Titor as a boy?


And to address "time stopping" in particular, you have to think in terms of whether or not time itself is quantifiable. So far we have no reason to believe that time itself is qunatifiable, meaning that it doesn't come in discrete packets as does mass/energy in the quantum sense. If it doesn't come in quantifiable packets then saying that something happens at the spacetime locus of some particle (of mass - not photons) at time X and space Y is meaningless.

We do know that the speed of light is the bound that seperates time from space in the spacetime continuum. At velocities above the speed of light, according to GR, space and time switch axes. We can't say precisely what occurs at the speed of light other than what the regression from above and below "c" states. Again, you have to do the math. In straight "arithmetic" division by zero is undefined. In calculus it is not undefined. It is a left-right convergence that has a precise value. In this case time stops and space become infinite. A photon occupies the entirety of spacetime from the perspective of "riding" on its back. That's the meaning of "time stops" at "c". It's entirely expressed in a light cone along the 45 degree axes.

Of course I have to again reiterate that math is not physics. Physics is the paradigm. Math is the language used to express the paradigm. Physicists have to have the common sense to evaluate whether the math is expressing a reality or if it is simply expressing a possible value that considers "what if" the world was as the math suggests. If the real world is different then the math is just expressing a reality that doesn'rt exist locally (or anywhere else, for that matter). But the math is the language that we use. So far the math of General Relativity does express the reality of the world that we live in.
Twi, Doesn't matter how many .9's you use, you are still way off. And how can you assume there is an end of the universe? Maybe that's where standard relativity gets lost. In order to understand the fourth dimension and how it works, you need to be able to comprehend the 5th dimension. I know I've written a little about this in the past, so I don't want to repeat it, but the reality still exists that you are missing the big picture of how time works. I don;t mean to be crass, but rather want you to open up and assume for just a moment that what I have said is true. Sleep o the thought that there is no beginning or end to time and that when viewed as a single entity, can take on many shapes.

The reason I said "Its an illusion" is because I have seen things which defies all laws of physics and even defies any understanding that I think of regarding mathematics.

On several occasions I have seen unidentified flying objects going around, doing things which is impossible for any airplane, bird and any vehicles to do. This is the main reason why I dispute that 'scientific fact' that time slows down or stops at the speed of light.

Now don't get me wrong, there are things like that which are seen by thousands if not millions of people. I believe that if it is definitely proven that time does indeed come to a halt at the speed of light, then these things that I see occasionally, must be figments of imagination or hallucinations and is virtually impossible-

Once you see these things for yourself, with your own eyes, it will probably make you reconsider your position of statement in current mathematics ---like it did to me---

To be honest- at first sight of these things, I felt like a caveman, just like those poor guys back 2000 years ago trying to explain what that silver thing in the sky was all about or how the sun functioned. It's that apparent to me, technology that we know it as today, we still do not understand that kind of technology "which defies all physics". Heck, I am not even sure if it could be called 'technology'-

I am quite sure that sometimes in the future, a new form of physics comprehension will appear and the old forms of physics comprehension will be discarded. That is much as I can say because its mostly relied upon obtaining such evidence of new knowledge-
The reason I said "Its an illusion" is because I have seen things which defies all laws of physics and even defies any understanding that I think of regarding mathematics.

But the question then becomes: What is your level of understanding of physics and the mathematics that describes physics? Your means for coming to this conclusion is simply flawed.

I believe that if it is definitely proven that time does indeed come to a halt at the speed of light, then these things that I see occasionally, must be figments of imagination or hallucinations and is virtually impossible-

...or another alternative: You do not possess enough knowledge about what you are seeing and plausible scientific explanations. It does not HAVE to be the hallucinations/impossible conclusion. For example, are you aware of atmospheric plasmas? Do you know the physics that describe them?

I am quite sure that sometimes in the future, a new form of physics comprehension will appear and the old forms of physics comprehension will be discarded.

That could very well be...depends on what you specifically mean by "new form of physics". As we always point out here, physics builds on the past. Past theories are merely limiting cases of new theories. That is exactly the relationship between Relativistic physics and Newtonian physics.

I guarantee you that whatever it is you are seeing can be explained, especially if there was more than just fallible human sightings as data (which are subject to the limitations of human vision and the environment this vision takes place in). What I mean by this can be best explained by example: The time constant of human vision is no faster than 1/30th of a second. The physics of the human eye do not allow frequency distinction any faster than that. This is precisely why celluloid movie frames, when projected at the right speed, cannot be distinguished from live motion...and of course the same explanation applies to 30 Hz (and faster) television as well.

