Titor WRONG: Mad Cow AND USA


Super Moderator
Yes, that is a strong statement, but one worth putting out there with some evidence:

1) Mad Cow has hardly become the type of plague that Titor claimed it would become. But what is more interesting is, why did he not say ANYTHING about the Bird Flu? Certainly, from what we have seen in the news over the past week, health authorities are calling this an international pandemic. If Titor was "real" don't you think he would have highlighted REAL concerns that would come in our future, rather than just concerns of the day that MAY have turned nasty? And yes, Mad Cow Disease was well-known back when Titor showed up. So, whoever spun the Titor yarn obviously took a calculated guess that it would turn out to be worse than it did. The guess turned out wrong.

2) The USA, as we can see, is not on the verge of civil war as a result of the last presidential election. It is pretty much "business as usual" here. We are NOT coming apart at the seams. However, it would seem that election problems in Ukraine are clearly of a sort that threatens civil war. In fact, there has already been talk of secession there. So why did Titor get it WRONG about the USA, but fail to mention Ukraine? Again, it points to a non-time traveling person in the year 2000 making guesses about the future. And this lends more creedence to the theory that whoever spun the Titor Tale was simply mad about the 2000 election result, and wanted to try to scare the populace.

As Time marches on, I think it is clear that the fear mongering by both "Titor" as well as his apostles (such as CigSmokingMan) will be shown for what it is. And further to that, it will again show that WE are in control of what sort of future we craft. We are not subject to something that someone tells us will come to pass.

Can i cut and paste this and put it on anomalies.net?

You've pretty much taken the words right out of my mouth!

generally, i wouldn't expect many to agree with you though, after all - you're only well, you! and Titor? well he rests up there in the land of god....

I think to many people have gotten caught up in the whole titor thing. Its almost as if they really really need for it to be real, or something.
Can i cut and paste this and put it on anomalies.net?
Sure, be my guest.

I think to many people have gotten caught up in the whole titor thing. Its almost as if they really really need for it to be real, or something.
Such is the power of myth. Joseph Campbell pretty much laid-out the fact that if a culture does not have myths that are passed down as part of the generational process, they will create myths to fill the voids.

IMHO, the myths that have been handed down from so many other cultures are not only "good enough", but as myself and OvrLrd have been trying to show, these myths (related to Qabalah) actually align with scientific principles. The potential "problem" with a society that reveres science as its only god, and does not integrate spirituality with that science, is that this society will reject the myths of the past as "not scientific". This leaves the gaps that Campbell talked about, and we see silly myths like Titor find their way into the mix. Whereas, if more people studied the ancient myths, and see them as the stories that explain the reality of our physical situation, there would be no need to reject these myths and allow other, more questionable ones to grab hold of the collective unconscious of a culture.

Ye Rejoice Too Soon RAINMANTIME...lol


First, you distort the record.

o You do not disclose you have ties to the Defense Industry and maybe the Defense Intelligence Agency

Titor said as result of the 2004 election there would be great unrest by the end of 2005

o Mad Cow was an epidemic in 2036 not 2004 and vCJD has an incubation of up to 30 years...
o 2004+30=2034
o Less than 1% percent of cows in the U.S. are tested for B.S.E....
o There have been death clusters in NY and NJ... No LIVING PERSON has been diagnosed with vCJD... They wait until they are dead until they are tested... Then the tests come back "inconclusive"

Surprisingly he said "election" in quotes...

And now, Kerry has now joined the Greens and Libs in the Ohio recount suit...

It only takes one house member and one senator to object a states election. Its not over!!!

You speak too soon...

I say this jokingly,

God Bless The Federation of Northern Free and Democratic States!!!


As for news about mad cow and succession and civil war, I have enclosed the following...

Results 1 - 10 of about 32 for states succession talk election.

Results 1 - 10 of about 275 for red blue state civil war election.

Human form of mad cow disease surfaces in New York

"Nobody wants to talk to me about it."
"Although New York health officials talked to his stepmother about his father's death, officials never spoke with the other family members and the CDC has never contacted the family, Tobey said.

