Time is fractured

Gpa comes through with the right answer. Well done, sir. But as Darby says, I am sure Einstein will come back with his contrary observations. It is too bad he cannot see that his observations lead to his own, erroneous, assumptions which are not in concert with the facts.

Gpa said:
Sometimes things are not as they appear.

Indeed this is very true. Our eyes (with the help of our brains) can deceive us. That was the purpose of the shooting video I shared.
That reminds me of a discussion in Physics class. If you could drill a hole thru the earth and then drop in a bowling ball it would fall thru the center and the 'out' the other side until gravity over came its (velocity, or inertia?) and would fall the other direction and on and on. Each time the distance traveled would decrease until it finally 'appeared' motionless (Einstein's scientific method) while in reality (Darby or Rainman's scientific method and nearly everyone else's) it would actually be oscillating at an increasingly higher frequency (for infinity?). Sometimes things are not as they appear.

And your teacher was correct. Assuming that the hole was evacuated so there was no friction on the shuttlecock the "orbit" would decay through gavitational energy loss (an equation that states that the gravitational binding energy between the Earth and the shuttlecock itself gravitates but with a negative sign, i.e. an energy leak). It would take billions of years for the orbit to decay but it would, eventually. Hooke's Law (harmonic oscillators) and Kepler's 3rd Law (orbital mechanics) plus General Relativity (gravitational energy).

Another good job with analysis, Gpa.