Timeline: Variant 1.9x ?


Dimensional Traveler
I draw you attention to this...

Fair Quote use...

He was shown the first Iraq War ('Operation Desert Storm'), and recalls a given date of December 1991. The actual start of the offensive, however, was January 1991. Linda and William discuss whether the forecast date might have been December 1990, but William thinks he was told 1991. This detail is important.

He was then shown the second Gulf War, again in accurate detail, all of which transpired as he was shown. He does not recall a given date for this.

Then he was shown the third war, which would start 18 years after the first. That places it in 2009 (or possibly, 2008). William thinks the date was springtime 2009, but is not certain.

However, he does recall the vivid details, which include a nuclear exchange between Iran and Israel, and the US becoming involved. He saw great destruction and subsequent economic collapse. Following this, he was shown large explosions in a number of American cities which were not the result of incoming missiles. The result was martial law in a number of areas in the US and (in some places) scenes and situations similar to those in the TV series Jericho.


Then a event like the <font color="red"> Zeshua Character said: [/COLOR]

<font color="blue"> in Part 6, the continuation of the report, William describes the effect of a pandemic flu-like virus and large areas becoming depopulated while other apparently safer or isolated areas were comparatively unaffected. The longer-term future timeline after that showed a gradual recovery and renaissance as humanity regrouped... having (apparently) learned its lesson. [/COLOR]

read more at:
day 16 log...
Anyone if they are smart enough, bright enough, and on there toes can tell a credible story that on the surface seems to check out. That is the only thing I learned from the Titor fad. But, I want to caution you. Just because a story might seem credible does not man that it is. Using words as the only facts based on a loose history instead of hard factual evidence does not mean that there is a true factual story. It is not evidence for the future timeline.
...instead of hard factual evidence ...
<font color="red"> Adenovirus 14 [/COLOR]
A newly discovered and highly lethal virus strain begins with symptoms similar to that of a cold but can quickly lead to severe respiratory crisis.

"This virus has the capability of causing severe respiratory illness in people of all ages, regardless of their medical condition," said John Su, of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The virus was discovered by infectious-disease expert David N. Gilbert, who noticed that otherwise healthy patients were being stricken by pneumonia so severe that they would die without oxygen treatment. The dangerous symptoms developed within only one or two days of initial cough and fever symptoms.

Since Gilbert's discovery of the virus in Portland, Oregon, outbreaks have been identified at military bases in Washington, Texas and South Carolina.

The disease is a variety of adenovirus, the family that includes 51 infectious agents responsible for diseases such as colds, pink eye, bronchitis and the stomach flu. A mutation has apparently occurred in a virus called adenovirus 14, making it much more lethal. In the first outbreak examined by Gilbert, seven of 30 hospitalized patients died.

"That's an incredibly high mortality rate," Gilbert said.

read more:
news web page

CDC webpage Adenovirus 14


An interesting article. I'm not going to take issue with the CDC as to whether or not the disease is a serious threat to affected patients but let's take a look at the quoted portion of the article that you posted. It's a good look at how an article can be finessed by a non-scientist writer (with no by line other than "Natural News" I'm just assuming without any evidence to the contrary that the staff writer is a non-scientist or physician):

A newly discovered and highly lethal virus strain begins with symptoms similar to that of a cold but can quickly lead to severe respiratory crisis.

The opening paragraph is sensationalized fear mongering and contrary to the CDC article that you posted below the article. The CDC report states:

Most infections from Ad14 are not serious, and severe or fatal outcomes from Ad14 are rare. Thus, the public should not be concerned about the emergence of Ad14.

"This virus has the capability of causing severe respiratory illness in people of all ages, regardless of their medical condition," said John Su, of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

This is quoted material from a physician and is accurate. All pneumonia infections are serious and require immediate medical intervention.

The virus was discovered by infectious-disease expert David N. Gilbert, who noticed that otherwise healthy patients were being stricken by pneumonia so severe that they would die without oxygen treatment. The dangerous symptoms developed within only one or two days of initial cough and fever symptoms.

