
Absolutely. And mine is that there is a large and easily noticeable difference between evasive and non-evasive speech and between honest and dissembling behaviour.
My opinion is what I know is none of your business and doesn't even concern you at all.
....and you are being disrespectful.
it is a furphy to think that the information is so secret that it is a guaranteed way to identify him in the future. He won't be back, at least in the incarnation in which you met him. And no I am not speaking metaphysically, more intelligence operations style.

You are probably right the information would be useless to you so there would really be no reason to share it with you or anyone else. useless info.
My opinion is what I know is none of your business and doesn't even concern you at all.
....and you are being disrespectful.

And Now the OP knows why , I wanted it left alone......

Seriously how many times must this be done?

Could we call this the last time and move on?
But... Like so many online frauds, this one is all about money. It worked better than they thought but they lack the skills to market it properly so now they are trying to find a sales combination, or a big enough gullible audience, to get the second coming of John Titor up and running in time for 2012, their last chance to really make a heap of cash from a book / film / whatever.

No one does this sort of rubbish for nothing, and the number one motivation is cold hard cash. It certainly is in this case. But then why don't we just ask the Titor attorney, and his brother the computer nerd sci fi fan?

In real life, the usual and likely suspects most often prove to be the people responsible.

Also- fiction leaves no paper trail, and this leaves NO paper trail at all other than sundry printouts of the falsehoods released online.

That needs to be repeated ad nauseam like a warning beacon for all future travellers (ha ha) unlucky enough to stumble over this pile of dog doo.
I really expected a lot more after the Italian show came out then actually showed up to tell ya the truth.

Seems like nothing can move on here with it though its like limbo and we have 10k other things that are actually closer to seeing a definitive mathematical probability of TT actually occurring. The science alone is a mother of reading in itself.

I mean seriously I spent what a good 2 months before I even posted reading about the work and by the time I started to post I realized I still knew nothing..

The dirt needs to be kicked in the grave already.
The dirt needs to be kicked in the grave already.

IMO, the 2008 Olympics finally gets us to the most practical point for this to happen. But as you see, some people (including central characters) wish to keep the "possibility" alive, even though the odds are pitifully low now. It is odd that such people readily swallow Titor's version of MWI and the "2% divergence" without quantification, but cannot accept that facts of the past 7 years have gone much further in providing evidence against Titor than any evidence Titor ever provided himself (which was exactly zero).

Titor is an example of how a movement based on magical thinking is so dangerous in a civilised world where real education and literacy is waning.
Titor is an example of how a movement based on magical thinking is so dangerous in a civilised world where real education and literacy is waning.

As a person entrusted with teaching first-year aerospace engineering students, I couldn't agree with you more. Here in the US we are at the front-end of a MAJOR shortage of scientifically-trained technical workers. It is more than sad, it is distressing. I blame:

1) Parents for not instilling in their children the importance, security, and need for people who follow scientific careers.
2) Schools for not doing more to encourage students in these fields.
3) Entertainment media who seem to send the message to children that "all you need to be is famous." (The Britney/Paris syndrome)

Nice to see another critical thinker show up here, Doghead.
Seeing as how recall just loves to seemingly derail all threads with his own topics, I guess I will follow this last one on Russia's use of its SS-21 missiles...

Isn't it interesting how quickly Poland signed a defensive missile shield agreement with the USA in the past two days after seeing what Russia has in store for its former satellites?

But of course, the America-haters in the world will somehow find a way to blame America for Russia doing what it has done! Suddenly, a missile shield for Europe sounds like a damn good idea!

Kanigo- there is no reson to kick this in the grave until the hoaxer is found. Tell me this- Which do you believe- that John Titor was a real Time Traveller or he was a hoaxer? When did you start chatting with JT? What was your chat name then- if you don't mind me asking?

These questions are intended for Kanigo2- Anyone else is welcome to answer if they wish- If you don't mind indicate wether you really chatted with John or not.

What makes you think that this hoax has only been pertebated online? Do you think the hoaxer hoaxed anyone in real life and was succesful? How many places do you think this hoax has been performed (if you believe it such)? Do you think Pamela uis the only person suckered in by JT?

Have you ever worked for IBM?

Have you been to Rochester, MN?

How long is the drive from winter park FL, to Rochester, MN? (Dont google it--- how long do you estimate it too be?)

Have you ever seen an IBM 5100 in person? If so did it work?

What is the highest level of your education?

I told you I would start asking you questions- You said you wanted my posts to be a little deeper. I intend for them to go way deep. Darby I would like to hear your answers as well. That is if its not too much trouble.

Darby will you clarify- just a little bit- your first encounter with JT was here or at Art Bell- If Art Bell how did JT become aware of this board- was it you?
I was actually around for the whole Titor exchange on line and my original first instinct was that it was a long con. Something that would take a fair while before anyone got asked for their credit card number... But that, sure enough at some point in the future, the credit card number would be asked for.

All that happened was that the con got hung up a little bit between the temptation to be The Man Who Would Be King instead of just a flat money rip off. Satisfyingly, the hoaxers have ended up with neither result so far, although if they can just get to the John Lear or Al Bielek level they can start getting a trickle of money. Plus the book proceeds, some sort of movie, presumably still a documentary at this point although a fictionalised one would suit them better. The trouble there is, the moment they break cover now to defend copyright- it's over, and more importantly with the changes in Federal communications laws they are potentially open to prosecution. And a good thing too.