Exports represent about $3.8billion of America's $40 billion a year beef industry.

states succession talk election

Good post. Flu has always been the Number One killer pandemic. At the end of the First World War (1918) it killed 1 of every 4 humans on planet Earth. Mad Cow, though awful to the victim, isn't an epidemic let alone a pandemic disease.

I have to chuckle at CSM3. I don't think that you've ever kept secret that you are employed in the aerospace industry which obviously means that you also have DOD contacts. We all work somewhere. So what? I've never kept it a secret that I was a spook at one time in my life. So what? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I don't know if it's absolutely correct to classify Boomer (not Titor) as a disaffected loser in the 2000 election. Boomer cast Titor as a Libertarian who leaned heavily toward Chairman Mao. But is that true of Boomer himself?

It's possible that Boomer made a mistake in so far as staying in character when he answered the question about where it would be safe in the nuclear war.

The country folks were his side. His answer ot the question was to look at the county-by-county voting results across the nation. As was the case in 2004 (but to a marginally lesser degree) the blue areas in the 2000 map could serve as a targeting map for the Russian "hit the major cities" nuclear strike. Obviously sitting on blue isn't where someone would want to go to be safe. He was indicating that people should go to the red areas. Who were Titor's enemies? The major cities - the blue areas...Democrats and liberals.

I believe that that little out of character misque is a clue to Boomer's POV. His whole thesis was a leg pull for the liberals in Florida. I don't think that Boomer is a Democrat, Libertarian, Maoist-Leninist or a liberal. There's a better than even chance that he's a Republican from Celebration, Florida having a laugh at all the angst among the Florida Democrats of 2000.
Re: Ye Rejoice Too Soon RAINMANTIME...lol

Hi Cig,

First, you distort the record.
Heh, heh. And I am left to make the assumption that by stating this, you actually believe that you do not...?

You do not disclose you have ties to the Defense Industry
BS. My profession is clearly stated on my user profile. Beyond that, if you take my name and google it, it is quite easy to find my resume online. I am far from hiding anything about myself.

and maybe the Defense Intelligence Agency
And maybe this is your paranoid supposition, eh?

Mad Cow was an epidemic in 2036 not 2004 and vCJD has an incubation of up to 30 years...
OK then. So are you then saying that all the "evidence" about CJD that you've posted up until now that you imply proves Titor was "real" or "right" is really just your scare mongering? Am I reading this right?

And now, Kerry has now joined the Greens and Libs in the Ohio recount suit...
Well, they had all better get their butts in gear. If my memory serves me correctly, the "safe harbor" cutoff is around DEC 18th! If they start whining after that date, they are going to have to wait until 2008...unless they feel like breaking the law.

You speak too soon...
OK, I'll keep checking back on ya! But let me ask you this: What are YOU doing to make sure we don't end up in the world that Titor predicted?

Re:Subversive Rainmantime:

No' the thing is Ray, the CJD prion, is very widely spread.

There is nothing we can do, but to enjoy that steak!?

On Rainman being deceptive:

What Rainman said when he came here, is that he had no friends in Hollywood.

Now at a later date, he says that, ((((HE DOES, have friends in Hollywood.

Ray lied to conceal the fact, that he has always wanted to be a Hollywood actress, then drive his Vette into a chlorine filled swimming pool.

Ray does not work in the defense industry.

He performs miracles in the cockpits of 747-400 aircraft and this is why they call him Rainman.

One thing Rainman has not disclosed, here, is that he asked me to sit in a warm pool of water with him, which I find personally insulting to my level of intelligence.

Ray I will never submit to this type of debauchery.
This is as when your sitting in a hot tub, with a young female, you keep on making Freudian slips such as instead of asking for the butterball cookies, that she can pass to you while communally sitting within the hot tub, you ask her for the bobbing boobs instead????!!!!

It does not end there, with Rainman time. If that's really his name.

