Timeline: Variant 1.9x ?

Re: Kanigo and The Timetravel...

Remember you caught him about 4 hours after I did over at ATS.

I just befriended him.
and wouldn't let people pick on him......

I am still not much a COMPLETE predestination believer--- even though you have seen and talked about every aspect of it recall.

I really got to thank Ray for that over here.. It help a lot.

The UFO picts are on the last page and you already recorded the "was Titor my grandfather link stuff?" over at ATS.

we are about on the same page..You have to agree though Those are some impressive @ss pictures.

I figured it was time to come back and say something.

Seeing it was "me and you" that was having the conversation over here when that Picture that I posted came up.

Best it brought over here for a more thorough analysis...

anywhere you would like to go with it I would appreciate your help.

(because you are the one with the info into those sites.)
Re: Kanigo and The Timetravel...er

figured it was time to come back and say something.

Seeing it was "me and you" that was having the conversation over here when that Picture that I posted came up.

Best it brought over here for a more thorough analysis...

anywhere you would like to go with it I would appreciate your help.

(because you are the one with the info into those sites.)

This will need a new thread...

link to TTI

Re: Kanigo and The Timetravel...

You have to agree though Those are some impressive @ss pictures.

Forget to Say that these pictures of the Visitants Ships were Extreme....

and Quoting Antwan once again:

i know /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif i miss john yes i do )

Thers a date in there if you look real close

*(just say hello ) *

thats the code of all codes you got there my friend ....

Remeber that Bhutto was also shot ...as was JFK and all those who have died for freedom of just saying hello we are here ...we have a dream and so on !

end quoted from:
just say hello /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

More input ewgarding this:
However, he does recall the vivid details, which include a nuclear exchange between Iran and Israel, and the US becoming involved.

Quoting Antwan:
The Pope told American Jewish and palestinian leaders that he plans to visit Israel in May .WTF

This is not a good sign , you know who he will be meeting there dont yaa and what the agenda is .

[link to www.cinews.ie]

Pope may go to Israel and Palestine in 2009
Monday, Talks have begun for Pope Benedict XVI to make his first visit to Israel and the Palestine territories next year, Vatican and Israeli officials said last Thursday.

The Vatican spokesman, Rev Federico Lombardi, said that “diplomatic contacts are under way to study the possibility of the Pope visiting the Holy Land” in 2009. Mordechay Lewy, the Israeli ambassador to the Holy See, confirmed that a visit was being discussed but said the “details were not yet settled.”

Reports of a possible visit first appeared on Thursday in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, which said the pope had accepted an invitation from President Shimon Peres to visit Israel in May. Fr Lombardi said the fact that talks were in progress “means naturally that the pope took this invitation into consideration.”

The visit could take place in the second week of May and include a stop in Bethlehem, the ANSA news agency said quoting a report in the Israeli Haaretz newspaper.

The news came after weeks of tension between the Vatican and Israel over the beatification of Pope Pius XII, who led the Roman Catholic Church from 1939 to 1958. The beatification, a long-simmering issue, came to the fore again some months ago, as the Vatican honoured the 50th anniversary of his death

Israel and the Vatican established full diplomatic ties in 1994. But the two states have continued to tussle over an agreement regarding the legal and tax status of Roman Catholic institutions in the Holy Land and visas for Catholic clerics and members of religious orders. Israel approved the agreement but has never formally ratified it. Mr. Lewy, the Israeli ambassador, said “negotiations are proceeding.”

“A visit is a very important historical event,” he added. “The issues at stake are solved or not solved independent of that.”

President Shimon Peres met "about two weeks ago" with the Apostolic Nuncio to Israel, who said Benedict "would respond positively" to the invitation, Haaretz reported

In 1964, Paul VI became the first pope to visit the Holy Land, but at the time many religious sites were under the control of Jordan, and he did not officially recognize the state of Israel. In 2000,John Paul made the first official papal visit. On that trip, he visited Bethlehem.

