Timeflow change is part of nature:

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RE: Timeflow change is part of nature: Schumann Resonance

CAT- I read the article about HAARP you posted. I wonder if human beings, tapping into the Schumann Resonance as described by Keeney, can counteract what HAARP is doing? It seems to me that HAARP is not going to stop existing anytime soon, so perhaps we need to find ways to counteract its effects. Any ideas? Roy
RE: Timeflow change is part of nature: Schumann Resonance

<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 26-Jul-02 AT 03:13PM (EDT)</font>

<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 26-Jul-02 AT 03:09 PM (EDT)</font>

Yes Roy,

I think these people can have some if not a little impact and affect on the Schumann Resonance. But I will tell you a little secret of a greater weapon!

I have reason to think that there exsists within our military a Jamming device that can scramble the resonance and dissonance frequency signals of most intruding interdementional activity!

Basically that is one of the intentions of HAARP is to be able to detect anomalies in our atmospher and protect our air space from foriegn invading countries, aircraft/submarine/missles defense! But by the use of their spectroelectrochemistry lasers that burn and tear holes causing all sorts of atmopheric and human harm!

In this sea of scavengers you have to be very carefull that you dont step to far from shore exspecially in murky water. But the scavengers are all part of the delicate ecco system that keeps the ocean from turning into a garbage dump! I guess it goes hand in hand with the territory! one part of government makes the oil spill and the other one cleans it up! So have a little faith the strong always prevail! Its survival of the fitest!!!

RE: Timeflow change is part of nature: Schumann Resonance

CAT -Are you saying that we do not need to worry about HAARP? I for one think just in case we might need to know about other options besides hoping the government will clean up after itself...
RE: Timeflow change is part of nature: Schumann Resonance

Well no I wouldn't quit say we don't have to worry about HAARP! Its obvious that it is doing damage but not to the point of devastation yet! What I think it is doing is evolving us biologically and technically! we either change and adapt or face extinction!

I have a strange faith though. I feel that there is a measure of control from a higher being/creator which has appointed certain hierarchy individuals that are military command in nature. They are the guards dogs of Time Travel so to speak. Perhaps naturally born with this talent to a certain degree but use methods of machinery for alternative measures.

I know I'm not making a whole lot of sense here, but that's as far as I can stretch my explanation.

What alternative actions do you think should/could be taken against HAARP to limit its exsposure and destruction?

RE: Timeflow change is part of nature: Schumann Resonance

CAT - You asked: "What alternative actions do you think should/could be taken against HAARP to limit its exsposure and destruction?"

I am not certain. I was thinking about a more spiritual/individual sense, or perhaps community sense - helping each other tap into the Schumann Resonance. For example as Brad Keeney stated in the above article/interview (See: http://www.lightworks.com/MonthlyAspectarian/1997/September/0997-08.html) : "The book I mentioned is entitled Everyday Soul: Awakening the Spirit in Daily Life -- it came out in 1997 -- it not only gives some of the stories of my experiences with indigenous people, but some of the advice they wanted me to pass on, particularly in the area of opening ourselves to the vital life force, or the universal life force or life energy itself.

I found that the heart and soul of the most ancient, sometimes the most secret, ceremonies was really about how to open your body, your mind, your soul to the transmission of the life force. Most of us in this day and age are complaining about not having enough juice, not having enough energy to get through the day, just lacking that extra vitality and zest, and sometimes even complaining about being chronically fatigued. We've lost our immediate access and connection to the life force, and this connection is something that the oldest cultures in their healing traditions have always had. We've heard rumor of it and have experienced it in a subtle way through such things as the introduction of various forms of Asian medicine, qigong and so forth, but the kind of energy practice I'm talking about is even more direct and sometimes not subtle. Almost like plugging yourself into a wall outlet. But however it's formed, this is one of the things I talk about in that book. And then in a book which will come next spring, I devote myself entirely to speaking about how we can turn on and tune into this energy."

I wonder if learning how to do what he suggests can be a way that individuals and communities can help themselves counteract the effects of technology such as HAARP that may be having negative consequences to health? What do you think? - roy
RE: Timeflow change is part of nature: Schumann Resonance

Hi Roy,

You want to know what I think hu?

