Time Travel = Space Exploration?

I'll repeat myself in a slightly different way. Imagine that you have played Mario and you have saved all the levels that you won in the previous game. You get bored one day and you decide to play a particular level that you did not do so well in, in the past. So you go to that particular part of the game, and you replay the level. You get much better after you play that level many times. This is time travel in the video game. So someday, we very well could live in a world where we can go back in time as easily as if life was a video game.
I have a burned-head theory that the long-distant astronomical objects (light-years distances) are image of them-self through time.

But they are in the way of scientific experience. Repetition of the same reaction producing the same path.
Yes, exactly as I would also think of these things Jcpo. How do you know this?
There is another issue, that perhaps you also have experienced as questionable? I pose this as a question, because I have experienced it, but still have no definitive answers. Also, we have no definitive proof whatsoever, that what is occurring can be expected to exist (either perceptually or scientifically measured) is the exact equivalent of what a 'group' would consider 'real'. The issue being; how can physical properties be reproduced and/or experienced to such a high degree of accuracy as to be accepted as reality to the observer (or test subject, measuring equipment, etc.)? From my own experience, and from the data we have collected, I can say most certainly it appears to be composed of reality as it's understood, but, does not contain the [seemingly] necessary factor of an overall universally conscious conceptual model. I have my own theories, as do my colleagues, but, there still exists no definitive proof. Theoretically speaking, I believe the construct may be composed of pre-existing fragments, which, to me, would align nicely with our limited abilities. But of course I have no way of providing proof of this idea. A great deal of effort is continuing in this field, but it may never be possible to prove it outside of simplistic examples of collected data, photographs, and a few small artifacts, all of which could easily be reproduced as hoax items. So it is at this point where the study remains at present.

I know this by curiosity :)
Here are my justifications :
All planets are orbiting sun, which is orbiting galaxy, which is orbiting super-cluster... etc...
So everything follow the same direction of the most massive object we orbit around.
But we know that the universe is constantly expanding... That makes me think of a time-line, one only way : from past to present.
And as light-years distances can only be done by waiting many time or by going faster than light so I started imagining the universe as a film.
The mars pyramid and Mayan belief in 5th sun also helped me... ;)
One possible way of using a time machine for exploration of the universe is to excellerate time on one half of the universe and have time move slower on the other half of the of the universe.Since the universe is moving through time then you could get to different points in the universe by crossing over from the slow time half of the universe to the fast time half of the universe.By aligning low speeds and high speeds you can make time excellerate and slow down.Time would be slow off the device and fast on it.The effect can be amplified by putting turned off machines on top of each other or pieces of them on top of each other.The machine would always be in contact with the present and future even when turned off.Einstein theory of relativity states that the closer you get to the speed of light the more time passes by on the outide of the object as opposed to on it.Also the reverse is true as well.
Oh, boy. We do know that there is a maximum velocity in this universe, yes? The speed of light, yes? This also means a maximum velocity for any signalling, effect or contact of any sort, yes?

So, how does one, in this magical universe, speed up or slow down time "in half the universe" when the radius of the universe is ~20 bllion light years? If you could do that you wouldn't need to invent no stinking time machine, Gringo. It would take a time machine to accomplish the task itself.

Critical thought. Does anyone even think about what they are about to post before doing so?
Oh, boy. We do know that there is a maximum velocity in this universe, yes? The speed of light, yes? This also means a maximum velocity for any signalling, effect or contact of any sort, yes?

Quantum entanglement happens at a velocity greater than light.
Quantum interaction: 10,000 times faster than light - NBC News.com

My intention is not to make myself out to be superior to anyone in any way. Everyone can contribute to a conversation, scientifically, emotionally.. ..it takes all kinds.
Oh, boy. We do know that there is a maximum velocity in this universe, yes? The speed of light, yes? This also means a maximum velocity for any signalling, effect or contact of any sort, yes?

So, how does one, in this magical universe, speed up or slow down time "in half the universe" when the radius of the universe is ~20 bllion light years? If you could do that you wouldn't need to invent no stinking time machine, Gringo. It would take a time machine to accomplish the task itself.

Critical thought. Does anyone even think about what they are about to post before doing so?

I think the time machine would be AI and also able to use "spooky action" if proven right, to go anywhere in the universe in an instant. And even maybe take us with it in a small ship. The Dwave machine would give us the plans to build what it needs to do all of this. Don't you think?
My device already does what a time machine does just with one device, no pieces and no extra devices.If you think about it.You will see this.Although it does it on small increments of time that way.
Quantum entanglement happens at a velocity greater than light.
Quantum interaction: 10,000 times faster than light - NBC News.com

My intention is not to make myself out to be superior to anyone in any way. Everyone can contribute to a conversation, scientifically, emotionally.. ..it takes all kinds.

Found this for you. hope u like it.

My prediction is the D-Wave will enable first contact with intelligent life in the universe via "spooky action from a distance" with another quantum computer.
This mite help.
Currents in space

20 Million today, tomorrow who knows.

No real cats were used in this experiment.
Thank you, Blair.
Since I meant currents in the broadest sense of the word,
I was hoping to imagine how things generally tend to flow in space.
Having contemplated an example that was simplistically based on a conveyer belt,
I've been conceptualizing travel through various mediums.
Oh, boy. We do know that there is a maximum velocity in this universe, yes? The speed of light, yes? This also means a maximum velocity for any signalling, effect or contact of any sort, yes?

So, how does one, in this magical universe, speed up or slow down time "in half the universe" when the radius of the universe is ~20 bllion light years? If you could do that you wouldn't need to invent no stinking time machine, Gringo. It would take a time machine to accomplish the task itself.

Critical thought. Does anyone even think about what they are about to post before doing so?
Why are you so racist?