Time Travel in a Holographic Universe

...a scientific approach to understanding Time...

I read a statement somewhere that got me to pondering..." Time Does Not Change! "

What actually changes in time? Time itself doesnt do anything. The only thing that changes in time is perception and position. What role does time play in ten minutes between us when we experience the same event. As an example, if we where to rest underneath some trees in a garden setting, and just absorb our surroundings, how is that time perceived by each of us compared to how much time actually has passed?

By mutual agreement and by using our watches we can say ten minutes passed...but to whom? I may have felt as though I was underneath those trees for hours, as my "spirit" becomes entranced by natures beauty. My perception of time gone or "shut-off". Your perception may be that the same span of time seemed to only be five minutes. Or Creedo's perception would be totally different as he sits upon the wooden bench, realizing it is infested by fire ants. Not wanting to ruin the experience of either of us, he chooses to endure the extreme pain of the fire ant bites. ( as the memory of the carcass in the road still haunts Creedo to this day ). So for Creedo, the time seems like an eternity before we travel elsewhere in the garden.

How can you define time as anything, if it does not possess any actual properties of itself? The components we have to work with are what I call.."The Perceptions of Space, Time and Mass"!
Hi Einstein,

I didn't really focus on anything except the following, as this is the crux of my issue with your theory based on your observations:
But the main thing that caught my attention was the fact that the gravitational reference frame we are all accustomed to, seems to be turned off during the effect. The effect seems to create its own inertial reference frame. It becomes the dominate reference frame. I went over Lenz's Law this afternoon and I saw no reference to any connection to gravitational shielding at all.
Based on unquantified observations of the human eye (either live or via video) I do not see anything that would cause me to think gravity even comes into the picture here, much less that it is being "turned off". This is precisely why I think a mathematical model is necessary and, yes, more detailed test measurements. Unless you can show what part of your observation is due to conventional magnetic phenomenon (i.e. Lenz's Law), and what part *could* be due to a modification of gravity, I can see no logical reason to even bring gravity into the explanation of this phenomenon. Indeed, for the last video you have provided, it is easy enough to see that gravity (acting parallel to a line to the center of the earth) is still there. And since gravity does not act transversely in the video to begin with, I do not understand how your observation leads to a thought that gravity is being "turned off". Furthermore, this phenomenon only happens with a magnet and a conductor that can induce eddy currents. If you replace the magnet with a rock, there is no more "sticky space" phenomenon, yet gravity is still present.

In my opinion, I think you need to distinguish the effects of "what we know" from the effects of things we possibly do not know. And thus I believe your theory based on your observations is premature since it does not distinguish between these two.


I thought you were going to let this die. But thankyou for continuing the debate. You see it is debates like this that sometimes brings to the forefront something that should be addressed. Although I must admit that it took me the whole afternoon to think up a formidable reply.

This is precisely why I think a mathematical model is necessary and, yes, more detailed test measurements. Unless you can show what part of your observation is due to conventional magnetic phenomenon (i.e. Lenz's Law), and what part *could* be due to a modification of gravity, I can see no logical reason to even bring gravity into the explanation of this phenomenon.

