Titor WRONG: Mad Cow AND USA

Re:Subservice for the subway:

Darby' how could I be Darth Vader, if by the storyline, he was to have existed over thousands of years ago?

The Star Wars series, as told by Liza Givens, was said to have been a channeled event, and this is certainly held in the archives, of the radio talk show, Eye On Hollywood?

Am I delusional, or trying to spook Rainmantime?

Look at the sentence structure, of how he posted here?

RMT said> I think you got the sublime nature of my post.( I don't honestly get upset at Creedo's antics. )He knows the real score... and he knows that I know that he knows he real score. As of late, he has been having some hallucinations (fantasies?) about him being Darth Vader. I won't divulge any more of this here in public, but suffice it to say it keeps me amused.

Creedo notes, look at how he posted what he said and lets analyze this?
RMT again said> I don't honestly get upset at Creedo's antics. )

Instead of saying, I honestly don't, he says, I don't honestly.......

That's a Freudian slip meaning one, he says by his own confession, that he's not honest.

So RMT seems subdued?

The phraseology of how he puts things, is backwards,.

So right there, this shows, as confession.

Hey' this is Rainmantime and he is a great aerospace expert, from Los Angeles.

Who am I, to argue with a man of his caliber?

Oh Ray' I can be Barney The Dinosaur, if that would make you feel better?!

The odds of me being a descendent, but not the real Darth Vader, would be about one million to one, in chance.

You'll note that Ray seems oddly subdued in his post.

It shows.

He is usually insulting everyone and he's not doing this tonight.

Ray' would it make you feel better, if I said to everyone here, that I was Darth Vader?

Anytime when someone post something backwards as Ray has done, they're figuring our something personal here.

More often than not, this figuring is also close to the family tree.

Me and Ray related?........Awe' ca'mon!
Re:Subservice for the subway:

Creedo notes, look at how he posted what he said and lets analyze this?

Ye of poor sentence structure are now going to minutely analyze my writing? While I am giddy that you have opened this door of opportunity Creedo, I somehow think you would not be as ecstatic when I begin to analyze your posts in such detail. I usually ignore your atrocious spelling, and sub-stellar use of grammar, Dan. However, now that you have "lowered the bar", so to speak, I'll make sure I pay better attention... and call your attention to your grammatical transgressions.

I sense a plethora of holiday "presents" about to be bestowed upon me by my friend Creedo! :D

Re:Subservice for the subway:

Examples>"Honestly Ron' the amount of work that you would have to put into this car, does not justafy its purchase"!?

Be nice Ray, you might end up without any freinds?
Re:Subservice for the subway:


I don't care how weird you get sometimes because once in a while you come off with a real and inspired zinger.

You're answer to the question about why we question would-be time travelers by asking if we would question a dinosaur playing croquet is a classic. As I said, very true and very funny, my man.
Re:Subservice for the subway:

Be nice Ray, you might end up without any freinds?

And safe to say that the same caution applies to you, my dyslexic friend!

Re::CJD prion

And the topic was, Kroits-feld-ya'kov syndrom, or the CJD prion and how well it's invested, now within this society?
Re: Why are Darby & RMT Titor\'s Most Vocal Debunk

Why, indeed. Maybe I'm the remote viewer and know everything about everyone. You know what the RV'ers say, "You can run but you can't hide."

You're a very funny man.
You mean you're Joseph McMoneagle? from Project StarGate?

Wow... Why are you calling yourself Darby?

Joe you need to lose some weight? and maybe shave that beard...

How are those books selling?...

The brass in the program got really spooked by the stuff didn't they?
Hows that for funny Darby?
Re: Why are Darby & RMT Titor\'s Most Vocal Debunk

CSM, they have outletted R.V. to the point, now that everyone is doing it.
Re:Subversive Rainmantime:

But he said that he came here in 1975, therefore he could have altered something then, which means things could be slightly (or greatly) different now.

I'm skeptical about the whole thing though, but if your going to find something wrong with what he was saying, shouldn't it be within the rules or confines of what he said was possible?

Then again, he could always have said that he didn't know everything about time travel and he would 'ask his superiors' when he 'got back'.