Titor Predictions - Track Record To Date

I stand corrected on the Iraq thing.

Regarding the image... it's called a "signature". Lots of people have them. Sorry if you don't like it. It *is* however, my own original artwork, and I like it very much!

Yeah, and the US goverment knew too, they also knew about oklahoma city, but they let it happen so they could have more power.

I wouldn't be so fast to quote that as a reliable source... I'm sure this "Chimpy" person knew exactly what was going on at the other side of the country on the exact moment it happened, I know several people who 'filmed it' the best place would have been from the Liberty Science Center in Nj... gives a great view of NYC.

Don't even get me started on people like you 'Racist pro-israelie views?' let me just ask, why would you even make a statement liek that? they're not racist, they're protecting their own people from being blown up, you try living in constant fear you'll die tommorow.

No, I'm not a pedophile but if you bothered to see what ot was abouut you'd realize how deep and meaningful it is.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and I have 7 Israeli friends who work at the WTC, and were there on 9/11, 2 of them didn't get out. tell their families that 'they knew.'

if you believe anything that comes from indymedia.com you need to have your head examined. That site has zero credibility as they allow any nutjob to post a "news" story on there. Maybe ill write a story about elvis planning the attacks, and ill call it news.

My response to the more "soon to come" predictions....

Civil War Starts - 2004/5 to 2008 - Not Yet -> Laughable!

One More Pope - No Date Given - Not Yet -> The Guy looked deathly horrible in '95

100K Killed - No Date Given - Not Yet -> Laughable!

Mad Cow in US - No Date Given - 12/23/2003 -> has been an issue since the '60 - Possibly an epidemic UK issue in 95'

China in Space - No Date Given - 4th Qtr 2003 -> China became a member of the spacefaring community in 85'

NO WMD in Iraq - No Date Given - 3rd Qtr 2003 -> Titor never said this!

Gulf War II - No Date Given - 2nd Qtr 2003 -> Titor never said this!

Reduced Rights - No Date Given - 2002 To Present -> This has been an issue since WWII!

Middle East

No Arm No Legger - No Date Given - 09/11/2001 To Present -> Laughable!

Please don't put words in Titor's mouth. His cult recruits remain loyal to him without them.


If you look anything like your 'picture', I can understand your bitter petty delusionnal rantings. Amd your detailed analysis and command of the English language is 'underwhelming' to be kind...

However, it is clear you haven't read this thread or the johntitor.com website.

And I don't know how

No Arm No Legger - No Date Given - 09/11/2001 To Present -> Laughable!

is laughable... or anything else listed...

Obviously, you are unaware of the many hundreds of arms, legs, and decapited heads found on Ground Zero and the roof of the Vista hotel adjancent to the WTC

from the page John's War



You say you don't want to effect anything by giving information but you could change this worldline just by talking about the war, or anything for that matter.

Answer from 'Titor'

I don't believe that knowing a possible future makes it happen. You are capable of changing your worldline for the better right now. None of the things I have said will be a surprise. They were set in motion ten, twenty, even thirty years ago. Are you really surprised to find out that Iraq has nukes now or is that just BS to whip everyone up into accepting the next war?


One More Pope - No Date Given - Not Yet ->The Guy looked deathly horrible in '95

So what?... It has nothing to with Titor?

It is about how many popes are there between 2000-2036 and the prophecies of Saint Malachy

who also predicts one more pope after the Sun Pope - John Paul to the Glory of the Olive Pope. After 2040-2080, another pope is predicted The Great Monarch after Titors time.


no Olympics after 2004

John's World in 2036...

Are the Olympics still being played in the future? As a result of the many conflicts, no, there were no official Olympics after 2004. ...


China in Space - space

John's War...

unhappy. Does China have a manned space program between 2001 and 2036? I believe they are pretty close to putting a man in orbit. ...


New World Government

John's War

... This feeling of shame he experiences then makes him realize his responsibilities.

Is there some sort of new world government in place by 2011? ...

johntitor.com/JohnsWar.htm - 85k - Cached - Similar pages

Female President? - next president his/her power base

John's War

... or "leader" in 2005 I believe tried desperately to be the next Lincoln and hold ... The

President in 2009 was interested only in keeping his/her power base. ...



