Time in Perfect Symmetry

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RE: To Sungod56 from CAT...

Cat that was me who posted # 38 . I'm sorry I meant to put to sungod 56 not from sungod 56. Sorry Sungod I didn't mean to post using your name it was just a mistake. So actually post # 38 is to Sungod 56 from Clara.
RE: To Sungod56 from CAT...

Oh! then what you are saying is that the event of 9-11 was

really a good thing because when something bad happens good may

follow. Well to me that is duality and what we need to do is

transend duality and then people won't have to get blow up so

something good will happen. And I don't beleive God does

anything ,people do. people who fight and kill each other are

caught in duality. If you want to keep living in black and white

then you will just keep killing each other over and over. Never

really learning about your own darkness but always saying

somebody else is the bad guy. What do you think all this

spiritual trancedence is. It's getting us off the wheels of

karma which is cause and effect so we can live in peace without

all this bad stuff happening. As long as you stay in that

illusion you will kept suffering along with everyone else that

chooses that illusion. This is my last post. Hope you guys

figure all this stuff out and it leads you to a wonderfull life

as for me I've decided I'm wasting time that I could be doing

something enjoyable.
bye clara

<<I remember TTA that you said you got into the new age stuff. Well maybe it got a little to tough for you and you wanted out. Maybe you can't handle all the spiritual work cause it does cause a lot of pain. but NO PAIN NO GAIN.>>

I think, that just like your record, your wrong again. Clara, spiritual work is what I do daily as the TimeTravelActivist, as do all critics. But not in any manipulative and exploitive way, in how you New Agers support your 1 sided spirituality.

I realized that when I read deeper into your kinds motives and acceptance of Aliens and Time Travelers, that it was wrong for me to even support you, thus my principles about humanity emerged and I was once again reminded who I was.

I am the TimeTravelActivist; my job is to stoop the Time Travel threat from controlling humanity. And it's very painful keeping up with people as ignorant as you Clara, but you know what? I get a great gain out of it when people become availed in 2 sides of the issues that you want them to be ignorant about.

<<TTA YOUR NOT COURAGOUS YOUR FEARFUL AND FEAR BEGETS FEAR. I can pretty much predict that everyone around you is in fear to.>>

And I can predict that everyone around you is ignorant of the F$%$@! Danger in selling out humanity.

Being fully aware and knowledgeable is a far better condition to be in, then clueless and blind, like you are Clara.


<<Were your to pose any type of threat to this practice at any point in your life, how hard do you think it would be for you to be eliminated?>>

Of course, and who's to say I am not being eliminated, or attempted to be anyways?

Would it really be that easy to just wipe someone out of existence?

When I am asleep in a deep meditative slumber, I fight my oppressors and win in their own game.

There is no ignoring the fact that if Time Travel would be so easy as to just snap a finger and everything is done and the critics of them would be no more, then accomplishing such a task would require to start everything over and delete all records of past philosophy and principles.

For anyone has the potential of speaking out against something wrong and of being the TimeTravelActivist, if not me. In time someone else would.

Can you really hold back progress and advancement in realizing something unethical? It's only a matter of time, until someone catches notice.

The only way I see that this could happen is if everyone turned New Age and forgot all about common sense. Then all the rules would have changed, and getting rid of someone undesirable, i.e. a critic, would be far more easier.

But as the present moment, eliminating all of the critics, all of the 2 sided thinkers would call upon a lot of attention, don't ya think?

<<On your website, you talk about the fact that sometimes we run into someone we'd just been thinking about.>>

A theory I wrote prior to becoming the TimeTravelActivist. As I remembered correctly, I made mention of that before you go into reading my Temporal Networking Theory.

<<You attribute this to the fact that the meeting was predetermined and therefore unavoidable, peripherally resulting in our loss of free will.>>

Again, once before I became the TTA, I believe that Karma was just and that everything happened for our own good. Regardless of freewill...

But it is not like that anymore.

For you see, it's in credit that all of your experiences are being taken as. Whether you had it coming or not, you are being taken to the point where the Time Travelers want to put you to be in the situation where it's best favorable for them.

<<Why wouldn't your next unavoidable and predetermined meeting be with the front end of an 18-wheeler?>>

Well like I said 2 months ago, I almost got run over by a huge bus, and the time of the incident was confirmed and destined for me by a time traveler. What are the odds that a bus would attempt to hit the TimeTravelActivist at a straight numbered digit? After all, is it not me who's making all the noise about it?

<<My point is that if we are, in fact, dealing with something that has the ability to travel through time, it's too late. They have already succeeded, because they are from the future and the future, according to you, already has the ability to travel through time. You can't stop it, because it has already happened.>>

It has happened and will happen again, and we are powerless with the amount of viewing area that they posses. Understanding this, rebelling and going on strike is the best way to throw them off balance and cease all of this. Creating so much noise, and spreading the idea of Time Travel being unethical, do you really think that this will not have an impact in the world when we come to the point of witnessing Time Travel creation in our life time?

