titor derailed


Rift Surfer
first off, i would like to talk about cypher. cypher stated that through a program he created, he came to the conclusion that titor was javier cortez. pamela moore and darby came on and said that there was no possible way cortez was titor. this made me very suspicious, as from what i could tell, darby and pamela never liked him. then i thought about the fact that darby claims to know who titor was, but cannot divulge that info because he was a moderator, and that would be breaking privacy policies. then i started to think, "how can javier have so many similarities with titor?" the conclusion i came to was that javier was not titor, but he personally knew titor, and titor "rubbed off on him" so to speak. in psychology, you find out that when 2 people from opposite sides of the world come together, in 6 months time they have picked up alot of the other persons traits. when you move from the north to the south your accent starts to change, and when you go back north, everyone calls you country. so my conclusion was that he either personally, or online knew who titor was. so who could titor be? of all the suspects, who is closest to javier's age? drumroll please... brandon haber. it is my assumption that 6 months prior to the art bell faxes, javier and brandon were bored, and wanted to make their mark in the world, so they devised the whole story. it is known that haber has a relative who has a phd, and another relative who lives in the san fransisco area who is a sci-fi writer, not to mention his dad, the mega-lawyer. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif when you find out this, the lines start to come together. his phd relative wrote him a theory on time travel, he just deciphered what he could from it, and posted it the best he could in laymans terms. next thing i asked was, "how did they make the machine, photographs, etc.?" and thats where his father comes in. i believe that brandon haber came to his father wanting to progress the story a little past the art bell faxes. brandon showed his father what he had,his father saw the potential of the story. that is where the time machine and various other "props" came from. i am more than certain that disney has some type of engineers that could easily make a believable looking tt machine. that would also explain the time gap between the art bell faxes, and the time he started posting on forums. by this time, brandons father had pretty much taken over the story and was in the midst of making a long term marketing campaign. if the video of titors departure ever comes out, then that will more than certainly prove that fact. its all psychology and part of the overall disney experience. "make people think its real, then make em think its fake, then let them ponder on it while the story grows cold. then blammo! drop the vid on the net and blow everyones mind. tell me, do you believe in magic? disney has always tried to get children to believe in magic, fairy tales, whatever you like to call it. dont belive me? you want me to expose more? then i implore you to investigate what brandon line of work is nowadays. and i implore you to check out the tti.com/disney connection.there was 2 people involved in this story, (knowingly or not) but i will not speak about them because i am still uncertain where their position lies in the story. if anyone is able to disprove my theory, i would be more than happy to see it.

p.s. lets see how long this story stays on tti, if the post gets deleted by a mod, well then, you know... if it doesent, theres 1 of 2 reasons. 1. i am wrong 2.they cant delete it because it would link themselves. man ya gotta love psychology, science of the mind! :D

brandon haber. it is my assumption that 6 months prior to the art bell faxes, javier and brandon were bored, and wanted to make their mark in the world, so they devised the whole story.

An interesting post. Even Larry Haber, Brandon's father, recently said that it would not surprise him that Titor was Brandon.

There is one problem that has to be addressed, however. In 1998, when the faxes appeared, Brandon was only 10 years old. It's not likely that a 10 year old Brandon Haber, in New York, would have had an a relationship with a 19-20 yr old Javier in Los Angeles County. That's an issue that can't be ignored and I have no answer to it. I can say that Brandon has told me recently that he is not Titor and he doesn't know who Titor is. He also said that his father hasn't divulged any information to him about who Titor is or who his client is (the person "behind" the John Titor Foundation).

It would be a rather disgruntling development for the Believers, who also tend to be anti-Republican and rabidly anti-Bush, to discover that Brandon is in fact Boomer-Titor. He appears to be a rather conservative Republican. I could be wrong but he has been politically active during his college years and his political missives have been rather pro-conservative pro-Republican.

Your next step would be to discover just who owned the AOL email handle [email protected], the email address that Titor used to register on Art Bell's site. It wasn't Brandon's address nor was it Javier's address and it wasn't associated with anyone who ever posted as far as I have been able to determine. I can't go into the details, but at least one researcher has been able to determine a lot about that account.
very interesting post darby.

well, from everything ive read, brandon is a genius. and as far as i'm concerned,(and yes, i do know how this sounds) the story is consistent with what a 10 year old genius could do. if i tried really hard, and had the rescources he did at that age, i couldve come close. as far as the email address is concerned, i already knew about that, but thanks for that little tidbit of "extra" info you added. makes things clearer. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

tell me, do you happen to know the date of tti.com's regristration? just wondering, as i'm only about 80% done with my little investigation. (lol!)

another thing i was thinking about earlier, i have spent almost a year investigating this titor story. usually, i bust folks in a day or two. it just amazes me how smart these folks were. i really have to hand it to em.
tell me, do you happen to know the date of tti.com's regristration?