"Otherwise healthy patients"? Interpreted literally it means "if they weren't so sick they'd be healthy". That's a finesse on the subject. And all pneumonia patients are given oxygen therapy. Of course there is a high mortality rate if the hospital refuses to give them oxygen. The assertion is just an opinion. I'd challenge the staff writer to find a single patient among the group who didn't receive oxygen.

Since Gilbert's discovery of the virus in Portland, Oregon, outbreaks have been identified at military bases in Washington, Texas and South Carolina.

A true and neutral statement taken from the CDC report.

The disease is a variety of adenovirus, the family that includes 51 infectious agents responsible for diseases such as colds, pink eye, bronchitis and the stomach flu. A mutation has apparently occurred in a virus called adenovirus 14, making it much more lethal. In the first outbreak examined by Gilbert, seven of 30 hospitalized patients died.

"That's an incredibly high mortality rate," Gilbert said.

The mortality rate is taken in isolation and is another sensationalization. The CDC article links to the Mortality and Morbidity Weekly report. From that report:

During March--June 2007, a total of 140 additional cases of confirmed Ad14 respiratory illness were identified in clusters of patients in Oregon, Washington, and Texas. Fifty-three (38%) of these patients were hospitalized, including 24 (17%) who were admitted to intensive care units (ICUs); nine (5%) patients died.

Only 38% of the patients required hospitalization. Nine of those died. But two patients were infants under the age of 14 days old. The median age of the other seven patients was 63.6 years. One was 82 years old. That casts a bit of a different light on the original assertion of "otherwise healthy patients". Infants and the aged are particularly at risk to pneumonia infections.

Here's what the CDC report says about "otherwise healthy patients":

This strain of Ad14 appears to have a higher rate of severe illness compared with other adenoviruses, but severe pneumonia and death from adenoviruses remain rare in otherwise healthy persons.
(Italic added)

The lesson here is that when we read a pop-sci treatment of a scientific subject that we read the article carefully. Modern journalism no longer requires that editorial commentary be placed on the editorial page and neutral reporting of the news be placed in Section A. Mixing editorial commentary into a news article is the norm and it is accepted by the editors.
Following this, he was shown large explosions in a number of American cities which were not the result of incoming missiles.

i don`t like this timeline either, but:

<font color="red"> We are talking specific cities according to a list found in Bin Laden's associate's laptop. 7 cities. 3 backup targets. Divide the number of weapons reportedly purchased by the number of cities and you get 40-50 kilotons. About 4 Hiroshima's per city. [/COLOR]

Bin-"Bush" Laden`s Plans...

Have you ever read Alvin Toffler?

On the beach effect....is unachievable.

three days people will go into the two mile square areas and clean up.Couple weeks and it will all look clean and pretty again.

Except of course the news will change.

These bombs are not that big and they really need to be detonated to acheive a resonate blast wave to create enough damage.

That is the great lie recall these weapons simply are not powerful enough to cause as much damage as you think.

They always show pictures of explosions, but those pictures are meant to show the PRESSURE WAVE of the device.

Using them has such a stigma, and the results simply are not as beneficial.

That is why the they started making bombs as Bomblets and curtain bombing with the ICBM's.

It is the only way to make them effective.
Your "backup copy" link is blocked by my work filter with the category as "racism and hate".

That says a lot right there, recall. If you actually believe and subscribe to some of the questionable links like this, then you may also be classified in such categories. In fact, I went back to check the rense.com site, and it is also blocked by the same category. And I can attest to reading a lot of anti-Semitic crap on rense's site, so perhaps the filter is more than appropriate.

Your "backup copy" link is blocked by my work filter with the category as "racism and hate".