At the very least, we are promoting an ethical means of pursuing humanities goals. Whether being altered by aliens and time travelers or not, we are sending out the message that we will not tolerate this form of manipulation.

Without it, then we would be powerless to give any say in the politics behind Time Travel now and in the future.

Would Time Traveling thus be easy once directives are established?

<<And if you were able to stop it, they would know this and could easily stop you at any point. Even before you were born, or maybe they'd go back to when your great-great-grandfather was chopping some wood out in back of the log cabin and manipulate a bear to come up and eat him for dinner.>>

Well I wasn't always the activist you gotta remember that. I was a child with a lot of spirit. I was destined for something great in support for them. Until I realized I was being played for a pawn.

At the moment that I defected, would it have been possible to revert back the change from all the others that I affected and informed about Anti-Time Travel once I arrived here 3 years ago?

Just how far exactly is the Time Travel realm extends to people's decisions?

Does it monitor all human movements and anticipates actions before they are taken in the 3rd dimensional plane?

Or is there independence, and omniscient is only an implemented action from Time Travelers exploiting this 4th dimension of sight?

<<Aren't you doing the same thing, TTA? Except you're assuming the numbers to be the sign of something evil.>>

I am stating what I know from the evidence we have come forth to prove that the numbers are responsible for actions where humanity had no choice in. No free will, no free-thought. All planned and orchestrated.

And adding what I know about them, and the visions and what I've tapped into, I know that it's evil, but with good intentions.

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

I am doing the same thing, but I have proof and principles that are being violated in the acceptance of these numbers. What does Clara have?

Nothing but selling out everything she knows. Or is that not clear to you?

<<How could they be evil when they let someone like yourself, professing that their entire purpose in life is to eliminate them, continue to exist?>>

Is it really that simple? I seriously doubt it. Wouldn't I be dead by now the hundreds of times I been set up, but managed to get my self out of those situations.

From having a bus almost ram into me at a double digit number, to having my flight canceled at a double digit number, to having a vision of something horrible and waking up to a Time Travel dream at a double digit number.

All this control to have me come to, all of it is in essence to prevent me of being who I am, the TimeTravelActivist.

I am obviously fighting them, and my escape and triumphs over adversary is evidence of that.

That free will is evident in all forms of life, if they are aware enough to see 2 sides and resist being a pawn.

<<What about your reaction to witnessing the numbers is not an example of complete free will? Noone has stopped you from interpreting this phenomenon however you want. Nothing bad has happened to shut you up.>>

Besides things happening to me daily to shut me up (and yes, there are things). On September 11th, something really bad happened to thousands of innocent people that day. CAT, bring forth your proof once more to SunGod56, perhaps he has not yet read it.

<<Do you really think that the answers to this puzzle is for you to do everything you can to avoid it? You say that you conciously do things that you don't feel compelled to do. But the problem is, if this power is coming from the future, they already know what your ultimate decision was.>>

If they know what the ultimate decision was, making me resist them and fight something I cannot see would be futile. However, doing so I know is changing events in the future, where the ultimate decision will be "No Time Travel" thanks to the millions of people who have come to the realization that no one should ever control you.

Therefore, we come to the conclusion; do they really know what the next move is? YES. But for how long can they keep making evasive moves, in their losing checkers match with humanity?

Sooner or later, they will fall.

<<They would basically see everything in reverse. You can't fool them by simply altering your behaviour.>>

When we come to it in the end, and the TimeTravelActivist has done what he was set out to do, and regulations against time travel has been established, we'll see if altering my behavior helped any in doing that.

<<If what your're saying is true, then they already know exactly how you turn out as an old, graying man and they know exactly how you pass on from this physical existence.>>

Well I hope by the time I am old and gray, I am retired and have 7 grandchildren who can live in a free world where they don't tolerate imposing on another persons free-will through time travel.

<<Please don't consider this a personal attack. Think about it. Your views contradict each other in a way that makes what you're saying impossible. It's actually pretty obvious. I just thought you should know.>>

Well it was pretty obvious to me that you didn't know all the facts about me before you started accusing me. But hey, that's okay. Your new here, I'll cut you a break this time.

RE: To Clara and Sungod56 from CAT...Sept 11th info...


You have completely misinterpreted what I was saying!

NO! G-D DID NOT ALLOW SEPTEMBER 11TH TO HAPPEN FOR SOMETHING GOOD TO COME OUT OF IT! (I don't think he allowed it at all in his infinite reasoning!)(Read my post above about G-D to Sungod56 again and again untill it sinks in!)


I will repost it again for you Clara and Sungod56, (Per. TTA's request.)

The date of the attack: 9 - 11 9 + 1 + 1 = 11
September 11th is the 254th day of the year 2 + 5 + 4 = 11
After September 11th there are 111 days left in the year.
92 is the area code to Packistan 9 + 2 = 11
Twin Towers standing side by side looks like the number 11
The first plane to hit the towers was flight 11
The state of New York was the 11th state added to the union.
New York City has 11 letters in it.
Pennsylvania has 12 letters but a double n cancels the other n out = 11

Afghanistan has 11 letters in it.
The Pentagon has 11 letters in it.
Ramzi Yousef has 11 letters in it(convicted of orchestrating the attack on the WTC in 1993.