I'm not sure what you mean here. If you're asking about when Time Travel Institute first appeared online I thik that it was in 1997 or thereabouts. The old site was moved here from Xone in Feb or March (?) 2000. The posts from the old forum didn't make the transition.

If you're asking when Titor (TTO) registered I'm not sure. When he first started posting here we weren't required to register in order to post. I believe that he posted for a while unregistered. I posted here for several months before I registered.


It's possible that a 10 year old could put together the Titor faxes.


Dear Art ,
I had to fax when I heard other time travelers calling in from any time past
the year 2500 AD.

Please let me explain....

Time travel was invented in 2034. Off shoots of certain successful fusion reactor research allowed scientists at CERN to produce the worlds first contained singularity engine.

The basic design involves rotating singularities inside a magnetic field.
By altering the speed and direction of rotation you can travel both forward and backward in time.

Time itself can be understood in terms of connected lines. When you go back in time you travel on your original time line when you turn the singularity engine off a new time line is created due to the fact that you and your time machine are now there.

In other words a new universe is created. To get back to your original line you must travel a split second farther back and immediately throw the engine into forward without turning it off.

Some interesting outcomes of this are:

You meet yourself I have done it often even taken a younger version of myself along for a few rides before returning myself to the new timeline and going back to mine.

You can alter history in the new universe that you have just created. Most of the time the changes are subtle. The oldest one was a sky scraper that doesn't exist in New York .
Interestingly when you travel in time you must compensate for the orbit of the Earth since the time machine doesn't move you have to adjust the engine so you remain on the planet when you turn it off.

Now for the future you might want to know about. Y2K is a disaster. Many people die on the highways when they freeze to death trying to get to warmer weather. The government tries to keep power by instituting marshal law but all of it collapses when their efforts to bring the power back up fail.

A few years later a communal government system is developed after the constitution takes a few twists.

China retakes Taiwan, Israel wins the largest battle for their life and Russia is covered in nuclear snow from their collapsed reactors.


Dear Mr. Bell I am glad you 're back. I faxed this information to you the day before you left the air. I wanted to make sure it wasn't lost in the shuffle so I am sending a gift.
If you've already seen this please accept my apologies if you choose to make this public please do not publish the fax number. I had to fax when I heard the other time traveler calling in from the recent time past in fact the year 2500 AD.

Let me explain...

Mr. Bell I sent a fax with this opening on July 29 1998. As I said then I am a time traveler. I have been on this world line since April of this year and I plan to leave soon. Typically time travelers do not purposely affect the world lines they visit. However this mission is unusually long and I've grown attached to some of the people I have met here.
Anyway for my own reasons I have decided to help this world line by sharing information about the future with a few people in the hope that it will help their future. I am contacting you for the same reason. Unfortunately there is no historical reference to your program in my world line.

I believe you can change your future by creating one now. Some of the information presented on your program maybe invaluable to upline researchers. I suggest you isolate the programs that concentrate on military technology and new physics theories. Transcribe these programs and put them someplace safe away from the box. I recommend someplace in the mid west. I also urge you to reconsider your paranoia toward the Russians They are not preparing for war with the average US citizen. They are preparing for war with the US government. They will eventually save this country and the lives of
million of Americans.

I realize my claims are a bit difficult to accept so I will send the following once I know you have received this fax. A few pages from the operations manual of my time machine. And a few colored photographs of my vehicle.

But the above doesn't read as if a 10 year old, even a brilliant 10 year old, wrote it. The language is just too rich.

AS an aside I still get a giggle out of his quip, "I also urge you to reconsider your paranoia to the Russians. They are not preparing for war with the average US citizen. They are preparing for war with the US government. They will eventually save this country and the lives of million of Americans."

Old Mr. Hydrogen Bomb doesn't know "the government" from your grandmother and just how nuking a couple hundred million US citizens into glowing ash saves millions of lives is a bit of a stretch. With friends like that who needs enemies?

It's tidbits like that that have led me to believe that Group Titor was pulling Art Bell's fan's collective legs and later The Believers' legs here. No one even bothered to question that statement not even Art Bell. When he read the fax he didn't question it other than to say he wasn't paranoid about the Russians.
"But the above doesn't read as if a 10 year old, even a brilliant 10 year old, wrote it. The language is just too rich."

the language isnt to rich to me. the art bell faxes remind me of the layout of 411 scam letters, and 411 scam letters are written mostly by south africans with a very minimal knowledge of the english language.