You're not another one of those who didn't see 60 Minutes report of the Isreali Intelligence filming 911 from NJ. It is was so widely covered by national, primetime and local news I didn't feel I had to spend 30 minutes on google.com for each report.

Am i stunned by how uninformed people are... Read a newspaper or watch the news once in awhile...

Just because you can post an angry tirad doesnt make you right or intelligent...

'if you believe anything that comes from indymedia.com you need to have your head examined. That site has zero credibility as they allow any nutjob to post a "news" story on there. Maybe ill write a story about elvis planning the attacks, and ill call it news.'

Shalom My Brother! :)

Mossad Be With You... lol...


Apologies accepted for the unprovoked insults. Please forgive me, my command of the English language is obviously not anywhere near yours.

"Obviously, you are unaware of the many hundreds of arms, legs, and decapited heads found on Ground Zero and the roof of the Vista hotel adjancent to the WTC"

--> The WTC was never mentioned by Titor nor was this quote in the context of an event near it.

"One More Pope - No Date Given - Not Yet ->The Guy looked deathly horrible in '95

So what?... It has nothing to with Titor?"

--> For his short term prediction purposes, it certainly does matter. Once a pope follows the current pope we'll see "Titor said they'll be one more Pope." or "See there is another Pope before the civil uprise!" or "No one could have predicted this one, PJP could have lasted another year - PROOF!!" Another one of JT's attempts at "shock and awe" as I like to call it.

"Are you really surprised to find out that Iraq has nukes now or is that just BS to whip everyone up into accepting the next war?"

--> Wa this not the question of the day back then? JT made sure this question had no true answer. Either way he would be right.

The rest of your post does little for JT. Just a rehash of his old rhetoric.

I'd much rather be blind than follow a cult in blind faith.


Apologies accepted for the unprovoked insults.

This is why you are DELUSIONAL... You mock my post calling it 'laughable' and then think you did not attack me or think I'm apologizing... :)

"Obviously, you are unaware of the many hundreds of arms, legs, and decapited heads found on Ground Zero and the roof of the Vista hotel adjancent to the WTC"

--> The WTC was never mentioned by Titor nor was this quote in the context of an event near it.

Yes. He did not mention 911. But, someone asked 'Titor' should we be concerned about the middle east? He responded Yes. The Middle East is a no arm no legger. Now, one could argue he meant the many causalities or amputees at Walter Reed Hospital from GWII due to IEDs or landmines. A growing list and I believe Oprah had a show about it today... Did you catch it? I missed it.

"One More Pope - No Date Given - Not Yet ->The Guy looked deathly horrible in '95

So what?... It has nothing to with Titor?"

--> For his short term prediction purposes, it certainly does matter. Once a pope follows the current pope we'll see "Titor said they'll be one more Pope." or "See there is another Pope before the civil uprise!" or "No one could have predicted this one, PJP could have lasted another year - PROOF!!" Another one of JT's attempts at "shock and awe" as I like to call it.

No one asked how Popes there are before the supposed upcoming Civil War? They just asked how many Popes after John Paul II???...

You're reading comprehension is lacking...

"Are you really surprised to find out that Iraq has nukes now or is that just BS to whip everyone up into accepting the next war?"

--> Wa this not the question of the day back then? JT made sure this question had no true answer. Either way he would be right.

Yes there has been analysis that the many of topics Titor spoke of were based on current events inquiries but I find the latter part of the sentence prophetic. Titor did not answer questions in real time but he gathered questions and responded to certain topics. My analysis was on the topics he CHOSE to respond to or topics appeared to casually mention...

The rest of your post does little for JT. Just a rehash of his old rhetoric.

Yes. I realize you are a BIG FAN of mine... lol... Are those eyes blue or GREEN in your Avatar

No armer and no legger could have also been references to an era.

Don't forget Chechnya, where young and inexperienced Russian teenage troops were sent in to fight against Chechnian rebels.

The Russians they caught, after captured and or killing them, they disemboweled with large swords, that they carried.

In Newsweek there were tellings of truckloads of Russian youth brought back from the front, as either heads, arms torsos arms and legs, however not necessarily attached.

They had state funerals for these young boys.

The Turkish were like this in Korea.

When they ran out of ammo, they broke out the swords and at that point, the arms legs and heads began to fly.

It got to be to the point to where the enemy would rather attack any other nationality, rather than the Turkish.

They are still like this in Turkey.