Well exactly!!! The mind is a very powerful tool! It controls most if not everything!

There is so much here that you are allowing me to open!!! I just don't know where to begin or how to present it properly to you?

Did you read my posting #17 above on acupuncture and the state of a healthy happy mind being able to control and conquer illness?

I posted an even better one under "how religion and Time Travel come hand in hand" post #12 on the subject of human consciousness and the Kabala?

Read here:

This life force that you and B. Keeney are talking about the various forms of Asian medicine, qigong and the oldest ancient cultures and their healing traditions. This is all very biblical, but let me express it in clearer terms. Lets talk about the mysteries and the medical knowledge that we know about the brain.

For example lets make reference to certain illnesses. Cancer, diabetes, depression, all immune deficiency disorders! What goes wrong in the physical body that causes these illnesses?

Lets start out with cancer, cancer can be caused by a number of things. Genetics play a big role, toxic and poisonous chemicals, radiation, injury, break down of the immune system. Now the brain comes into play here when it is disabled into making antibodies that are needed to fight of the bad radical cells that have been broken down by the substances I mentioned. USUALLY THE BODY BREAKS DOWN WHEN SOMETHING EMOTIONAL OR TRAGIC HAPPENS OR IS WORN DOWN BY OTHER ILLNESS and one becomes depressed and doesn't get the proper nutrition or sleep and is just worn down when the silent killer emerges and attacks! THE CELLS ARE IN A CONSTANT STATE OF CONFUSION WHEN THEY AREN'T GETTING THE PROPER SIGNALS FROM THE BRAIN! But now lets suppose that we could train our brains to control depression and be happy! Because when one is happy a series of things occur in the brain. The neurons are excited and functioning at lightning speed creating and producing chemical endorphins that feed the rest of the body with a hormonal chemical nutrition and endless supply of energy.

For example Diabetes is caused when the pancreas malfunctions and doesn't produce or filter carbohydrates and sugars properly, possibly because of no exercise, malnutrition, stress, and bad genetics. But what's really happening before all these shutdowns and in collaboration of diet? It is the chemical production and balance of the brain depleting and influencing the sugar levels and instructing the pancreas to malfunction. And why? because the brain is getting the STRESS message from the body along with malnutrition, sleep depredation, bad genetics and LACK OF EXERCISE! THE BODY GOES INTO A STATE OF REMISSION AND REPENTS UPON ITSELF! The antibody cells are are war against themselves! The body and the brain are not in sync so to speak and the body is in the attack self defense mode. Now if the brain could be made to produce these endorphins through proper thought that would cause the stabilization of the endorphins to supply and nourish the body properly, maybe we could have a fighting chance against Cancer and Diabetes as well as other immune deficiency illnesses!

Drugs mimic the hormonal chemical message to the brain!!

Did that make any sense?

Let me explain it in neurological terms. Immune cells produce cytokines (chemical signals) that stimulate the hypothalamus through the bloodstream or nerves elsewhere in the body. The hormone CRH, produced in the hypothalamus activates the HPA axis. The release of cortisol tunes down the immune system. RH, acting on the brain stem stimulates the sympathetic nervous system which innervates immune organs and regulates inflammatory responses throughout the body. Disruption of these communications in any way leads to greater susceptibility to disease and immune complications.

Immune cells such as monocytes a type of white blood cell produce a chemical messagers called interleukin 1 which will not pass through the blood brain barrier but certain cerebral blood vessels contain leaky junctions which allow Interleukin 1 molecules to pass into the brain. There they can activate the HPA axis and other neural systems. Interleukin 1 also binds to receptors on the endothelial cells that line cerebral blood vessels. This binding can cause enzymes in the cells to produce nitric oxide or prostaglandins which diffuse into the brain and act directly on neurons.

Roy, did you know that people who are vaccinated during periods of stress might be less likely to develop full antibody protections. Chronic stress also prolongs wound healing and acute stress can enhance cell mediated immunity and bring out dermatitis types of allergic skin reactions .

So now Roy the question you pose was can we help ourselves from having negative consequences of health from HAARP?

Yes I certainly think so! as long as we are educated properly about it and made aware that such dark forces exist, I think we can counteract it by just being happy go lucky and shrug petty things to the side and take life with stride and lots and lots of humor until the stitches pop!

