Titor as a boy?


Temporal Novice
Guess they made this important so they posted it in CNN news-


13 Year old boy Has Time Machine plan that works
December 11, 2009 | Houston, Texas | Vetting explained

timeguy Posted by:

* Viewed 9,596 times
* Shared 43 times
* Last updated: January 16, 2010

CNN producer note

iReport —

One 13 year old boy , named Gentill Abdulla, has said that he has a time machine plan that is going to work. I have personally met him and he is an extremely bright boy. Gentill says that his ingenious plans can allow time travel to be possible. He told me " I have done a lot of research on the areas of black holes, time travel, wormholes, magnetism, light, and most importantly gravity. I have devised an experiment that if done correctly could allow time travel . Here is the theory. If you had magnets in front of each other and had one beam of blue light that had been traveling for thousands of years and put that in the middle of these two magnets then turned on lasers on each magnet , and the side they are pointing makes the magnets face each other, and when the magnets are heated have eight smaller magnets on each magnet and make those magnets so that they would repel the big magnet. Then move all these magnets toward the plastic magnet so it will compress it on all sides so it will become smaller than it's Schwarzschild radius. After this is done the magnets both should become black holes. Since they are facing each other their gravities will act and join these black holes together. There will still be a singularity but it will be magnetic. Now you make a device, that I have also made, that will split the singularity into a ring.This device that will make a hole in the singularity. Since the string is no longer there the magnets will expand enough to make the singularity into ta ring. You will know if it works because you will be able to see the other side of the hole from the entrance. Since the beam of light is old and the light beam is what is creating the effect you will be able to go back to when that beam of light was first made.So through this it will make a traversable wormhole. The negative energy really won't be negative energy because since the smaller magnets are repelling the singularity it will push it outward in the opposite way or just rotate the 2 magnets from the begining so you don't have that problem.Contact me at [email protected]" he has also told me that he has all the paperwork and schematics with him at all times. Gentill says that he is working on a new Grand unification theory and perpetual motion machine.


Now wouldn't that be possible? hmm.. Eeerily sounds like Titor doesnt it? lol /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
1) CNN did not report any such story.

2) The material was posted in a Section entitled " iReport ".

iReport with "user" commentaries following "user" posted story....

iReport according to CNN = " So you know: iReport is the way people like you report the news. The stories in this section are not edited, fact-checked or screened before they post. Only ones marked 'CNN iReport' have been vetted by CNN. "

3) iReport about " ...Has Time Machine..." is NOT VETTED BY CNN.

" iReport is a user-generated section of CNN.com. The stories in this section are not edited, fact-checked or screened before they are posted.

What does the label "not vetted by CNN" mean?

The label “Not vetted by CNN” lets you know that this story hasn’t been both checked and cleared by a CNN editor.

4) CNN producer note ?

There isn't any such thing relative to "this" iReport. That iReport was posted by someone calling themselves " timeguy". "Timeguy" has posted a total of 6 iReports, Zero of which have been "vetted" by CNN.
Yes- You're right. It was my little oversight that said 'reported in cnn news'-

However thats not my point.

Check this out:



and others if you look on Google for the name of 'Gentill Abdulla'

Can a child really do this? Was John Titor himself a child who lied to everybody about everything that had occurred? -

I have read some other articles in here.... its interesting to note- that another person is following the footprints once left by this Titor person whoever he was. This should die off and remain off the internet forever because it had been debunked countless times... but it hasn't..


Why keep going with this hokey pokey crap? Its all make believe. Yet people keep going and going.. They dont have anything better to do?
Now wouldn't that be possible?

Well, its sounds nice and thought out by a 13 year old. I think, however, that he failed to consider why a "magnet" is a magnet and how changing the state of the magnetic material just might change the magnetic properties of the, errr, magnet.
I can't wait to see if his time machine works. Hopefully it does and he can go back and see if Jesus ever existed. That would be the biggest discovery of all time! Wow! But to answer your question, I don't think this is John Titor as a boy.
Time for the scientific demolition squad to move in :-

Even a cursory glance at the description of the alleged 'time machine' shows it's a load of nonsense....and that is putting it mildly.