In other words: It is very distinctly likely that what you describe you saw is quite different than what actually was going on. People who don't understand the technology of our senses don't even bother to understand that they are severely limited, and as such they can lie to us quite easily.

So I would suggest you open your mind and not jump to conclusions based soley on what you think you saw.

oh- and-

I better not dare to say that Time Travel is impossible. When I see these things zig zagging all over the place, defying all known laws of physics, who would say that time travel is impossible then? -

I think its a matter of perception for each individual- including such realities that you create for yourselves.


Very true.. I think we are all limited in such knowledge of physics. I feel quite limited- because I have not studied much of it. I lost all motivation during my college years and know it deep inside my heart, that everything we have been taught, could be a lie.

It is of a common sense that when these things occur, it is our responsibility to at least try to explain the phenomenon.
I think we are all limited in such knowledge of physics. I feel quite limited- because I have not studied much of it. I lost all motivation during my college years and know it deep inside my heart, that everything we have been taught, could be a lie.

I sort of figured as much, and that is by no means an attempt to insult you. I'm an engineering prof, and so I see it a lot in both my engineering practice, but most often in students who think they know, but are still learning.

The most important form of rational thought that a solid grounding in a science education can provide for you is the understanding that your senses can and do lie to you all the time. One of the most ignorant phrases you will hear from many people (some who may have been trained in some form of science, but clearly did not learn the important lesson) is: "I know what I saw and you can't convince me I didn't see it." That is the epitome of closed-mindedness, with the primary reason being that, no, it is extremeley likely you DO NOT REALLY KNOW WHAT YOU SAW. This is again based on the knowledge that our human senses are very limited in bandwidth. And when you attempt to sense something that is outside your bandwidth, your senses will, in fact, lie to you. In sampling theory it is called "aliasing".

It is of a common sense that when these things occur, it is our responsibility to at least try to explain the phenomenon.

Of couse, you are correct. But the rubber meets the road when someone decides how to go about trying to explain it. Jumping to conclusions is never a good idea because of the reasons sited above. And while knee-jerk reactions and relying on your intuition has been shown to be very good in situations where split-second decisionmaking is necesary, that is typically not the case when you are trying to analytically understand something you think you saw.

I respect the "UFO believers" who endeavor to repeat their sightings and at the same time prepare themselves with devices that will provide multi-spectral ability to record data... rather than simply jumping to conclusions about "knowing what they saw."

You can NEVER be over-trained in the sciences. Good luck to you in that quest!
On several occasions I have seen unidentified flying objects going around, doing things which is impossible for any airplane, bird and any vehicles to do. This is the main reason why I dispute that 'scientific fact' that time slows down or stops at the speed of light.

I really don't see how you infer one from the other.

As for time stopping at the speed of light, I'm affraid I have to tell you that has already been scientifically proven !

In fact....every time you make use of a satelite communications link, you make use of something that would not be possible without the very equations ( of relativity ) that say time stops at the speed of light.

Most people are blissfully unaware that relativity is used in everyday life. You don't need to travel to the nearest star to make use of it. The comms satelites, GPS satellites, etc that whizz around the Earth at 17500 miles per hour are all subject to relativistic influences.

GPS in particular. At 17500 mph there is a small but noticeable time dilation for the satellite. It's time relative to Earth time runs slower. Fractions of a second....but hey, when you're doing 5 miles a second and you want to give a ground reading to within 1 meter...it's a crucial discrepancy !

And guess what ? Those satellites are programmed to adjust their clocks according to Einstein's equations. That is how one gets an accurate reading. So no.....Einstein's theory is NOT just a theory....not just a piece of paper in some dusty archive........it is actually USED thousands of times a second by business, motorists, police, you name it. I cannot think of a better demonstration that Einstein was correct !

The exact same equations that describe the time dilation for satellites also quite clearly arrive at the fact that time stops at the speed of light. It is merely an extention of the same formula.
When I see these things zig zagging all over the place, defying all known laws of physics, who would say that time travel is impossible then?...

I lost all motivation during my college years and know it deep inside my heart, that everything we have been taught, could be a lie.

There's a big part of your problem. On the one hand you refer to what you may have learned and use that knowledge to justify a statement that something is odd because it "defys all known laws of physics". Then in your next post you suggest that everything that you've been taught might be a lie.

