To any time travelers or psychics.


Temporal Novice
To any time travelers or psychics on the board, what is the name of my future wife? And psychics, what is the name of the blonde woman that I considered my girlfriend in Jr. High? I forgot my name. And if I pay you, can I have your psychic powers?

Thank you!

PS-If it will help you, my name is Tiance Antaun Hughes and I live in Charleston, WV so you'll know who to look for when you time travel into the future or when you use your psychic powers to look into the future. And don't think about lying, because I can tell when someone is lying and, so far all the posts on this forum from people claiming they are time travelers or that they can see the future have been lies.
I traveled through my Google Time machine and find out this. Nothing about a wife of yours.

• TRESPASSING, PUBLIC INTOXICATION: Dep. A.M. Ballard arrested Tiance Antaun Hughes, 25, of Charleston, at the Holiday Inn Express, after the suspect allegedly continued to loiter in the parking lot he had previously been ordered to leave.
Tiance seems to be well known at the South Central Regional Jail with admissions for





Tiance, you got to do something with your life besides being a public drunk!

Your site is down, also.
Tiance, you got to do something with your life besides being a public drunk!

I would take a gander that the answer to that question is...Yes ! He seems to have time to post in a fictional forum seeking a time traveler to solve his love life problems. some of us keep saying elsewhere around these parts...take responsibility for your "own" life, and you can make it what you want, and not depend on some time traveler to provide answers "for" you.

Hope it isn't you getting your name in the Police Training manuel for the new cops to practice with, been there and done that. IF it is you, feel free to PM me, and I'd be willing share my story with you.
To any time travelers or psychics on the board, what is the name of my future wife? And psychics, what is the name of the blonde woman that I considered my girlfriend in Jr. High? I forgot my name. And if I pay you, can I have your psychic powers?

Thank you!

PS-If it will help you, my name is Tiance Antaun Hughes and I live in Charleston, WV so you'll know who to look for when you time travel into the future or when you use your psychic powers to look into the future. And don't think about lying, because I can tell when someone is lying and, so far all the posts on this forum from people claiming they are time travelers or that they can see the future have been lies.

Stop on by Sprite's Place

This is weird. First this person ask for help then this person tells the people she/he wants help from that they tell lies. Yep, sounds like a newbie to me. Well first of all I don,t charge for my time machine. Second of all you and others have asked for the same thing. Giving out my machine to others is like loaning my credit card, car, or house out to someone I don,t know. I don,t do that. Also, as I become more and more experienced with my method of time travel I have found that it is better for me to keep my wacko status and not make myself look like a national security risk or at minimum not get sued because I can watch movies from the future or listen to music from the future before they come out. And as I said in the future I pay for my media so I am not breaking any laws and I don,t release it in the past so again I am not breaking any laws. And yes I can study the past too. Your better off finding your own ride buddy. I am not going your direction.
Is it possible to answer your questions without creating a paradox?

Well he didn't answer. If a person time travels enough it is almost impossible to avoid a paradox. Let me give you an example. I am at my supercomputer reading messages I sent myself from the future. I make a list of messages I consider that might be real. On the days I sent those messages I end up picking out the ones I believe I actually sent and leaving the others in the trash pile which I consider alternate reality or non-reality. I only resend the messages to the past that I believe I actually sent to myself. I try to avoid a paradox by staying true to the timeline but if something in those messages concerns me enough it may alter my behavior and cause me to send a different message. Which to no surprise to me my orginal message that I acted on now ends up in the pile of messages for the trash can that I pay no attention to. But in the paradox at some point I did pay attention to that message in file 13 as it is sometimes called. You got to love paradox's. It is natures no trasspassing sign.
That is assuming you can pass messages through time which aren't already expected. The only way you can time travel without a paradox is technically not time traveling. I am of course talking about the multiple universes/alternate reality theory, where events can be changed in the past but will ultimately cause no difference from where you started in the present.
That is assuming you can pass messages through time which aren't already expected. The only way you can time travel without a paradox is technically not time traveling. I am of course talking about the multiple universes/alternate reality theory, where events can be changed in the past but will ultimately cause no difference from where you started in the present.

