Time Project

"Hey everyone, I do applied physics (aka electronics) on my spare time and for years I've been researching a t displacement unit (a tt machine). I want to start the adventure of testing and building it this year and I'm looking for an interested partner/s to help me out. As you can imagine in today's society is kinda rare to find unbiased individulas that could comprehend the possibility of tt. BTW, dont think this is some sort of scam or something, if you wanna make contributions to this project, you'd make them by arranging the parts that you think you could help out with and put them to work in the unit (not really necessary though, because components are cheap). If you want in let me know, and about yourself and stuff. Prob. now you have some questions for me, well I'll let you know about the basic 'works' of the project and how it makes so much sense even using distorted conventional electromagnetics and physics."

ill be glad to help in any way i can. i dont know how much help i would be (besides a guinea pig :eek: ) but i would be more than happy to help. yell if you need a gimp to solder something for you. :D
Darby, with all due respect...how the fck do you have any clue or slightest incling of what my professors may or may not have said?

My friend, the slightest inkling of what very likely transpired was provided by you.

Now, had you written, "In discussions with my professor and his TA's about relativity I said...they said" I might have drawn another conclusion. But that's not how you characterized the conversations. You said,

I was always in a arguements with him and the stupid lab RA's about almost everything having to do with Relativity.

Arguments and stupid TA's. That's a pretty good tip-off about the student's attitude. Possibly sophomoric, rather closed minded and likely more interested in listening to his personal view rather that a having a willingness to learn and grow.

I'm sorry if the observation offends you but that's the picture that you painted in my mind with your description of the events. And I'm still pretty sure that the professor said just a bit more during one or more of the "conversations" than the simplistic way that you paraphrased it.

In any case I did get OT with the post, so enough of the subject.
what teh darbster is saying is that a course in psychology goes a long way. in other words, some of the things you said tipped him off.

and you really should not take offense. darby was saying to you,"you should go back, you have a great mind." you took it totally in the wrong way in my opinion.

so i would implore you that if you dont want to be told something about yourself that you dont like, you would be best to watch the things you say in the company of extremely intelligent men. not a warning of any kind, just a friendly piece of advice.

one more thing i'd like to say. its fun and all to joke around, but being disrespectful to someone aint too cool in my eyes. darby is a man that commands respect through his intelligence. if i can humble my proud self, so can you.

btw, darby is a real firecracker. please dont fire him up, 'cause when he does, he deserves the moniker of ruthless, and i feel kinda naked.... :eek:
Sorry to interrupt the topic but Darby, I have a question for you; why do you hang around time travel forums? I'm not being flip about this, I sincerely would like to know.

I hang around because of the alter vus. Titor's post on the Art Bell BBS was my first exposure to a time travel forum. If I hadn't experienced those reality changes, I'd have been gone long ago. I'm a fan of time travel fiction but, before Titor, I wouldn't have even considered time travel remotely possible. So, what is it that keeps you coming back to it? I know you stated a financial interest surrounding anomalies.net but you are here and on other forums. I think you've got the education and intelligence to be building a time machine if you wanted. So what is it?
I know you stated a financial interest surrounding anomalies.net but you are here and on other forums. I think you've got the education and intelligence to be building a time machine if you wanted. So what is it?


First, I don't have a financial interest in Anomalies. I'm an Admin and Mod. But that's why I'm there.

Second, I'm here because - well - because I've been a registered member for almost 8 years and was here before registration was required. I think that I have sufficient seniority such that I don't have to justify my existence here anymore.

Third, I rarely appear on other sites. I make a post here and there on other sites - usually after having invited by a Mod or Admin to do so. I average one post every two months on all other sites combined.

As to intelligence and education: Jim no one, at least not in this area of the cosmos, has the intelligence and education to build a time machine - and won't have for quite a long time (if ever). The biggest obstacle is that there isn't a single theory today that suggests that time travel (to the past) is even possible let alone "do-able". Even the theories that suggest that it might be possible "if" (the universe were a bit different that it is) the theories still require technologies that we won't have for at least a thousand years.