It's a dishonest argument to both use the laws to justify a position and then suggest that all laws of science are lies. The word lie is a pretty strong accusation and obviously needs a boatload of supporiting evidence. It sounds pretty cranky otherwise.

I think that one rule of science in general that you failed to learn was the definition of a theory in that realm. In the sense that you seem to understand the definition, a scientific theory is "just one man/woman's opinion". Of course, that's not at all what it means in science. A hypothesis in science might be considered to be an educated opinion because at the point that it is put forward there has been no extensive experimental verification. Only after experimental verification has been attained is the hypothesis converted to a theory. For the theory itself to be accepted it has to gain considerable acceptance within the scientific community. Peer review and publication in a scientific journal is how that is accomplished.

Admittedly, in theoretical physics experimental verification might be in the form of a gedankenexperiment. But that's the nature of theoretical physics. Those physicists pass their theoretical studies along to experimental physicists. Special relativity was put forward in 1905 and General Relativity in 1915. By 1921 the experimentalists had proven through physical experiments that both theories were correct (it would have happened sooner but there was a thing called WWI that got in the way).

Your statement that you saw events that violated all known laws of physics is just one person's opinion, the sort of situation that you incorrectly classify as a theory. What known law(s) of physics were violated, how did you determine that they were violated and what alternative explanations can you put forward that could describe the situation where the laws were not violated?
Ok COOL!- If it was really scientifically proven.. that time does stop at the speed of light...

Then.. time travel really is possible!!! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif right?

hey look at me, I have low IQ here, don't blame me for not being 'smart' like the rest of you

I really think I do have an IQ of 100 or less. hmm..
Yea Darby- you're probably right. I aint too smart for the likes of you

But.. I think maybe there's something going on here. I had this thought when I was reading your post..I have been thinking this.

I wonder.. really wonder.. that maybe our brain waves or something in the brain is effected by the intelligence level that 'would allow' a person like me to see "things in the sky" when the rest of the higher intelligent population (higher IQ than me) cannot see them?

I have been wondering about that.. It bugs me. Maybe intelligence levels have something to do with "seeing these UFOs?" --- probably had a great effect in the titor stuff too. hmm.. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Ok COOL!- If it was really scientifically proven.. that time does stop at the speed of light...

Proven by inference. By that I mean.....if you know that 2 + 2 = 4, then without having to actually count out apples or oranges or whatever, you know that 200 + 200 = 400

It's the same in science. Relativity predicts time dilation ( the slowing of time ) for moving objects, with the dilation being relative to the speed. Experimental evidence has proven, beyond doubt, that this effect does exist.....though the effect is small at the sort of speeds rockets and satellites travel at.

But you can thus infer that at higher speeds, the effect will be greater. And so you can infer that at the speed of light iteself, the effect will be total and time will be slowed to such an extent that that to an external observer it will appear to have stopped.

And yes....time travel IS possible. Indeed, has already happened ! Astronauts on board the International Space Station for a year or so age a few seconds less than people on the ground. To all extents and purposes...they travel forwards in time a few seconds.

Time travel already exists.
I wonder.. really wonder.. that maybe our brain waves or something in the brain is effected by the intelligence level that 'would allow' a person like me to see "things in the sky" when the rest of the higher intelligent population (higher IQ than me) cannot see them?

Or it really is schizophrenia.
The concept of the simple mind perceiving what the complex mind sometimes cannot is the cornerstone of "foolishness to the Greeks" and "a stumblingblock to the Jews". The following "fringe" article addresses this connection between "our" minds and the planetary or even larger mind. The jpg pic shows how eerily similar our brain neurons are to the universe at large. Perhaps this is what is meant by "in the image of God?"

I don't think that the long-time posters here would necessarily reject out of hand a simple but elegant view that was intuitively obtained. The problem arises when mundane and often-traveled roads get repeated ad nauseam. When it comes down to it, it is very hard to debate with someone like this:



Many words- of thought of my own- any can be true or false- Anyone cannot judge because Anyone do not truly know some of it.

Maybe a Schizo-

Maybe not. What if you're the Schizo? Ever think of that?

What if everyone is?

What if Stephen Hawkins is right?

Alien beings know the mind of Man... and those who are 'elective' can view them of their own actions.

Where did we really come from? - many stories and many theories.

A worm hole is not stable with a singularity. A worm hole becomes stable when the current becomes diverted and one string looped.

