could still be considered your world line. You would have left in a time machine in that world line (your parallel you), and Upon your expected arrival, the first "you" that left would be replaced by "you", on time, as expected.