But let's cut to the chase. What you really want to know is why does a skeptic stay around for almost a decade?

To enjoy the site, discussion and inquiry I don't have to have strange dreams, "alter-vues" (whatever that means), Burger Kings disappearing, see Lizardmen, talk to Greys, see mystic messages in random numbers or arcs, accept that all time traveling societies will send us as their representatives grossly under-educated, long winded, politically biased time-traveling "maverick" dolts and I don't have to interpret "open mind" to mean blind acceptance of just about everything and anything without question - or only asking the question "What is your favorite color [food, drink, etc.]?". I enjoy asking questions. The harder the question the more enjoyment. I enjoy the site for the sake of enjoyment.

And if anyone ever does manage to dscover a real time traveler here it will be people like myself - the skeptic. The "wide open minds" will never identify a time traveler as distinguished from a hoax because they'll likewse identify the hoax as a time traveler. That's because they don't know the difference and have no plan to change that unfortunate situation.
"As to intelligence and education: Jim no one, at least not in this area of the cosmos, has the intelligence and education to build a time machine - and won't have for quite a long time (if ever). The biggest obstacle is that there isn't a single theory today that suggests that time travel (to the past) is even possible let alone "do-able". Even the theories that suggest that it might be possible "if" (the universe were a bit different that it is) the theories still require technologies that we won't have for at least a thousand years."

it is my opinion that you are right. every thought i have had has been a failure, and i think about this stuff alot. even if i got a phd in physics, i doubt i would ever even get close.

"I enjoy asking questions. The harder the question the more enjoyment. I enjoy the site for the sake of enjoyment."

as do i. its a great thing to learn something that you are interested in, and theres no better way to start a wonderful conversation than to ask.

"And if anyone ever does manage to dscover a real time traveler here it will be people like myself - the skeptic. The "wide open minds" will never identify a time traveler as distinguished from a hoax because they'll likewse identify the hoax as a time traveler. That's because they don't know the difference and have no plan to change that unfortunate situation. "

i agree. that paragraph has alot of meaning to me. before you can ever know someone else, you must first know yourself and be confident with yourself. you do that by asking yourself questions until you know. after that, figuring out a time travel claim is trivial.
Clearly I've touched a nerve here and that wasn't my intention. It is telling though.

no one, at least not in this area of the cosmos, has the intelligence and education to build a time machine - and won't have for quite a long time (if ever). The biggest obstacle is that there isn't a single theory today that suggests that time travel (to the past) is even possible let alone "do-able". Even the theories that suggest that it might be possible "if" (the universe were a bit different that it is) the theories still require technologies that we won't have for at least a thousand years.
You should make that your signature.

What you really want to know is why does a skeptic stay around for almost a decade?
Actually, I want to know why a cynic like yourself sticks around.

And if anyone ever does manage to dscover a real time traveler here it will be people like myself
You can't really believe that, can you? Why would any true time traveler subject themselves to your anal probing?

The "wide open minds" will never identify a time traveler as distinguished from a hoax because they'll likewse identify the hoax as a time traveler. That's because they don't know the difference and have no plan to change that unfortunate situation.
It's so nice of you to save us idiots from ourselves.
You should make that your signature.


Actually that's a pretty close paraphrase of what Michio Maku has been saying for a long time.

I think that today he might slightly modify what he was saying in the 1990's by stating that we're now beginning to develop 22nd Century ideas while simultaneously being shackled with 20th Century math. What he means by that is that we can't fully describe and extend our evolving ideas in a truly useful form because we can't as yet imagine the math to do so. (He originally said that we were developing 21st Century ideas while being shackled with 20th Century math.)

Actually, I want to know why a cynic like yourself sticks around.

Why wouldn't a cynic stick around? Cynicism is a school of philosophy that orginates from Socrates' follower Diogenes of Sinope. Cynicism is a "dogged" pursuit to awaken the masses from their go-with-the-flow following of the "conventional wisdom." And the conventional wisdom today is to believe just about anything that comes down the pike without any real questioning.

I take no offence at the term as applied to me.

You can't really believe that, can you? Why would any true time traveler subject themselves to your anal probing?