If you had magnets in front of each other

Hmm. Magnets. Big magnets ? Little magnets ? Any particular strength ? And what on earth is 'in front of each other ' supposed to mean ? Never heard of a magnet having a 'front'.

and had one beam of blue light that had been traveling for thousands of years

Oh dear....this kid claims to understand black holes and wormholes...but doesn't have a clue about relativity. There is no such thing as 'old' light. Photons exist in a timeless state ( because they travel at the speed of light ). For anything that travels at the speed of light...time stops.

and put that in the middle of these two magnets then turned on lasers on each magnet , and the side they are pointing makes the magnets face each other, and when the magnets are heated have eight smaller magnets on each magnet and make those magnets so that they would repel the big magnet.

That's about as clear as mud. Nothing is said about what the laser is for, or why the magnets are heated.

Then move all these magnets toward the plastic magnet so it will compress it on all sides so it will become smaller than it's Schwarzschild radius.

Move them ? Erm...how ? With one's little finger ? A JCB ? A ton of explosives ? And does this kid have any idea of the complexities of compressing something ' on all sides' ? Or, for that matter, any idea of the stagering pressure required to turn his magnet into a black hole ? That force sure as hell ain't going to come from some kid's toy magnet..or even from the most powerful magnet on earth.

Since they are facing each other their gravities will act and join these black holes together. There will still be a singularity but it will be magnetic.

Well that's mighty silly. So what was the point of having two magnets in the first place ? Any singularity ( assuming this impossible device could create one ) would be no different to having used one magnet.

Now you make a device, that I have also made, that will split the singularity into a ring.This device that will make a hole in the singularity.

This is where it really becomes clear that the kid has no idea what he's on about. You cannot 'split' something that has no size. And by it's very definition, you cannot make a hole in a black hole. How the hell do you make a hole in a hole ???

Since the beam of light is old and the light beam is what is creating the effect you will be able to go back to when that beam of light was first made.

Creating what effect ? Nowhere is it explained how this impossible device meeting a supposedly 'old' photon results in time travel. There's a huge gap in logic and science here. Waving a magic wand would be more effective.

The negative energy really won't be negative energy because since the smaller magnets are repelling the singularity it will push it outward in the opposite way or just rotate the 2 magnets from the begining so you don't have that problem.

Oh dear. This all such a load of baloney. The kid gets 10/10 for enthusiasm...........by my advice is, don't apply to Mensa any time soon.

Most interesting-

But one question remains - which I would like to see answered-

A. How do we know that 'time' itself 'stops' at the speed of light?

From what I know, it has never been proven that 'time' itself stops or can stop.. Isn't time itself a man-made invention? Theories are applied to this particular science but hard solid evidence about 'time' itself is given?

I had dreams like this before. Of course, everyone would have dreams about time travel. A real dream ... when you're asleep- dreaming about going 'back into time'-

One dream I will never forget- and that particular dream got me interested in time travel because 'time' itself is just a name, In that dream, I was told that time does not really exist in our reality, it's just described for the forward motion that we experience on a every day basis as what science would call it.

Therefore, I dispute the fact that 'time' itself slows down and stops at the speed of light. Science calls that a 'fact' which is nothing but an illusion. Just like when someone dies, where does that person go afterwards? Energy is transformed? Heaven? Space? Time Travel? Never proven and is easily discarded by Science because it cannot be proven. Religion plays a great role in 'time travel'- but for me, "time travel" has a different meaning than the one we are accustomed to.

my 2 cents and it probably will be nailed by someone here lol

How do we know that 'time' itself 'stops' at the speed of light?

It's a direct consequence of relativity......and the ultimate state of an effect that has long since been measured and proven.

If you were in a spaceship heading away from Earth, as you speed up and approach the speed of light......time on Earth would appear to speed up. This is because relative to Earth, your own time slows down. An observer on Earth would see your time slow down more and more the closer you got to the speed of light........until eventually, if you reached the speed of light, your time would appear to stop altogether.

In fact, if it were actually possible to travel at the speed of light.....the entire history of the universe would flash past in a slit second. You'd find yourself instantly transported to the end of the universe.....because for you time has stopped and no time is passing at all.

That is why it is nonsensical for the kid 'time traveller' to speak about 'old' photons of light. Photons do not grow old. Light is a timeless affair. To a photon travelling here from a galaxy 13 billion light years away......no time passes at all.

In fact......from the perspective of energy, the entire universe is over in a split second. Time, as we know it, is a product of matter and mass.
paradox, you are right..kind of.
twighlight, you are wrong, mostly.

