time traveler

No, I don't want anyone to make a story out of the bill, what I said was the bill was an example of what an inventive creative 'time traveler' could theoretically produce. I think Titor did a crummy job with the 'manual', but compared to his competition I admit he did a good job. What I'm asking is for you to produce something, I'm looking at this purely from an entertainment aspect.

I never claimed the bill was real, but how would you know if it wasn't? Can you prove it? For all you know its a bill from 50 years ahead of your time, so why would you instantly claim it was a fake. Do you claim to have checked out every 5 dollar bill in the history of US currency from now to 200 years into the future? Just checking.

--- Razimus
Poster: tt_101a
Subject: Re: time traveler

I am a time travler, I have been sent to this time period to observe events leading to the war. I am willing to answer your questions, as long as they don't intervene with any events or brake my code of ethics I sign as a traveler to your time.

ok answer me this in the year 2014 what invention makes living easier,
or better yet can you take me with you to you're time peroid . <font color="red"> [/COLOR]
1) What? First let me correct your spelling its "Through" and second your statement still makes no sense. What are the physics that make this possible to travel to a predetermined point in time? Or were you just guessing and turned a dial and ended up in 2004 (2005 now)

2) Plasma? This is almost laughable. All you have done is state a form of matter, that would almost be like me saying the power source I prefer is Icecubes. What makes it work, what are the magnetic restraints made of? I am assuming if we are talking plasma we are talking some form of superheated gas that is held in place by powerful magnets. This is going on right now and it is no secret so please, if you Would, elaborate and don't just say Plasma.

3) You can't transmit through any time using matter? Isn't this what you did, transmitted yourself through time. But you are saying you can't send information? I thought this was proved already we can send information in the form of waves/radio signals through space/time but we cannot send matter.

4) This was actually a Trick question. If you don't know what a Red shift is there is no way anybody in their right mind would consider you smart enough to send through time. Red Shift is the nature of the entire universe, all stars and all galaxies are moving Further away from each other. This is where Big Bang theory comes from. The light from these stars is shifted towards the Red end of the spectrum, this will no doubt be constant in almost every universe if there is such a thing as multiple universes. Unless that universe itself is collapsing, which, would no doubt be a completely different timeline and I am sure timetravel would not be your concern if this were the case.

5) Nice way of avoiding the question, I asked which was preferred, to say that one is still in use doesn't answer the question. Do you even know what a Qubit is? Look it up on Google sometime before you try to pretend/fake being a time traveler.

6) more like you don't know anything

7) So in the 35 years from the future you come from there is nobody smarter than Stephen Hawking even though he's been dead for what, 20 years or so to you?

8) you know nothing
9) you are a moron

10) and 11) lame....

12) the same old classic I can't tell you crap cuz it would "change things". Here is the flaw in your thinking and this is why you are bogus and not even very good at faking.

" I can't say the events because they need to happen. " This is your statement, however the problem with it is this. If you subscribe to the multiple worldline/timeline theory which you obviously do and you state many times there could be "Many" of you. Then the events are going to happen in every possible way. Therefore you would tell me in at least one timeline what the future holds. We can debate all day if its this timeline or not, but I say that it is and that to balance the equation of every possible event happening I demand you tell every single one of us the future events to which you CLAIM to have knowledge but cannot tell us.

Now if there were only 1 future and Not multiple worldlines/timelines then I would agree perhaps you should not interfere or tell us our futures. But by coming here, posting your messages, you have already changed things, and now when we ask for proof/truth, you say you can't which contradicts your own statement about your purpose here.

I say you are full of it and need to get a life Bud. Stop wasting our time.
I understand that you want someone to make a story around that stupid bill. I have to say that; that isn't real money. It's fake. You know this and I get it. It's lame if you ask me.

The only thing lame here is your story. I find it particularly interesting how you say you have never met John Titor, but in the same post say that he sent you to this time. Especially when Titor himself posted that he would not be able to come back to this world line. Dude, your story is as bad as Chronohistorians, if you are going to use Titor as a reference, at least get your story straight with his.
Hey tt_101a,
How are u doing?

well, i dont know how much i believe you are really from the future. Ive always dreamed since i was a kid, i watched the Back to the Future movies.. you have seen them havent you? and Star Trek, i have always thought that it was an awesome idea to do such a thing. If your really come from the mid 21st century i think thats awesome, but today we are all full of scepticimisim... i think that right. And so many crazy things seem to happen on a daily bases.
I do have a few questions... As many people ask about the political and scientific aspect of what you do and where you come from, i want to ask you about the spiritual side of things. As a Christian i really dont have a standing on weather time travel is possible or not, i know God is amazing and he has created many things.. but what is the Churches role in what happens in the future? Is there a movement of God, is the church anything like it is today? Are there still christian and other faiths flerishing? i dont know.. i just wanted to ask.. reply if you can.