Well it did occur to me what part of the observation could be construed as gravity like. And I might add that it does seem kind of odd that you would steer me in this particular direction. Almost as if this were a test. But anyway, here goes: Quite frequently when I think about something I will construct a mental visualization and switch back and forth between the visualization and the words used to describe it. One visualization that was running across my mind this afternoon was a coil of wire that I had hooked to my voltmeter. With the neodymium magnet I have the voltage reading on the display will readily move up or down with relative motion of the magnet. But now here is the crux of the situation. The magnet has to be moving either toward or away from the coil for the voltage to be generated. My understanding of the magnetic braking phenomena works the same way. There has to be a moving magnetic field either toward or away from the conductor for the braking effect to occur. It was described as eddy currents that setup counter magnetic fields thus producing the drag effect. Makes sense, I actually believe the explanation. In fact I just went into my lab to make sure. I hooked up a big coil of wire to my voltmeter and got my neodymium magnet out. I put the magnet inside the coil and started moving the whole assembly back and forth as if it were one object. The voltmeter confirmed no voltage generation can be obtained this way. Now I would agree that if there was motion between the magnet and the aluminum plate that eddy currents would be setup that could produce a braking effect. But you can see in the video that very little relative motion exists between the magnet and the aluminum plate. I checked with my coil of wire and the amount of actual induced voltage into the coil with the magnet just slightly moving was around 2 millivolts. So actually in the video all the relative motion of the magnet is with respect toward the earth, and not toward the aluminum plate. No magnetic field moving toward the aluminum plate means no induced braking effect. In fact if there was a counter magnetic field being setup within the aluminum plate, there should be a strong magnetic repulsion or attraction reaction. So this is what I mean that there seems to be something gravity like with this phenomena. The relative motion is with respect to the wrong reference frame. Backwards? Gravity is backwards. You only feel the force of gravity when you are not accelerating toward the ground. I like to think of gravity as accelerating space. The space is accelerating downwards. I haven't entirely figured this phenomena out yet. But if you keep the debate going, I will.
Happy Friday the 13th Einstein,
But thankyou for continuing the debate. You see it is debates like this that sometimes brings to the forefront something that should be addressed.
You're welcome, and I totally agree. You'll get no argument from me on that point, friend! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Well it did occur to me what part of the observation could be construed as gravity like. And I might add that it does seem kind of odd that you would steer me in this particular direction.
Well, to be completely honest with you, I am really more interested in discussing your theories of how things (coordinate systems?) all come in sets of THREES, as that is an area where I agree with you and, through my own research and analysis, I think there is something "there". No surprise, since I do not hide my favoritism for 3x3 matrices and tensor math!

But you can see in the video that very little relative motion exists between the magnet and the aluminum plate.
Now which of your videos are you referring to when you say this? Again just being honest with you, I have a hard time following exactly what your words are saying with regard to the coordinate systems involved in your various videos. This is why a guy like me prefers math models. But when it comes to dynamical situations and relative motion and relative reference frames, not only am I used to mathematical descriptions, but I also rely on the time-honored tool of engineering, the Free Body Diagram. In fact, when we teach college level engineering we always teach students to draw their FBDs first, and from these they derive the math models of the dynamic situation they are trying to describe and analyze.

I wish we could communicate about these topics of yours in both mathematical equations and/or free body diagrams. That would help us be precise in what we are saying to each other.

So this is what I mean that there seems to be something gravity like with this phenomena. The relative motion is with respect to the wrong reference frame. Backwards? Gravity is backwards. You only feel the force of gravity when you are not accelerating toward the ground.
And again let me plead ignorance for I do not fully comprehend what you are trying to describe in words. I guess it is really my own weakness and limitation, because whenever I discuss guidance and control dynamics of bodies with colleagues at work, we do so with diagrams and math. Old habits die hard! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I like to think of gravity as accelerating space. The space is accelerating downwards. I haven't entirely figured this phenomena out yet. But if you keep the debate going, I will.
Sure. If you're willing to chat, and we can find some common ground that we both wish to investigate (in different analytical ways), then I can't see how anything but good could come from it.

I have developed an advanced form of tensor math that can describe the physical interactions of Mass, Space, and Time in addition to describing the aphysical interactions of Mind, Soul, and Spirit. And for some strange reason, I have the feeling that your experimental energy and my analytical energy could possibly combine to achieve something very exciting. What do you think?

I didn't even realize it was Friday the thirteenth. But what a wonderful day it was for me. You see I had this idea on what was causing the anomalous sticky space effect. So I spent a good portion of the day writing it down. I didn't realize what I had done till I was just about finished. And I'm still in shock.

I was thinking about magnetic fields and how they are formed. In electronics we were taught that magnetic fields expand and collapse causing electron flow in wires to oscillate back and forth. But when I think it through the theory is not entirely correct. The magnetic pulse travels outward at the speed of light never to return. So what looks like a collapse and field reversal is actually just the electron changing direction in the wire. Probably due to just voltage swings. So the magnetic field always radiates outward. At least in this described instance.

Well I've spent some more time thinking about this. And a mathematical solution does present itself. It occurred to me that during that the back and forth acceleration in the pendulum video, the aluminum plate does seem to remain in a constant position relative to the magnet. In fact if there is magnetic braking in effect then to actually move the aluminum plate during the effect, there would be drag felt. The aluminum plate appears to be at the bottom of an energy trough. It would take an additional force to make the aluminum plate move. That is why it remains in place relative to the magnet. This is very similar to mass. Mass remains in place unless force is applied to make it move. So it appears we have created the effect of mass on the magnetic plane.

Now it did occur to me that we are moving the magnetic field in a manner different from what we are accustomed to. Normally magnetic fields move outward as the flow of electrons in wires change direction, the magnetic field changes direction as well. But here we have a magnetic field being accelerated in a linear direction. As if it were a particle. Now this is interestingly significant. I was reading about a mathematical solution on the net that treated the magnetic field as the primary source and the electric field as a secondary source. What this means is that electric and magnetic fields behave in a similar manner but are on planes at right angles to each other. A magnetic field expanding creates a linearly accelerating electric field. The magnetic field is moving in a radial direction. In the sticky space demonstration the magnetic field is moving in a linear direction. Now that rang a bell for me. Because you see the electrons electric field just moves in a linear direction inside a wire. And when it does move in a linear direction, a radial magnetic field is produced. I see a pattern. If I can get the electrons electric field to move in a radial direction a differnt kind of field should be produced. In my Tesla coil experiment I am speculating that the electric field is moving in a radial direction. And it appears I am getting a field effect very similar to gravity.

But if the same rules apply that exist for the electric field and magnetic field, then the radial electric field should be accompanying something that is linearly accelerating. I don't know if you were aware but a gravity field could be described as a linearly accelerating mass field. The zero point where no force is felt on mass is actually during freefall in a gravity field. During freefall the only time you would feel the effects of a force is if you were to push off something. So during freefall it appears you are at the bottom of an energy trough. Just like sticky space but you are accelerating.

Now back to this sticky space phenomena. The magnetic field is accelerating linearly. Use the same rules. A radial field should be present. We are seeing the effect of mass. So it appears mass and gravity exist on the third spatial plane. That third plane intersects both the electric plane and the magnetic plane. The intersection point for the magnetic plane is accessed by a linearly accelerating magnetic field. The intersection point for the electric plane is a radially moving electric field.

So each plane shares a connection to the other two. I've linked gravity and mass to electric and magnetic phenomena. You could say this is a unified field theory.

But wait. There's more. A radial electric field can be made to either expand or collapse. So gravity or antigravity fields would be possible. But a magnetic field only expands. So only the positive form of mass can be accessed. It may be the magnetic plane that is responcible for the arrow of time. If a magnetic field could be caused to collapse then maybe time flow would be reversed. But it still may be possible to alter the flow of time if both gravity fields are produced. A gravity field collapsing may create a collapsing magnetic field. So as you can see I have a theory in place. Its time for applications of the theory.

By the way. A theory isn't fact untill it is thoroughly reviewed and gone over by many minds. There could be something I missed. All I did was notice a pattern and extrapolated. But it does have some nice symetry elements. The three planes of space and the four types of space. Maybe five if you consider antigravity. All in all there should be eight different types of space. Some of which may be off limits for reasons yet to be decerned.

Also if you don't quite follow the visualizations, just let me know and maybe I could get some diagrams up here to clear things up.
I have a new gravity movie clip. Check it out!

Gravity on 3 plates

I was playing around with my Tesla Coil yesterday and found out that the gravity output seems to be at least 10 times greater in a direction that is at right angles to my initial testing. This is a significant leap forward. Since I am suspecting that gravity is a reversed time phenomena.
Hiya Einstein,

I was thinking about magnetic fields and how they are formed.
I would agree with you that there are aspects of magnetism, and how it relates to electric fields, that have not been promulgated in the conventional sciences. Yet I do believe they are well understood, and they follow a specific model that always holds true for all physical energy, regardless of how that physical energy manifests.

Note this fact: We have accelerated our technologies through the development and application of electrical and electronic control systems that provide closed-loop amplification of information to achieve specific physical results. With magnetism being an analagous form of energy to electrical/electronic, it should be obvious that magnetic control loops can be defined, and "closed" to achieve specific control system goals. Closed-loop magnetic systems are the way of the future, there is no doubt about it. The key technology, IMHO is understanding closed-loop dynamics, as applied to magnetics. Non-linear magnetic effects are what we will use to achieve the next most advanced form of physical control systems. And so there is certainly value in your lab experiments!

Now it did occur to me that we are moving the magnetic field in a manner different from what we are accustomed to.
Motion (how Space and Time interact with one another) is just as important to understand as Matter (how Mass and Time interact with one another). Energy is defined as Matter in Motion. That is the simplest mathematical relationship there is, as far as our perceptions are concerned. Thus, Matter-in-Motion is how the flow of Time is controlled. There are many ways to affect Matter in Motion. An infinite number of possibilities, you might say.

All in all there should be eight different types of space.
I might have agreed with you if you said Nine. But that is just what my analysis tells me is the natural geometric form of our material universe... Always a 3x3 tensor matrix configuration. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Hi Einstein,

I have a new gravity movie clip. Check it out!
I've had most of my brain busy with several other things, but I did want to get back to you on this.

As will be no surprise to you, when I watch the video I immediately have questions that would need to be answered before one could model the effect. An obvious question would be to quantify both the size (radius and thickness) of all three discs, in addition to their individual masses. It would also be good to quantify the initial conditions of how far apart each disc is from the other prior to turning on the coil. From the clip it appears that the two discs that initially move towards each other are larger than the other disc, and these two discs appear to be of similar size and thickness. But appearances can be deceiving, so quantifying these variables is necessary before one can model any such effect.

Also, what is the size, composition, and mass of the large disc that you have parked in front of your tesla coil's terminal?


An obvious question would be to quantify both the size (radius and thickness) of all three discs, in addition to their individual masses.

Lets start with the two aluminum discs on the left and middle. 2-3/4" diameter, .007" thickness, 2 grams each. The disc on the right which is just very thin modelers plywood is 2-1/2" diameter, 1/16" thickness, and the mass I haven't checked.

It would also be good to quantify the initial conditions of how far apart each disc is from the other prior to turning on the coil.

The distance apart is 1-1/4". Also I might add that these discs are suspended from the ceiling and the radius of swing is 4'2".

Also, what is the size, composition, and mass of the large disc that you have parked in front of your tesla coil's terminal?

That disc is pure tin. I got some tin off ebay and melted it down to make that disc. The diameter is 3" and the thickness is .242". The mass I don't know but you could get a good estimate from a density table. I have been trying various materials on the output terminal of the tesla coil. It does appear that just about any metal will work. But there does seem to be a determining factor that affects the intensity of the gravity like force. That factor seems to be the surface area of the object that I attach to the output terminal of the Tesla Coil. I had been using a 6" diameter disc made of bismuth before, and just by using this smaller surface area as a radiator, the effect seems to be more pronounced. I did try a large sheet of iron and the effect went to zero. But that may be due to the obvious larger surface area of the iron plate. This surface area observation does suggest there may be some mathematical formula to find, that would definitely be very helpful in engineering something. But for right now good old trial and error will have to do.

Also I might add that this gravity like force is much stonger in this particular direction which happens to be at right angles to previous experiments. Earlier experiments could only get the discs to move about 1/4". So this gravity like field is not uniform in all directions. I was also playing with moving the Tesla Coil around in other various orientations. I did find out that this gravity like force is only present about a foot in all directions from the output terminal. Nothing seems to want to move beyond that radius.

I have been talking about some gravity field generators that I built using low voltage. The accelerometer readings do indicate there is an acceleration field present. But I have not had any success in getting any objects to move with the lower voltage generators. So this does suggest that the magnetic field at the lower voltages may be producing an equal but opposite force field on the magnetic plane countering the effects of the gravity force. The accelerometer I believe works on the piezo electric effect. It is a solid state microchip device I have been using in my experiments. But it occured to me that it seems to be immune to magnetic forces. So I don't have a way to measure the magnetically hypothesized counterforce.

I am in the process now of modifying my coil winding machine to make it adaptable to winding coils of several feet in length.

Obviously the gravity like phenomena seems to be associated with the higher voltage in a Tesla Coil. But is it really necessary to make the voltage that high? Obviously a transformer can give me higher voltages and reduce the magnetic field at the same time. I am going to try a ten to one ratio and see if I can get any type of motion generation. Otherwise making lots of Tesla Coils to produce enough gravity for time travel experiments will be very time consuming.
Hi Einstein,

Lets start with the two aluminum discs on the left and middle. 2-3/4" diameter, .007" thickness, 2 grams each.
Unless you may have confused left with right, we have a problem right away. The discs on the left and middle in your video are clearly different diameters. This is evident when you reach the point in the video where they lie next to each other. By the video evidence there is no way they can be the same diameter. But that is not the only visual evidence that something is amiss with your description:

The disc on the right which is just very thin modelers plywood is 2-1/2" diameter, 1/16" thickness, and the mass I haven't checked.
Again I suspect a confusing of left with right, because the disc on the right is clearly shown to reflect light during the video. A disc made of plywood would not reflect light in this manner. Now, observing the left-hand disc, this is the one that appears to be smaller than the other two, and it does not appear to reflect light, and therefore it would appear to be the candidate for being made of plywood.

That disc is pure tin. I got some tin off ebay and melted it down to make that disc. The diameter is 3" and the thickness is .242". The mass I don't know but you could get a good estimate from a density table.
OK. I guess I would have to assume that its density is homogenous throughout. However, if it is not, then modeling it as such could miss modeling a possible electrical flux that might be present in the disc. But that is not a big deal for first-order modeling.

The next question would be what is the strength (either electric or magnetic field) of your tesla terminal, and what frequency is it operating at?

But there does seem to be a determining factor that affects the intensity of the gravity like force. That factor seems to be the surface area of the object that I attach to the output terminal of the Tesla Coil. I had been using a 6" diameter disc made of bismuth before, and just by using this smaller surface area as a radiator, the effect seems to be more pronounced. I did try a large sheet of iron and the effect went to zero. But that may be due to the obvious larger surface area of the iron plate. This surface area observation does suggest there may be some mathematical formula to find, that would definitely be very helpful in engineering something.
To me, this would suggest current density in the disc is a major player in creating whatever sort of field that is causing the motion. You should settle on whatever form of metal produces the greatest effect if all forms of metal use the same diameter and thickness of disc. You need to eliminate some variables before we could ever arrive at a model.

Obviously the gravity like phenomena seems to be associated with the higher voltage in a Tesla Coil. But is it really necessary to make the voltage that high?
If current density in the disc touching the coil is what is making this phenomenon occur, then the answer would be a definitive "yes", as current density will be proportional to the applied voltage.


Unless you may have confused left with right, we have a problem right away. The discs on the left and middle in your video are clearly different diameters.

Now this is very weird indeed. From your description I would suspect you were the one who was confused. But I can assure you that the smaller wooden disc is on the right in my lab where I shot the video. So I am curious if it could be your media player at fault. Try another player to see if the image reverses to correspond with my description. Could the download process reverse the image? Are there any other images on your computer that seem reversed? I am leaning toward a software glich somewhere in the chain. Or a way out idea crossed my mind. Somehow the data transmission transposed with data from an antimatter universe.

The next question would be what is the strength (either electric or magnetic field) of your tesla terminal, and what frequency is it operating at?

