Time Travel Question

Re:The why of this action:

Dear Dr. Stang,. there is an automatic shut-down protocols, with any intimation of possessing a time machine, which is recognized by all sides in this issue.

The following states that if an individual does not have proof and is therefore baiting, then the entry point into contracting the said use of supposed time machine, may therefore be termed as surreptitious?

You would possibly have an authority on your doorstep.
This is why I had instructed Warrior, not to peruse the substance of any supposed time machine, however to let you wax your philosophical views and any held substantive issues, rather than go for something that may endanger both parties.

There are time-police and time-guards, as they say and refer to them.

I did not desire provocation to any induced probably time police action, on anyone's part.
Re: Time Travel Question: EVERYONE ANSWER

Not because of any idea of mercy or justice, just because it would be satisfying to see him struggle and live in a new world where he can do no real harm. Besides, choking a baby is alot harder than it may seem even for the coldest of killers...and the guilt that may follow may pick at you even with the knowledge that you have saved countless ten's of millions of lives.

The past is well left alone. Perhaps moving him from one location to another would cause more lives to be lost. Imagine bringing him to this era and have him gain power with nuclear weapons at his disposal.

As bad as he was...he is gone now. Let's leave it that way.

And to answer your first question, dont really know where I would go, without giving it alot of thought. I would love to visit some of the great libraries that were burned up and destroyed.
Escaping notice, well, that all depends where one goes doesn't it?
Re: Time Travel Question: EVERYONE ANSWER

1) I'd go back in time to Germany when Hitler was just a baby and I would choke him to death in his crib.

What would be fitting with Hitler is to grab him just before he kills himself, take him back several months or more, and customize him up a tad, and drop him off in a concentration camp.
Re:The why of this action:

My thanks to you for your concern in this matter. But, i am of no interest to anyone whether authority figure or just plain forum viewer as i have nothing of value whether of material or scientific value(i'm a searcher like most here) to the issue of Time Travel.

I'm a nobody(most of us really are) who found this forum and all i plan to do is have what i hope to be time travel discussions that are more entertaining and mentally stimulating than contentious and banal.

I want to once again thank you for your concern for all the parties discussing in the post. Hopefully any future misunderstanding can be quickly resolved with a quick edit or post.
Re:The why of this action:

My thanks to you for your concern in this matter. But, i am of no interest to anyone whether authority figure or just plain forum viewer as i have nothing of value whether of material or scientific value(i'm a searcher like most here) to the issue of Time Travel.

I'm a nobody(most of us really are) who found this forum and all i plan to do is have what i hope to be time travel discussions that are more entertaining and mentally stimulating than contentious and banal.

I want to once again thank you for your concern for all the parties discussing in the post. Hopefully any future misunderstanding can be quickly resolved with a quick edit or post

sorry Dr. Stang I guess I just forgot about the Time Cops..but I do have a question for you Creedo299...remember the story about Montauk project?? well which side are you on Creedo299??

are you for the time cop which they are working for the grey?? which they are evil?? or you are on the good side which to fight the good fight not working for the grey?? hmmm I choose not to work for the grey but I fight the good fight against the Time Cop.....that want to rule the world for secret one world goverment..

I not here to go against anybody but one world goverment who is evil.
Re: Time Travel Question: EVERYONE ANSWER


That is too true!! Hitler may grow up to be an even more murderous meglomaniac of epic proportions if transplanted somewhere else. Best to be sure of his fate then, a miscarriage sounds suitably adequate.

The idea of going to the Royal Libraries of Alexandria(or any other ancient library of antiquity) sometime perhaps around 40 B.C.to 30 B.C. sounds exceptionally fascinating. If ever a means opens up and if you will have me on this venture, I would be honored to root out the wonders of this mystery with you. I can only wonder at what marvels can be gleaned from this treasure trove of knowledge.