Lol....says who ? I'm stating the scientific facts as stated by every single scientific paper on relativity since 1905. Might I ask who you are quoting ?
if you approached c, time would resemble a 2d plane. When your speed dropped below c, the plane would elongate again into a vector. You would not end up at the end of the universe as your state. Wherever you got that information from, it is wrong. Take it or leave it, it is one of the most complicated aspects of science I have yet to come across and I would not be able to explain it in writing. Some people likely can explain it in writing, but I can not. What I have found is that many people can not understand the concept. This is not to say that many people are incapable of understanding the science, but rather that there is not good means to show it. I liken it to explaining an emotion in words... It is much better felt.

Again, I do not have to argue the point. That's why you can take it or leave it. One day, you'll know the truth.
No....it's not a difficult concept at all. It's pretty basic relativity !

As you approach the speed of light, your time relative to an external observer ( or the rest of the universe ) slows down. If you were travelling at 99.9999% of the speed of light, then a billion years could go by in what for you would be one day.

As you get closer and closer to the speed of light, the slowing of your relative time increases exponentially. At 99.999999999999999999999999% of the speed of light......the entire history of the universe would go by in what to you would be seconds.

Yes....you WOULD end up at the end of the universe. Don't argue ! I am telling you what every single text book on relativity will tell you.
if you approached c, time would resemble a 2d plane. When your speed dropped below c, the plane would elongate again into a vector.

The classic example given is that of the space traveller who travels at close to the speed of light, to the nearest star, and back. To him, 8 years have passed on his 'round trip'. But...he arrives back and finds ( depending on how close to the speed of light he got ) that hundreds of years have elapsed on Earth.

Now the closer you get to the speed of light, the greater this effect is. It is not a linear progression but an exponential one. Close to the speed of light, the tiniest further increase in speed has an exponential effect on the slowing of time. That tiny increase in speed also requires a huge extra amount of energy.

It thus naturally follows that one could reach a speed such that a billion years could pass on Earth during one's 8 year round trip. Or a trillion. Or......however long it is the universe has left ( they reckon 100 trillion years ). You COULD arrive back....if you travelled fast enough....and find that the party was well and truly over and there was absolutely nothing left but a sea of mega sized photons each a billion light years across and with energy close to zero. The effective end of the universe.
Twlight, while as I respect most of your views on most matters, i.e. Titor is a bunch of BS, and most TT claims are in fact hoaxes, I do disagree with this statement.

In fact, if it were actually possible to travel at the speed of light.....the entire history of the universe would flash past in a slit second. You'd find yourself instantly transported to the end of the universe.....because for you time has stopped and no time is passing at all

I do so based on radio waves and would reference this article "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1246023/Are-aliens-Heavens-I-hope-so.html", and more specifically this passage
Space is, after all, very, very big. Even radio signals, which travel at the speed of light, take years or decades to get to and from the nearest stars

Also I believe, and I'm not being sarcastic, planets are measured in light years because one would have to travel at the speed of light for that specific ammount of years to reach that specific planet. At least that's how I've always understood it.

However, in no way shape or form am I saying this kid is a childhood Titor, that is just plain stupid to believe. What I am saying is that many times in science, some of the greatest discoveries have came about when somebody went against the norm and changed around some rock solid scientific formulas to come up with a completely workable and reliable theory. I have stated many times I am not a believer in TT in the conventional sense, I do however believe many things could be discovered and are discovered when one thinks "outside the box" so to speak, and sometimes it may take a kid to do so simply because they have yet to be programmed to think in a 2+2=4 type of manner. Now whether this particular kid is on to something I personally have no idea, but I would not immediately dismiss somebody's theory until it has been proven unworkable. Childhood Titor NO, boy genius maybe...just have to wait and see on that one.

Now on a side note to Sprite. Sprite, where in the world in all this matter did you find a way to pull Jesus out of the hat?...lol. I was just curious, kind of struck me as odd is guess.

You (and the article you cite) are neglecting that there are two reference frames (one for the light and one for us, the observer of that light). The light is an accelerated reference frame with respect to us, the observer. So yes, for us, in our non-accelerated frame, light takes time to cross the universe. But in the light's frame of reference, all time has stopped. One moment is the same as all moments.

This is not to criticize your error of omission, because reference frames are some of the hardest topics to arrive at a salient understanding.

Twlight, while as I respect most of your views on most matters, i.e. Titor is a bunch of BS, and most TT claims are in fact hoaxes, I do disagree with this statement.