Creedo, Shadow and TTA and others keep me in perfect health!
So stick around!!!

RE: Timeflow change is part of nature: Schumann Resonance

CAT - Please tell me about the Biblical references you mentioned.

BTW - have just begun reading "Power VS Force" by David Hawkins - are you familiar with it? Very interesting book.

Glad to hear you are laughing - roy
RE: Timeflow change is part of nature: Schumann Resonance

<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 29-Jul-02 AT 02:36PM (EDT)</font>

Roy, I'm not quit sure what your looking for in terms of Biblical references? Were you able to read the Kabala one I posted?

No I havent read Power VS Force by Hawkins. I have only read one of Hawkins books years ago and I thought it was fairly good.

Well, I could quote lots of things out of the Bible that refer to MIND OVER MATTER! From the old testament to the teachings of Jesus...

But I will pick one that I feel applies to our present conversation and which I am coincedently discussing with a exsteamly knowledgeable friend who has his wits and age about him!
Its about the Robe of Rightiousness.

First let me mention Proverbs 23.7, For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he...

The human brain is a powerful psychotron, it can manipulate subatomic particles. Every time we think, we are not only forming electrical circuits in our brain but creating thought forms in the etheric field around us. Thinking or directing attention increases amperage and mobilizes energy into matrices of holographic interference patterns which actually contain information carrying etheric cells much like the seen body’s bio cells. It is the primary body which orchestrates the secondary body and since the primary field is more tractable, it is theoretically possible to manipulate the atoms of the secondary by rearranging the primary. Proper meditation techniques, will allow you to experience the Alpha and Theta brain wave cycle rhythms that let you enter the dimensional realms of wisdom.

In your minds eye, picture an altar. On this altar are pictures of your divinity or other symbols of your unity with the universe as a clear light. Try to picture a place in front of the altar for sacrificial offerings. See yourself coming to the holy place that contains this altar wearing a coat of many colors. (GENESIS 37-50 TALLIS BINEI OHR,(HEBREW)MEANING JOSEPH'S COAT OF MANY COLORS.) Each color symbolizes an ungodly characteristic.
Visualize yourself offering up a color from your robe, perhaps red, representing your lust. Green for your jealousy, purple for your pride. As you place a new color and part of your robe on the altar, feel yourself getting more and more purified and see that underneath what had been covered with disease and filth is now healthy and cleaned. Continue until you have shed all the colors that coated you and are now merged with the great white light, as free and unspoiled by negativity as a newborn babe.

Also make reference to Joseph's dream of his coat of many colors (GENESIS 37-50.) This image reveals the many colored human energy field. Begin with the seen secondary body, that portion which encases the mind and move out past the layer of skin to the unseen primary body which includes the health layer (orange), the emotional layer(green), to the cosmic mind field (blue). The secondary body, born of blood, consists of bio cells (B cells), each of which contains the blueprint for any organ of that dimension. The primary body, born of the Light, is also made up of cells, etheric cells (E cells) in the interference patterns of the holoform. Each cell of the health layer contains the complete set of instructions for the migration of the B cells.

There are many others references made in the Bible concerning a Robe of Righteousness! This is basically the radiation filtering system that is used by GD in protecting us from his bright omnipotent spirit of light which cannot be viewed by the human eyes. Such references are the Robe of Jesus, and Adam and Eve
needing to cloth their body's. This is also the light that separates the dimensions.

RE: Timeflow change is part of nature: Schumann Resonance

CAT - Thank you. I had never thought about the robe of many colors that way before. I am still thinking about what you wrote in your last few comments.

Hawkins mentions in his book kinesiology - have you heard of it/used it?

RE: Timeflow change is part of nature: Schumann Resonance

Your welcome Roy!

Yes I have heard of Kinesiology before, its Human Movement (Neuromuscular Funtion) It relates to the structural, chemical and mental physiologic of the regulatory mechanisms.

Human Movement is needed for the human bodys immune system. It oxiginates and supplies nutrient throughout the body. I like to use Fibromyalgia as an example because they dont know what it is and it is used to diagnose origins of unknown pain. And what this disease is, is a perfect example of a body that has been deprived of proper excersize causing the ammune system to go inactive and become confused and go haywire causing the body to go into a false state of war against itself! and that is what caused the pain in Fibromyalgia patients.