Define Work filter:

Internet filtering software, internet babysitter programs, web blocking software...call it what you will, it is software that runs in the background on the machine you surf the 'net with for the purpose of restricting access to certain types of Web content--client-side Web censorship. By blocking access to "inappropriate" sites and keeping intricate logs of any "offensive" sites you've tried to visit, these programs not only restrict your freedoms, but could also violate your privacy by telling your employer/co-workers/parents all the sites you've tried to access--be they about breast cancer, certain religious, political or sexual orientations, drug/alcohol use, AIDS, sites for helping you find a new employer....the privacy and job-security ramifications are far-reaching to say the least. Censorware is a tool-of-choice for overprotective parents and paranoid employers, and is typically fairly easy to disable despite password-protection and other schemes designed to deter cybersabotage.

to get around government-imposed or other IP-based censorship, Copyright © 2008 Edgar J. Steele

Forward as you wish. Permission is granted to circulate both the written and audio version of this Nickel Rantâ„¢ among private individuals and groups, post on all Internet sites and publish in full in all not-for-profit publications. The audio version of this Nickel Rant may also be freely used in its entirety by for-profit broadcasting entities, but is not to be included in any recorded format which then is sold to others. The audio version may be rebroadcast, either live or archived on the Internet, either copied or linked directly to my web site, profit and nonprofit alike, so long as it is used in its entirety. In fact, I encourage any and all radio hosts to use it freely. Contact author for all other rights, which are reserved.


<font color="blue">this is going to be quick and dirty today. No cute cartoons. No philosophizing. We haven't time for any of that today.

I believe we are on the verge of the outbreak of World War III. Right now.

If I'm wrong, then so be it. I'll apologize for being overreactive later. Too much hangs in the balance if I am right. Treat it as an exercise if you like. A practice for when the real thing happens, because you can be sure the real thing will happen ... and soon.


What to Do?

Get out of the cities. If I were Iran, I would have prepositioned nuclear weapons throughout the US at strategic locations, most of which coincide with metropolitan areas. Keep in mind that Iranians are not Arabs - they are Aryan. They cannot be expected to roll over and react with nothing but rhetoric, as we have seen before, most notably in Iraq.

Stock up on food and water. It is too late to order from the dehydrated food suppliers, though I have just received an order from Alpine Aire, thanks to the good folks at &lt;a href="http://www.homestylemercantile.com/]http://www.homestylemercantile.com/ . Call them and see what they might be able to do for you in whatever time might be left. Go to your supermarket and stock up on canned and dried foods. Put as much away as your funds and storage space will allow. A year's worth is not out of the question.

Keep your vehicle gas tanks filled and fill up some spare 5-gallon containers with fuel, as well. Have your way out of the city planned in advance.

Though prices have risen dramatically and supplies are much curtailed, get the other white metal - lead - well stocked, along with several weapons for self defense.

Get ready for a possible viral pandemic, similar to the 1917 Spanish Flu - this means, be prepared to quarantine your family for weeks, if not months.

If, after all preparations noted above, you happen to have any money left at all, convert it into anything silver or gold. The dollar is toast.

How will things go for America? Badly. Reread Defensive Racism for my take on things, which so far are playing out just as I have foreseen them. [/COLOR]

The original Jeff Rense link is now dead. The other link is still active. And what a load of Jew baiting crap it is.

I just wonder how much Jew baiting Raul will tollerate on the site before he steps in. We've seen a lot of that form of racism on TTI over the past year or so to fill my particular boat to the gun'alls.
Define Work filter:

You presumed the right definition. It is filter software running on our gateway servers from my employer to restrict access to inappropriate sites (mostly porn but also, as we see, sites that promote hate-speech and racism). As for "restrict your freedoms and violate your privacy", you've got to be kidding and I hope you don't buy into that crap! When I am at my employer they do not have to give me ANY internet access... the freedoms of the US as a citizen do not demand my employer give me any such freedoms. Furthermore, they do NOT violate my privacy, because I am working through company computers. Anyone who thinks you are private when surfing the net at work should have their head examined. I am quite aware my company knows EXACTLY where I surf on the net while I am at work. Which brings up another point which I never made, specifically, to titorite: Anyone who thinks my employers do NOT know about my participation at this site would be equally daft. The fact my employer does NOT restrict my work-time access to this site should tell you something... several things, actually.

this is going to be quick and dirty today. No cute cartoons. No philosophizing. We haven't time for any of that today.