Yes I have computer created images of Ray naked, wearing a shamrock, leprecon shoes and a green bow around his neck.

Also, I will file every paper that has to be filed, if Ray runs for sheriff in Big Bear County, as Ray is not a big bear, or even a bruin!

I also have this snip[it from a hidden conversation at International House Of Pancakes and here it is, "Yes, my nose is runny, I think that I'm coming down with a cold"?
There what do you think about that!

I knew it all the time, Rainmantime secretly gets colds, at Internatial House Of Pancakes.

This does not stop here. It is intimated after very strong rumors of Benjamin Franklin not only being a phantom exabishionist running infront of his windows, but stood on his hands as well while urinating into glass jars; that Rainman does infact have some hidden knowledge, of what Benjamin Franklin did!!!!

This does not stop there and in no way do I ever feel that this culprit to Buttermilk Pancakes should ever hold office, in law enforcement.

Here is one more snippet in England, not known to Ray's knowledge and here it is, "Hmmmgh' they call that stuff Panadol, instead of aspirin"?

See' it never stops? Rainman is seditious and it is ventured to say, wears prom dresses, while practicing the Quaballah.

The next transgression will be when Ray's hidden bit part, in the new and upcoming movie, on Godzilla, when we can see Ray at his worst.

Here is a clip from the new Godzilla movie and Rainman says, "Gee I don't know how to get to Tokyo. Los Angeles is confusing enough"?

See what I mean?Rotten to the core and this agent of despicable acts, should be covered with a good tasting jam and licked to death by hungry dogs.

He is the worst detriment, to The Time Travel posting board, that is known to man.

Shame on you Raymond Time, for shame, for shame!!!
Hi Darby,

I don't know if it's absolutely correct to classify Boomer (not Titor) as a disaffected loser in the 2000 election. Boomer cast Titor as a Libertarian who leaned heavily toward Chairman Mao. But is that true of Boomer himself?
Yes, you have a good point. I don't think I would staunchly defend my characterization of Boomer as a sore loser. Yet I certainly do believe that his decision to make Titor appear on the scene, at the time that he did, was connected to the election results and hub-bub. The events around that time certainly set up wonderful conditions for such a social experiment as the Titor Project was obviously geared towards.

If nothing else, the Titor Project has made it interesting to watch world events unfold this year and next.

Why are Darby & RMT Titor\'s Most Vocal Debunkers?

Why are Darby and RMT Titor's Most Vocal Debunkers?

I find it strange that a self confessed intelligence 'spook', Darby, and another guy from the Defense industry, RainManTime, are such vocal debunkers of Titors?

Anyone reading their posts should be wary of the information they are pushing...

As America descends into a Fascist Theocracy, do not listen to their "Relax... Everything is fine... You can return to your floor and resume work..." "helpful" messages

I have always had "backup" to my claims as Darby who once stated views that Titor never claimed Mad Cow would be major epidemic - LIE

Or RainManTime stating that Titor said Mad Cow was epidemic in 2004 - LIE

I must be getting to them if they are going to single me out...

I have stated many times I DO NOT BELIEVE that Titor was a 'Time Traveller'

I believe he had knowledge of a government plan or was a remote viewer.
Re:Subversive Rainmantime:

Note to all on this board, whether they be visitors or established contributors:

The allegations put forth by the persona known as Creedo299 may, or may not, have a basis in truth. Per the rules of admissable evidence in a court of law, Creedo299 bears the burden of proof for any and all allegations he makes against the persona known as RainmanTime.

As I, Ray Hudson, am the initiator of posts attributed to the persona known as RainnmanTime, I can clearly state that there is no basis in factual evidence for the following assertations of Creedo299:

"Ray lied to conceal the fact, that he has always wanted to be a Hollywood actress, then drive his Vette into a chlorine filled swimming pool.

Ray does not work in the defense industry.

He performs miracles in the cockpits of 747-400 aircraft and this is why they call him Rainman.

One thing Rainman has not disclosed, here, is that he asked me to sit in a warm pool of water with him, which I find personally insulting to my level of intelligence."

