Today, exactly 24 years from the date of my first appearance on this forum. 2000.11.01

AP-NORC votecast has been published:

Summary here:

Discussion of budget here:

The Harris campaign was funded by transnational megabanks, dark-money financiers and the wealthiest people on the planet. The Democrats outspent Trump by more than 2 to 1. Harris was a deeply unlikeable candidate who steadily supported her failed work on the Biden administration; a border czar that did literally nothing while American women were raped and murdered by the torrent of actual international criminals pouring across our border. There are whole sections of cities; entire buildings that are taken over by Venezuelan cartels who hold the citizens of the city hostage at gunpoint. Beyond the matter of obvious wage suppression (which I might add was the key reason that large portions of the Hispanic community in the Bronx and Brooklyn moved to the right - their earnings are going down), how much criminal activity and unfettered inflation must U.S. taxpayers tolerate before the presidential administration does something about it?

These are things that are admitted to by Democrat figures like John Fetterman and numerous media personalities, and do not constitute a partisan selection of facts.

The Votecast result has been certified. The Biden-Harris administration was one of the radical and ideologically-driven administrations in U.S. history. The damage the administration caused was addressed as a PR problem rather than a prompt to modify the agenda. The vote for Trump is clearly a working-class rejection of the extremist, globalist, anti-American agenda of this administration. It didn't require space satellite conspiracies or election-poll ninjas.

Yeah, I read that before and the AP summary is garbage. I want to see the raw numbers myself and cross check them not just against the results, but use them to account why lichtman's keys predicted something completely different. AP cherry picked a few numbers to push their narrative, and likely left out the majority that showed their narrative did not make sense. AP is the agency that caused this problem in the first place as they were the main supplier for the unofficial election results maps that changed counts erratically on election night.
The moment AP saw states counting votes while polls were still open within them, they should have pulled the plug. Likewise, when they called states to have won in the first 30 minutes of the start of counting, they should have pulled the employee(s) that made such a call. And, they should have just stopped when they saw counts for Trump bounce back and forth between 100 and 50,000 second by second for Trump. It meant their system was not reporting anything correctly.
AP did a horrible job of reporting unofficial results that night. So, I don't trust them to do an "analysis" for me. I'll do my own from ALL of the raw data thank you (not)
It is partly related to the topic

How is that so?

@Time travel_Ο - Alright, back to the topic at hand. If I'm not mistaken, you claimed to be a time traveler who can look into the past and future. With that in mind, I'll give you a test, and we'll see if you're able to pass it. The test: what is the next question I will ask you in this timeline?

If I'm mistaken, and you never said you were a time traveler, I'll discard this question.
Alright, this thread has become derailed with politically-charged topics (and in my humble opinion riddled with a couple of members repeating suspected misinformation, disinformation, and lies). If this political discussion continues in this thread, I think I'm going to have to have this part of it moved to a separate thread.
Hmm...I deeply apologize, this situation will not happen again, sometimes I just get carried away sometimes.
Yeah, I read that before and the AP summary is garbage. I want to see the raw numbers myself and cross check them not just against the results, but use them to account why lichtman's keys predicted something completely different. AP cherry picked a few numbers to push their narrative, and likely left out the majority that showed their narrative did not make sense. AP is the agency that caused this problem in the first place as they were the main supplier for the unofficial election results maps that changed counts erratically on election night.
The moment AP saw states counting votes while polls were still open within them, they should have pulled the plug. Likewise, when they called states to have won in the first 30 minutes of the start of counting, they should have pulled the employee(s) that made such a call. And, they should have just stopped when they saw counts for Trump bounce back and forth between 100 and 50,000 second by second for Trump. It meant their system was not reporting anything correctly.
AP did a horrible job of reporting unofficial results that night. So, I don't trust them to do an "analysis" for me. I'll do my own from ALL of the raw data thank you (not)

I always encourage everyone to do their own research and draw their own conclusions.
Consider this: if the DNC believed it had an earnest foothold to overturn the election, they'd be out there with guns blazing. It certainly isn't as if they don't own every court, every university, all of Quantico, all of Langely, all of DC, all major cities and most of the money in the world.

We wouldn't be getting appearances by Lindy Li apologizing for bad campaign outcomes.

This is the last I will say on this topic, I agree with @Classicalfan626 . This convo doesn't belong here.
One last thing: Biden just authorized the deployment of ATACMS long-range asymmetric warfare missiles inside Russian airspace:

The consequences for this act may be extreme.

