May have an equation to make a time machine out of a space crafft. The equation is:
where a is the rectilinear acceleration of the mass m or spacecraft, F is the thrust force of the motors in same
as a and, velocity v of mass m in same direction as a. The exponent n seems not be a constant, it increases
F/m and perhaps increases with v. For F/m=100 newtons/kilogram, the n=1/2; for F/m=1newton/kilogram, the
n=1/100; and for F/m= 10 newtons/kilogram, the n=1/3. When n becomes greater than 1, the acceleration a
may become
negative and the spacecraft may travel backwards
in time. This still has to be tested using electrons as the mass m
where a is the rectilinear acceleration of the mass m or spacecraft, F is the thrust force of the motors in same
as a and, velocity v of mass m in same direction as a. The exponent n seems not be a constant, it increases
F/m and perhaps increases with v. For F/m=100 newtons/kilogram, the n=1/2; for F/m=1newton/kilogram, the
n=1/100; and for F/m= 10 newtons/kilogram, the n=1/3. When n becomes greater than 1, the acceleration a
may become
negative and the spacecraft may travel backwards
in time. This still has to be tested using electrons as the mass m