Also, I will file every paper that has to be filed, if Ray runs for sheriff in Big Bear County, as Ray is not a big bear, or even a bruin!

In this, the persona known as Creedo299 is correct. I am an alumni of California State Polytechnic University in Pomona. As the mascot of this university is the Bronco, this means that I am more horselike than I am bearlike. While I have taken continuing education courses at the campus of UCLA, this does not permit me to claim that I am an alumni of said institution. I have never claimed to be a Bruin, nor will I ever claim to such a status. Besides, I prefer snowboarding at Mammoth Lakes, not in Big Bear! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Shame on you Raymond Time, for shame, for shame!!!

I feel and experience absolutely no shame for walking the path that I walk. I am well-schooled in both closed-loop system dynamics and how frequency response relates to said dynamics. The fact that I am seeking to teach people about this knowledge does not, in and of itself, constitute an act for which one should feel shameful.

Re: Why are Darby and RMT Titor\'s Most Voca Debunkers?

There is really no point in me addressing, or attempting to "prove wrong" anything that you have asserted in this post, CigMan. All that really remains is for me to ask the question, again, that I asked before that you have conveniently decided to not answer:

But let me ask you this: What are YOU doing to make sure we don't end up in the world that Titor predicted?

Care to answer? Are you taking any action to create a world that does not follow the path described by Titor? If you are not working to create a better world, then you are part of the problem and not part of the solution.

Re: Why are Darby and RMT Titor\'s Most Voca Debunkers?

Why are Darby and RMT Titor's Most Voca Debunkers?

Answer: Because it is quite clear that both Darby and myself are interested in empowering people to think for themselves, using scientific principles, rather than reacting to emotional predictions of gloom and doom.

I don't claim to be anywhere near as knowledgeable as Darby on many issues. He is clearly a learned man. However, in those areas that I know I am quite knowledgeable, I will share this knowledge to help others seek out the truth. Never do I demand "faith" in my message. Rather, I simply point to the evidence and ask all to come to their own, informed, conclusions.

Re: Why are Darby and RMT Titor\'s Most Voca Debunk

There is an incident on the end of the first page, where Ray is too serious.

What I'm thinking, is that other things are creeping into the programming..
Re:Subversive Rainmantime:


Note to all on this board, whether they be visitors or established contributors

Ray...it's only Daniel. If I got upset (if you're really upset
) every time he posted something "odd" about me I'd be doing nothing but posting about how upset I am with him.

He's mostly harmless. But that post the other day about dinosaurs playing croquet was a classic! Very funny (and true) stuff.
Re: Why are Darby and RMT Titor\'s Most Voca Debunkers?


Why are Darby and RMT Titor's Most Voca Debunkers?

Why, indeed. Maybe I'm the remote viewer and know everything about everyone. You know what the RV'ers say, "You can run but you can't hide."

You're a very funny man.
Re: Why are Darby and RMT Titor\'s Most Voca Debunk

J'estime que puisque Rainmantime peut être lié de façon ou d'autre avec moi, puis là est posé le problème, est là une réécriture de famille, dans raconter Rainman de ce qu'est il ? Les exemples sont, le weightlifter dans-avant d'une question d'assistances de highschool, puits qu'elle prend l'attachement pour devenir un grand weightlifter. Interviewer ; Puits prenez-vous des stéroïdes pour être le haltérophile que vous êtes ? Weightlifter;Well' ; ahhh, Iiii, oh. L'autre prise d'example:Past president;I'll une question maintenant ? Pression ; Est-il vrai que vous ayez eu (xxxxx) avec mme. Lemdiakin ? Après le président ; Ahhh-a' ; puits..... * Veuillez noter que la réécriture dans la façon dont les gens pensent, n'est pas expliqué, jusque quel effet il peut avoir sur eux. Example;The Etats-Unis est allé conquérir le Vietnam, toutefois à la place découverts des faits sociaux peu communs sur lui-même ?