I don't believe we can just enter such a repository of knowledge looking like beggars or street vendors/entertainers. Without a grasp of the language, this may prove a challenge to not only gain entry but to peruse the scrolls(is there a linguist/reader of the ancient languages on this forum?). We could perhaps come as visiting foreign scholars/merchants/dignitaries. What do you think?
Re: Time Travel Question: EVERYONE ANSWER

I don't believe we can just enter such a repository of knowledge looking like beggars or street vendors/entertainers. Without a grasp of the language, this may prove a challenge to not only gain entry but to peruse the scrolls(is there a linguist/reader of the ancient languages on this forum?). We could perhaps come as visiting foreign scholars/merchants/dignitaries. What do you think?

To address the first issue of blending in, visiting foreign scholars would probably be the best in this case. This would be a reasonable explaination for the language differences.

As far a linguist in this forum; Not that I know of. I am certain any linguist of those languages would leap at the chance to go on a quest such as this. And if we were certain of a mission such as this, learning to speak the language would NOT be a problem.

The last issue of reading the scrolls and other texts... I would scan every document I could with a digital device or take pictures with a digital camera for a more complete translation at a later time.
Re: Time Travel Question: EVERYONE ANSWER

This would a staggering idea. Is to be waiting near the tomb of Jesus, and soon after they leave, is too either wait for him to exit or to get in and take him to our era with a medical team standing by.
Re: Time Travel Question: EVERYONE ANSWER


All we need is a few more people to round out the team and we are good to go. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif Mayhaps we will be fortunate to have a kindly Time Traveler to sponsor us.

It's wonderful to dream the impossible but you never can tell what new dream the day will bring.

I will have to say that bringing a digital camera is a great idea, i was only thinking of a video camera and i can see that this would not be as effective in such a venture.

Curiously, why not just take as many scrolls as we can, transcribe them back in our time and return almost identical copies back to the library? They certainly will not know the difference. What do you think?
Re: Time Travel Question: EVERYONE ANSWER


I must urge you to copyright that idea at once!!! You have an excellent plot for a movie or novel. Enough said.
Re: Time Travel Question: EVERYONE ANSWER

Curiously, why not just take as many scrolls as we can, transcribe them back in our time and return almost identical copies back to the library? They certainly will not know the difference. What do you think?

I wouldnt want to be a Time Traveling Pirate, and tricking anybody that way.

I suppose if you wanted to slip off with some scrolls and/or texts, the time to do it would be to target specific scrolls/texts and go back as the Library burned and gather them up and then return with them to our era.

I wouldnt use any time travelling abilities as an opportunity to gain wealth in the monetary sense. To me true wealth is beyond the collection of cash. I would possibly use the knowledge gained in a way to finance further expiditions, but not to become personally wealthy.
Re: Time Travel Question: EVERYONE ANSWER

Dear Warrior'

I don't know on the Montauk project.

I feel that some of the data yielded from this program, might not, still be clear?

There was, it was said a journey to a far point in the future, where no life it seems had existed.

For humans, maybe the Montauk Experiment was the only way, they could have reached this far in the future?
Re: Time Travel Question: EVERYONE ANSWER


I understand and affirm your position on this. It is one thing stealing the treasure of the natives of the time period and another on preserving their inherent birthright-a legacy that should be cherished/handed down throughout history.

By taking/stealing these scrolls and replacing them with identical copies, we can only be furthering the incomplete history of those who wanted nothing more than to hand down their past so posterity will not forget them. And it would seem best to steal them in times of stability not in panic/fire (I can imagine the billowing smoke would be a challenge on locating the scrolls of importance).

I find no shame in restoring what is lost by these criminal methods (I would probably go further than theft if necessary).

I would however, find it to be a shame in the taking of the [hypothetical] hidden treasure of Mocteuzma II and not returning it to the rightful heirs whether by time travelers or otherwise. If you know something belongs rightfully to another, it should be returned (unless of course, all the indigenous people are extinct). But who am i to say, i'm just a teeny tiny voice in the cacophony of discord.
Re: Time Travel Question: EVERYONE ANSWER

I understand your concept and you are making a good point. The chance of targeted scrolls having been already destroyed is a high probability. I suppose you could do just as you suggested, not really theft, but borrowed for a brief moment.