I believe we are on the verge of the outbreak of World War III. Right now.

If I'm wrong, then so be it. I'll apologize for being overreactive later. Too much hangs in the balance if I am right. Treat it as an exercise if you like. A practice for when the real thing happens, because you can be sure the real thing will happen ... and soon.

Are these actually your words, recall, or are you just cutting and pasting someone else's without attributing to the site you got them from? It is always hard to tell with you. So when you do come out of character, it would be nice for you to mark them as your own words/thoughts/feelings.

EDIT TO ADD: I have now clicked on your hate/racism link (I am home now), and I see those words above are NOT yours, recall. I am glad they are not. But next time please attribute them just to protect yourself from flames. Thanks.

Moreover, let us begin to debunk this Edgar J. Steele idiot. It is actually quite easy. For early on the page you reference, Mr. Steele states the following:

<font color="red"> "For those who follow my writings and know just how right I usually am" [/COLOR]

He certainly has a high opinion of himself and his knowledge. Is this high opinion of himself deserved? Not in the least, as we see when he says:

<font color="red"> "Georgia, the ex-Soviet province, now is a member of NATO." [/COLOR]

Wow! It didn't take long for him to be totally wrong! Georgia is NOT (yet) a member of NATO. One can see this is fact by looking at the list of NATO members here:


Now, if he gets something as simple and easy to check as THAT wrong, how could anyone put any stock in the other things he says? Personally, I just think he is a bigoted windbag.

Russia Georgia War wasTimeline: Variant 1.9x ?

Russia Georgia War - Washington Risks Nuclear War by Miscalculation
<font color="red"> Politics / Russia Aug 11, 2008 - 07:15 AM

By: F_William_Engdahl [/COLOR]

The dramatic military attack by the military of the Republic of Georgia on South Ossetia in the last days has brought the world one major step closer to the ultimate horror of the Cold War era—a thermonuclear war between Russia and the United States—by miscalculation. What is playing out in the Caucasus is being reported in US media in an alarmingly misleading light, making Moscow appear the lone aggressor. The question is whether George W. Bush and Dick Cheney are encouraging the unstable Georgian President, Mikhail Saakashvili in order to force the next US President to back the NATO military agenda of the Bush Doctrine. This time Washington may have badly misjudged the possibilities, as it did in Iraq , but this time with possible nuclear consequences.

The underlying issue, as I stressed in my July 11 piece entitled Georgia, Washington and Moscow: a Nuclear Geopolitical Poker Game , is the fact t hat since the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact in 1991 one after another former member as well as former states of the USSR have been coaxed and in many cases bribed with false promises by Washington into joining the counter organization, NATO.

Rather than initiate discussions after the 1991 dissolution of the Warsaw Pact about a systematic dissolution of NATO, Washington has systematically converted NATO into what can only be called the military vehicle of an American global imperial rule, linked by a network of military bases from Kosovo to Poland to Turkey to Iraq and Afghanistan . In 1999, former Warsaw Pact members Hungary , Poland and the Czech Republic joined NATO. Bulgaria , Estonia , Latvia , Lithuania , Romania , and Slovakia followed suit in March 2004. Now Washington is putting immense pressure on the EU members of NATO, especially Germany and France , that they vote in December to admit Georgia and Ukraine .


<font color="brown"> Nuclear Primacy: the larger strategic danger

Most in the West are unaware how dangerous the conflict over two tiny provinces in a remote part of Eurasia has become. What is left out of most all media coverage is the strategic military security context of the Caucasus dispute.

