How do you know that would require multiple universes? Can you prove it? Can you say that multiple universes don,t exist? I don,t believe that. If our universe can exist So can others. I don,t believe in anything only happening only once. If it happens one time it can happen again because there is a process to support it. That process was proved to exist by the first occurance of the first event.Yeah, no. That would require multiple universes.
Youve been reading my time theory. Basicly time is relative to the observer. Nothing new or ground breaking there. And that is not my theory I borrowed it from you know who. I also believe that includes paradoxs and reality.What is your time theory?
This discussion goes where it goes I can,t help you with that.I hope this discussion isn't headed toward eternalism.
Well I'm sorry, but the redundancies of time travel keep building the more we talk about it. You say it's all plausible, and no I can't literally prove or deny the existence of multiple universes, but it's all starting to sound like hot gas by now. Personally I think your theories all sound like pseudoscience at best, no offense intended. Open a book please.