However, the Israeli authorities on Sunday barred Papal Nuncio Archbishop Antonio Franco from celebrating Mass with the local Christians at a church in Gaza.

The archbishop, who is also the apostolic delegate in Jerusalem and Palestine, has been in Palestine for almost three years.

The incident is the first of its kind. “The trip is not a diplomatic one,” Fr Humam Khzouz, a Jordanian priest based in Palestine, who was accompanying the archbishop on his trip, said over the phone from Jerusalem on Monday.

“It was largely a spiritual mission to celebrate a Mass with the locals who were looking forward to spending holy time with the archbishop,” he told The Jordan Times. At the moment, the parish in Gaza is vacant since its priest Monsignor Manuel Mussallam was allowed to visit his family in Birzeit after spending eight years in Gaza.

It was also the first time the 300 worshippers at the “Holy Family” church were left without a Sunday Mass.

and this reflection...

I think i see whats gonna happen ....

rockets are gonna fly that day all over the place .

just think if they killed the pope ....if they can LOL .

but just think of the headlines ...

id better call up the so called terrorists and give them coordinates to where he will be at .

They killed kenny !

they killed the POPE !

ahhhh faaaa...

end quoted from;
Link to The Pope Told...

/ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Baxter’s H5N1 as global flu pandemic threat

in Part 6, the continuation of the report, William describes the effect of a pandemic flu-like virus and large areas becoming depopulated while other apparently safer or isolated areas were comparatively unaffected.

The Bilderbergs are playing Chess?
<font color="blue"> Dieser Artikel ist kostenlos.

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Editorial: Baxter’s H5N1 as global flu pandemic threat

There is no excuse. According to the scientific network PROMED, Baxter International Inc. in Austria "unintentionally contaminated samples with the bird flu virus that were used in laboratories in 3 neighbouring countries, raising concern about the potential spread of the deadly disease". Austria, Germany, Slowenia and the Czech Republic - these are the countries in which labs were hit with dangerous viruses. Not by bioterrorist commandos, but by Baxter. In other words: One of the major global pharmaceutical players seems to have lost control over a virus which is considered by many virologists to be one of the components leading some day to a new pandemic. Was it H5N1, or the even more risky H3N2? And what about the BSL3-Standards Baxter is operating when handling the viruses? What happened? And who failed? by Vlad Georgescu

These questions have to be answered not only by Baxter itself. It looks difficult to believe that viral and potentially lethal samples can cross the US border, pass the Atlantic, arrive the European Union and get into three countries without any or adequate control. While every tourist has to present his fingerprints and electronic registered passports entering the United States, institutions like the US Homeland Security should stay alert: Lacks in pharmaceutical companies may be the deadly door to future bioterrorist attacks.

The anthrax mailings from 2001 still are in mind of the FBI – Baxter shows that 8 years after that disaster there is no efficient control, at no level. To pronounce it this way is legitimated by the facts. H5N1 never should get on unknown travel routes with unwanted destinations. And H3N2 is no "sorry, it's an error" substance. It can be deadly for birds and humans, as virologists know.

The subprime crisis and the fate of many broken banks are an example for poor regulations. For the financial markets, for the entire economy this may have resulted in global recession. meanwhile, failure of control and regulations for labs operating with viruses like H5N1 will have another outcome: the risk of a new global pandemic, bioterrorist attacks or millions of deaths. This is the only message, and lesson, for President Barack Obama and his team: Get things in biohazard labs under control – at home.


end quoted
@ lifegen.de

then EBOLA virus:
(2009-03-18) Bioterror: Das potenzielle Comeback der Pockenviren
(kostenloser Artikel)
Der tragische Unfall am Hamburger Tropeninstitut, bei dem sich eine Mitarbeiterin möglicherweise mit hoch pathogenen Ebola-Viren infizierte, lenkt von einem ganz anderen Problem mit tödlichen Erregern ab: Das Risiko für terroristische Angriffe mit Pockenviren ist vermutlich höher, als bislang angenommen. Experten befürchten zudem die Züchtung neuer, Impfstoff-resistenter Super-Pockenviren durch Terroristen. Ausgerechnet die weltweite Ausrottung der Pocken im Jahr 1977 erweist sich heute als Problem.
end quoted
Recreation of 1918 Influenza Virus