"An interesting post. Even Larry Haber, Brandon's father, recently said that it would not surprise him that Titor was Brandon."

im sure larry realized his son was 10 at the time, and it sill would not surprise him? i think that speaks for volumes.

Hang in there.

Re. Brandon...

You need to do some hypothesis testing if you're going to follow the lead and assume that the faxes were written by a 10 year old Brandon Haber.

You can find exemplars of his writing as a teenager and as an adult on the Internet. So you have a baseline (the faxes - your control group) and an experimental group - other writings that came after the faxes. Google Brandon Haber and Malderi (his old gamer handle). You'll find enough material. He even posted as Malderi on Anomalies for a short while.

His later writing when he's aged 16-20 should be more mature than his 10 year old style - which I have to tell you is written at the college graduate level WRT richness, syntax, vocabulary, etc.

But let's also keep in mind that Brandon is now a young adult, about to graduate from college.

We don't want to stir up the Internet chuckleheads and have them stalking him. He's only jumped into the fray once, just before he started college otherwise he's stayed away from the TItor Saga. Just keep that in mind, please.

Here's another clue about Brandon-Titor:

Consider the content of the story aside from time travel. It was written from the perspective of a rather violent revolutionary. Now consider what Brandon has been doing researchwise for the past two years and who he did the research for. What kind of background and security clearance would he have to obtain and could he successfully hide the fact that he was Boomer-Titor from the DoD background investigators?
"We don't want to stir up the Internet chuckleheads and have them stalking him. He's only jumped into the fray once, just before he started college otherwise he's stayed away from the TItor Saga. Just keep that in mind, please."

that would not be my intentions. my intentions were to prove how it realisticly couldve been a hoax. i mean, wich story would you believe in? it was a 10 year old genius? or it was a time traveler? i think ive proven my case with more facts than he did. but im not done yet... :D

i'll never post any personal information on anyone involved, other than their usernames or real names. im in no way trying to get anyone in trouble. im just trying to get to the bottom of it. its about time, dont ya think?

I have no doubts about your intentions and ethics in this. I'm sure that you will use proper discretion. Thanks.

There are a couple of alternatives to consider regards the faxes.

<ul type="square"> [*]The faxes were written by Boomer alone whomever Boomer is. [*]The faxes were written by someone other than Boomer. Boomer is an Art Bell fan, remembered the faxes, got a transcript of the show (as Pamela and I did) and picked up the story in 2000 [/list]

If the case is #2 then you don't have to worry about whether a 10 year old wrote the faxes. It would then be a more reasonable conclusion that Brandon and friends were responsible for the posts.

So far I have no reason to believe that anyone other than Boomer wrote the faxes. But there is ~2 1/2 year gap between the faxes and the posts and #2 could be possible.

I did some author identification analysis on the posts and faxes back in 2003 and as I recall the conclusion was that Brandon didn't write either the faxes or posts. The conclusion was well outside the margin of error. There was a rather strong correlation between Boomer and Buzzmaker. That one was also well outside the margin of error. Buzzmaker came on to Anomalies to discuss "The Radio Program" because he said that he was the writer-producer of the radio program as well as being a friend of Larry Haber's. We never identified Buzzmaker. Brandon also made a few posts at that time. I did the same analysis on Brandon-Buzzmaker as a cross check and the result was that Brandon was not Buzzmaker.
"I did some author identification analysis on the posts and faxes back in 2003 and as I recall the conclusion was that Brandon didn't write either the faxes or posts. The conclusion was well outside the margin of error. There was a rather strong correlation between Boomer and Buzzmaker. That one was also well outside the margin of error. Buzzmaker came on to Anomalies to discuss "The Radio Program" because he said that he was the writer-producer of the radio program as well as being a friend of Larry Haber's. We never identified Buzzmaker. Brandon also made a few posts at that time. I did the same analysis on Brandon-Buzzmaker as a cross check and the result was that Brandon was not Buzzmaker."

or that he knew ways to throw people off. you know theres some folks in this world that can actually become a character so good, that they "become" that character.
from brandon haber, scource:

"Ah, hello everyone. I'm the USA person that posted over at the SomethingAwful forums about these pictures. I used my @usa-spaceops.com address to confirm this new account, so if you feel it necessary, a moderator can come in and confirm that my validated e-mail address originates from USA. Beyond that, I work in Flight Software at the 600 Gemini building at USA, so if there are any close-by USA people that would like to confirm my identity, I'd be happy to let them buy lunch at the cafeteria and show them my badge. :-)

I received those two pictures from a departmental e-mail, saying they were taken from ISS. While it's possible they're from a chase plane (and if ya'll think it is, I'm inclined to doubt myself), I doubt it. Take a look at the altitude in those two shots, versus the altitude in this shot, taken from an F-15 patrol plane from the Florida Air National Guard during the STS-114 (Discovery) launch last year.