Well that is simply not true and I will explain why. Because alternate reality or not if it is time travel then real information will get though. That real information which in my case is computer media containing audio,video, pictures, and other files that sometimes contains mind bending earth shattering information such as art, music, video, audio, technology you name it. The list goes on and on. Knowledge is power and information is knowledge. I am talking about looking at a reality as real as are own reality but so different from are own reality that it would be hard for most people to except it. 4 years ago if someone told me that in 4 years I would have another child walking around my house that is my own I would not of believed them because it would of been outside my reality at that time. But 4 years later it is my reality. Even with paradoxs the one true time travel test is whether or not real information is getting through. That is the untimate test. The second test is whether or not that information contains the real future or the real past in this timeline. Then I guess the third test is whether or not paradoxs can be created. If it past the first two test then yes I would call it time travel. Paradoxs can be hard to prove. I will add that to my list. How to prove a paradox exist.

Anyway the fact that information gets through during real time travel does change the future or the past from what it normally would of been. That information being there makes a big difference in the future or the past. So, there is a difference being made that can not be denied.
reactor knows what he is talking about in this area. i would listen to him if i were you. he has been doing something similar to what you are talking about, except with video. he has a decent possibility of predicting a few minutes into the future. maybe someday, that could be hours, days, or maybe even weeks.
One more case and point. If someone put my daughter in a time machine and sent her to me four years ago before she was born when I found her in the house walking around that would of made a difference to me that day. I would of said hey where did she come from? Because when real information from the future or past gets thru to the other side it does make a difference. If nasa sent some people into space and they accidently time traveled and came back 200 or 300 years from now they would make a difference in society because they are real information getting thru to the future. They would make a difference. Even if it is just text about what is going to happen a few minutes to a few years into the future that can make a difference too. More so with video, audio, and other types of files that prove to be real.

I could very easily give a simple program that tells the future. It would be a program that would write to a file every combination of a penny being flipped 5 times. It would start out showing all tails then work thru every combination. Now flip that penny five times and use a search program to find the file with the right combinations of heads or tails. It would find it. That program there just predicted the future but you did not know which future it was because it had a lot of alternate reality files there too but never the less the program predicted the future. It past the first two test, information real to this reality got thru, the program showed information real to this time line. That program is a time machine of sorts. Now if we could move this to a whole other level and look at real video, audio, images, or other types of files from the future or the past or alternate reality and do that very well that could be called time travel too. But it would have to be more advance than the coin program. There you go.
Right, well if your did send your daughter a few years into the past, would that not interfere with her future existence? What if by meeting your daughter you decided not to have one (not being mean, just playing with hypotheticals). By not having your daughter, she would be blinked out of existence.

With no daughter, you could not have made that decision to not have kids. So then she does exist after all, just in time for you to send her back and you to remade the decision to not have kids.

Right, well if your did send your daughter a few years into the past, would that not interfere with her future existence? What if by meeting your daughter you decided not to have one (not being mean, just playing with hypotheticals). By not having your daughter, should would be blinked out of existence.

With no daughter, you could not have made that decision to not have kids. So then she does exist after all, just in time for you to send her back and you to remade the decision to not have kids.


You made some points. By way of a paradox she ended up not being born. But, the timeline still changed. That was my point. That information getting through to the future or the past would change the timeline. It would make a difference.
My point is that the timeline cannot be changed without incurring a paradoxical situation unless you're "time traveling" through a parallel universe, where the changes you make there will have no effect on the present. Essentially you cannot change the past, only the future.
My point is that the timeline cannot be changed without incurring a paradoxical situation unless you're "time traveling" through a parallel universe, where the changes you make there will have no effect on the present. Essentially you cannot change the past, only the future.

