Chrono Cadet
Absolutely! So you do intend to expand on the story and take it further than the voting? As in a novel? Or do you not intend to go that far. You do have many topics on your list.
One Man’s Quest to Change History… For The Better! That’s my best guess for now, though this won’t be a novel. It’ll be reality (in one way or another)!Question : if this was a novel, what would you call it?
Quite so… Imagine if the universe is some kind of public transportation that travels one way from the root (which is the beginning of everything) to the end of the branches. Everything inside the universe (transport) is responsible for its steering wheel, which determines which timelines (branches) this universe will go to.Fixing mistakes or changing fate would only affect the branched timeline you created, but I suppose you’d be the one to observe that and leave the other timeline to pound sand with the original consequences.
Oh, for Pete’s sake, gamerz. Maybe it would be better if you could just name the two or three people out of the 8 billion people on Earth who aren’t time travelers. Much shorter story.I heard that allegedly Donald Trump is alleged time traveller using time machine like for instance,as an example,these days,nowadays like Andrew Basiago and John Titor.
But probably american government like mafia,gangsters are way too much greedy to the point of not going back like no retreat?
But what if even official theory of time travelling are wrong speaking of scientists from Discovery science?
What if the major of billionaires are avoiding using time machine?
Of course officially it seems to be impossible, but unofficially it’s possible?
Pamela Moore suggested that scenario to me 20+ years ago as part of justifying why John Titor was here. I gave it some thought and decided (and boy did she not like what I decided): One man’s fix is another man’s mistake and vice versaFixing Mistakes: We all make mistakes, and with time travel we could go back and fix them before they become a problem.