Epochal Historian
unregistered posted 27 December 2000 19:35
to rgrunt
a computer sim ain't going to predict ancient earth geologic changes any better than it can predict next years weather
go to the library, open a textbook on geology and all your answers will there, indexed and catagorized
alternatively there is a cool website on the subject, I believe it is www.tomato-wizzard.com
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unregistered posted 27 December 2000 20:06
Nine out of ten theories are eventually proven false. Let the people who make them up defend them. The Earths history is unimaginably long and complex. It may indeed be harder to find something that has NOT happened over its 5 billion years.
There a million ways to be wrong and only one way to be right. Daviper will run circles around you because he's got this million to one rule on his side.
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Member posted 27 December 2000 21:41
Then he will get VERY DIZZY! hehehehehe
I am not here to defend or prove anything. I simply mentioned one theory out of many I had heard.
I dont immediately disregard a theory because it may clash with any beleif system I may or may not have. he's just plain silly! heheheeh. but it was fun!
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Member posted 27 December 2000 21:52
p.s. I cant get your tomato-wizard link to work! And I wanted to see it!
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unregistered posted 28 December 2000 05:11
The laws of physics have nothing to do with a belief system.
They are what they are whether one believes them or not. All the old belief that the world was flat didn't make it so.
All the belief that the earth was the center of the Solar System and Universe couldn't make it so.
And all the belief in the world that a "universal flood" EVER existed can't change the laws of physics that make such an event utterly impossible.
Where did all the water go when this "flood" was over? Evaporate into space? Sorry not possible under the laws of physics that are governed by the very gravity of the earth itself. Water which is heavier than air, evaporated into the vacume of space and left the earth's atmosphere behind? Sorry no dice. It just doesn't work like that as any meteorologist can tell you.
The story is based on local phenomenae at the time it originated. It probably looked to the inhabitants at the time that the "whole world" was flooded but the reality of physics is that it is not, never was, and can never be possible. (Barring collisions with several thousand Comets that is. Which would wipe out all life, change the entire structure of the mantle itself and cause evolution to start all over again.)
There is NO evidence this has ever happened in this manner.
The belief stems from the desire to insist on a literal interpretation of the Bible that the earth is but 6-8 thousand years old.
But it isn't just that meteorology, geology, palentology, astronomy, biology, physics, quantum mechanics or cosmology each show that this is impossible, it's that ALL these sciences agree thru related and intertwined studies that the aforementioned is simply not possible.
If one wants to toss aside ALL of these studies and the verifiable evidence they produce in favor of a mytology based on a single text that has NO proof, than I guess one is free to do so.
But an Ostrich is free to stick his head in the sand also.
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Member posted 28 December 2000 06:08
"They are what they are whether one believes them or not. All the old belief that the world was flat didn't make it so."
Isnt that amazing? but yet thousands of years before they came to the conclusion that the earth was flat it was already stated that it was indeed round!
Isaiah 40:22 "...the circle of the Earth.." heheh
For some reason this subject is an offense to you so I will not discuss it with you any longer.
All science also agreed that nothing could go faster than the speed of light. Scientists beleived and accepted this theory as true for years even based other theories on it. but in the light of new evidence the theory was proved wrong.(Just this year)
I want to think beyond the current theories. For I see them for what they are..theories only, not concrete facts.Thats why I like to research many different theories and maybe even come up with some of my own.
I respect your beleifs and theorys as I do all others.
In search of truth always,
[This message has been edited by pamela (edited 28 December 2000).]
