titor derailed

wow, it just hit me. i feel like a total tard. i couldve done this much easier. the vehicles are how he will be found.

if someone can somehow do a search for the two vehicles. if larry owned those models, its the nail in the coffin. for some reason, i'd be willing to bet larry drives a corvette too.

for anyone willing to do the search, i'll help weed some places out. the location was the southeast, midwest, or california. these are the places that older model trucks, and trucks in general are mostly found. i would guesstimate the truck to be a 85-87 chevy silverado OR a chevy scottsdale swb.(scottsdale swb trucks are very rare) and i would guesstimate the corvette to be a 67-69 corvette stingray. i would also consider doing a search on larry's relatives and neighbors. i have no idea what the legality of any of this is.

i do know titor gave us the evidence we need to find this for some weird reason. now we know what the vehicle insurance registration was for.

its been a while since ive done any digging on titor, i think i'll cure my boredom tonight. ive just got this feeling that larry is a corvette enthusiast. time for google! woot!
Digital Media Alliance Florida (DMAF) is a non-profit association of companies and professionals from the digital and interactive media, entertainment, arts, animation, effects and simulation communities working together to develop, grow and promote the digital media and interactive entertainment industry (the “Industry”) throughout the State of Florida.

Founding Members (in the order they joined):
Aisling Multimedia (Jamie Flanagan); Strategic Services Int'l Inc.(SSII) ( Jud French, Founding Board Member), MultiChannel Ventures (Michael Gerrity, Founding Board Member), Space Imaging, William Boehm (VCC), John T. Nelson (UCF), Transit Television Network (Jeff Jensen, Founding Board Member), Engineering & Computer Simulations (ECS) (Waymon Armstrong), Silent Planet (Cary Siegel), I.T.Products, Law Offices of Larry Haber, Brandon Haber , Kirstie Chadwick (Digital Owl), The DAVE School (Jeff Scheetz), Full Sail Real World Education (Institutional)(Linda Thornton), Adrienne Engell (UCF), Anthony Silva (VCC), Sara Segal (UCF), Greg Honick (UCF), Jason Pecararo (UCF), Leisa Rassmussen (Consultant, Devoted Volunteer), Seminole Community College (Institutional)(Benjamin Taylor) , David T. Bain (Disney i.d.e.a.s.), Design Video (Russ Norden), eMerge Media (Helen Keeling-Neal), Amy Porter (FMU), Alex J. Katsaros (UCF, Devoted Volunteer), Allied Vaughn, Metro Orlando EDC (Institutional), Spectralight Images (Steven Schain), Orlando Tech (Alan Lynch), Steven Shea (UCF), Adam ArNali (UCF), Silvia Lopez (VoTech), Leslie McDaniel (FSU), Elite Digital Video, Planet Digital (David Beatriz), Todd Beals (Consultant), UCF School of Film and Digital Media (Mike Moshell) and Omni World Productions.

related domains:

well, looks like its time to bring out my guns folks. its checkmate time...

pamela moore is a fake name. the last time i talked to pamela through email, she told me. she has been in on it since day one.

darby has been in on it from day one and has been trying to get out ever since. raul holds something over his head and he cannot discuss anything about it. darby did not tell me this, i found it out on my own.

considering darby has already proven that raul knew brandon haber BEFORE the titor story, and now we find out that raul owns a internet entertainment writers association, the corruption is now a fact.

the titor experiment has now concluded.
i am.

though it looks like not many care anymore. i might just keep it to myself.

its good to finally know titors name.

Ahh, I have the secret to everlasting life. But I might just keep it to myself.

It does feel good to be able to live forever now.
<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="http://www.timetravelinstitute.com/ttiforum/dopoll.php"><INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="pollname" VALUE="1241173767ruthless">

do you want to know john titor's name?
<input type="radio" name="option" value="1" />yes, the time is now!
<input type="radio" name="option" value="2" />meh, sure.
<input type="radio" name="option" value="3" />nah, not really interested.
<input type="radio" name="option" value="4" />what?! titor is a legend. leave him alone!
<input type="radio" name="option" value="5" />i am undecided
<input type="radio" name="option" value="6" />i am titor!!!
<input type="radio" name="option" value="7" />chicken, yummm....
<INPUT TYPE=Submit NAME=Submit VALUE="Submit vote" class="buttons"></form>
Jonathan Haber
Southwest Elementary School
Lakeland, FL

Class of 1990


Jonathan Haber has spent the past five years leading media agencies into the future. At Initiative, he was charged with integrating creative media and technology into the planning process. In this role, he often gave Initiative clients a first look at marketing applications of technologies that hadn't yet been used commercially. He played a key role in winning new business from CBS, Showtime, Lionsgate, Cadbury Schweppes and Hyundai/Kia.

In June, he was tapped by omd to lead Ignition, its über-sexy innovation unit. His focus: developing creative ideas, new media consulting, and marketing and promotional ideas to help any and all OMD clients.

Says OMD North American CEO Page Thompson, "Ignition is the right word. He's truly an idea factory." Haber tempers his creative fire with masterful diplomacy. Because Haber and Ignition act as consultants to OMD client teams, he needs to prove the value he can bring without ruffling feathers. "People like him when he walks in," Thompson says, "and when he opens his mouth, they say, 'Wow.'"

{sniffle-sniffle}... Aaaa-CHOO! :D

Sorry, ruthless. I don't mean to denigrate your conclusion. But I, personally, don't care which hoaxer was behind Titor. To me it is just like the swine flu..Much ado about nuttin. But I am hoping the Darbster will chime in on your conclusion.