We travel away from Earth.. into space and out of the 'spheres' of the solar system.. We become ageless.... as we are no longer effected by the 'spheres and it's laws' in the solar system... <each time we enter a solar system, we become effected by "it's natural laws" of that solar system>

Our bones in space ... become stretched over time.. we no longer have the need for gravity...

Our blood... our DNA starts "correcting itself" when exposed to long term residency in space...

We listen to the music of the Sly Fox...

Many claim they're time travelers....

Only .01 percent is true while the rest is false.. .01 percent out of a billion chance, it must be true.

Life on other worlds are watching us. We're beginning to understand them. Mars... hidden and a grand conspiracy of all time... Many movies were made-

It does not matter what we think nor how we think...

It does not matter...

Life matters, not the thoughts of man...

Lives of many ... birth and death...

Birth in all sense are same, regardless of how it is thought of, regardless of how it was done.

Death in all sense are same, regardless of how it is thought of, regardless of how it was done.

You see... Love counts... Life matters..

Faster than the speed of light... only Thought is... Thought is faster than the speed of light.

It only takes a micro second for one of man, to think the ends of the universe. All senses are played into it once the wish becomes true....

Is Man ready to greet an other civilization?- a space faring civilization who resides just above the Earth.. and not far from the Earth and are in this Solar System.. Been here since the dawn of Man...

Want Proof? ... There aren't any for the people on the Earth, except those who visit space. They sign a classified ND contract with NASA to keep their mouths shut on anything they see out there. A few come forward telling the stories, but yet are not believed- because of the narcissism against others which is considered as 'hatred' not love....

I am Paradox... I am here to show you a few things. It does not matter how smart or stupid I may be.. but I have some things to say, and it will effect your every thinking process that you read this... You will naturally with intuition rebel at all my statements, saying "Lies.. Deceit, False, " etc, because Life is meant to be a lie, only those who discover the true path of the Spirit, will only learn the truth for themselves and it cannot be shared... on any levels....

Rebel, many will... many... until that one fateful day... living proof will be shown to all.. The world will be in a chaos over beliefs... riots, street fighting, plundering, will only increase in intensity.

Haiti is one prime example. Earthquake? NAH.. its all a lie. No Tsunami present..

News on TV.. media news- far far away from you, telling you things.. you think about yourself, and its entirely up to you on what you believe or not believe... for that's the way LIFE is.. Life is all about lies..

I am Paradox the Spiritual Time Traveler, The Vampire, Psychic medium,... is it a lie? perhaps as many will think.. but it does not matter.. your thoughts do not.

I lay in bed.. in a small motel.. in the town of Twin Falls Idaho...as it is raining, typing away on this small travel laptop of mine... I lived in this motel for a couple months.. they are a nice people, those who own it, to let me make weekly payments to continue living here.. This town and it's neighbor towns in next door counties away are most interesting. Very many strange things occur here, a natural hot spot for these UFOs... cattle/sheep mutualated (sp) - and few strange people. Men in Black if you will, and others...

Magic Valley they call it.. makes the most sense. National guard army men encountering strange beings up in the desert not far from here.. Many things happened here for the past 6 months- It had shown in a increased intensity of these things occurring here, which is why I am here.

Love is life.. is it a lie also? - Is chocolate the answer to appease a woman during the time of their month? Is it also a lie? - many things, many thoughts occur to me - /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

so .. am I still a Schizo?
I have seen the future my whole life. The way I I see time is similar to a giant never ending spider

web but within this web is events that occur alongside every other timeline. Also it seems like every

little thing we do effects what occurs in certain relative events in the future. I also think that

time loops back in on itself therefore making the end of time the beginning of time. But I think the

true creation of time occurred between the end and the beginning. So what I am trying find out now

what caused the first loop of time to begin between the end and the beginning of the first real

timeline loop. If I ever manage to figure that out I will be certain to post my findings on here for

you all to examine. Also from what I can tell real time travel doesn't seem to occur until sometime

during the 24th century. Although time being so ever changeable it wouldn't surprise me if someone

did manage to create a device to travel through time.

Edit: Just double spaced what I typed so it is easier to read.
here is a clue to your quest. Best wishes...

Think of your conscious mind as your sub(bordinate)conscious in reality. 99% of You exists in another realm which is what society would refer to as subconscious. Think of your body as a point or tip to your true self, which 99% of exists in another medium. Knowing what you know about matter and energy from Einstein, you start to get the picture of how big and how much energy You are outside of your earthly consciousness and body.