Well the past is no more special than the future. If true time travel exist to the past then the past could be changed just as easily as the future. Also, when you talk about paradoxical situations those situations are relavent to the observer. Depending on where and when you are the change could be observed. So yes the past can be changed too.
I also would like to note that on paradoxs that lets say I went back to the past and did the unthinkable and killed my parents. I don,t believe anything would happen to me simply because my information has sub-atomicly being brought into existance by my first reality and his being protected by my existance in the past. Now the past is changed. If I go to the future yes it will be a different future. One without my parents but I would still be just fine. Only by my information being physically removed from the universe in a normal manner would I cease to exist. Two realities. One where I was born, one where I was not born but I exist anyway because my information traveled from the future to the past and was still real in the past when the future changed. I was shielded from the changes because my information was protected by the past and I was still there when it changed. That is relative to the observer me. Now I physically move my information back to the future and observe the changes I made in the past. This is how I see the real time travel experience. But, now the changes my parents made were not brought back to the past so those changes would be wiped from existance. If I had brought 1 or more of those changes with me to the past before I killed my parents then those changes would still exist too.

Now lets say I plant a bomb and set it to go off the next day in my parents home and return to the future. No one in the past knows about the bomb. Now, when the bomb goes off and kills my parents but I am in the future so now I am not protected by the changes I made. I cease to exist and never get born. The bomb case goes unsolved at the police station.

If it is possible to create a alternate realities then the future still might exist after the bomb goes off but I would be outside of the reality If I stayed in the past. If I stayed in the past after my parents were killed I would be apart of the reality of my parents not being alive any more but If I go back to the future before my parents die in the bomb explosion then it might be possible that I too would still be the same reality that I left but just now in a alternate reality and my partents would still be alive because I came back before the bomb went off.

That is part of the paradox and alternate reality test I spoke of earlier. Time travel is a very weird thing. And complex too. Time travel is relative to the observer and the reality that the observer is in.
It still doesn't work, because you planted the bomb. If you don't exist you can't plant a bomb, that's basic logic.

Lets say my trusty hammer and I have time traveled a few minutes to the past with the inclination to make a big dent in the center of my kitchen table. I then return to the present to view my labors. "My god, what a dent" I shout! I have changed the state of the table in the past. The only thing that has changed was my memory of the table's pristine condition, however the possibility of a paradox still exists.

If I see a dent in the table before I've traveled time, will I make the dent? If I don't, the dent wont exist, in which case I will go back and create the dent.
It still doesn't work, because you planted the bomb. If you don't exist you can't plant a bomb, that's basic logic.

Lets say my trusty hammer and I have time traveled a few minutes to the past with the inclination to make a big dent in the center of my kitchen table. I then return to the present to view my labors. "My god, what a dent" I shout! I have changed the state of the table in the past. The only thing that has changed was my memory of the table's pristine condition, however the possibility of a paradox still exists.

If I see a dent in the table before I've traveled time, will I make the dent? If I don't, the dent wont exist, in which case I will go back and create the dent.

In paradoxs there are realities. If you take the table with you to the past and then dent the table in the past not the one from the future then return to the future with your table your table would not be dented even though you dented it in the past. The table would be protected by the fact you took it with you. Now if you leave the table there and go back and dent it then return then of course it would be dented.

Paradoxs are relative to the observer. I am not beyond believing that alternate realities can be created by time travel. But I do believe it is a real fact that time travel does make a difference in the future or the past.
Thats what I'm saying. If I, only me and a hammer, head backward in time to dent the table, succeed, then return... Will I make the trip before I time traveled since the table is already dented?
Thats what I'm saying. If I, only me and a hammer, head backward in time to dent the table, succeed, then return... Will I make the trip before I time traveled since the table is already dented?

If you come home and find your table dented not knowing you were going to time travel I don,t know if you would make the trip or not. Question is if you don,t make the trip which reality will you be living in. Since your table is already dented and your with the table I would say you would just have a dented table whether or not you made the trip. But now the observer part. You time traveled but you did not time travel depending on your frame of reference. So, in reality you made the trip whether or not you wanted to. Your present self may not go back in time but yourself in another reality went and dented your table. Your paradox is relative to the observer and the alternate realities that observer is in.