I do not know the exact altitude that these F-15s patrol at, although I will find out tomorrow, as an uncle of mine is a pilot in the FANG who got me that one (although he did not take it himself.) However, take a look at the size of the smoke plume on the ground, versus the size of the rocket plume at the top. That F-15 is patrolling at a *minimum* of 20,000 feet, and it's probably closer to 30,000-35,000. Then look back at the original two shots, supposedly taken from ISS. Look at the size of the smoke plume and the rocket plume. It was taken from much, much further away. You can look at the cloud sizes for comparison, as well. Also, the first shot is taken from quite a distance; I'm not too familiar with the procedures, but as far as I know, the chase plane exists to take pictures of foam loss. Judging by the window in the way, the first picture was taken with no zoom. I honestly doubt that a plane could take any meaningful pictures from that distance, short of carrying the Hubble Space Telescope on its back.

With that said, I'm open to the possibility it wasn't ISS, but, given the evidence I present above, I find it highly unlikely."

uncle who's a pilot... wow. all i can say is w-o-w...
There are a few key things to remember. One Titor was never the author of the 98 faxes. Pamela clued me in on this and how they were altered to make it seem such was so at a later time. In other words the link between the Faxes and Titor is a con. Kinda like Cris McCarthy.

Two, weather or not anyone is willing to accept it Larry Cluck is connected. Many have remarked that the Poem name is mere coincidence. The numbers against that are about the same as finding a needle in a haystack.

I still think the thing, if it is hoax, would be the work of Hawking and son. Hawkings son does live in Tampa and the age range with Brandon is not so far of and that maybe the connection there.
posted by malderi. scource: http://www.quartertothree.com/game-talk/archive/index.php?t-10800.html

"Since my dad is semi-technical illiterate (he knows how to use stuff but not how to fix it) I recently had to re-enable his 'net connection. The problem? A new AOL service called Port Magic that is installed trough AOL 9.0. Nothing I did could fix it; no pings could get in or out. I uninstalled Port Magic and everything worked perfectly."

so his dad runs aol...
[email protected]... interesting indeed when you add this little tidbit from rick:

(in speaking about buzzmaker)
My father said that he probably isn\'t the one that did the radio show, because he wasn\'t connected to that project in any way.

How did he get involved with it then? How did his email address end up being the same, and associated with the book, the foundation, your father (his words), the audio clip/program? He is connected. No doubt about it.
first off, i will now refer to the titor saga as the titor experiment.

secondly, i have way more than enough evidence to prove my case that it was brandon. but! there is only one other possibility that it was anyone but brandon....

if the maker of the titor hoax was not brandon, then brandon was his fall-back plan. in other words, he wouldve had to have planted a friggin ton of evidence, and that would also mean that group titor has one heck of a membership.

if it is the latter, that would mean that this person is beyond the normal level of smart to predict all of our moves. so i find it to be brandon. he had help from many a scources i know, but it was him that started it.

uncle who's a pilot... wow. all i can say is w-o-w...

Then you'd want an even bigger "wow".

His maternal grandfather was the Commander of the FANG (Florida Air National Guard) at one time. We had that info in April of 2004. His name...errr...

Major General Emmett Titshaw, Jr.

And, yes, we also noticed the similarity between "Titor" and "Titshaw".

I still don't think that Brandon is Titor but I do feel obligated to get this information to you (its burried on Anomalies but you can find the thread at http://communities.anomalies.net/forum/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/28328/fpart/1 ).

LNO (Late Night Owl) did some very good work for us at Anomalies.

I don't want to push the envelope with this name. The general has nothing to do with the Titor saga other than it's a possibility that Boomer, if he's connected to the Haber family, used a permutation of the name to come up with the handle. That much being said, we don't want to get into any national security issues by crossing the line here if you know what I mean. The general is one of the good guys.
thanks for all your help when i was doing this darby. you really helped me alot, and helped me to acknowledge lines that should not be crossed. i appreciate it alot.