That means (in my case, and possibly that of KerrTexas, among others) is to sift though the "mythical" information from societies-past, applying a highly scientific filter to it.
Yes, this was done in several threads relative to the legends and mythology, especially regarding Thoth and/or Hermes. Trying to apply a scientific filter to the accounts of this historical figure.
And as you mentioned, was also done in the God ? Thread, as well.
You do know me quite well, Rainman, and know that my belief system parallels yours. Although at times we may be using different terminology, we pretty much agree on the same issues.
Lately I've noticed that with regards to God sometimes the term " consume " is used as opposed to " destroy ". Whether there has been a problem with the translation of the orignal manuscripts where the individual doing the work makes a mistake, and applies a word that is in error, and thus changes the context of the material ???
What occurs to me, and I don't know if this is where we have a difference of perspective, is in situations as seen on Ghosthunters. Shortly after arriving at any particular location that is said to be haunted, the team of TAPS is shown "where" paranormal activities have taken place, and are given descriptions as to "what" type of paranormal activites have been experienced.
Based on the information provided, the scientific equipment is set-up to record the events, if they occur. When nothing happens, the comment I have often heard is ; " Ghosts don't respond on que ! "
I agree that scientific methods are very important, but doesn't "always" have the capability to record experiences if and when they occur.
I believe that as technology advances, that there will be scientific devices that might tip the scales relative to paranormal activities.
With regards to different levels of God, yeah, I also agree with that perspective.
God also seems to hint at this as per the Bible. That God could arrive on earth as God "complete", as the One, would cause everything to come apart. Thus, the reflections from high to low, or perhaps more accurately, through-out the all within God.
God utilizes the archangels or angels, as an example, to move through the different layers, creating a line of comunication, as it were, and/or influence. This too, is seen in the Bible.
God speaking to Abraham before sending the angels down into Sodom, never really says that God is before Abraham AS God IS, but rather is existing ( in part ) within and communicating through the angels.
As you mentioned, Rainman, the "allegory" of the interaction between God and Abraham contains hidden scientific information, and going beyond the print, using science, one can discover those hidden dynamics.
Does God have the capacity to consume all that is within God, and ending what we perceive to be variations, or that which seems to have an independent identity ? I believe this is where the Fear of God comes in : in hopes that God doesn't turn out to be fickle as we, and change His mind regarding "His intentions " relative to us.
Really, to whose benefit are the Laws of Nature ? Ultimately, God's or ours ? That God could violate those Laws of Nature, would doing so affect whom ? God or everything within God ? That God has a reason as to why God is allowing everything to exist and evolve as is it does, is of benefit hope.
Science must be applied when it can be thus applied, however, there are instances where Science has not reached a level of answering all the questions relative to all the experiences, so to develop an understanding of the dynamics of those experiences, what to do ?
Ignore the experiences Science can't yet address and pretend they don't happen ?
Relative to time travel claimants, I agree that there are scientific methods in place to either prove those claims as true or not true.
However, my wife swears that she saw a man dressed in black watching her while she was washing some dishes. He was leaning against the entertainment center, and my wife thought it was me. When she turned to face the man directly, in essence, to say something to me, she realized it wasn't me, and the man simply vanished into thin air.
We now have a problem. Is my wife fibbing ? Is she suffering from some sort of mental disability that reuslts with hallucinations, or was that man really there ?
To apply science means taking a lie detector test, or running her through a medical examination to see if there is some sort of anomalie relative to her brain, and others tests, to try to see why she saw this apparition.
We did run medical tests, which came back as normal. So...who was this man ? Science doesn't have the answer to that experience.
IF you yourself experienced a paranormal event such as possibly being pushed from behind, and turning to look, see nothing, what scientific method can you use to answer the question as to who pushed you ?
Relative to religion(s), most of them have the same basic "seed", but that seed is covered over in the muck of personal dogma and personal/political agendas. You know that I have said that most of the "wars" fought in the name of any particular "god", probably would have been fought anyway, but with a different excuse.
The terrorists killing in the name of any particular "version" of God, probably had the "potential" to be murderers to start with, and would have used something else if "any" god was not handy to use for justification of actions.
Something that I "know" we both stress and do agree with are " Intention" - " Potential " - "Responsibility " and " Awareness ", and you know why "we both" agree on those particular terms AND the dynamics surrounding those concepts.
With regards to most of the other material in the post, you know that I don't really have any arguments relative to those points. In no way am I degrading science, and agree with you regarding the value and importance of applying scientific methods to just about everything that can be scrutinized at this time.
And even with those things relative to the paranormal, it will be those men and women OF science that develop the methods and/or equipment to further our understandings.