Wow, I don't come to the message board for two days, and I have many question and people calling me lame, and/or a fake.

1)I don't care if you think I am a fake. I never care for peoples opinion.

2)This isn't the same john titor that was on your worldline. There was a different john titor that came to a different worldline and that ended up on a different worldline. Therefore, in two or more worldlines, the result is the same. Some "other" worldlines didn't send me, some did. You guys got me. But the world lines back in 2004 may have not.

3)Sorry about that typo, I meant to say through.

4)I am sorry, like your world line saids "plasma television;" We say "Plasma Cells." Well, during the energy revolution, you will find that cardon in a plasma form can omit different levels of energy. An amplifier for this energy will be hard to discover. You will try everything on argon to zinc. You will find a way to fuse argon to cardon with a new highly deadly version of water.
End result: C3+2(H2O4)+Ar4 ...this will give you a cardon in a plasma state. It will be nickname "Plasma cell"

3)Wow, it's sad. Radio waves is not a matter, but you use it as an argument against me.

4)I don't know what the red shift phase is, I am sorry. I still don't understand how me not knowing what a theory is, doesn't make me a time travel. Please explain.

5)I can't say the events because, in your worldline. You can change them. They need to happen, or you have live in a world that lacks freedom. Me saying hello to everyone and tell them events in our history and not telling you something that would be a big thing in the future many contradict itself, but doesn't the constitution and laws contradict itself. Look at your gun laws, look at all your laws. Still, I contradicted myself. I Admit it. Doesn't prove that I am not a time travler. Just prove that I don't want you to know some things.

I was born in 1995, I had a good first 10 years of my childhood. I wasn't the best, but it was wonderful and I miss it. In 2005, on april 3rd, my father died in a car accident. After this time period of sadness pass, my mother and I live on our own. She try and try to pay the bills, but we ended up losing our house in august. We live on the streets, selling oranges. We only had enough to live. In 2008, during the war, my mother was arrested and I still to this day don't know why. I was left all by myself, at the age of 13. I found myself in a world of fear. There was many police around me, but not one of them help me. I ask people for food, every once in a while they gave me a peice of bread, apples, water; anything they could give. I found myself mad at the police for never helping me. One of the many reason police never help me was because alot of people stop paying taxes. There was little money, they only "killed" for the sport(just a term). I decide to join the American Freedom Force know as AFF, I only had a handgun in the beginning, but I picked up a m8 from a dead soldier and that was my weapon of choice. I was shot once in the leg. I thank god that I didn't die. After the war, I join the army. I wasn't smart enough for anything else. I couldn't even read or write. They train me, and I heard of this Time Travel squad. At first I laugh and mock the paper of my friends. I later learn that is it real. Time Travel has been my greatest dream. I try to join from 2025-2033, but I never got in til they finally pick me. I was train for 1 year. I was to be a historian. I learn about john titor "actions" in 2038, I had my first mission in 2040 when I had to find a time travel and bring him back. This was hard to do because there was many visitors from many worldlines and I had to find the one person! Well I found many and I didn't know what to do. I brought one back and hope the others will be save by "me." I didn't know what to make out of this. I started to question everything. I took a year off, got my mission, and I am here now.

Cheers...As you say.
i'm sorry if my questions seem a bit synical i know that time travel is possible i work for the united states time travel enforcement department , i just haven't had much out side contact with other time travellers in a while so naturally i'm curious , any time travellers that want to move to a site that shouldn't attract reticual go to <font color="red"> [/COLOR]
i originally started the above website to help time travellers with their missions and educate people about time travel
ok so I find out who your father is travel to that city and on April 3rd I insist he be driven in a taxi everywhere that day, thus changing your future.

This possibility means that you have altered my history or I would not be here typing out an email to you I could be out blowing up aliens or saving the world and now your presence has altered this timeline.

Therefore your whole "I can say Hi" is BS, you and me both know you are not a time traveler.

I repeat

If ALL events happen (meaning multiple worldline/timeline theory as you believe in). Then. There is no harm in telling Everyone here Everything you know about the future. As you said its not Your future, and it also Has to happen.

This is the fundamental flaw in the multiple worldline theory that John Titor and this fake time traveler called upon. If All things do happen then there is no harm in telling us everything you know, after all in at least 1 timeline you do. I say its this timeline so go ahead tell us about the future.

I know of an invention coming out within the next 2 years that will revolutionize the computing world, its currently only one of a kind but will soon be copied and used everywhere. Now in this day you could spend a couple odd days looking online and would probably find the answer, but if you are from the future you would know. Almost like going back to 1998 and saying "google will be the most important search engine" when everyone was still using Yahoo.

All I'm saying is, I require proof, I have proven in your own beliefs that at least one of you travels back in time and tells all of us here on the TTI everything you know about the future. Can you prove to me that you are Not the one?
hi tt_101a

an interesting tale u tell !

a few questions if you don't mind ..