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unregistered posted 28 December 2000 14:36
Not to create dissention for I am a man of science but in my own town there were discovered dinosuar bones that were carbon dated to be 80 million years old. The bones were discovered in a farming area close to bisbee AZ. Now a christian farmer went home slaughtered one of his cows took a bone from it and snuck into the escavation site one that night and buried the cow bone so that the scientists would discover it the following day. And the scientists did. They carbon dated the cow bone and their results stated that the bone was over 50 million years old. Further more the scientist identified the cow bone as being from a dinosuar. They presented their findings that week and the farmer came publicly to dispute them pointing at his cow bone saying that the bone was not 50 million years old that and preached creation. Thge scientists debated claiming that they carbon dated the bone and this evidence proved them wrong. The farmer stated that the evidence couldn't be right. The scientists argued with the man. And finally the man stated "that bone can't be 50 million years old, I snuck that bone in yesterday it's my cow bone My cow ain't 50 million years old." everyone laughed and the story spread throughout our town and the scientist left our town in shame and completely humiliated and bewildered. They could no longer use their arguements to sustain the hoax of evolution for in one fowl swoop by a genius farmer their entire arguement was broaght to ruins.
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unregistered posted 28 December 2000 20:50
Hey TT_0
Can u take some photos' of the future while ur there?
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Member posted 29 December 2000 11:44
When it is beginning to rain....
it is time to go rainbow gazing.
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unregistered posted 29 December 2000 16:15
I'm not sensitive about it at all. And I also respect the religious beliefs of others. (I get a kick out of some of the stories I see preffered from time to time.) But when hypothesis are profferred to suport religious belief that can be proven to be scientifically incorrect, one needs to realize that while religion is a personal matter, one cannot cancel the laws of physics in order to cling to beliefs that simply are not true.
The only people that see conflict between religion and science are staunch religionists. Sagan, Einstein et al were both believers in God. Hawking is a pure Agnostic. Which means that while he does not firmly accept the existence of God, he doesn't reject it either.
Science is not attempting to disprove God (some scientists MAY be atheistic) but Science itself takes no stand on the existence of God. He either is, or He isn't. To science, it matters not either way.
Hey, maybe God DID create the Earth. But it's a simple fact that He did not create it in what WE refer to as "6 days" as is metaphorically described in Genesis.
If one's faith is truly strong, all the scientific FACT in the world shouldn't be able to shake it. Even when preposterous claims are made but such as 'rgrunt' above.
His story is an old one and is without basis in fact. It has been circulated by the "Creationists" for many years. If 'rgrunt' did just a little research, he would find that CARBON dating is not used in Paleontology for dating things from MILLIONS of years ago. Other radio-isotope methods are used. There are 5 all in all. Each has it's own period of effectiviness depending on the half-life or decay rate of the isotope involved.
No scientist would even TRY to date a 50 million year old sample with Carbon dating. And any story that claims someone did is pure fabrication and bunk since no scientist would ever claim that he has.
By all means, please keep searching for the truth. But don't take someone else's word for anything. Do the research. The web is full of good science and "snake oil" salesmen like 'rgrunt'.
I wish you peace and success in your search for truth.
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unregistered posted 29 December 2000 16:29
P. S. Pamela:
By the way, think about this.
Physicists for quite some time now have understood radioactive decay quite well. In fact so well, we've been able to construct clocks based of the decay of various elements.
Since these clocks are SO accurate, they are used by NASA to time events in the travel of our space vehicles. The precision involved in sending the Pioneer, Voyager, etc Spacecraft to the outer planets for picture taking is so intricate that only atomic clocks will do.
If our understanding of radioactive decay was flawed, then these clocks would not work as we intend them too, and those planetary fly-by events we all remember NEVER took place since the craft would have missed the targets by millions of miles.
Mr. 'rgrunt' has some homework to do.
By the way, Evolution is observable not only in Nature but reproducable in the laboratory. Those who claim it doesn't exist are either too afraid to admit they are wrong, or just plain too stubborn to accept reality.
It's a scary thing to be proven wrong. Once one realizes it, one is stuck with the idea that other things one believes in MAY be wrong also. This is hard for some people to accept since it shakes the foundation of their whole belief system.
But an open mind and a willingness to actually learn will always get one through the tough spots.
I have no idea how or why the Universe came into existence, but I'm not going to worry about it. And I'm for sure NOT going to buy into ideas of how it happened that simply are not so, and can be proven to BE not so.
I bid you a good day.
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Member posted 29 December 2000 17:46
im sure that a group of scientists could tell the difference between a 'fresh' cow bone and a fossilized 50 Million Year Old Dinosaur bone...
Fast Out
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unregistered posted 29 December 2000 19:02
Yup! (heh heh).
Without even having to resort to quantum decay timelines.
Fossilization is a process where actual organic tissue is replaced by inorganic mineral deposits leaving a remnant of the original in it's original form, but with no organic material intact.
In short, a true "fossil" is actually a form of stone, (like the "trees" in the Petrified Forest), while a bone is...well, a bone!
Only a blind idiot couldn't tell the difference. (Actually, a "blind idiot" could weigh the two and tell the difference for that!)
And EVERYONE have a Happy New year.
IP: Logged
unregistered posted 29 December 2000 19:32
P. S. S.
And finally just one more...
(Couldn't resist on this next-to-next-to-last-day before the TRUE millenium.)
To all:
For the sake of pure information and learning, may I present the following links which will hopefully lay to rest the question of the difference between metaphor and actual history in attempts to understand the writings in the Bible.
Here's what we know on:
THE AGE OF THE EARTH http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hangar/2437/apprage.htm
THE RELIABILITY OF RADIOMETRIC DATING http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/8851/radiometric.html#reliability
...and since I brought up "Dr" (sic) Kent Hovind earlier, here's a link to some of his foolishness: http://www.onthenet.com.au/~stear/kent_hovind's_challenge.htm
(Please, please, take note of the arguments HE presents and truly foolish they are from a purly LOGICAL standpoint, even before you get to the science parts that show what a ignoramus he actually is.)
He's the SOURCE of much of the foolishness that the likes of the 'rgrunts' of the world are pushing on us in the name of "science".
and finally, some humor for you. (Shades of the type of stuff 'rgrunt' has posted above.) http://www.onthenet.com.au/~stear/icr_suckered_by_april_fool's_joke.htm
Enjoy all.....
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unregistered posted 30 December 2000 04:10
To Anyone reading this...
What happened to the man of the moment T-T-0?!
All of a sudden i come back to check on the state of the nation and i find all you people talking about "great floods" and carbon dating! LOL!
Quite ammusing!
Anyhoo...it would be nice if we focus on the topic people!
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unregistered posted 30 December 2000 07:45
Mr. O,
I just read your postings. Something did catch my eye. You mentioned that the physics behind time travel will be realized within the next year at CERN. Currently, the project being run at CERN is the LEP, the large electron positron collider. It was scheduled to be shut down this past November but was not due to some potential evidence of a missing component of the Standard Model, the Higgs Boson. As you may or may not know, the Higgs boson is the theorized mechanism by which particles acquire mass. I will not mention more of this but suffice it to say that I am aware that for an object to travel at the speed of light it would have to be massless(that is to say if the photon is in fact a massless spin 1 boson as assumed). But in order to tip the light cone, you would need to travel faster than light.
While I do believe that time is not as fragile as some colleagues believe, I do find it interesting that someone would attempt to contaminate the time stream before a point in time at which time travel is possible. Actually, all current feasible theories of time travel negate the possibility of travelling back beyond the point at which the time machine was constructed.
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in the know
unregistered posted 30 December 2000 09:40
AH! Is that the official story then? When did Mr. O arrive at this board? Nov. 2, 2000 I see.
Hmmmm....then again, maybe it had absolutely nothing to do with the diagrams CERN received in Nov.---but then again----
you never know.
good day!
IP: Logged
unregistered posted 30 December 2000 10:28
(I think you know very well the answers to the questions you have asked. You just want to guage the quality of our replies, or just remind us that we SHOULD be up to speed on our constitutional rights and responsibilities.)
It would be nice to be able to remind everyone about their rights and responsibilities but I am not here to judge you. I am not capable of that nor would I want that in return. As you know, my interest is in history and in the paradox of thought. I do however, find it interesting how important the Constitution became to the average US citizen’s life, if even for a short moment.
(A young person should want to survive and live for better days ahead. At some point, however, an older person will realize, especially in the face of disaster, that better days are NOT on the horizon.......ever. What you are forcasting for 95% of the present population is 20 years of hell followed by survivors in the rubble. I've already put in my 40 year shift of work and worry. Why should we fret over politics on our way to slaughter? Isn't that like telling the Captain of the Titanic, that all he has to do to save the ship is to back up really fast after the collision?)
It saddens me that you do not realize your true worth as a keeper of information and experience. Perhaps the end that we fear will open your eyes to your true value as an individual. Young people need wisdom. The captain of the ship knows where the lifeboats are.
(When it is beginning to rain....
it is time to go rainbow gazing.)
I like the lyrics. They remind me of some other songs that are oldies but goodies from where I come from…anyone know these?
…gotta be home, by sunset. She asked me to giver her a ride, said she had to go, dropped her off by the trism through the atmosphere…by prism. Gotta keep movin , it was the human race to get away, sun bends light through a prism, she bent herself through the trism… …she pulls the lever and then bright light.
-- or this --
Waiting for bus number 99, goin’ to the store for hotdogs and wine when all of the sudden I felt real cold and wound up in the belly of a UFO... …Movin through the spheres at faster than light on our way to some planets that were out of sight… [well it had been 987 years in outer space when I got back, I couldn’t seem to find any of my friends to tell my interesting stories to.]
(Currently, the project being run at CERN is the LEP, the large electron positron collider. But in order to tip the light cone, you would need to travel faster than light. I do find it interesting that someone would attempt to contaminate the time stream before a point in time at which time travel is possible. Actually, all current feasible theories of time travel negate the possibility of travelling back beyond the point at which the time machine was constructed.)
I’m pretty sure they have a number of experiments going on at the same time at CERN. The one I’m referring to involves very high energies using protons. From my historical perspective on my worldline, I do recall the issue was a point of contention about 18 months ago or so. There were some scientists who thought the experiments were too dangerous to try. The time travel I refer to does not require faster than light travel and due to multiple world “realityâ€, paradoxes do not occur. Natural time machines do exist. Please check these web sites for the basics…on both ends of the scale.
http://www.leonllo.freeservers.com/blackworm.html http://www.geocities.com:0080/Area51/Station/5763/time.html
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unregistered posted 27 December 2000 19:35
to rgrunt
a computer sim ain't going to predict ancient earth geologic changes any better than it can predict next years weather
go to the library, open a textbook on geology and all your answers will there, indexed and catagorized
alternatively there is a cool website on the subject, I believe it is www.tomato-wizzard.com
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unregistered posted 27 December 2000 20:06
Nine out of ten theories are eventually proven false. Let the people who make them up defend them. The Earths history is unimaginably long and complex. It may indeed be harder to find something that has NOT happened over its 5 billion years.
There a million ways to be wrong and only one way to be right. Daviper will run circles around you because he's got this million to one rule on his side.
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Member posted 27 December 2000 21:41
Then he will get VERY DIZZY! hehehehehe
I am not here to defend or prove anything. I simply mentioned one theory out of many I had heard.
I dont immediately disregard a theory because it may clash with any beleif system I may or may not have. he's just plain silly! heheheeh. but it was fun!
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Member posted 27 December 2000 21:52
p.s. I cant get your tomato-wizard link to work! And I wanted to see it!
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unregistered posted 28 December 2000 05:11
The laws of physics have nothing to do with a belief system.
They are what they are whether one believes them or not. All the old belief that the world was flat didn't make it so.
All the belief that the earth was the center of the Solar System and Universe couldn't make it so.
And all the belief in the world that a "universal flood" EVER existed can't change the laws of physics that make such an event utterly impossible.
Where did all the water go when this "flood" was over? Evaporate into space? Sorry not possible under the laws of physics that are governed by the very gravity of the earth itself. Water which is heavier than air, evaporated into the vacume of space and left the earth's atmosphere behind? Sorry no dice. It just doesn't work like that as any meteorologist can tell you.
The story is based on local phenomenae at the time it originated. It probably looked to the inhabitants at the time that the "whole world" was flooded but the reality of physics is that it is not, never was, and can never be possible. (Barring collisions with several thousand Comets that is. Which would wipe out all life, change the entire structure of the mantle itself and cause evolution to start all over again.)
There is NO evidence this has ever happened in this manner.
The belief stems from the desire to insist on a literal interpretation of the Bible that the earth is but 6-8 thousand years old.
But it isn't just that meteorology, geology, palentology, astronomy, biology, physics, quantum mechanics or cosmology each show that this is impossible, it's that ALL these sciences agree thru related and intertwined studies that the aforementioned is simply not possible.
If one wants to toss aside ALL of these studies and the verifiable evidence they produce in favor of a mytology based on a single text that has NO proof, than I guess one is free to do so.
But an Ostrich is free to stick his head in the sand also.
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Member posted 28 December 2000 06:08
"They are what they are whether one believes them or not. All the old belief that the world was flat didn't make it so."
Isnt that amazing? but yet thousands of years before they came to the conclusion that the earth was flat it was already stated that it was indeed round!
Isaiah 40:22 "...the circle of the Earth.." heheh
For some reason this subject is an offense to you so I will not discuss it with you any longer.
All science also agreed that nothing could go faster than the speed of light. Scientists beleived and accepted this theory as true for years even based other theories on it. but in the light of new evidence the theory was proved wrong.(Just this year)
I want to think beyond the current theories. For I see them for what they are..theories only, not concrete facts.Thats why I like to research many different theories and maybe even come up with some of my own.
I respect your beleifs and theorys as I do all others.
In search of truth always,
[This message has been edited by pamela (edited 28 December 2000).]
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unregistered posted 28 December 2000 14:36
Not to create dissention for I am a man of science but in my own town there were discovered dinosuar bones that were carbon dated to be 80 million years old. The bones were discovered in a farming area close to bisbee AZ. Now a christian farmer went home slaughtered one of his cows took a bone from it and snuck into the escavation site one that night and buried the cow bone so that the scientists would discover it the following day. And the scientists did. They carbon dated the cow bone and their results stated that the bone was over 50 million years old. Further more the scientist identified the cow bone as being from a dinosuar. They presented their findings that week and the farmer came publicly to dispute them pointing at his cow bone saying that the bone was not 50 million years old that and preached creation. Thge scientists debated claiming that they carbon dated the bone and this evidence proved them wrong. The farmer stated that the evidence couldn't be right. The scientists argued with the man. And finally the man stated "that bone can't be 50 million years old, I snuck that bone in yesterday it's my cow bone My cow ain't 50 million years old." everyone laughed and the story spread throughout our town and the scientist left our town in shame and completely humiliated and bewildered. They could no longer use their arguements to sustain the hoax of evolution for in one fowl swoop by a genius farmer their entire arguement was broaght to ruins.
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unregistered posted 28 December 2000 20:50
Hey TT_0
Can u take some photos' of the future while ur there?
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Member posted 29 December 2000 11:44
When it is beginning to rain....
it is time to go rainbow gazing.
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unregistered posted 29 December 2000 16:15
I'm not sensitive about it at all. And I also respect the religious beliefs of others. (I get a kick out of some of the stories I see preffered from time to time.) But when hypothesis are profferred to suport religious belief that can be proven to be scientifically incorrect, one needs to realize that while religion is a personal matter, one cannot cancel the laws of physics in order to cling to beliefs that simply are not true.
The only people that see conflict between religion and science are staunch religionists. Sagan, Einstein et al were both believers in God. Hawking is a pure Agnostic. Which means that while he does not firmly accept the existence of God, he doesn't reject it either.
Science is not attempting to disprove God (some scientists MAY be atheistic) but Science itself takes no stand on the existence of God. He either is, or He isn't. To science, it matters not either way.
Hey, maybe God DID create the Earth. But it's a simple fact that He did not create it in what WE refer to as "6 days" as is metaphorically described in Genesis.
If one's faith is truly strong, all the scientific FACT in the world shouldn't be able to shake it. Even when preposterous claims are made but such as 'rgrunt' above.
His story is an old one and is without basis in fact. It has been circulated by the "Creationists" for many years. If 'rgrunt' did just a little research, he would find that CARBON dating is not used in Paleontology for dating things from MILLIONS of years ago. Other radio-isotope methods are used. There are 5 all in all. Each has it's own period of effectiviness depending on the half-life or decay rate of the isotope involved.
No scientist would even TRY to date a 50 million year old sample with Carbon dating. And any story that claims someone did is pure fabrication and bunk since no scientist would ever claim that he has.
By all means, please keep searching for the truth. But don't take someone else's word for anything. Do the research. The web is full of good science and "snake oil" salesmen like 'rgrunt'.
I wish you peace and success in your search for truth.
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unregistered posted 29 December 2000 16:29
P. S. Pamela:
By the way, think about this.
Physicists for quite some time now have understood radioactive decay quite well. In fact so well, we've been able to construct clocks based of the decay of various elements.
Since these clocks are SO accurate, they are used by NASA to time events in the travel of our space vehicles. The precision involved in sending the Pioneer, Voyager, etc Spacecraft to the outer planets for picture taking is so intricate that only atomic clocks will do.
If our understanding of radioactive decay was flawed, then these clocks would not work as we intend them too, and those planetary fly-by events we all remember NEVER took place since the craft would have missed the targets by millions of miles.
Mr. 'rgrunt' has some homework to do.
By the way, Evolution is observable not only in Nature but reproducable in the laboratory. Those who claim it doesn't exist are either too afraid to admit they are wrong, or just plain too stubborn to accept reality.
It's a scary thing to be proven wrong. Once one realizes it, one is stuck with the idea that other things one believes in MAY be wrong also. This is hard for some people to accept since it shakes the foundation of their whole belief system.
But an open mind and a willingness to actually learn will always get one through the tough spots.
I have no idea how or why the Universe came into existence, but I'm not going to worry about it. And I'm for sure NOT going to buy into ideas of how it happened that simply are not so, and can be proven to BE not so.
I bid you a good day.
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Member posted 29 December 2000 17:46
im sure that a group of scientists could tell the difference between a 'fresh' cow bone and a fossilized 50 Million Year Old Dinosaur bone...
Fast Out
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unregistered posted 29 December 2000 19:02
Yup! (heh heh).
Without even having to resort to quantum decay timelines.
Fossilization is a process where actual organic tissue is replaced by inorganic mineral deposits leaving a remnant of the original in it's original form, but with no organic material intact.
In short, a true "fossil" is actually a form of stone, (like the "trees" in the Petrified Forest), while a bone is...well, a bone!
Only a blind idiot couldn't tell the difference. (Actually, a "blind idiot" could weigh the two and tell the difference for that!)
And EVERYONE have a Happy New year.
IP: Logged
unregistered posted 29 December 2000 19:32
P. S. S.
And finally just one more...
(Couldn't resist on this next-to-next-to-last-day before the TRUE millenium.)
To all:
For the sake of pure information and learning, may I present the following links which will hopefully lay to rest the question of the difference between metaphor and actual history in attempts to understand the writings in the Bible.
Here's what we know on:
THE AGE OF THE EARTH http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hangar/2437/apprage.htm
THE RELIABILITY OF RADIOMETRIC DATING http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/8851/radiometric.html#reliability
...and since I brought up "Dr" (sic) Kent Hovind earlier, here's a link to some of his foolishness: http://www.onthenet.com.au/~stear/kent_hovind's_challenge.htm
(Please, please, take note of the arguments HE presents and truly foolish they are from a purly LOGICAL standpoint, even before you get to the science parts that show what a ignoramus he actually is.)
He's the SOURCE of much of the foolishness that the likes of the 'rgrunts' of the world are pushing on us in the name of "science".
and finally, some humor for you. (Shades of the type of stuff 'rgrunt' has posted above.) http://www.onthenet.com.au/~stear/icr_suckered_by_april_fool's_joke.htm
Enjoy all.....
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unregistered posted 30 December 2000 04:10
To Anyone reading this...
What happened to the man of the moment T-T-0?!
All of a sudden i come back to check on the state of the nation and i find all you people talking about "great floods" and carbon dating! LOL!
Quite ammusing!
