Time traveler, Eric Brown

The only thing about him that is 100% accurate is his TDU.

Even that turns out to be pure fiction. So far all black holes are just mathematical calculations on paper that have yet to be definitively found in nature. I kind of like Stephen Hawking's approach to the problem though. He worked out the math that shows a rotating black hole will lose energy through evaporation. That would suggest the reason why black holes can't be found. Of course if he ramps up his math a little bit, he could show that all black holes evaporate in an instant upon creation. Then he's got the real reason why stars going nova outshine a whole galaxy of stars just before they wink out. And black holes would be declared unstable and never exist in nature. My whole point to this is the TDU is based on mathematical fiction. Just like Eric Brown's statements so far.
I see that most of the people here don't believe you, Eric.

Are you even being honest right now ? It sounds to me like you're avoiding something.
Maybe we can help you if you are searching for something bigger than Titor.

Even i could give you a hand in searching through literature, if thats what you want.
Right now, i don't know if i should trust you.
I doubt anyone here knows if they should.
Choose your words wisely, Eric...
Yeah, i am already done with the literature thing, so no need for any help, thanks though ? You guys do not fully trust me and i think that makes sense. However, i thought that i've given enough information on myself. If there is anything you want to know, ask me.
I've asked but you did not answer. I trust you but do you trust me?
Sorry, could you repost any question that you have about me ? Just remember that i do not answer anything about my mission, that is between me and my Commander. My answer may be a bomb for all of you.
"First of all, he said time travel would not be invented until 2034". Things like this, Darby, things like this frustrated me about Titor, you want the whole story ? I will tell you exactly how time travel will be invented in a later post, first i will explain exactly what i want with Titor.

Maybe you missed the point here. He said that time travel isn't invented until 2034. You said that you are a time traveler from 2028. Obviously you can't both be correct. If you're from 2028 then time travel was invented prior to 2028 and was already existent in 2034. You see the mere "invention" of time travel of the sort that is posited here is a conundrum. Once invented, given sufficient time (and that means literally forever given that it is a time machine we're talking about), the technology finds itself being utilized in the past WRT the supposed date of its invention. But if it is available in the past why would someone invent it "today"? It's already been invented. No matter what the date is it has already been used in the past and is available in the present. It's been used "forever". It appears to have simply invented itself and is available in its most advanced form possible. And please note that I placed a specific limiter on the scenario: "time travel in the form posited here".

As to the name "John Titor" we've known since the beginning that that is not his real name. How? He told us that that was the case. He said that he made up the first and last name because in order to register to post on Art Bell's old Post-2-Post forum one had to supply a full name. I know that that was the case because I was also a member there. So he made up a name John TI(me) T(raveler) OR (not a time traveler). Registering with a handle like "TimeTravel_0" was not allowed. He was initially able to post anonymously here because in 2000 until late winter 2001 we didn't have to register in order to post. He only registered here in March of 2001 even though he had been posting as TTO since 2-NOV-2000. It was at that time (more or less) that MOP required registration.
You shouldn't believe me this quickly, i know that. But you definitely should not believe Titor. He had/has a secret agenda, i don't. It's as simple as that. The only thing i'm keeping secret from you guys is the ToLL mission that is between me and my Commander. And believe me, i know as much as you do about that.

Titor is another story, he came to your age without a real goal. As i said, the IBM thing was nothing but a lie, and people with at least a little bit of insight could tell. He came here for another reason, i peronally think it has to do with bringing me and my team down. They've been troubling us from the start, and we've been troubling them. The only mistake that Titor made, was that he became a little too known on the internet. That's how i found him of course. In reality though, my theory is only a suspicion, untill i find evidence to back it up. That's what i'm doing here.

While i'm at it, i will make some "predictions" about whatever you would like, just promise me that you'll make sure i won't draw as much attention as Titor did.
Fine, i will tell you the only things i know about the literature i came to retrieve. It is considered poetry, but my Commander believes there is an ancient code in it that could be (would be) really usefull to us. That is all i know, and that is all you will know. I also have a question about John Titor. When he posted, did he leave big spaces of time between his posts, or did he post frequently ?
So, we are throwing all the elements in to this one then- the Da Vinci code type stuff mixed with more tosh about John (boring) Titor. :(

There is absolutely no point in calling in to the time travel claims section- only to create your own rules- which simply say, I can't say anything.
Who cares then- go tell the old lady down the local grocers store. I doubt she would be interested much either.
Either describe your machine and show some solid proof, or say goodbye- this is getting boring!

Sorry, I am getting extremely bored with all this total fantasy land stuff!

Is it me, or does it all get a little too repetitive. Claim, debunker, show IP addys have been traced, shame. Then start again.... There must be a better way to do all this- a set criteria that has to be met by the "claimants", if only to save my eyes from getting tired of reading the same old tosh- just re-worded and re-done.
I have no obligation to prove myself to you, but i do feel like it's fair, since i've posted in the Time Travel Claims section. December 2012 : An earthquake will hit North-America, i won't tell you where, but it will happen. Upcomming elections : Obama will suffer defeat from a would-be anti-christ who later doesn't appear to be of much harm. After he'll get elected he won't change much.

I was actually expecting specific questions about the future, because nothing big is going to happen in the near future for you. Also, i would like someone to answer my question in my previous post.
Eric earthquakes are quite common in norh america, specially the west coast, that is not a valid prediction. And no JT was quite frequent in his postings. However, I am one of the disappearing ones, hence the name Transient.
If you have something to ask about the future ask away, that is just what i remember from my little research. Also, it happens to be the east coast, where the earthquake will hit. And if i remember correctly, it will be december 10th.
I have no obligation to prove myself to you

Well, don't post here then.
At least I won't get so damn bored reading your posts.
You should have some moral obligation to make it at least a little interesting- all you do is duck, deflect and bore.

If you have something to ask about the future ask away, that is just what i remember from my little research. Also, it happens to be the east coast, where the earthquake will hit. And if i remember correctly, it will be december 10th.

Tell you what then .... to save us all a lot of pointless typing and reading, you go off to wherever and whenever - and then come back here on Dec 11th!
i suppose you haven't taken your "research" as far as looking into things as stock prices or whatever,
so i'll just ask you this : what major companies (any type of company) will cease to exist and what
new companies will become major in the near future ?
Lots of people here don't understand you, eric.
Or maybe it is you who does not understand us...
Over the course of time, we will be able to tell.
Killing time is what i'm doing right now, and i feel like that's what you are doing.

Understand this message when you read it, and maybe you'll find something.
Please, say what ever is on your mind...