Stealing seems to be a quickly resolved problem there?

Apology accepted. Just to clarify, your posts are not laughable. I like them. You did not make those predictions. JT did.

- Given the history of the Middle East it's been a "no armer and legger" for a about a thousand years now. Las I checked there was no sign of letting up.

- The idea of another Pope has always been of large significance to the generation in which the new anointment takes place. This is why the "One more Pope" answer is used a "marker" if you consider the context in which it was spoken in.

- I love your analysis. Just be prepared for mine in response.

Trust me. We can disagree and still get along my brother. I am much more a fan of yours than of JT's! ;)

Re: Titor Predictions - mad cow

"no american has had mad cow disease"

My cousin died from the "mad cow" disease -- well over ten years ago. As stated previously, it is not checked for during autopsies so having an accurate grasp on the scope of the problem is impossible. Given her unique case, it was determined that she died from the said virus. She was an American citizen and she was killed by it. I do not wish to provide her personal information, so you can take it or leave it, but it did, in fact, occur.

Re: Titor Predictions - mad cow

Titor's claim that there will be a civil war in the United States is one which we can now evaluate, over half way through 2005. Even if the war was to occur some time in the future, say, 2015, there is simply no way such a claim is plausible.

In the early 19th century, a civil war was possible because overall two very different but similarly consistent homogeny generally existed--the North and the South. People in a geographic area generally agreed about topics. Furthermore, the people of the South and North (separately, of course) had common economic interests at stake in the issue of states rights and slavery.

These factors simply aren't the case today. Your neighbor is just as likely to disagree with you on a major issue as is someone from another side of the country. If any lines of allegiance are able to be drawn, they would most likely be drawn in the urban/rural arena. Obviously a war cannot be fought over this line. There is just no regional allegiances or even attitudes of agreement large enough to divide the nation geographically. Look at the so-called red and blue states of the last election--they were scattered remarkably consistently across the entire nation, with very little grouping of a single color.

Furthermore, any suggestion that the American people would accept a war on their own soil over anything short of foreign invasion is ludicrous. It is a general principle that societies become more advanced, their distaste for war heightens. It is largely for this reason that battles with popular support are often on the other side of the earth. There is no way that bankers and lawyers and accountants are going to abandon their comfortable lives for the battlefield.

The entire purpose of the CIA can be said to stop something like a civil war from occurring. And considering that they can be in charge of by far the most powerful force in the world and have the greatest intelligence network in the world, a group of US-based insurgents surviving to cause a civil war is highly unlikely. Granted, a group of guerilla fighters, when supported by the population, has never lost a war—but this requires extreme motivation.

Finally, all of this assumes that the US federal (and state National Guard) military will have disbanded or chosen a side. This is simply impossible--if there is any modern "unbreakable allegiance', that within the US military is it. And each member of the military is also dually loyal to his or her hometown. With the armed forces as the nation's largest employer, and its employees as the members of society who would most likely control any civil war, this is not something to be sneezed at.

There is no reason to believe any civil war will emerge, and many to believe that the conditions for which one is possible have not existed within the US for a century or more. The US Civil War could have very likely been predicted up to half a century in advance. Granted, we live in 'faster' times. Nonetheless, social change is not nearly at an appropriate speed for these factors to occur in the short future. Especially when domestic attention has and will increasingly be turned abroad, there are no issues which people care enough about anymore to get off the couch and risk their lives. It just doesn't make sense. And if the civil war claim is not true, none of this is.

Re: Titor Predictions - mad cow

Olly: I'm posting this on behalf of another TTI member;

"To me this entire Titor affair seems to be contrived media.

The reasons for this are in past exchanges in Anomalies.net, where one of the relaters of the Titor information was afforded a post there, as MOP.

This is both plagiarism as well as a type of fraternity nepotism, to where the relayer of the Titor information, had control over the view that Titor was being relayed.

In otherwords, because of these set of circumstances, the flavor of how the Titror information was told, was always tainted to a few selected views and to their control.

These people could set how people perceived the Titor debacle was being let out, not how this event was truly happening, or as it did happen.

This poster was even told, "Why are you trying to ruin everything"? in regards to pointed question about Titor, which was later reflected in suspicion by another poster, at a later date, about the Anomalies unfoldings.

