Titor and the Internet


Why didn't you guys trace Titor's IP address?
If he was online in our time, surely he'd have an IP address.

"Boomer" posted on two sites: here and on Post-2-Post.

As is the case today, his IP was visible here. But it constantly changed - he was spoofing the IP through proxie servers. As was stated above, it resolved to Florida - which wasn't much of a surprise and wasn't any help in identifying the author.

And one thing has changed since his time here. Then we were all able to log on anonymously. He didn't have to register to post.

On Post-2-Post the IP didn't show. So there was no IP to trace when he posted there.

He used an assortment of email addresses. With one exception they were all free email accounts like Hotmail. Tracing him through email addresses wasn't helpful.

The one exception was his email address Sanguina@AOL.com. To our knowledge that was the only "real" email account that he used. He had to use that account because Post-2-Post required a standard paid email account from a regular ISP - like AOL or Compuserve.

Remember that the World Wide Web in 2000 was a lot smaller than it is today. One had to be an IT pro to know about proxie servers, how to manipulate IP's or have the readily available tools to trace such items. Today with Google available (and other advanced search tools) and a huge database of knowledge to draw on one can do a quick search and find a host of freeware tools to download and start the traces. Unless one knew precisely what was needed in 2000 finding those tools was a bit of a problem for the average Internet user. And downloading the tools was a problem in itself. Everything was dial-up. The 56k modem was a top-of-the-line item. Not everyone had a modem that fast. Downloads of what are considered small programs today took hours to download in 2000-2001.

Doing the search was not quite as easy in 2000-2001 as it is today.

The only reason that we know him as "John Titor" is the result of Post-2-Post's requirement that a first and last name be supplied to register. Otherwise he would simply be "TimeTravel_O" - the handle that he used here.

So, there wasn't much in the way of information available to trace him. AOL doesn't (and didn't) supply any information about its members. Post-2-Post didn't show anything that the member didn't want shown and his email accounts were dummie accounts.
Everything was dial-up. The 56k modem was a top-of-the-line item. Not everyone had a modem that fast.
(Darby Talking about the year 2000)

Hah! I have to laugh at that Darby, in 2000 I had a cable connection, actually it's the same connection I have today, it's about 3megs/per second, it was probably slower in 2000 like 1.5megs a second but still way faster than 56k. Actually 56k was top of the line in 1997 not 2000, this is a fact, before I had cable I had DSL which I got around 1999.

56k modem top of the line in 1997

--- Razimus

PS... about IP spoofing through proxy servers, back in 1999 I remember I tracked a lot of IPs with my ip tracking program, I do remember that all AOL ips I tracked automatically bounced around the ip, it's just something AOL automatically does, I doubt he even knew about it.
You know it's funny how all of you say "Why didn't you", who thought of his things to be coming out perfectly as he told right now? No one bothered to because 90% of the people then thought he was a hoax and 90% of ignorant people still do now. Were so stuck in the world that this nation brings upon us that we forget what the possibilities of the outside world hold and the secrets that lie among the most smallest and precious life forms.You neither have evidence of his sayings to be true nor lies,they are mostly true now because of all the countering people are revealing against his sayings.They are true, he didnt put it into true perception, neither did nostradamus when he fortold his prophecys now did he? Stop looking at your locked up lives and open them to something that may be real even beyond what we are told.

Carpe Diem means seize the day,seize the moments that can save your life and that can bring you happiness. Seize the moments that can one day show you the way...Get away from your normal days of being locked within the popular vote.

Good for you - back in 2000. But having a cable connection in 2000 was extremely unusual for most of the country. Being able to afford a cable connection in 2000 was unusual for even those who had it available in their area. Dial-up was the norm and 56k modem was the top of the line (because that's the maximum uncompressed rate for a telephone dial-up connection). On downloads most people were very lucky to get a rate of 10-15k. Because I live next to a major university I was lucky to just get online after 3:00 pm. After the normal classes were over by 3:00 pm it seemed as if all 17,000 students tried to log on at one time. From about 3:00 PM until 2:00 AM getting 7k download speed was considered to be fast.

I don't recall anyone who was posting here or on P2P at that time who indicated that they had any connection other than dial-up other than a couple of folks who had DSL.

Now, I'm just going to assume that I'll get another "LOL" response. That's OK. I expect that no matter what is posted or who posts that that will be your response. It's SOP. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

AOL ips I tracked automatically bounced around the ip, it's just something AOL automatically does, I doubt he even knew about it.

Oh...he knew about it alright. When he wasn't posting as Titor or TimeTravel_0 he was posting by another moniker on EE/CS boards. His real interest was electronics and computer science.

Carpe Diem means seize the day

And caveat emptor means buyer beware. Stare
decisis et non quieta movere
means let's stand by the decision and speak of it no more.

But I don't think that all the Latin on the planet will cause anyone to take warning nor will it quiet the discussion.
Then Darby, your saying that this whole Titor thing, was possibly a government or some agency psy-op caper, because of the expense involved?
Re: Reminds me of the day when...

The discussion on J. Titor sort of reminds me of the radio show, "War of the Worlds" when done by Orsen Wells. At the time many people believed it was truly a news broadcast and acted accordingly.

I certainly would hope nobody would change their lives because of the predictions of John Titor. And we all should be wary of what our government ( or any of those in authority )is doing anyway, regardless of predictions made by someone, from the future or not.

If J.T. was considered to be a true time traveller by those who really wanted to find him, they would have been able to do so, regardless of his skill at slipping throught the portals of the net.
I don't think even AOL would or could prevent any governent agency from reviewing their records to identify someone they want to find.

The methods used by any of us is amatuerish at best considered to what techniques the governmemt could utilize in analysing any of the material presented by Titor.

As I have mentioned before, if one had the ability and time, how hard would it be to determine who the manufacturers are of the visible components in the photographs? I doubt if all the switches and buttons, dials, gauges, and stickers would have been manufactured from our era if J.T. indeed had come from 2036.