Time traveler from 2075

Dear Icttion how come you can't answer my questions? i just wrote you to you all different questons? and now you were here a long ago not answer my questions are you a fake or real.

please answer the question if you can't do it then leave this place we don't want a make up of fake time travel story.

Hi everyone,

I have now received my book and will return back to my own time. I have had a personal chat with my contact Jack F., which was an interesting way to end this journey. To be honest, both him and myself were surprised at the lack of interest shown by users on this institute - I have successfully predicted the publication of a book, answered all and any questions, provided details about my time and was ready to go one step further by asking my elder to alter historical internet data to prove even further my claims, if needed. Fortunately such a manipulation was not needed as I met Jack just in time, who was able to help me in my endeavors.

So with this, I will answer the last few questions then sign out.

[QUOTE='Jacin Young]did Jesus Christ come and Took all those believer in heaven to go home?? like caught up in the Rapture(which another word caught up from earth and grave)
[/QUOTE]Why do you expect to be some kind of "rapture" 50 years from now? No such thing happened.

[QUOTE='Jacin Young]will UFO and good ET come back to help us and reveal to the public to the world about they exist?d 
[/QUOTE]That's a more interesting question. We don't know about any traces of alien life in 2075. We did have a life-seeking manned mission to Mars, but there was an accident and we haven't gone back there ever since.

[QUOTE='Jacin Young]is hell and Heaven realms real like after you die you go there or not
[/QUOTE]We still don't have answers to the great questions of life and death 50 years from now.

OK, I will go now. Peace be with you all.


[QUOTE='Einstein]It really will be necessary for you to pass my time traveler test. Not passing the test is simply an admission that you don't have a time machine that would enable you to pass the test. Of course you wouldn't be the first to fail my test. But I did have one individual pass my test. So I know the test is a valid test.
[/QUOTE]A cute way, Marcus, to publicize ur book, unfortunately, just to a few folks who have TIME to be interested in TIME TRAVEL. If this 'einstein' is still following this thread, then - NO< NOT AT ALL!!!

[QUOTE='postfuture]A cute way, Marcus, to publicize ur book, unfortunately, just to a few folks who have TIME to be interested in TIME TRAVEL. If this 'einstein' is still following this thread, then - NO< NOT AT ALL!!!

Oh, it didn't occur to me that he is promoting a book about to be published.  You know, we have a BOOK CLUB (dimension).  We don't mind people advertising books there.   But I suppose he thinks we are going to rush to buy the book now.  Clever.  

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[QUOTE='JayJay]Dude, as I said in my other thread in this forum, and I quote:


Unless he wrote it.  But you're the one that gave me the thought. LOL. 

OK, so your point is that... what? He wrote a book, with no intention of selling it because it's essentially meaningless to anyone but himself? How does that make sense?

I don't get it. And also what thought did I give you? Anyway have you checked out the thread I made?
For those of you have not read this thread in its entirety, the poster ichtion failed to even bother with verifying his veracity. I gave him a chance to do so. He declined. This is typical of time traveler hoaxers. So if I add an F to his name for failure it comes out as Fichtion.

[QUOTE='Einstein]For those of you have not read this thread in its entirety, the poster ichtion failed to even bother with verifying his veracity. I gave him a chance to do so. He declined. This is typical of time traveler hoaxers. So if I add an F to his name for failure it comes out as Fichtion.

Dude, look at his post. He said he doesn't have that capability. It's not all black and white, it's not "either you can become God or not". He said he had a first generation machine that couldn't do that.

Anyway, we can continue this conversation in my thread, in which I also explain that yes, he did verify his veracity by manipulating historical google data. If people would just bother to "read" things wouuld be so much simpler...

[QUOTE='JayJay]Dude, look at his post. He said he doesn't have that capability. It's not all black and white, it's not "either you can become God or not". He said he had a first generation machine that couldn't do that.

Anyway, we can continue this conversation in my thread, in which I also explain that yes, he did verify his veracity by manipulating historical google data. If people would just bother to "read" things wouuld be so much simpler...

Why would I believe you? It appears you are attempting to perpetuate a hoax started by another. Or probably by you! You wouldn't be the first hoaxer to register more than one account. I do believe applicants for an account will most likely be banned if the Mods discover your IP address is the same as another account.

Lol. So let me get this straight. You are accusing me of being able to manipulate historic google data? If I could do that, why on Earth would I be posting on this forum? ?

By all means, please do check the IP addresses. But when you discover that they are not the same, you will still invent some other reason not to believe us. I could have used a VPN. I could have changed the IP address. Some people will never be satisfied.

And for Pete's sake, ichtion created a spike in google historic data. How on Earth can you "hoax that away"? Goodness me.
[QUOTE='HeASdf]SoOOOO you have flying cars?

This kind of low effort post is why I will be leaving this site

I mean, after all the evidence in this (and the other thread), people are still asking bullsh1t questions. Just great.

No @JayJay don't go ? I liked talking to you, you helped me unlike others (I added some more information about me in my profile but you can ask me anything you want) and you also said that some my question was interesting ??? I hope you will stay ... in any case don't answer the questions you don't like ... don't care ? where are you from?

[QUOTE='JayJay]This kind of low effort post is why I will be leaving this site

I mean, after all the evidence in this (and the other thread), people are still asking bullsh1t questions. Just great.

I think the questions are appropriate for someone like yourself who has nothing but bullshit spouting out of his mouth.