It is in this non-earthly realm that we exist where time was created. This lies in the 5th dimension, therefore being independent of time itself and allowing your notion of the creation of time to have risen between the beginning the the end..
"Now on a side note to Sprite. Sprite, where in the world in all this matter did you find a way to pull Jesus out of the hat?...lol. I was just curious, kind of struck me as odd is guess."
i didnt pull jesus out of a hat lol while i was trying to stop stalking women i was converting to judaism and didnt know what the hell stalking was so i didnt know what i was doing wrong the rabbi told us that the tanakh was made up at tanakh study and one of the members said "ill go do something else" i wondered if he meant that he would quit synagogue two weeks later at tanakh study the rabbi admitted again that the tanakh didnt really happen as put out and that it was just made up to teach moral lessons i looked around for the guy who said "ill go do something else" and saw that he wasnt there i took that to mean that he really did go do something else i got up and walked out the lobby walked 3 blocks home and never came back now i am an atheist and am not afraid of doing anything legal that i think is fun

but i think its funny as heaven on earth that you thought i was pulling jesus out of a hat when i was never a christian my whole entire life synagogue
Immagino che abbiano reso questa cosa importante, quindi l'hanno pubblicata sul notiziario della CNN.


Un ragazzo di 13 anni ha un piano per la macchina del tempo che funziona
11 dicembre 2009 | Houston, Texas | La verifica spiegata

timeguy Pubblicato da:
uomo del tempo

* Visualizzato 9.596 volte
* Condiviso 43 volte
* Ultimo aggiornamento: 16 gennaio 2010

Nota del produttore della CNN

iReport —

Un ragazzo di 13 anni, di nome Gentill Abdulla, ha detto di avere un piano per una macchina del tempo che funzionerà. L'ho incontrato personalmente ed è un ragazzo estremamente intelligente. Gentill dice che i suoi piani ingegnosi possono rendere possibile il viaggio nel tempo. Mi ha detto "Ho fatto un sacco di ricerche sulle aree dei buchi neri, viaggi nel tempo, wormhole, magnetismo, luce e, soprattutto, gravità. Ho ideato un esperimento che, se fatto correttamente, potrebbe consentire il viaggio nel tempo. Ecco la teoria. Se avessi dei magneti uno di fronte all'altro e avessi un raggio di luce blu che viaggia da migliaia di anni e lo mettessi al centro di questi due magneti, quindi accendessi i laser su ogni magnete e il lato che puntano facesse sì che i magneti si guardassero l'un l'altro, e quando i magneti si riscaldassero mettessi otto magneti più piccoli su ogni magnete e facessi quei magneti in modo che respingano il magnete grande. Quindi sposta tutti questi magneti verso il magnete di plastica in modo che lo comprima su tutti i lati e diventi più piccolo del suo raggio di Schwarzschild. Dopo che questo è fatto, entrambi i magneti dovrebbero diventare buchi neri. Poiché sono uno di fronte all'altro, le loro gravità agiranno e uniranno questi buchi neri insieme. Ci sarà ancora una singolarità ma sarà magnetica. Ora costruisci un dispositivo, che ho anche realizzato io, che dividerà la singolarità in un anello. Questo dispositivo creerà un buco nella singolarità. Poiché la corda non c'è più, i magneti si espanderanno abbastanza da trasformare la singolarità in un anello. Saprai se funziona perché sarai in grado di vedere l'altro lato del buco dall'ingresso. Poiché il raggio di luce è vecchio e il raggio di luce è ciò che crea l'effetto, sarai in grado di tornare a quando quel raggio di luce è stato creato per la prima volta. Quindi attraverso questo creerà un wormhole attraversabile. L'energia negativa non sarà davvero energia negativa perché, poiché i magneti più piccoli respingono la singolarità, la spingeranno verso l'esterno in direzione opposta o ruoteranno semplicemente i 2 magneti dall'inizio, quindi non avrai quel problema.Contattami a g_mobster2@yahoo.com" mi ha anche detto che ha sempre con sé tutta la documentazione e gli schemi. Gentill dice che sta lavorando a una nuova teoria della Grande unificazione e a una macchina a moto perpetuo.


Ora, non sarebbe possibile? hmm... Sembra stranamente Titor, non è vero? lol /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
Mmh lol...