We build machines to measure time, and we perceive the passage of time. We see that events have a beginning middle and end, repleat with new beginning and so on. How much of this is cultural, based on a certain mind set? The very language that we use helps define the world so that we can manipulate aspects of our world. Can we prove that there is a future? We can extroplate a future but there is no way a future can be "proved". Similarly how can we prove there is a past. Certain there are agreed upon events that appearsed to occur in the past, such as the bombing at Pearl Harbor. We have memories of the past, but those memories exist in the present. The future appears to exist based on expectations, anticpations, fears, hopes, dreams and even extraoplations, and all these occur in the present. So from a certain poiunt of view we could say that there is no future or no past.
If we hold the premise "there is no past and no future" then how does time travel fit into that? Because we live in a linear based time reality, and we make agreements on the rules of that reality, our perceptions are shaped around those concepts which include language and cultural morays. Linear time based realities are based on a beginning, middle and end. Even philosophies of an afterlife or of an eternity exist on a linear system: we die (end) and then an eternity begins (under some religious /philosophical structures). Eternity having a beginning is an oxymoron. Eternity is forever. If we were to look at time as a cycle or a circle, that eternity exists as a cycle or spiral that intersects linear time and lifts us to a different perspective.
Instead of time travel, which implies a futuire and a past, what about allowing the present to expand to a large now. Then travel would be obsolete, because we would need to go from place to place because we would know a large present that might include a lifetime.
If we hold the premise "there is no past and no future" then how does time travel fit into that? Because we live in a linear based time reality, and we make agreements on the rules of that reality, our perceptions are shaped around those concepts which include language and cultural morays. Linear time based realities are based on a beginning, middle and end. Even philosophies of an afterlife or of an eternity exist on a linear system: we die (end) and then an eternity begins (under some religious /philosophical structures). Eternity having a beginning is an oxymoron. Eternity is forever. If we were to look at time as a cycle or a circle, that eternity exists as a cycle or spiral that intersects linear time and lifts us to a different perspective.
Instead of time travel, which implies a futuire and a past, what about allowing the present to expand to a large now. Then travel would be obsolete, because we would need to go from place to place because we would know a large present that might include a lifetime.