The main question should belay, the facts, is that the John Titor exposs, were in all probability a tool to get people to think a certain way, rather than to extol the values of some said happenstance, that in reality, might have happened.

This is why it does not matter that a sole people could or could not have been responsible for the John Titor affair, such as Larry Haber, or others.

The important of the said John Titor affair, was that this was a device to get people to think and react a certain way, rather than truly be concerned about the values of time travel.

I may be wrong about this, however why did one of the main relayers of the Titor information as, "Why are you trying to ruin everything"?, when the facts, if they were real should have stood on their own.

There is not value to the John Titor tellings, other than it seems to instill a pan fear, about every event that might be coming humanitie's ways?

There is a telling by this person that there would be no food on store shelves, while a few of the participants of this story also have missing time.(Strange and unusual object inserted up into and into people).

There is more than meets a surface examination, dealing with Larry Haber only."

Re: Titor Predictions - Track Record - Updated

This thread is updated on Pope John Paul's death and the 100K Iraqi civilians dead... I believe the predictions have been met...



Titor's 100K dead prediction met? I think so...


Although I originally I thought he was referring to a specific bomb, chemical, biological or nuclear attack, he may have just been referring to Iraq War casualties in reviewing the original quote.

In Jan 29, 2001 John said:

"I get no pleasure out of being right when it comes to CJD disease, war in the Middle East or suffering people in far away lands. There's nothing like the look on someone's face when you tell them 100,000 people will be dead tomorrow. "

100K Iraqi Civilian Dead


UNIX BUG - 2038

New Constitution - 2020

NWO Killed - 2020

Russian Strike - 2015

Untold Events - 2012

New World Gov - 2011

Female President? - 2009

Full Civil War - 2008

Last Olympics - 2004 until 2040

Civil War Starts - 2004/5 to 2008 - Not Yet

One More Pope - No Date Given - 4/2005 - Updated

100K Killed - No Date Given - 11/01/2004 - Updated

Mad Cow in US - No Date Given - 12/23/2003

China in Space - No Date Given - 4th Qtr 2003

NO WMD in Iraq - No Date Given - 3rd Qtr 2003

Gulf War II - No Date Given - 2nd Qtr 2003

Reduced Rights - No Date Given - 2002 To Present

Middle East

No Arm No Legger - No Date Given - 09/11/2001 To Present

Original Thread


SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Cigarette Smoking Is Hazardous To Your Health

Re: Titor Predictions - Track Record - Updated

This thread is updated on Pope John Paul's death and the 100K Iraqi civilians dead... I believe the predictions have been met...
Now I REALLY must object, CigMan. You are stretching Titor's "predictions" well beyond the boundary of acceptable interpretation. Why do you feel the need to be such a fear monger?1) Titor did NOT predict the Pope's death (although as bad has his health was, it would not take a Nostradamus to predict it). Rather, as your list item relates, he was indicating only one more Pope. You simply cannot claim his "prediction" was met until such time as the papacy is discontinued. Sorry, but I must ask you to remove the lies and stretched interpretation from your little list. :) You are allowing the politics of wanting to prove you are right to cloud your judgment.
2) As had been put forth by many people, not the least of which is Darby, the 100K dead was not even a specific prediction, and as you note, no date was given. You have now, summarily, on your own no less, decided that his prediction actually meant 100K dead Iraqis....and after the fact! This is worse than the after-the-fact Nostradamus interpretations one sees all over the place. So who made you the ultimate authority on what Titor meant by his vague "predictions" (which I would refer to more as "suggestions").

You have a Titor fetish that is more chronic than my fetish for brunette women with blue eyes! (And let me tell you, this is a pretty serious fetish with me) :p


Re: Titor Predictions - Track Record - Updated

You have a Titor fetish that is more chronic than my fetish for brunette women with blue eyes! (And let me tell you, this is a pretty serious fetish with me)


Re: Titor Predictions - Track Record - Updated

Yes, Creedo? You've got some comment about my fetish?

You've commented on everything else about me, you might as well not let this one stand! :)


Re: Titor Predictions - Track Record - Updated

No Rain, at this point I think I need my mommy.

The controls for this thread, were that you liked blonds before.

So going for the brunettes, must be your alterego?

You really are a frightening sort of person.

Have you tried a teddybear, or group sessions where you hold warm cuddly types of things?

You should.I mean you really need to.