Quoting article from:

Using Taubenberger’s sequence, Basler and coworkers were able to generate a virus that contained all eight of the viral gene segments from the 1918 influenza virus. Since the non-coding regions of the 1918 virus have not been sequenced, those regions from a related H1N1 influenza virus were used for the reconstruction. Two different H1N1 variants currently found in humans were used as a control. In another set of controls, the researchers generated hybrid viruses that had some genes from one current H1N1 variant (called Tx/91) and some from the 1918 variant. These “swapping” experiments generated several viruses with different combinations of viral gene segments from both the contemporary Tx/91 and 1918 influenza virus.

Cleavage of the HA molecule is required for the influenza virus to enter the host cell and replicate and can be accomplished by the addition of trypsin to infected cells. However, some variants of influenza are able to replicate without addition of trypsin, and this ability is generally an indicator of greater pathogenicity. The complete 1918 virus, the

hybrid Tx/91 virus carrying the 1918 HA and NA genes, and the hybrid Tx/91virus carrying only the 1918 NA gene were able to replicate without trypsin added. This suggests that the 1918 NA is able to facilitate HA cleavage, therefore offering a possible explanation for its high pathogenicity.
In order to directly compare the pathogenicty of the 1918 influenza virus with the contemporary Tx/91 H1N1 virus, mice were infected and had their weight and lung virus titers monitored. Just four days after infection, mice with 1918 influenza had 39,000 times the number of virus particles in their lungs than mice infected with the Tx/91 control strain. In addition, the control mice lost some weight in the first few days of infection, but all survived and had regained the weight by the end of the fourteen day study. Mice infected with the1918 strain, however, very rapidly lost weight and had all died within five days. Basler’s team also looked at the lung tissue and other organs of infected mice to determine the type and extent of disease. Just as described in autopsy reports from victims of the Spanish flu pandemic, there was severe disease in the lungs, but not in the spleen or other organs.

End quoted...

:eek: :eek: :eek:
Yet another Bio-weapon on the loose...
Hibrid Tx/91 Virus was used?

hybrid Tx/91 virus carrying the 1918 HA and NA genes, and the hybrid Tx/91virus carrying only the 1918 NA gene were able to replicate without trypsin added.

Quoted from:
Maryland health officials have reported two deaths because of the flu. Ninety-one adults and 95 children have been hospitalized.

The CDC reports that two-thirds of the flu viruses typed this season have been A-viruses, and 90 percent of those have been the newly resistant H1N1 strain.

The CDC study compared 92 patients infected last year with the flu virus resistant to oseltamivir, or Tamiflu, with 182 patients whose virus responded to the drug.

"None of the patients in our study had any known exposure to oseltamivir, or to someone close to them who was exposed to oseltamivir," Dharan said. There did not seem to be a link between Tamiflu use and the resistance that emerged.

The drug-resistant virus seemed to behave just like its drug-sensitive twin, attacking the same sorts of people, with no significant difference in their illnesses.
Does Those Kittens Hibrids Tx/91 Virus were used on People?
/ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif :eek: /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Mexican Scenary to Test...

Some info regarding this problem on Mexico DF


caption said:
Public buildings have closed across Mexico City because of the outbreak

"World health experts are investigating a new strain of flu that may have killed as many as 60 people in Mexico.

The US Centre for Disease Control (CDC) said tests so far seem to link Mexico's outbreak with a swine flu virus that had sickened eight in the southern US.

The CDC said it was taking the virus - about which it was working to learn as much as possible - seriously.

Mexican authorities have closed public buildings, suspended public events and and launched a vaccination campaign. "
end quoted from:
&lt;http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/8016909.stm]&gt; copy and paste link