time travel - used as \"warp speed?\"
A theory of mine popped up one day with interest. To travel faster than light you must "skip" or "jump" the infinisimals of time that motion is required,(in between destinations) as all objects must travel through for motion. In between the destinations of start to finish, there must be a sense of "no time." If such time traveling machine is conjured it may be used to create a tear in time/space or create an area in space that has no sense of time. Therefore, a theory of mine is that: anything passing through this area may never be existing in that area and end up, with no results to time, at the other side.
A theory of mine popped up one day with interest. To travel faster than light you must "skip" or "jump" the infinisimals of time that motion is required,(in between destinations) as all objects must travel through for motion. In between the destinations of start to finish, there must be a sense of "no time." If such time traveling machine is conjured it may be used to create a tear in time/space or create an area in space that has no sense of time. Therefore, a theory of mine is that: anything passing through this area may never be existing in that area and end up, with no results to time, at the other side.