timeline 39, let's try an experiment


Temporal Novice
timeline 39, let\'s try an experiment

Is it possible timeline 39 for you to go back in time and send us an e-mail as think did JT once? Maybe if you can go back to 1999 or 2000 and, say, send me an e-mail. Probably should be interesting. I live in Paris in those years as I still do in this year. I'll post my e-mail here (if that's not disobeying guidlines)"tpthirdworld@hotmail.com" just to see if this will work. Are you willing to do this? Or can you propose something different? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

Re: timeline 39, let\'s try an experiment

if he did do that, you would not be asking a question about it now, and we would have no knowledge of the question to begin with.

So the fact that we are talking about it, already means he has not done it.
Re: timeline 39, let\'s try an experiment

Yep, however, there are some who can explain that rationale away by referring to the concept of worldlines. JT used this theory to explain much.
Re: timeline 39, let\'s try an experiment

Actually, in this worldline he didn't, and according to John Titor, we would not be aware of it if timeline 39 did go back and sent a message. Also, if he did, then the message would just get deleted as being a prank since the person who recieved it would not have ever heard of timeline 39.
Re: timeline 39, let\'s try an experiment

There are 175 reasons why noone can attempt to send u an email in the past as doing so may dammage your timeline and anyway you wouldnt know what it was about since this hasnt occured yet P.S if i were to break regulations and send u the info to build a timemachine with the technologies u have now what would do with it???