As Rainman says...it's the relative reference frames. Yes....I understand your point about light 'taking time' to get from A to B. However, the whole basis of relativity is that both space and time are relative to whatever reference frame ( for example, a hypothetical observer ) one choses. A better way of putting it is that there is no 'absolute' time frame.

One could in fact link time directly to inertial reference frames via the concept of 'rest mass'.....which would in turn mean that time is a phenomenon directly related to matter. Particles such as photons do not have a rest mass...they are never at rest. A photon exists in a timeless state. Sure, an external observer might perceive that the photon takes a billion years to get here.....but to the photon itself no time passes at all.

The notion of ending up at the end of the universe is really a quite natural extension of the phenomenon ( which most people know about ) of a space traveller travelling at the speed of light...and returning and finding that while he was gone 8 years........on Earth 100 years have passed. Most people know and accept that. BUT.....that time dilation is entirely dependant on how close to the speed of light the traveller gets. Faster...and the time difference could be 1000 years....or a million.

Clearly....the traveller could get so close to the speed of light that a HUGE period of time would pass. So much time, that he arrives back to find the Earth long gone, and the entire universe all but over.

I take your point about the stars being 'light years' away......however it does not in fact require a huge long journey to create the above effect. Because the effect is exponentially related to one's speed, a mile travelled at 99.9999999999999999999999999999999% of the speed of light would likely do the job.

Of course....if it all sounds too easy....it isn't. With each tiny step closer to the speed of light, the energy required to go even a tiny bit faster increases exponentially, as the mass of the space ship increases. You would ultimately reach a speed......a zillionth of a fraction away from the speed of light...where it would require more energy than exists in the entire universe....to go even 1 mile an hour faster.
I'm pretty sure I get what both of you are saying, and I see your point. Yes I was def referring to our point of view here on earth. I think you guys are referring to the point of view of the light itself. However though, I still maintain that once science reaches a wall and there seems to be no solution of how to get past this wall, that one must think outside the box and unorthodox many times for there to be a breakthrough.

For example, let's say you and I were brothers in 1200B.C. and we live in present day Nebraska, and we had to go visit our mother who lived in Parris, France. Well let's say we left our homes today and you arrive at our mothers house in two weeks, but somehow almost magically it seemed I had arrived 12 days before you. In actuality I had invented an airplane and landed secretly. I think it safe to say that absolutely nobody would believe me, and I would probably be killed for such outrageous claims that I had a flying machine, that is until I proved, if given the chance it actually worked. Today we take the airplane for granted, but in that time if such a theory would have been proposed you would have been made fun of, called names, and the scientists would make a mockery of you and say my machine could never work, and it must be a trick.

I was in no means trying to defend the Titor idiots, I was just defending the little kid or anybody for that matter who goes against current scientific thinking, when that said thinking seems to be stuck at a wall with no way around it.
Yeah..there's a difference between believing the current scientific wisdom, and liking it. I believe the science, precisely because it is science and can be confirmed. However I cannot say I particularly 'like' what the scientific paradigm shows.

Fortunately.....there is an increase in rather more teleological ( the universe having some meaning ) views on science....which is what I seek. However those are interpretations of the science, rather than the science itself...which is impeccable.
Therefore, I dispute the fact that 'time' itself slows down and stops at the speed of light. Science calls that a 'fact' which is nothing but an illusion.


We have plenty of evidence that suggests that Special and General Relativity are the correct interpretations of physics. We know, of course, that neither theory is complete. But that's not particularly exciting because we also know that EVERY scientific theory is an approximation of reality. But that they are approximations doesn't diminish their usefulness. We live with the facts of thermodynamics (classical theory) and uncertainty (quantum theory).

If it's an illusion then show us some facts that dispute the present theories rather than simply stating an unsupported opinion.

I know, as a matter of fact, that relativistic mass is a reality. True, no one has ever held in their hand anything called "mass", relativistic or otherwise, in the absolute sense of its definition. We can determine "weight" but that is a local phenomonem. It isn't mass.

Yet if we accelerate a neutron and have it smash into a uranium or plutonium molecule the energy released is greater than one would expect without taking into consideration the initial relativistic masses involved in forming the uranium/plutonium molecule in the first place. Work through the numbers and the enrgy released through fission is exactly equal the the "excess" relativistic mass/energy required to form the uranium/plutonium molecule.

If I'm wrong, and I could be - who really knows, then show the dough. Post a reference to a published experiment that shows that the excess relativistic mass in a fission release is less than what is expected/predicted by Special/General Relativity.