In my book, Century of War , I describe the developments by NATO and most directly by Washington since the end of the Cold War to systematically pursue what military strategists call Nuclear Primacy. Put simply, if one of two opposing nuclear powers is able to first develop an operational anti-missile defense, even primitive, that can dramatically weaken a potential counter-strike by the opposing side's nuclear arsenal, the side with missile defense has “won” the nuclear war.

As mad as this sounds, it has been explicit Pentagon policy through the last three Presidents from father Bush in 1990, to Clinton and most aggressively, George W. Bush. This is the issue where Russia has drawn a deep line in the sand, understandably so. The forceful US effort to push Georgia as well as Ukraine into NATO would present Russia with the spectre of NATO literally coming to its doorstep, a military threat that is aggressive in the extreme, and untenable for Russian national security.

This is what gives the seemingly obscure fight over two provinces the size of Luxemburg the potential to become the 1914 Sarajevo trigger to a new nuclear war by miscalculation. The trigger for such a war is not Georgia 's right to annex South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Rather, it is US insistence on pushing NATO and its missile defense right up to Russia 's door.

By F. William Engdahl

COPYRIGHT © 2008 F. William Engdahl. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED [/COLOR] /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Re2 timetravelers chat...

2 timetravelers chat regarding this timeline on GLP:

I am a Time Traveler...


I remember reading about John Titor when I was in the 9th grade and found it interesting. I did not look back into him until I was 40. From the way the world turned out one could say he was real, but there is really no way to be 100% sure. I am from the year 2032. I'm in a time travel unit based in Johnston, Iowa.

This is a training mission. My instructor and I are staying here for the rest of today. If you guys relieved that the civil war didn't happen, please prepare again. Our time was similar but not the same. I still don't know what would have caused Titor to experience Y2K and us not to. The only thing different from his and your timeline is the dates and some events that things ocurred. If you you were hoping to dodge the civil war, think again. You can not stop the inevitable. You can only postpone it.
From comparing historical events from my line and yours, that is exactly where you're headed.

I grew up in Wisconsin. The civil war started in 2009. My family and I stayed out of it for as long as we could. In 2011, my brothers and I left home to fight and help out with other communities in southeast Wisconsin/Northern Illinois. Milwaukee and Chicago will big centers for the Fed. Same went for Minneapolis/St. Paul, but I stayed away from there. I moved down to Iowa after most of my family was killed. If I could have done things differently I wouldn't have left my parents.

Do what is right. Read the constitution of course. Know what you will be fighting for. The war will be unbelievably horrifying. Your government will do "crazy" things. Looking back I can't believe they would resort to such measures.

What do you mean by "factions". If you mean militias, yes there are many and many that operated by their own accord. We were fighting the government.
The election in 2008 will be a sham, like other elections.
It will get people pissed off. There is an event that occurs in early 2009 that causes martial law to be declared.
The militias and Federal Government are fighting in 2012 in Okalhoma. It was not nearly as intense as other areas though. I'm telling you right now... stay away from the east coast.

They would execute prisoners. Purposely kill their own farmers in their territory and blame "rebels" We would have never done that unless to steal food due to a long brutal winter. There wasn't much food. I mostly ate canned food from empty houses we searched or stayed in. There were stations we set up in the woods with generators aquire "fresh" foods that were harvested from the summer and fall.
They did care for their own people.

I am going to the local book store. I might try to post or answer questions before I leave today.

The East Coast has some of the most heavy fighting.

I'll be back later.