Like both John Titors said, the point of departure each started from on their time travel journies was is in the aftermath of a limited thermonuclear war.

And, like this present day John titor said, his interest is not to advert it, but to put in place an infrastructure that would allow humanity to endure.

I do not want a thermonuclear war. My strategy is to prevent it from happening in the first place. I do not want to die.

As for John Titor's timeline changing or even him ceasing to exist because he never gets born is not the right way to think of this.

The QED many world's theory proposed by Everton is essentially correct, with one exception: the parallel worlds are not superimposed on top of one another, they are physically adjacent to one another, side by side.

You only have to look at reference frames in Einstein's relativity to understand this. Observers in different reference frames simultaneously experience the same event (say a lightning strike) differently. The experience is not constrained by a perimeter up to the lightning bolt. The perimeter extends as far as each observer can see to the edge of the universe. Which means, the reference frame in essence IS an observers localized universe, one of zillions in the many world's theory. The next parallel universe to them is in the reference frame that physically sits beside them.

This is a conceptual description based on spatial dimensions. But, everything is made out of rippling fields that when combined, create the illusion of physical space and objects.

The fields encode every possibility there is, including John titor's war, or what is likely to happen with Putin in Russia and the rest of us on this timeline.

There are also encodings where John Titor was born, grew up with the same disposition, had the same access to his technology, and none of it was because of a war - the conflict never happened.

At any rate, this war is being planned and executed by Putin. He already is attacking Ukraine. What anyone else does won't alter the driving factor. Putin has to do that himself be ceasing his attacks. Other events may escalate or deter his attacks. But, ultimately Putin is responsible for his mind and his decisions.

So, although Biden's authorized deployment is going to influence things and create timeline variations, ultimately everything rests on Putin's own choices of the continuation of HIS timeline
ВIn it, you said that you stopped temporarily in 2000 due to technical problems. Has the problem turned out to be so serious that you cannot move in time for 24 years already?
The story went when they tried to time travel forward beyond a certain year they hit a wall. He described it as an impenetrable blackness seen through the windshields of his car instead of blackness fading out to reveal regular scenery.

In his current posts he mentioned the possibility of a time loop. This would be equivalent to a hyperdimensional "slice" across the spherical expension of the ethereal singularity of our universe. The slice forms a bubble like a goldfish bowl. When you try to swim around inside it (or time travel) you end up going in circles within the context of the bowl rather than the entire singularity expansion.
The obvious solution is to end secret voting and open up a pure open democracy in which everyone has the ability to verify all voting records at anytime. If we can keep sports records & stats on the net, we can record open public voting records to the tune of 250 million votes every 2 years.
To do something like this would require that political persecution at any level even by private entities or individuals would be extremely punishable by law.
agreed, protecting the privacy of voters is essential to prevent them from being intimidated into voting a particular way
If I can't verify my vote, then how do I know that my vote wasn't hijacked to vote for someone else? How about verifying the vote of our dead grandparents or illegal neighbors?
If I can't verify my vote, then how do I know that my vote wasn't hijacked to vote for someone else? How about verifying the vote of our dead grandparents or illegal neighbors?

Votes are still tracked by the government. They typically have check digit serial numbers that are recorded in a ledger, and the original ballots are still kept. In the US, some states also issue a receipt to the voter that has the serial number of the original ballot. Receipts can be given in person as a paper receipt, or emailed to the voter once the ballot is received.

If votes were not tracked by a government, people could visit a polling station several times and cast lots of ballots. You will be refused a ballot if you tried to do this, because they do keep track of you voting. There is one count that happens at the time each person votes. The polling clerk won't let you leave until your vote has been confirmed to have been counted. There is a second count after the polling station closes of all the ballots it collected. That count us an audit of the first main count. There is a third count when the polling station reports it's counts to the election authority. In every case, all the audit trails are kept and used to confirm each count.

This isn't a haphazard processes. Democracies only work if each person believes their vote has been counted. So, a lot of effort has gone into making the process transparent and secure. It is the serial numbering and audit controls that are used to track down what happened to someone's vote

When you vote you can write down the serial number of your ballot and keep that for future reference if you want to track what happened to your ballot
Votes are still tracked by the government. They typically have check digit serial numbers that are recorded in a ledger, and the original ballots are still kept. In the US, some states also issue a receipt to the voter that has the serial number of the original ballot. Receipts can be given in person as a paper receipt, or emailed to the voter once the ballot is received.