>>>What makes you think that this hoax has only been pertebated online? Do you think the hoaxer hoaxed anyone in real life and was succesful? How many places do you think this hoax has been performed (if you believe it such)? Do you think Pamela uis the only person suckered in by JT?

We know that it went beyond just online. In 2003 a Florida limited liability company, John Titor Foundation, LLC, was formed through (if not by) attorney Larry Haber. The original address for the JTF was Haber's office on Front St in Celebration. The same address was also the location of a movie studio, graphic arts studio and sound studio (VISI Corp - Haber was also their attorney). From the JTF sprung The Book, The Radio Program, a possible movie, a possible comic book, T-shirts, mugs, coffee cups, guest appearances on Coast-2-Coast AM by Haber, etc. Everythong that one might need to build the prop time machine, design and print the manual, book and audio disk for the radio program was located in the building along with the necessary talent.

>>>Have you ever worked for IBM?


>>>Have you been to Rochester, MN?

Yes - and Rochester, NY

>>>How long is the drive from winter park FL, to Rochester, MN? (Dont google it--- how long do you estimate it too be?)

Not a clue

>>>Have you ever seen an IBM 5100 in person? If so did it


>>>What is the highest level of your education?

BSc - Experimental Psychology

>>>Darby will you clarify- just a little bit- your first encounter with JT was here or at Art Bell

Here. Then Post-2-Post, Art Bell's old BBS.

>>>If Art Bell how did JT become aware of this board- was it you?

No - not through me. This was the first BBS that TTO/Titor posted on (to our knowledge). The owner of this site (Raul "MOP") was the original webmaster, SysOp, Admin and Mod for the Celebration, FL township BBS, <a href="http://www.34747.net." target="_blank">www.34747.net.</a> Celebration is a small Disney developed village next to Disney World in Kissimmee. Disney no longer ownes the town. The attorney, Larry Haber, was the first person to move into the village when he was a Disney Corp lawyer.

MOP placed a hotlink to this site on the Celebration BBS. That's how Boomer (the author) found us.

We only discovered this link by accident. After we became aware that Haber was the lawyer for the JTF and also a lawyer for Disney I recalled seeing a Disney related link on this site (Magical Mouse) on one of the TOS/Privacy back pages here. When I did a little more research I found a link to the Celebration BBS on the page. I checked over at 34747 and found a hotlink back to this site. That's how Boomer found this site. The unconfirmed information that I have is that Boomer didn't make his first appearance here as TTO. He was already a member under another handle. The source of yh information is both reliable and placed such that s/he would have access to the verification. I don't know if TTO and the original handle worked as puppets while posting here.

And no, MOP isn't Titor nor did he get involved as a member of Group Titor. Other than owning this site he is a professional web designer. At the time that Titor was posting MOP was running several Disney sites for them.
I see no point in responding to your questions.

There is nothing in it for me.

Questioning my rational for protecting the original posters will not help you here with me.
I have come to the understanding that "people, including the government" have run background checks and all sorts of what nots on the original people that were in the forum at the time. I believe they had also done the same thing to each other.
To me it has become nothing more than a charade.
I can see why it was important at the time and I do not question why it happened.

For now though, time has passed. Nothing justifies outlandish attacks that come from across the net constantly.

I have actually spent enough time talking to these people and I enjoy their company.

On this one issue I will not back down.

I will say again that there is an agenda here coming from you that I would like pulled out in the open.

For no other reason than to make sure that any preconceived notions you have are answered.(TY ,Darby)

I will answer one though, I was not a poster when John was here.

I simply live about 15 minutes from Celebration Fl. and the story was "originally" interesting to me.

But has since lost some of its luster- well for obvious reasons.
I should clarify my question about Titor hoax not just being online. During the time you were posting and messaging with Titor or TT0 do you have any knowledge of the hoax being simultaneously being orchestrated by an individual who may or may not have worked for IBM or GE offline in person to persons unknown to you online?

I understand the interaction that occurred after the original period when you were posting with Haber, and with JTF, I appreciate that information as well, and may be interested in further discussion.

However has it occurred to you that the hoax (utilizing the Time machine props) was also an action in real life and not mentioned online at the same time?

I have no preconceived notions about the Titor saga. If you weren’t interested in discussing the Titor Saga further, why did you answer my post? Are you sure there is nothing in it for you?

I do not have a personal agenda against anyone; my interest is for my own knowledge for now. Let me also reassure you I mean no person harm nor do I intend to ridicule you or anyone else. My question regarding Pamela did not come out as intended- I did not mean to imply she is a sucker and I should have chosen better words. Pamela- I apologize for wording my question that way. Please accept my apology because I do not mean to 'attack' you as I do not have a reason to.

What I should have asked is do you think Pamela is the only person misled on a personal 'friendship' basis? If Pamela has had nothing to do with JTF then her offer of friendship was used against her in hurtful way so that her friendship would lend credibility to the hoax. Can we assume for now that she was not a member of JTF and as such was used in this way? If so do you have knowledge of any other individuals used in this way and that may have occurred offline during the original event? Not after when 'boomer' and Haber got involved.

If so do you know if that person post or lurks here now?

Do you know where boomer is now?
I have no information on any of these things.

And as for the Titor story , I give it no more credence than I would a book like Catch 22.(Poor Yossarian)

There is a message in there somewhere, hopefully one day someone writes a really meaningful prologue.

With peer review of course. So that the history of the story could be cited within a couple pages -before getting involved in the whole entangled web.

Funny "living story" though, even I have to admit that....it definitely has the capacity to hold your interest for a while.

That is just my opinion on the subject- No more.