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I guess, Cat, I'm the one to blame for injecting thoughts about a war of so long ago that turned a great discussion about the wonders & dreams of "Time Travel" (I'm All For It...!!!) into something as miserable and boring as politics and/or philosophy..... My apology to all

With that all aside, though, seems to me that you are quite the pessimist. Though I remain skeptical about your story concerning a cousin who it appears had spent morning, noon & night hunting down every child, woman and dog in Southeast Asia to satisfy his homicidal lust to kill..... (I spent over a year as an infantryman of the 3rd Marines within the rice-paddies, villages & mountains of Vietnam, and it seems to me that the only villagers we ever buried, whether they be man, woman, child or pet, were victims of both the Viet Cong or NVA Regulars... slaughtered, simply because they would'nt turn over their rice harvest to a bunch of communist ass-holes...), people like yourself amaze me and, not meant to offend, come across as a bit pathetic.

As far as Vietnam goes, I think you've taken your History Lessons from the likes of a few "Dip-Shits" with names like Frances Ford Coppola & Oliver Stone. Open up a book once in awhile... It helps

Most, but probably all, of us agree that war is nothing less than bad stinkin' news, but can you imagine what would become of American Society if our leaders suddenly decided to ban our entire military complex...??? You know.... Goodbye to the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines & Coast Guard...??? I mean, "Really, Really, Think About It...!!!"

And you could also say Goodbye to those "Freedoms" of which you falsely seem to think don't exist..... They do, pal, and you'll sure as hell miss 'em if they're takin' away...!

How about bygones be bygones, Cat, and we can allow this discussion to return to the scientific mode of "Time Travel"..... And, perhaps, keep our sense of humor intact

Amen ,leatherneck,

We won't return to time travel talk until I have my say.
Where would we be without our government . More than likely dead.There is two sides to this coin. Part of our government may have dealing with aliens and time travel but the other part is still upholding the constitution. Don't trow the baby out with the bath water. Those men and women who are giving thier lives for your freedom need to be held up as the heroes. Osama binladen would fry your butt in a minute if it wasn, t for our government protecting you. War is a neccessary evil as long as we allow dictators to control other people. Goes back to my point. you cannot control others only yourself but the law of karma states that when you make a cause there are consequences. Osama binn laden made a cause and now he is feeling the effect.
This war will allow those people who are being oppressed to maybe gain some freedom. We as a nation will help them but it will ultimatly be there choice to stay on a more positve and productive path. We are only giving them that chance. YOU have to admit This war has been different I think we have only lost 7 people. Small compared with the past. New technology has permitted us to keep freedom alive without such a high death rate. America is not trying to rule the world but trying to give others freedom. There is a time for war and a time for peace. I guess we just haven't got to the peace part. I love those people over there and if it takes a war to free them well so be it.
My sources ask me to give you this message. They know how much you are hurting because of the pain of losing your friends.They would like to tell you through me why you feel this way and how to be healed. The human body is made up like an onion it has many layers. The human eye can only perceive the physical layers. The other layers are invisible but they do exist. What is causing the problem is the emotional body. The emotional body can make you very sick over time if it is left untreated. Medication does not solve the problem only covers it up. My heart goes out to all the service men who are in pain who are being treated with drugs never to truly get better. It is not the doctors fault because I think they truly do not know what is going on. they only treat the symtoms not the cause. My sources do not live in this plane. they exist In a realm beyond sight. I can only meet with them in their plane to receive information. Your aura has been damaged from trauma, healing this will be painfull but it is the only way. I can meet with you on the astral plane in order to help you but you must give your permmision. there is a law in the universe that you cannot do anything to or with another without their permission. Those who are of the highest spiritually do not break this law. That is why permission must be given. There are some in the universe who do break this law and are causing havoc. They are the ones manipulating a portion of your government. It would be best to refrain form alchohol or any drugs if you decide you want help. I will tell you it won't be easy. I myself have been through this healing. It may require that you relive some events. This may happen in your sleep. You may become emotional. Don't hold anything back Part of the healing is releasing the evergy that is stuck in your body. YOu may be lead to certain information or people that will be there to help you. No matter how crazy they sound listen to them they will know what they are doing. There are forces here that love you and want you to be whole. You have gaurdians ,we all do, ask for their help. Jesus came to help us but forces that were of the darkness have distorted his teaching. He was a healer but he healed peoples etheric body because the etheric body makes the physical body sick . Why do you think we have so many sick people today. If you decide to accept this offer I wish you much luck and know that I will be with you in spirit while you are healing. All your brothers and sister in the universe love you and I'm sure your friends who have passed over will feel much Joy when they see you are healing this pain you have been carrying.
Well said, Clara.....