Technically there can't be any current flow in the secondary because the effect goes to zero when I allow a path to ground for the secondary. Without current, there can be no magnetic field. The primary side I can give you data on. 18 volt, 2 amp transformer supplies all the power to the number one transformer of the Tesla Coil. That coil is fired at 120Hz across the primary air coil. There is a field at the output which registers as a negative DC voltage induction field. I don't have any test equipment to measure the actual voltage in the space surrounding the output terminal. But I do know that the voltage pattern for the field looks like that of a discharging capacitor on a scope. So it is a pulsed output acceleration voltage field in the negative direction.

To me, this would suggest current density in the disc is a major player in creating whatever sort of field that is causing the motion. You should settle on whatever form of metal produces the greatest effect if all forms of metal use the same diameter and thickness of disc. You need to eliminate some variables before we could ever arrive at a model.

This is the part that to me would be very difficult to model. This kind of data would have to be gathered in quantity over a very large range of parameters. This is where trial and error kind of wins out over other traditional approaches.

If current density in the disc touching the coil is what is making this phenomenon occur, then the answer would be a definitive "yes", as current density will be proportional to the applied voltage.

Yes but I have to point out that at the output terminal the magnetic field is missing. So we have a phenomena here that is occuring under different operating parameters than our usual electric circuit. And I haven't mentioned this but the effect is still there with no disc on the output terminal. Just at a reduced level. Also if I get the output too close to the moving plates, you can see an electrical discharge hitting the plates. When that happens, all induced motion stops. So the phenomena only occurs if I keep the output terminal shielded from grounding out. Also during the observed motion with the lights turned off in the room you can see little electrical streamers between all the plates as they attract toward each other. Its like the voltage field still has the ability to cause electrical discharge in distant objects. I guess this is similar to flourescent lights lighting up close to a tesla coil. So there is an energy field present contributing to this phenomena. I think I mentioned before but I still would like to point out that after I turn the Tesla Coil off, the plates continue clinging to each other anywhere from 15 to 30 seconds afterwards.

I do have a working theory that I came up with years ago. It sort of slides right in with existing electrostatic laws. It does account for this observed behavior and opens new doors for further exploration. I brought it up a while back at anomalies.net. I got the impression Darby felt I had committed sacrilege because it does slightly conflict in a way with our current thinking on electrostatic law. When I get some time I'll post it.
Just to add my input into this thread, if you both don't mind...

I ran the video on two players...AOL Real Player and Win Media Player. The smaller wooden disc is on the left and the two other discs are on the right in both 'players".

The one thing that I am curious about is that you have the Tesla Coil output attached to an iron? plate. Correct? This causes the electrical charge to be dispersed from the iron plate in a wide , but chaotic pattern. I dont see the wood being effected by the charge as a gravitational anomaly.

The wood probably is effected by the moisture content contained within it, and I also see that it moves only after the metal disc in the middle pulls away from it. Static Electricity? Also what type of strings are those holding the discs in the air?

The reason why I ask these questions is because of experiments I am conducting involving strong magnets and an opposing magnet attached around the edge of a spinning top. The top spins, wobbles, and then seems to find a point of balance between all the forces involved.

1. Magnetic 2. Inertia

Once the top has found its place of balance, I can lift the top away from the bottom magnet with a plastic disc, and it will float up a few inches and stay there for a few minutes before tumbling away.

I have a electronic magnetic amplifier that is to be utilized once I find the correct balance for the top where it doesnt take off to any of the sides. The amplifier is supposed to provide enough force to keep the top spining in levitation for an indefinite period of time.

Would be intersting to add in the Tesla Coil to this experiment to see what effects it would have on the Tops levitation.
OvrLrdLegion and RainmanTime

I ran the video on two players...AOL Real Player and Win Media Player. The smaller wooden disc is on the left and the two other discs are on the right in both 'players".

My apologies to the both of you. I downloaded the clip to see if maybe the download process was reversing the clip. The wood disc was on the left as both of you had stated. The problem was with me. I have been talking about this gravity like phenomena on another thread and apparently got confused about the clip we were referring to. I have a couple other clips showing this attraction phenomena.

