RE: Timeflow change is part of nature: Schumann Resonance
Hi Roy,
You want to know what I think hu?
Well exactly!!! The mind is a very powerful tool! It controls most if not everything!
There is so much here that you are allowing me to open!!! I just don't know where to begin or how to present it properly to you?
Did you read my posting #17 above on acupuncture and the state of a healthy happy mind being able to control and conquer illness?
I posted an even better one under "how religion and Time Travel come hand in hand" post #12 on the subject of human consciousness and the Kabala?
Read here:
This life force that you and B. Keeney are talking about the various forms of Asian medicine, qigong and the oldest ancient cultures and their healing traditions. This is all very biblical, but let me express it in clearer terms. Lets talk about the mysteries and the medical knowledge that we know about the brain.
For example lets make reference to certain illnesses. Cancer, diabetes, depression, all immune deficiency disorders! What goes wrong in the physical body that causes these illnesses?
Lets start out with cancer, cancer can be caused by a number of things. Genetics play a big role, toxic and poisonous chemicals, radiation, injury, break down of the immune system. Now the brain comes into play here when it is disabled into making antibodies that are needed to fight of the bad radical cells that have been broken down by the substances I mentioned. USUALLY THE BODY BREAKS DOWN WHEN SOMETHING EMOTIONAL OR TRAGIC HAPPENS OR IS WORN DOWN BY OTHER ILLNESS and one becomes depressed and doesn't get the proper nutrition or sleep and is just worn down when the silent killer emerges and attacks! THE CELLS ARE IN A CONSTANT STATE OF CONFUSION WHEN THEY AREN'T GETTING THE PROPER SIGNALS FROM THE BRAIN! But now lets suppose that we could train our brains to control depression and be happy! Because when one is happy a series of things occur in the brain. The neurons are excited and functioning at lightning speed creating and producing chemical endorphins that feed the rest of the body with a hormonal chemical nutrition and endless supply of energy.
For example Diabetes is caused when the pancreas malfunctions and doesn't produce or filter carbohydrates and sugars properly, possibly because of no exercise, malnutrition, stress, and bad genetics. But what's really happening before all these shutdowns and in collaboration of diet? It is the chemical production and balance of the brain depleting and influencing the sugar levels and instructing the pancreas to malfunction. And why? because the brain is getting the STRESS message from the body along with malnutrition, sleep depredation, bad genetics and LACK OF EXERCISE! THE BODY GOES INTO A STATE OF REMISSION AND REPENTS UPON ITSELF! The antibody cells are are war against themselves! The body and the brain are not in sync so to speak and the body is in the attack self defense mode. Now if the brain could be made to produce these endorphins through proper thought that would cause the stabilization of the endorphins to supply and nourish the body properly, maybe we could have a fighting chance against Cancer and Diabetes as well as other immune deficiency illnesses!
Drugs mimic the hormonal chemical message to the brain!!
Did that make any sense?
Let me explain it in neurological terms. Immune cells produce cytokines (chemical signals) that stimulate the hypothalamus through the bloodstream or nerves elsewhere in the body. The hormone CRH, produced in the hypothalamus activates the HPA axis. The release of cortisol tunes down the immune system. RH, acting on the brain stem stimulates the sympathetic nervous system which innervates immune organs and regulates inflammatory responses throughout the body. Disruption of these communications in any way leads to greater susceptibility to disease and immune complications.
Immune cells such as monocytes a type of white blood cell produce a chemical messagers called interleukin 1 which will not pass through the blood brain barrier but certain cerebral blood vessels contain leaky junctions which allow Interleukin 1 molecules to pass into the brain. There they can activate the HPA axis and other neural systems. Interleukin 1 also binds to receptors on the endothelial cells that line cerebral blood vessels. This binding can cause enzymes in the cells to produce nitric oxide or prostaglandins which diffuse into the brain and act directly on neurons.
Roy, did you know that people who are vaccinated during periods of stress might be less likely to develop full antibody protections. Chronic stress also prolongs wound healing and acute stress can enhance cell mediated immunity and bring out dermatitis types of allergic skin reactions .
So now Roy the question you pose was can we help ourselves from having negative consequences of health from HAARP?
Yes I certainly think so! as long as we are educated properly about it and made aware that such dark forces exist, I think we can counteract it by just being happy go lucky and shrug petty things to the side and take life with stride and lots and lots of humor until the stitches pop!
Creedo, Shadow and TTA and others keep me in perfect health!
So stick around!!!