Roy, I could go on to explain the the Robe of Rightousness is a garment that is spun, woven and weaved by Heaven. It is the tapestry of the dimentions.

This could also be likend onto the Merkaba teachings. Have you any knowledge of this?

RE: Timeflow change is part of nature: Schumann Resonance

CAT -I have heard of the Merkaba, but do not really understand what it is. Please tell me more about it.

Have been reading Everyday Soul as well as The Energy Break - two books by Brad Keeney. Good stuff.

RE: Timeflow change is part of nature: Schumann Resonance


Have you read my recent post from last week that explaines the Merkaba?

Well, read these and ask away......



Both those books sound interesting. I checked them out in Amazon.com. They deal with the SR again. You are highly into this subject and it is very interesting!

This past week end I went on vacation to an island that has a chain of lakes and as I drove my Cajun Bass Boat at 60mph I was air born over waves of deap swelling water! I found it fun to hit the water wakes of other boats and come flying and bouncing out of the water, rooster tails and all! I WAS HAVING SOME GREAT FUN WITH THE EARTHS MAGNETIC SCALER WAVES!

RE: Timeflow change is part of nature: Schumann Resonance

CAT - That sounds like great fun! I have been traveling too, but nowhere as exciting (and always within regular time)

I was wondering how I could learn about some of the things you discuss, in a basic way, especially regarding how they relate to the Bible. When I read what you have written, I find some of it difficult to follow, only because I do not have the tremendous knowledge and background that you obviously have on the subject.
And I am wondering how does Jesus fit in to your perspective - if at all? I ask because many of your references seem to be from the Old Testament. And that's fine - I have no problem with that, I am only asking to understand what you have written more completely.

Yes, I am really enjoying reading Keeney's stuff - just got a copy of "Shaking out the Spirits" - very interesting reading - not for the faint at heart.

RE: Timeflow change is part of nature: Schumann Resonance

Well you see the problem is Roy, I cant completely explain what it is in words that I understand?

Truly I tell you that as experienced as I sound at it, I am only a beginner in grasping these concepts. There are a few web sites and books that touch base on the subject but were not able to make the full connection. And now that I know all this it is so consuming that I cannot even begin to explain, I can only throw certain clues at people now and then depending at what level of understanding they are at?

There are very few people on this earth that know all the answers. These are the orthodox high rabbis that devote their entire life to the study of Torah and even they with all their knowledge still don't completely understand? The Buddhist Monks touch on the basis of it but they only hit certain key levels without a true understanding of the true origin of their meditation. I guess all cultures touch base on it but likewise are unable to make the omnipotent all knowing connection.

The reason why I touch base so much on the old testament in Hebrew is because it was transcribed by GD to Moses and as a directional base I find it to be valid. But I do regard the teaching of the new testament and Jesus to a high degree as well.

And though skeptics may argue that God lives only in the mind of the faithful, If there is a God, it makes perfect sense that He would create a way for us to communicate with Him. And that he did!!!!!! ITS THE LANGUAGE OF LIGHT!

I realize that this opens a can of worms that most people cant understand or comprehend? they themselves are begging for the answers too?

I look at and examine the teachings of the historical Jesus and I question, question and question!

How is it that Jesus was able to bring forth 5000 fish out of 5 or when he turned water into wine or when he brought lazareth back from the dead?

Perhaps Jesus had the knowledge and understanding of the unseen layered dimensions? Possibly he barrowed and took from the other dimension in regards to the fish, and speeding up time to the future to ferment grapes and turn water into wine? Perhaps this was a magician trick with reflective spectrums of light? or perhaps the reflective light through the manipulations of the atomic elements and surrounding electrons can be altered to form mass and take a different place and form in reality as the Hebrew scribes proclaim can be done according to the formation of the 22 Hebrew letters?

Obviously Jesus had all the carnal knowledge biologically inherent in him. Jesus was a rabbi and he was inevitable familiar with the Bible teachings and knowledge with the understanding of the Hebrew alphabet and code he may have used that to turn "thought into matter". Jesus used the meditation techniques of the Merkaba to commute with GD.