I could see collecting specific scrolls and returning to our era at 1:00:00 p.m. Copy the scrolls at the lab, and then set the return moment in time for 1:00:10 p.m., or less if possible.

The brief moment we are gone probably wouldnt even be noticed.
Re: Time Travel Question: EVERYONE ANSWER

If time travel is possible at any time in our future, don't you think that they would have already done what you are preposing?

For me...traveling to the future would be much more rewarding. How do my children and grand-children turn out? Does Bill Gates crumble under his own greed and short-sightedness? Do we start living on other planets?.... the list goes on and on. Does someone find a better combination than peanut-butter and jelly? Do we finally figure out what causes MPB?

P.S. MPB=Male Pattern Baldness
Re: Time Travel Question: EVERYONE ANSWER


The caretakers of this time may just allow us to take all the scrolls that we want with the promise that we copy the scrolls on a more durable type/form of scroll AND that we give them a copy of the old scrolls that looks far better than the old(we can offer our services as scroll copiers from afar and show them some outstanding samples of our wares(wouldn't be too technological since we would just bring a small copy machine hooked to a small battery generator)). Perhaps bribery will win over the most stubborn of hearts/minds, whatever it takes in the least amount of work/danger.

If only we can just win over these few obstacles. But not everything works out the way planned. Wouldn't be surprised if this whole plan comes crashing down(that is if somehow we find a way to this past time).
Re: Time Travel Question: EVERYONE ANSWER


I don't know if time travel is in any way real and that if so, whether people from the future would steal/preserve historical artifacts/scrolls from the past. I would like to believe that it is real and that the people of the future will be enlightened enough to value all that has come before them-that they would pay homage to those in the past who struggled so valiantly in life so that those in the future can be.

The future is unknown, its path is sparkling new and untread, no compass to guide and no history/map to follow. My goodness, how I would wish to be part in this venture if such a chance were ever given. The excitement in exploring infinite possibilities and the quest for knowledge that unlocks the mysteries of almost everything (given the proper time in the future). And imagine those in the future being enlightened and receptive enough in sharing all that they know with the past. What a world of light at the end of the rainbow that would be.
Re: Time Travel Question: EVERYONE ANSWER

Dr. Stang,

I'm afraid I don't believe in the "Goodness of Man" to do the right thing. History has shown us quite clearly that for every 1 thing man does that is good and selfless he does 10 that are wrong and selfish.

Day dreaming is nice but eventually the "rocks of reality" come crashing down.
Re: Time Travel Question: EVERYONE ANSWER

If time travel is possible at any time in our future, don't you think that they would have already done what you are preposing?

Perhaps they have, well darn, suppose we should all just give up because somebody else MAY have done it.

How do my children and grand-children turn out? Does Bill Gates crumble under his own greed and short-sightedness? Do we start living on other planets?.... the list goes on and on. Does someone find a better combination than peanut-butter and jelly? Do we finally figure out what causes MPB?

I could see these goals as being much more rewarding than wanting to retrieve ancient scrolls of knowledge or perhaps being present when Jesus walks out of the tomb.
Re: Time Travel Question: EVERYONE ANSWER

The caretakers of this time may just allow us to take all the scrolls ...

I would imagine that you would want to limit the contact with the people of the time period you are visiting. The shortest amount of time interacting with others would be best, and trying to negotiate a possible trade of scrolls would leave the door open for our differences to magnify.

To Mikebo;

I'm afraid I don't believe in the "Goodness of Man" to do the right thing. History has shown us quite clearly that for every 1 thing man does that is good and selfless he does 10 that are wrong and selfish.

Does this mean you would display these traits if you had the opportunity to travel in time? Or would you be one of those who decides to make a difference in the world by doing the right thing?