1. john mentioned that hydrogen fuel-cells were a big hit in his time ..did they take off in yours ?

2. do u believe in a god .. and if so what form of a religon do u follow ? as a secondary question what other religons have taken off and which ones have faded ?

thats all for now mate ..



ps. before judging the validity of his claim .. he has offered to post pics of his equip etc .. wouldn't it be wise to wait and see these before writting off his claims completely ?

jus some thoughts !
OK if you are a time traveller sent here by Titor then please explain one thing to me. The photo that Titor provided of the time machine producing enough of a gravitational pull to bend the light beam has some flaws to it. Why is the gravitational pull that is bending the light having no effect on the smoke from the cigar, or the person holding it, or the surrounding car? How is this possible? If you can explain this then you will be on your way to proving you are for real.
Ren the problem is he can't tell us about the future because we will change it one way or the other. If he tells you about an invention that is not suppose to be invented untill 2020 you will try to invent it now, or people will hear about it and invent it now. Changing the future completly, believe it or not.
Ren the problem is he can't tell us about the future because we will change it one way or the other. If he tells you about an invention that is not suppose to be invented untill 2020 you will try to invent it now, or people will hear about it and invent it now. Changing the future completly, believe it or not.

Actually this is incorrect. He claims that the multiple timeline theory is correct. Therefore as soon as he came back in time, he in fact created a new timeline. If he tells us this information, that will create another timeline which will diverge. Therefore it does not matter whatsoever if he alters this one since there are unlimited parallel timelines where different things happened anyway. He is trying to have the best of two theories to support his story, sorry, this isn't possible.

If he is from a different timeline, then telling us will have no effect on his past at all, it doesn't matter. If there is only one timeline, then it will affect his past but then his story is made up. He can't have both, therefore, decide which story you want to stick to dude.
Exactly my point, thank you Rhudey.

This is the fundamental flaw that was expressed when the story originally came out with John Titor, if only I had some time to ask him some questions. Although I do believe in general there is a good reason not to disclose such information, the statement that it would change things really bothered me.

If you believe in the multiple timeline theory, you must Also believe that all possible outcomes happen.

If this is the case then there is nothing a Time Traveler could tell us that would change Anything, maybe one specific timeline, but that timeline was supposed to have changed anyway.

As Rhudey said you can't have it both ways bub. Spill the beans or admit you're a fraud. =)
Hey do you know how bad PA is affected by the civil war and in the War in 2012. I want to survive this how do i go about doing this.

also do you know if man ever colonizes mars? also is the United States involved with the new world order in any way.

Oh! and who is the president of the united states in your time line.
Wow, A lot of question to answer.

I want to stop my father from dying, but I wouldn't. This isn't my worldline.

I have alter this worldline, but only to a point. There is harm in telling you everything that will happen in the next 30 years. Some will not happen and other events will shock you even if I told you. In fact you wouldn't believe some things. I have many prediction in the future if you look at some post in the back

Saying an invention will come within next 2 years isn't a real prediction, What if I told you that comp usa will create a os three years from this month or that intel will create the first 6ghz cpu. These are better prediction, and they give you more information.

Hydrogen fuel cells are big on my worldline.

I am jewish, but I am starting to question it. I don't believe that it isn't the right religion. I believe that god has come down.

The cigar picture, just look at it 2 days ago. I will explain this picture for you. The left microsignularities job is to contorl the cars gravition field. Think of it like this. The center gravity is like the gravity or your moon being three times the size. The left microsignularities makes a gravity bubble(so to say). The far you get from the bubble the less you are affect by your gravity and you for effect more by the outside gravity. This is why you see the beam slowly bend. You can vividly see the smoke in the car. and you can see the smoke effect the line. I hope this answer your question.

We still haven't landed on mars.

I feel like I have miss some question you guys have ask me in the pass, if I have; feel free to ask them again
I am sure I could come up with many more questions. However, most importantly.

How long do you have to stay here? When are you expected back, do you have a way back? if so how? What was the purpose of your journey here? And nothing you can say would shock me I've moved through timelines when something bad was going to happen to avoid it. Isn't it funny the small things you notice that are different? Like going to a foreign country and realizing they have different electrical outlets, I've noticed the small things that change always seem to bother me.

We would all like to know why you have revealed yourself, why now, why this place, Are you posting on any other places?
i cant believe that people are still posting replies to this thread...

Your a timetraveler too? You travel timelines, do you mean worldlines? Where have you been in time?

I have to stay here til december 2006, To see if a law will be pass, the difference in the law, and to record some chances from your worldline. I will tell you guys your future, just not a "really" big event. Just seeing electrical outlets again is a shock to me. It is very weird. I revealed myself to warn people about an upcoming event, but I am having second thoughts.

I don't think I should say my presidents name, but who cares. Charles Hartsock Jr. is the "third" president. When I say third, I mean the third territory.