Your fine words have earned a "Copy", "Paste" & a "Permanent Home" within the draft section of my e-mail service... To be forwarded, as needed, to those fellow veterans and anyone else suffering loss of a family member or friend...


Leather Neck
Good! now we can get back to talking about time travel. I put a post on DOES TIME EXIST IN THE FIRST PLACE if you care to read it.

You are so full of sh@t even the toilets are jealous!

Dont you ever shut up? or come up for air?

You keep going on and on and on like the girl from band camp in the movie American Pie!

Close your Pie Hole and put a cork in both ends!

Have a brain fart and give your carporal tunnel a rest!

You could be the Salvation army in its entirety!!! With all your FREE WILL cr@p!!!

Somebody needs to put you in the trunk of a car and dump you off at the nearest deaf retreat society!

AMEN !!!
Leather Neck,

I admire you IMMENSELY!!!

If anyone could clarify the true meaning of FREEDOM it would be you! As far as freedom goes you are correct! There is no other place on earth that is comparable to America! I value my freedoms daily!

Sounds like you have a heroes heart intoxicated with war ghosts.

Yes unfortunately war is a necessary evil! Its people like you that I am thnakful for and that make our country what it is today and keep it going strong!

It might be worth checking into C.A.R.E. (Atomic Recovery Employment Systems) (If you havent already.) Maybe this place really exists?

Its clear to me you are head strong and have a one track mind set on Time Travel Forever!!!
I can only plant the seed in your thoughts of a hidden war beyond your control and understanding. How I know this I cannot confide.

I am a woman that fights a war with plenty enough time left in the grave.

Call me CAT (9 lives)
You may spew and spit all you want but I have just as much right to talk on this post as you do. I have a feeling you are quite young and have many lessons to learn. The first one should be to respect other peoples opinions as much as you want yours to be respected. You have the choice not to read my post or answer. You have all my best wishes for the future.

Is it possablethat CAT is either one of the four vampire sects known of, or an alien?

Please reply, thanks board memeber.
lemmie butt in here I'm probaly out of line and a year late but I know what depression can feel like: I'd like to suggest a $40 trip to an MD. Try his pills, then try a different kind. Forget the psychology stuff. One can't get better while seething in a pool of pain.

Depression is a real illness and deserves real medicine. Hey it ain't your fault you got knocked down 28 fights of stairs.
Dear Ann are you sure that CAT's problem is depression?

From what she has said, this might either be a real physical war, or some other type of conflict?

What makes you think that CAT's problem is depression?
To Clara and the three stooges that posted after her,

You are all in need of a proctologist to find your heads!

And now if you will excuse me I have some frisky busness to attend to!!!

Dear 'Picasso'

the depression post was for GI Joe (s)

the rest of you cheerfull s o b's need not trouble yourseves

Maybe they could find a cure for cheerfullness or at least make it illegal. Then they could lock them up and spare the sane majority the additional pain they delight in inflicting.

On second thought maybe the overly cheerfull could be cured with an acute case of amoebic dysentery. This would help ensure that the formerly cheerfull would have less free time to taunt more normal people.
I see your point Clara, cheefull, however potentially messy.

Can't we all make up here instead of being so antagnostic?
"Oh' I Like Clara cause she's sweet".

Anything else femanine, well' put a sack over her head.

At least she'll make a good conversation peice, for the guest to ponder???
It doesn't matter if you like me But I am happy when people do.
Cat cannot love me because she cannot love herself. When she finds self love then she will be able to love others. No matter what she says to me I still love her because she is my sister whether she wants to be or not. about the drug thing for Leatherneck that would be the worst thing he could do . He needs to turn himself over to those who know him, even if he can't see them, better than he knows himself those that love him and will stick by him through the healing process. and by the way Jesus was not a time traveler in the physical. He only travels with his energy body. Another word for energy body is light body because he has earned that right.