Because they came onto the site with eyes wide open. If a real time traveler, of the general class of would-be time travelers that is represented by those that appear here, actually wanted to make their political points without offering any proof of time travel they'd more effectively appear on a political science-philosophy site and not reference time travel at all. If a political message is the object muddying the waters with the very questionable and all too common tactic of "I'm a time traveler but won't answer direct time travel proof questions - and I don't care if you believe me" isn't likely to win the hearts and minds of any significant number of people.

In any case my conclusion is that there might be a handful of people who take the dim view that my questions, and the like minded questions of other members, is anal. Most of the handful are either Believers or the otherwise frustrated would-be time travelers themselves.

It's no stretch that I've correctly coined the term "OETW" (Oh, we too) - Once Every Two Weeks. That's a pretty accurate mean time between the beginning and end of one time traveler story and the appearance of the next. The time traveler, along with their Earth shattering news and warnings, just fade away. About one in five end up admitting to the hoax. Virtually without exception those who fess up say that they did it in order to see just how gullible people really are.

It's the cynical skeptics that made these discoveries, not the "wide open minds." It is those people, with their skeptical questions, who will discover a time traveler...and they won't make that discovery by asking the time traveler what their favorite food or favorite color is.

What have I personally gained from the "anal" time that I've spent here and on Anomalies? I suppose that I could put it this way:

How many non pop-sci physics books have you read since TItor's appearance? How many advanced math texts have you read since then? How many physics papers have you read on ArXiv since then? How many of Einstein's original papers have you read since then? How many posts have you read on sci.physics.research (SPR) have you read since then? How many physicists have you been in contact with since then? How many (slightly OT) aeronautical engineering, thermodynamics, chemistry and electrical engineering texts have you read since then?

I've read many dozens of the above - and learned to understand them - from the perspective of a non-physics major college graduate...since then. I've completely brushed up on my physics, engineering and calculus...since then.

In short I've revised and extended my college education and general knowledge base.

So why do I stick around, anal cynic and all? See above. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
In short I've revised and extended my college education and general knowledge base.
Not to mention your typing skills my verbose friend!

What have I personally gained from the "anal" time that I've spent here and on Anomalies?
I realize the double entendre here but I was mainly speaking of the uncomfortable position of the "probee" as opposed to any possible fixation of the "prober" /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

It's the cynical skeptics that made these discoveries, not the "wide open minds." It is those people, with their skeptical questions, who will discover a time traveler...and they won't make that discovery by asking the time traveler what their favorite food or favorite color is.
Maybe. On the other hand, inviting everyone to feel respected and worth a bit of your time can't cause the skeptics too much pain, can it? No doubt, hundreds of time traveler wannabes show up here. Is it worth losing the chance, slim that it is, of conversing with the real deal just because you don't want to look foolish on the Internet? Give them five minutes before you write them off. The "house skeptics" here follow your example because they respect you. You should show them this side of you more often, so they remember you're human. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Actually that's a pretty close paraphrase of what Michio Maku has been saying for a long time.
I respect Kaku a great deal and I understand this way of thinking. It's common in the science field to have that "A leads to B, B leads to C" paradigm. What is often left out are those "Holy [censored]!" moments that take A right to Z completely unexpectedly.

I owe you an apology for two reason; 1) I was in a bad mood for that last post and 2) when I mentioned earlier you stated having a financial interest in Anomalies, that was my faulty memory (Or maybe it's just different in the present timeline. LOL!). I found my recording of you and Olav on Coast to Coast AM and listened. You mentioned that your interest was getting people to visit anomalies - not a financial one. I wouldn't consider that a bad thing if you did but I didn't get it right, so I am sorry.

I would also like to apologize to SFG for totally hijacking this thread with my random thoughts. I'm very sorry.

No need to apologize, my friend. No personal offence was taken and none was intended by either of us. We've both been around here for most of a decade, have opposing opinions on several items yet common opinions on many more items than those that are in opposition. If we only have one "vigorous" exchange every 7 or 8 years I think that we're doing just fine.

And thanks for the input. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif