Titors claim of Civil war starting in 2k4

I'm suggesting you should expect higher prices so people can earn higher wages. It's not a downside for me.
Spoken like a true socialist! Dude, no wonder your Canadian dollar could never equal the value of the US dollar... you need to understand how capitalism works before you can ever be successful at it.

Let me tell you a little story about what you call "greed" that is another thing about Canada that annoys me (and many American investors): Our American drug companies assume all the financial risk to develop new drugs and get them through the strict US FDA approval certification process. Research and certification ain't cheap, in case you didn't know. And then along comes socialist countries like yours, and IMPOSE artificial prices that limit how much drug companies can make (and therefore extends their time horizons for paying off the non-recurring development of those drugs). Because American companies are not charities, they HAVE to somehow recoup the $ they spent on the drug's R&D. And so since your socialist country seems to think they should just be able to set prices, without any regard for how the markets work, guess who gets to pay INCREASED drug costs? Yep, that's right. Us Americans are paying for the development of the drugs that you Canadians a sucking up at LESS THAN MARKET COSTS!

If you ask me (and a lot of other American stockholders) that is F'ed up, and the way your country uses and abuses MANY benefits earned by the hard-working American economy is enough to make some of us to want to wage economic war on your country. If your country actually had to stand-up on its own two feet financially, you'd be in big trouble. And based on your rant in another thread, you really are completely and utterly unaware just how much you and your country constantly suck on the teat of American capitalist markets.

If you think you are such the bastion of free market democracy, why don't you get a movement going in your country to STOP taking ANY AND ALL forms of aid that come from the US? We'll see how long you last then. I am sick and tired of everyone making the USA out to be the "bad guy" in this world when it is clear we have done more than any other country to protect freedom and advance market development. But then again, those who cannot compete with those who are successful are always looking for scapegoats so they don't have to accept responsibility for their lack of performance.

All the Hostility. Whats wrong with our American cousins to the North eh? They do get some things right, low crime, export all their garbage to the US. Depend on us for defense so they don't have to. I think they have what, 1 old British submarine that doesn't work too well?

Every other nation on the planet is going to be smaller in comparison to the US economy, but that doesn't mean we can't get along, and that they don't have certain advantages.

I do agree in many respects about the cost of prescription drugs, I recently heard it costs a minimum of a billion dollars and 7 years to make one drug such as Viagra or Celebrex or any of the other things they try to shove down our throats. However they do recoup the costs, with patents that last 17 years before the drug can become a generic.
All the Hostility. Whats wrong with our American cousins to the North eh?
I just think it is ridiculous (and hypocritical) that Newbie says he is just fine with higher prices, and that we should all just expect it... and at the same time, here he is getting the benefit of SUBSTANTIALLY lower drug prices in Canada due to regulations and price caps.

Hey Newbie, if you are so "up" for higher prices, then you should have no problem paying the fair market value for prescription drugs, right? Maybe we can start a new trend: Canadians buying their drugs from the USA because they are OK with higher prices! :D
Civil War. I think of division, opposite views. Well the event that I am thinking of in 2004 is the presidential election. The race was very close. And it does seem that our country is divided not so much as the political parties but more like liberal v. conservatism. I don't recall too many states being close in the tallies. Would that cause a war in terms of bloodshed, economic consequences and the like? It seems pretty far-fetched right now and yet that was the one thing that did stand out in my mind is how opposite the two candidates were and the issues that they presented. And it seemed that people were passionate one way or the other. Just a thought.
Bah, the Election was stolen by black box voting systems. Electronic systems that can be altered after all votes are cast, no way to track, no paper backups. It is possible that bush may have only gotten 40% of the votes and still won, as these systems were in place across approx 25% of the country at the time of the election.
Am I alone in thinking what happened in '00 to minorities in Florida should be a major issue? 30,000 tried to vote and were told they were convicted felons, when in fact they had never comitted a crime in their life. '04 was nothing compared to '00 florida. McFly?


As for drugs, yea I would prefer if 2 members of my family never had the chance to be perscribed Celebrex. Drug companies, and shareholders, have the choice not to do busines with Canada if they don't agree with our system. In fact, they do agree.

I am sick and tired of everyone making the USA out to be the "bad guy" in this world when it is clear we have done more than any other country to protect freedom and advance market development.

Rainman and Ren, cmon! Where in this thread have I made the USA to be a bad guy? I clearly stated that greed is not a problem with unions, or leaders. It's a problem with HUMANS. Not America, HUMANS.

As for socialism/ists. I'm not. Neither is Canada. Until I can go to university for free, we aint socialist AT ALL man... My political views can not be accuratly represented by any modern political system. I want proportial representation.

If you would be so kind to outline the forms of "aid" that Canada receives from your tax dollars, I will gladly send an email and request we abandon this practice. If what you are saying is true, I apologize for not being aware and concerned about this earlier. But don't make me look stupid to Paul Martin, make sure these are "aid" packages and not trade deals.

Can I ask what part of the US you are from where they teach people that other nations would not be able to support themselves without America's help?
Power-seeking glorified political shyte parade out of probably both candidates with their special allowances given to their BS, and not others, and always being in our faces:


Backed with proof, and when Kerry is found out, and will be, to Hell with this Election!
Nah, no more excuses out of also union members and their BS also. They been messing with other people for years!

Along with upper-management and their perk parade of glorified crap!
Religious -- only to theirselves.
Put religion in the U.S. Constitution -- seeking their kind of religion from Hell!

I think!
Naw, don't threaten me in this BS Country, you freaks!
Naw, don't threaten me in this BS Country, you freaks!
If you think it is such a BS country, you are more than welcome to LEAVE. Believe me, there are PLENTY of people who do not live in the US that would just LOVE to take your place just to have an opportunity to live our lifestyle.

It is always amusing to me how many people who live here (DEMS) constantly bitch and moan about how "evil" this country is, and yet they continue to live here and pay taxes to such an "evil" country rather than leaving. Effective citizens (and consumers) vote with their feet!

Actually just feeling bad about reading that, and being somewhat anti-social, I suppose.

But, is it not better to have admit it and then say that it is not recommended, and all of that out of a person running for President.

You see, I went today, looking all around at all the political parties this Country has, and well, actually to me, most of them seem to be some type of group that is really to the far right, and religious, or to the far left and whatever.

It smacks of not one political party actually being real and actually being truthful. It kind of smells reading it later.

Personally I am not that affected by it, but whoa, there are people who may be, because I have worked with them.

By the way, do you really think that after President Clinton said "It never passed my lips!" that he was being real about that. You see, it was made into a big deal before, but now again, why tell, and now it is not!

I wonder, and that is all, what some other people may think about it all, and who is really more religious, afterall religiousness was the prime force behind it all. Now to find out different, or something different, leaves some others to think that well, we can not really trust any of the politicians, and they would probably think they were correct.

I just don't think that it will be dismissed, after what has happened, and probably to me does not mean anything, but hey, I been there, and been through it, and I did not like it. And those people were not running for any type of power-position of being President. He may be ashamed of it, and any number of things, but it was not stated because it was being dismissed by him.
How many other things are being dismissed in this World, and actually who has the Right to decide that, if one person is treated one way, and others are treated another way?

It may happen in this world, but usually that has been called 'discrimination' in a sense, by one political party over another to push an agenda they feel is more important.

That may be, or may not be, and I am sure that others may pursue that at the next election.

That is how World Wars may start. A mistake that seems as no consequence, and people say so what, but it may have more implications to it than that.

And that is the question that other people may have, or pursue.

It may seem nothing at the time, and it may actually mean something to the future.

And that would be religious to what happens in the future, perhaps!

I really do not care that much because I do not have the time to babysit this kind of acts. I have put up with them before, and well, in my personal case, it did not do me any good!

Perhaps, that is the why of going a little haywire with my previous post.

Afterall, now the entire world may know it or spread around that fact. That makes humans dangerous.
So for what it is worth, now it is known! And what is it worth?

I just do not feel that anyone has a religious experience with the stuff, and kids should not be victimized or start up on any of that kind of stuff, without first realizing what all of it does, including drinking.

It starts out slow, and builds up, and before one knows it (especially an additive personality) it has made people do weird things that would not have happened if they had never started.

That is why, no kids should start it, without knowing that it can not perhaps be handled, and no matter how great one thinks that he/she is, there are dangerous elements out there, that will not be abled to be handled, even if the kid thought that they could.

Drugs are not compassionate, not at all! Any of it!
And after reading only part of this site:



"Read my Lips", "It never passed my lips", to the "I don't want them to know":

Points of Light!

Anway, this is really nothing I wanted to do, as it all takes time anyway, and politics seem to take too much time away, and some others probably are already not willing to spend any more time on it either. It is the others, that may worry me, for I know myself, and should be laughing, laughing, my life away, I guess. But I do not! Or at least smiling, smiling, smiling!
I will have to think about it!
You see, I went today, looking all around at all the political parties this Country has, and well, actually to me, most of them seem to be some type of group that is really to the far right, and religious, or to the far left and whatever.
I hear ya bro, and on this I can definitely agree with you. BOTH of the parties "play the game" of politics....at least, the OLD game of politics. Believe me, there are things about Bush and Republicans that I do not like or agree with. Just like there are things about Democratic beliefs that I do agree with.

I am a big, big, BIG proponent of balanced triads of forces or movements. I think we are at the appropriate moment in American history that a 3rd, balancing, mediating party needs to arise in order to keep us on the balanced path of evolving freedom of choice and belief around the world.

I would love to Create a third, mediating political party in our country. It is high time for one to appear on the scene to stabilize the philosophical bent of the USA.