Auf Darby und seiner Fähigkeit zu R.V.:Im, das auf dem Gebrauch R.V. als diese kunst traurig ist, wurde foward durch Pentagon useage gekauft. Was verstanden werden muß, ist, daß soetimes, Intuition auch inportant ist, da nicht alle Gleichungen in Mathe noch sideral Zahlen, bekannt sollen. Alles, das ist nie frei ist, gleichwohl alle, die bekannt, nicht enthalten werden können

Technical french is not Greek and german is not Japanese
Re: Why are Darby and RMT Titor\'s Most Voca Debunk

Its quite possible that JT could have been a remote viewer! But in the study of remote viewing it tells us that nothing is set in stone except the past, and that all future events are NOT set in stone but very probabilistic... Meaning that the future - if you can see it, you can do something to change it!!!

If its true that John was a remote viewer that saw the future (in his particular views) (as all remote viewers see things differently... ) I would think that he did have "personal reasons" on this forum, and one of them, (the main purpose) was in fact to change or alter unpleasant future events that he saw! His story and book may have been an attempt to "COUNTERBALANCE" the forces of negativity that are currently shaping the future. Its a clever and ulterior way of changing the assumed order of events and circumstances playing out in the world. Therefore depending on how you look at it, John may have in fact been working to create a better world and being part of the solution, instead of being part of the problem... As I feel his story is a desperate cry "in want" to change future events!

I dont think that it was Johns true intentions for us to continually dwell on and look for "meaning" connected to his story... If we do so we could be co-creating "his" future... Rather he wanted the adverse result in which to look for an ulterior motive to escape it!

So who was the man behind the saga? It has dawned on me that it could possibly be a relative of the attorney Larry Haber...

Is anyone familiar with Robert Silverberg - husband of Karen Haber - Sister of Larry Haber. He has written two familiar books: "Stochastic man" and "Dying inside"... If your not familiar with them they are about PREDICTING FUTURE EVENTS!

Have a read for yourselves... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re:Don\'t puch it, till out of atmosphere:

At one hundred thousand feet over Nevada, coming out of San Diego Airport, with Darby:

Dan in the front seat:Darby she'll do above light speed, when I punch in the hyperdrive.

Darby:I'm in your hands Dan. This demo was not what I had expected?!


Out by Jupiter.....Dan:Darby we only fazed in the hyperdive, half way.

Darby:How so, my thought it was all or nothing on this type of model?

Dan:No, this is a later model before the Empire fell and you can put in half and don't need a full hyperdrive.


On the way back Darby:Dan' I wanted to talk to you about Ray.


Darby:He's taking you too seriously and I want you to ease up on him?

Dan:It's not my doing honestly, Darb.

This has to be an operative of some sort, in order to get into my head.

Im happy here, people don't bug me.

Darby:How so?

I don't know if they knew what they were doing when they put this together, but my interaction with him, is not my fault.


Dan:He said it himself, a long time ago, which was, "The force is strong in this one"!?

Darby:You better clear this up Dan as I think he's upset?

Dan:Im sorry, he's a kid.
Maybe in some way, you know what they say, the child is supposed to have things that the parent did not have, or some crap like that?


Omitted from the story.Star Wars era variant space fighter, which was barrowed from a hyberseal chamber, from a museum on another system.

>Technical:This type of craft has a glow filament that is electric in the back of the ship.

So this ship burns water, just about, with the water only slightly different.

B.Darby getting an okay for a ride with Dan, via upper level spooks.

C.Old control locator devices on interstellar craft, being made neutral.

D.Papers signed insurance waivers.

F.An air corridor out of San Diego Country, past ADIZ and routed over Nevada.
Re:Subversive Rainmantime:

Hi Darby,

if you're really upset

I think you got the sublime nature of my post. I don't honestly get upset at Creedo's antics. He knows the real score... and he knows that I know that he knows the real score. As of late, he has been having some hallucinations (fantasies?) about him being Darth Vader. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif I won't divulge any more of this here in public, but suffice it to say it keeps me amused.