<font color="blue"> Is that you carl ?

if it is contact me on glp ok

this time line was dissrupted we have to go back i a few days

hers the other link to one that has died !

techsinch has not been allowed for me ...can you help

why are you breaking the rule of telling them who you are ..please dont do that !

dont fool around with theese people ok what they dont know does not hurt them !

i got lost in the year 2017 dont go there . there was nothing there all ash and stuff and not many people around the same was in in 2014 and 2016 dont go there ...

when is your next time synch ?

can we go at the same time ?

meet me in norway ..they have the portal timesynch ready ...the norwegian goverment will help us as they have done this in the past ...

there are several timejumps happening soon

get out before october ok dont stay around !

meet me in 2022 or 2025


<font color="blue"> we do not belong to your timeline ! im sorry [/COLOR]

<font color="blue">
if you want to se a real synch timetravel portal then you have to go to the underground base at mosjøen in norway .

this is going to be the only one working after the war ..all the other portals where lost under the war !

thats why carl you have to meet me there ok .

i do not know what else to do

we do not have much time !

trust no one ,but your self

i think all the others are dead now ! or in an another timeline .

Soon they will know that me and you where real .

eric is dead he did not take the anti ageing pills anymore so the ageing flux kicked in ...

take the other complete manuals back with you ok ! they can not be found by anyone else .

i shure hope its you carl !!!! the others are lost i think or they got seperated !

eric tried to burn the manual but it was saved


<font color="blue"> can only say this

Barack Obama won the elections !

He won by 54 %

HC became the forign minister.

The october month changed the world to a better place.

Humans evolved with some help , but then the wars started because of new weapons advancements in 2009 ..peace was never the goal .

a few men from the goverments made surrtain of that

New york was hit first! and that started the war of all wars .

we used to live like rats after when that happend !

there was ash all over most of the planet .

the only help was to find in norway .

there was some one who told the people about this in this year of 2008 , but no one listened to what he said .

even if we sett your timeline back to what it was we can never set it right again for some reason .

we have to jump forward and back again all the time

its like we are stuck ....we are doing something wrong everytime

i was choosen from the nordic countries to be a part of a N.A.T.T - Norwegian -atlantean - timetravel - team .

at the area of mosjøen there was a underground base where the last time synch travel gate is and still its there.

the timeline after 2012 til 2017 is a land of ash and not many people live in theese time lines .

The concept to timetravel was that one day, it would be possible for people living far in the future to retrieve you from your current frame of reference and preventing wars (their past - your present) this was to bring you into the future (their present - your future

the Tip - ler foundation timetravel gate was made in the USA ...

then it was stationed in norway at a place named mosjøen.


And the Manual was here:
Was my Grandfather...
Re: Re2 timetravelers chat...

if you want to se a real synch timetravel portal then you have to go to the underground base at mosjøen in norway .

this is going to be the only one working after the war ..all the other portals where lost under the war !

well sincronicity
everything about this:
A leeter from a N.....

time reajusted itself.... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
• Russia Warns NATO: ..."The Russians suspect that the US Navy is delivering arms to Georgia under the cover of civilian aid"... according to today's article by the Earl of Stirling on rense.com. While Iran states: any attack on Iran will start WWIII... according to

AFP /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Kanigo and The Timetravel...

Finnaly you was conctacted by a TimeTravel Pal ...nows as
"the Norwegian Politician /antwan"

User ID: 492035
9/4/2008 4:59 PM

<font color="red"> Im your special guest on GLP and now i have to leave you all

ask kanigo for more info . lol bro /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

peace [/COLOR]


<font color="purple">
if you fall you fall

no one is going to pick you up !!!

learn to open your mind and learn who they are ...they from above !!!!!

love is all thats gonna be left !

indeed like rats you will live if not ! [/COLOR]

end quoted...

Ok Kanigo what is the deal?

Re: Kanigo and The Timetravel...

/ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif feigns ignorance....

Follow his threads....
Re: Kanigo and The Timetravel...

So the timeline fixed one more time, besides

Killing a Vip from the list alas "Benazir Bhutto" to try to change the timeline to the 2.0 version but

failed... and leaving our friend in a one year timeloop...for the eternity...


So Dan Burisch was right again...

and Titor was right again too...with "the female president issue?"

<font color="red">
so this timeline is above 1.83 and below 2.0 right? [/COLOR]