The one thing that I am curious about is that you have the Tesla Coil output attached to an iron? plate. Correct?

In this particular clip, the plate attached to the output of the Tesla Coil is pure bismuth. I had obtained some bismuth off ebay and melted it down to make this plate.

The wood probably is effected by the moisture content contained within it, and I also see that it moves only after the metal disc in the middle pulls away from it. Static Electricity? Also what type of strings are those holding the discs in the air?

I am just using ordinary polyester sewing thread to suspend the discs hanging from the ceiling. The reason I have moved away from the static electricity idea as a cause, is because attraction only occurs between oppositely charged bodies. It is very difficult to use this theory because there is no physical electrical connection to the discs to oppositely charge them up. All motion appears to be induced. The physical mechanism to oppositely charge the discs is not present, so some other theory has to be formulated. It does seem to act like gravity because the materials used do not have magnetic attraction properties.

The reason I performed this experiment in the first place was to test out a theory I have on what causes gravity. My gravity theory involves the hydrogen to helium reaction on the sun. To start with I am treating mass as an external field, just like magnetic and electric fields. You may have seen my presentation on my theory that mass is just compressed length. Well during the hydrogen to helium nuclear reaction, some of the mass disappears. I reasoned that the compressed length undergoes expansion into normal spatial length. So the mass drops in value from a higher state to a lower state. It is during that state change that I reason is the cause for the basis of gravity. The length is changing to a lesser value. So actually I have just defined three states of length. Compressed length, changing length, and uncompressed length. I also reasoned that the direction the length is changing is also responcible for the direction of time. The uncompressed length is what is causing the expansion of the universe. It's a nice theory. I like it. But lets go test it out.

Last year I was researching the electrical field around a Tesla Coil and discovered it makes a field that causes negative resistance. Really fascinating. I connected a large coil of wire to a voltmeter and put the meter on the resistance scale. About 1/2 ohm of resistance was measued. I brought the coil close to the Tesla Coil while it was turned on. The resistance of the coil went to a negative value close to the Tesla Coil. Well it turns out that there is an electrical induction field close to the Tesla Coil. But it is a negative voltage value, and the field is non directional. I can turn the sensor coil in any direction and the resistance or voltage value is always negative. I spent a lot of time thinking about this and did notice a similarity between the way the voltage was behaving and my theory of gravity. Everytime the Tesla Coil fires, the voltage level goes from a higher level to a lower level. Just like mass does during a nuclear reaction on the sun. That is how I got the idea to hang some weights from the ceiling to see if there was any type of gravity type attraction going on. I reasoned that there would either be attraction or repulsion of the weights close to the Tesla Coil. Well, obviously there might be some truth in my gravity theory since it worked. It doesn't mean it's the correct theory, but it's close enough to help move forward with the aquisition of new knowledge.

I have two more movie clips of this gravity type phenomena.

Gravity action using Tin radiator
All wood gravity action

I believe this is the movie I was saying the wood disc is on the right. But as you can see with the tin disc I have parked in front of the Tesla Coil, the gravity attraction seems to be a bit more brisk. The next movie using all wood components should dispell any belief that this phenomena is magnetic in origin.

So to me this appears to be another way completely different from magnetic fields to get mass to move. I have an idea to use this type of motion to see if I can make a magnetic monopole. Since electric fields are at right angles to magnetic fields, a reverse thrust effect would be shunted to either field in a right angle direction.

It occurred to me that the aluminum magnetic reaction has a characteristic that suggests a theory. This is the video I am referring to.

Sticky Space

Since it takes acceleration to cause the effect to occur, I reason that with the right weight to magnetic field strength ratio, the aluminum should float above the magnet in the vertical direction. That rings a bell. The element bismuth does float above a strong magnetic field in the vertical direction. But it takes acceleration to activate the effect. In the vertical direction the earths gravity field provides the acceleration. I just bet I could get aluminum foil to float above the magnet. Something I'll have to try.