Anyhoo...it would be nice if we focus on the topic people!
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unregistered posted 30 December 2000 07:45
Mr. O,
I just read your postings. Something did catch my eye. You mentioned that the physics behind time travel will be realized within the next year at CERN. Currently, the project being run at CERN is the LEP, the large electron positron collider. It was scheduled to be shut down this past November but was not due to some potential evidence of a missing component of the Standard Model, the Higgs Boson. As you may or may not know, the Higgs boson is the theorized mechanism by which particles acquire mass. I will not mention more of this but suffice it to say that I am aware that for an object to travel at the speed of light it would have to be massless(that is to say if the photon is in fact a massless spin 1 boson as assumed). But in order to tip the light cone, you would need to travel faster than light.
While I do believe that time is not as fragile as some colleagues believe, I do find it interesting that someone would attempt to contaminate the time stream before a point in time at which time travel is possible. Actually, all current feasible theories of time travel negate the possibility of travelling back beyond the point at which the time machine was constructed.
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in the know
unregistered posted 30 December 2000 09:40
AH! Is that the official story then? When did Mr. O arrive at this board? Nov. 2, 2000 I see.
Hmmmm....then again, maybe it had absolutely nothing to do with the diagrams CERN received in Nov.---but then again----
you never know.
good day!
IP: Logged
unregistered posted 30 December 2000 10:28
(I think you know very well the answers to the questions you have asked. You just want to guage the quality of our replies, or just remind us that we SHOULD be up to speed on our constitutional rights and responsibilities.)
It would be nice to be able to remind everyone about their rights and responsibilities but I am not here to judge you. I am not capable of that nor would I want that in return. As you know, my interest is in history and in the paradox of thought. I do however, find it interesting how important the Constitution became to the average US citizen’s life, if even for a short moment.
(A young person should want to survive and live for better days ahead. At some point, however, an older person will realize, especially in the face of disaster, that better days are NOT on the horizon.......ever. What you are forcasting for 95% of the present population is 20 years of hell followed by survivors in the rubble. I've already put in my 40 year shift of work and worry. Why should we fret over politics on our way to slaughter? Isn't that like telling the Captain of the Titanic, that all he has to do to save the ship is to back up really fast after the collision?)
It saddens me that you do not realize your true worth as a keeper of information and experience. Perhaps the end that we fear will open your eyes to your true value as an individual. Young people need wisdom. The captain of the ship knows where the lifeboats are.
(When it is beginning to rain....
it is time to go rainbow gazing.)
I like the lyrics. They remind me of some other songs that are oldies but goodies from where I come from…anyone know these?
…gotta be home, by sunset. She asked me to giver her a ride, said she had to go, dropped her off by the trism through the atmosphere…by prism. Gotta keep movin , it was the human race to get away, sun bends light through a prism, she bent herself through the trism… …she pulls the lever and then bright light.
-- or this --
Waiting for bus number 99, goin’ to the store for hotdogs and wine when all of the sudden I felt real cold and wound up in the belly of a UFO... …Movin through the spheres at faster than light on our way to some planets that were out of sight… [well it had been 987 years in outer space when I got back, I couldn’t seem to find any of my friends to tell my interesting stories to.]
(Currently, the project being run at CERN is the LEP, the large electron positron collider. But in order to tip the light cone, you would need to travel faster than light. I do find it interesting that someone would attempt to contaminate the time stream before a point in time at which time travel is possible. Actually, all current feasible theories of time travel negate the possibility of travelling back beyond the point at which the time machine was constructed.)
I’m pretty sure they have a number of experiments going on at the same time at CERN. The one I’m referring to involves very high energies using protons. From my historical perspective on my worldline, I do recall the issue was a point of contention about 18 months ago or so. There were some scientists who thought the experiments were too dangerous to try. The time travel I refer to does not require faster than light travel and due to multiple world “realityâ€, paradoxes do not occur. Natural time machines do exist. Please check these web sites for the basics…on both ends of the scale.
http://www.leonllo.freeservers.com/blackworm.html http://www.geocities.com:0080/Area51/Station/5763/time.html
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