To Those Wondering About the Future of the Economy

...I almost wished I was not in this discussion...

Origin - Be careful to look at a system (whether regarded as broken or not) vs. stereotype

Stereotypes can be nasty.

I look at this whole debate the same way I'd look at a fellow Canadian entering the USA without a proper work visa, or vice versa...

Nothing to do with disrespectful meanderings.

Personally if I look at if I had a problem with anyone/thing in this regard, it would not certainly be with the Mexican people (rich history of culture - Mayan/Aztec etc);
It would be a problem with the Mexican Goverment - do they really even try?
We know prior to Vicente Fox, what the goverments were like there, Mr. Fox tried more - but...
enough? Or to his full extent? I couldn't say...however when drug cartels run the country...
something is wrong. Very wrong.

I think the idea here was that illegal Mexicans serve a purpose filling a void where others are not willing to pick up the work.

That's the most common, flawed argument used by those supportive of the infestation. The only jobs which Americans will not take are those below minimum wage. High schoolers are always looking for a fast food job or the like, but now mexicans are taking those too.

They seem to be bearing the brunt of some frustration where the problems are bigger than just farm labour etc.
If there was a legal system put into place for this void to be filled, resentment would probably dissipate...maybe not - some minds are soldered.

There is a legal system in place for this - it's called naturalization. And the number of allowed legal immigrations is severely restricted for a very good reason.

If any of the laid off where going down to agricultural places where said Mexicans were working, and asked for the job, there would be a different discussion - I don't hear of that happening.

Again, it's all about greed. The farmers should pay a higher wage, thereby attracting American workers.

Who knows what the future holds? Maybe one day a system will be put into place that sorts all of this out.

The only solution is extermination of mexicans. Like a cockroach infestation, all entrances and exits must be closed, then the insects must be gassed.
You should get your facts straight before you use them in an argument.

In reply to:



That example of a parasite is a born-and-bred American citizen. Not an illegal Mexican. But I am sure with a little work you can find a story of illegal aliens giving birth in a Dallas hospital.

Swine bred in captivity are no cleaner than those which are undomesticated.

But the point here is that the cases you gave were individuals. The slur of "infestation" was against a whole people. Nadya Suleman is, indeed, a parasite on society. That is a manifestation of her individual personality, and has nothing to do with her nationality, and certainly not her legality as a US citizen. The other two examples you gave were also individuals who are clearly acting improperly.

And the entire group is made of such individuals. Did you read the article about the Arizona rancher? He has caught 12000 illegal mexicans trespassing on his property. That's more than a few "individuals".

It is even a fact that any of the people who crossed the border and are working here without a green card are breaking the law. Just like there are plenty of home-bred American citizens that are also breaking the law.

So the point is: Why do you think it is OK to denigrate an entire culture with such hateful words, but you are not willing to denigrate your own culture the same way? I would suggest the answer is because you know not all Americans are the same. Why you cannot see fit to extend the same courtesy to another culture is the puzzling part.

We are at war. USA is being invaded every day, and nobody does anything to stop it.

Yes, we have border problems. That is OUR problem that we allow those problems to continue. Yes, we have people seeking to flee the corruption and dysfunction that is their Mexican government. That is THEIR problem and they must choose what is best for them, as individuals. But neither of these facts make it "right" or acceptable to paint an entire culture of people as if they are all the same.

See above comment.

WASP... Google it. Or are all people from your culture lazy?

When the simple-minded cannot counter with logic, they resort to insults.

Personally if I look at if I had a problem with anyone/thing in this regard, it would not certainly be with the Mexican people (rich history of culture - Mayan/Aztec etc);

The past means nothing to me if the present and most likely future are horrific. Beheadings, drug trafficking, running off police forces, mass murder, etc., far outweigh any positive aspects of the country and people which one may find.
Blanket stereotyping is very dangerous.

Is everyone from LA a Crip?

With your view of international Goverments that are not doing their jobs, and how that transcends upon the people - would you have handled Iraq with a few Nukes? Extermination style?
Perhaps you need to speak with more Iraq/Afghan war veterans about the principle of winning 'hearts & minds'.

For all the flack that President Bush had to put up with, I think he could give you a good scolding right now. Not to mention General Patton 'Old Blood & Guts' had more finesse in a heated debate...


I'll let someone else handle this debate.
When the simple-minded cannot counter with logic, they resort to insults.

How does that story go? Oh yes: "It was not an insult. Being offended is your choice."

Or the other tactic I could use is: "It was humor, origin. Did you not see the wink?"