If votes were not tracked by a government, people could visit a polling station several times and cast lots of ballots. You will be refused a ballot if you tried to do this, because they do keep track of you voting. There is one count that happens at the time each person votes. The polling clerk won't let you leave until your vote has been confirmed to have been counted. There is a second count after the polling station closes of all the ballots it collected. That count us an audit of the first main count. There is a third count when the polling station reports it's counts to the election authority. In every case, all the audit trails are kept and used to confirm each count.

This isn't a haphazard processes. Democracies only work if each person believes their vote has been counted. So, a lot of effort has gone into making the process transparent and secure. It is the serial numbering and audit controls that are used to track down what happened to someone's vote

When you vote you can write down the serial number of your ballot and keep that for future reference if you want to track what happened to your ballot
Is verification possible without voter identification?
Is verification possible without voter identification?

it depends where you live I guess. You probably have to prove who you are for privacy disclodure law reasons. Usually that involves a photo ID and another piece of ID.

Dominion voting systems is a company that manufactures voting equipment. they describe the the entire process on their website

it depends where you live I guess. You probably have to prove who you are for privacy disclodure law reasons. Usually that involves a photo ID and another piece of ID.

Dominion voting systems is a company that manufactures voting equipment. they describe the the entire process on their website

California does not require voter iD. 40 million legal citizens.....
That sounds wild! I’m really curious how the communication system test works—are you actively involved in running it, or more on the planning side? Stuff like this always fascinates me because I love seeing how different tech connects people globally.
The obvious solution is to end secret voting and open up a pure open democracy in which everyone has the ability to verify all voting records at anytime. If we can keep sports records & stats on the net, we can record open public voting records to the tune of 250 million votes every 2 years.
You're absolutely right. But nobody will do it because the world is ruled by people who do not want civilization to develop.
Everything we use now was invented centuries ago.

Of the world's discoveries in recent decades - a cool camera on your phone and artificial intelligence that just reads information from the Internet and a ready-made database, really?

The whole world is kept in fools about traveling in time, trying to prove to people that it is not possible relying on the limit of the speed of light and the emergence of infinite mass when reaching the speed of light, but this is not the way to travel in time.

Technology works on a different principle and so in many areas of science, you are being lied to that there are some things that are not possible.

I'll tell you, nothing is impossible.
I just wrote an email to the deputy director of norc-votecast at the university of Chicago asking where the public exit poll files to the 2024 national election are, and why they haven't been posted yet despite it is ten days after the election (feels like a year).

There are several directors in the project, so I avoided the senior director, who would have been the one musk would have targeted (and who would have had the greatest chance of successfully blocking the files) Deputy directors are supposed to provide continuity between personnel changes, and act kind of like ombudsman. if I get the files, I will compare them against the unofficial results.

I agree with your assessment, that what we are seeing is a "trick". I believe over 70% of those who voted did so for kamala. Trump tried to trash ballots in 2020, but found because of all the audit controls, it was hard to do. I think this time, he moved his focus from the ballots to reporting fake tallies instead. He gave MAGA operatives placed on state election boards his 2016 election counts and had them report those instead of the actual counts that came in.

If the votecast files show 400,000 of the 500,000 people polled said they voted for Kamala, that would give strong statistical evidence there was fraud committed in the unofficial results. I will then forward the findings to Robert Reich, and publish them through Mary Trump's website. Hopefully, that will get an investigation into Trump going and him getting charged with treason.

If the files confirm Trump won, and account for how voters cast ballots to produce the strange results, then I hope those MAGAts get everything they voted for.

But, as I said, Trump alienated 95% of the population with threats and insults. I do not believe he had many supporters left. You could see how people voted with their dollars in campaign donations, Lichtman's keys to the White House, rally attendance numbers, and the alignment of ballot issues to stakeholder candidate sponsers. The exit polls should align with all that, or at least explain the discrepencies
You're on the right track. I reported at the very beginning that Kamala was “supposed” to win. At the end of the day, Kamala should take the presidency, the problem is that Trump won't back down, that's the key.

That's why there is increased activity now. 2 world lines, and 2 world lines has a bad future, and it's all because of the people who have been running Russia for decades. Russia has been chaos throughout its existence and now you can see what is happening to the world where there is Russia