Flight 11 had 92 passangers on board 9 + 2 = 11
Flight 77 has 65 passangers on board 6 + 5 = 11

One of the planes hit the 93 floor at 9:03am. 9 + 2 = 11

Its flawless impeccably scarred evidence left behind on mankind to see that the numbers and the double digits play an important role in their "esoteric" ways and bear witness to the grueling effects of Time Travel.



Hey bud, we gotta talk. I am little by little comming around to your way of thinking. Am I paranoid or what. I've (we) have only two choises concerning this site and the people on it.........

A: they and their stories are real
B: everybody else here are government plants playing me

Item "A:" is the less paranoid of the two so I'll go with that one. Just about every one sees the numbers. We each have our personal favorites, the one I watch the most is '3-9' combination. I run into synchronisities, amazing ones at least once a month, for years running. I don't pay them much mind anymore I rather expect them. How ever today I got zapped with one that was QUITE beyond the usual. I can't believe I did THIS one on my own..........

Its a very cold sunny day, I was sitting at home (real quiet rural location) and what do I hear? One lonely roll of thunder or plane crash or what ever. I'd guess the sourse of the noise was about 5 miles distant. As is my habit I always check my watch when I hear loud noises, just in case somebody asks when did IT happen? And what time was it? 12:39:39 Mind you the event must have happened 5 to 10 seconds earlier, but the sound gets to ME at 39:38 allows me one second to hear it and check my watch at 39:39. Also MY watch is about 2 minutes slow off true time, therefore I would be the only person on earth to hear that sound at exactly 12:39:39 my time. So here I've got thunder out of the blue arriving with a PERSONALIZED time message. (By the way my car odometer was parked at xxxxO3.9 then too.)

1+2=3, 3+9=12, 3+9=12, 12+12+3=27. and 27= 3x9

What in hell is going on here? My theory is that the numbers were subconsciously generated by ones' self maybe with a little outside prodding. But I just can't believe that my subconscious could cause thunder to happen at anytime much less one specific time.

Am I bustin a time line her or something? Yep reads 'her' not 'here' ; Freudian slip.

Ive come up with some new info on how time works. Time has/is inertia. Which means what time 'wants' least is to be changed. However the message I'm getting right now is "BETTER change it !!" Remember 39 is a bad luck number. These numbers are omens.

Just by figuring out how time works we are messing with it. Somewhere somehow >it< doesn't want to be messed with, and is sure as hell noticing what we are doing.

Shadow and TTA,

Yesterday at work I went out to lunch at 11:00am. I'm driving to Pizza Hut and I realize (like a Dimwit) I passed it up! (I don't know what I was thinking?) So I turned down a side street and did a Hollywood stop and U-Turn and in the process of doing this I noticed that two "exactly" same looking white vans crossed paths right infront of each other and my vehicle! I happend to be playing around with my radio changing the stations as this was happening and in the process I so happend to glance nonchalantly at my digital clock and the SOB read 11:11am.

What happend, I don't know??? How could this be possible? was a witnessing a implemented time sequence?

Would it be fair to say that I outstreached my bounderies by passing up the Pizza Hut because I wasnt supposed to be there on that side street at that paticular time. But I did and witnesses a time alteration taking place at 11:11am. It is highly possible that when I passed the Pizza Hut up I was thinking about this forum and posting about time travel.

What a hypothetical paradox of a thought!


P.S. TTA we need answers???
RE: To Clara and Sungod56 from CAT...Sept 11th info...

Whats with:

"One of the planes hit the 93 floor at 9:03am. 9 + 2 = 11"

It should be 9 + 3 which would equal 12. Typo?

-- Maciek
RE: To Clara and Sungod56 from CAT...Sept 11th info...


You know what, that wasn't a typo! No it doesnt equal 11 it's "Shadows" bad luck number!(#39) from the first post under the numerical coincedences thread.

Shadow stated in one of his past posts that in his life he notices that when ever the number 39 shows up! It means BAD LUCK!!! And if you read on to post #40 under numerical coincedences it also held true to the attempted hyjacker that was beaten over his head by the copilot with a fire axe.

No, it really didnt belong in the 11 post above, but I just thought I would throw it into the soup for Shadow!


P.S. But good eye there Maciek your coming around!
RE: To Clara and Sungod56 from CAT...Sept 11th info...

I have rethought my post #39(Shadows bad luck number could mean my post was an incorrect assumption.) regarding why would G-D allow the destruction of the Twin Towers on September 11th and its aftermath of evidence to show itself in the double digits as a Time Travel lesson to humanity.

I have a double dilemma and a horrible thought for a post. It has been needling and begging me for answers that perhaps it's possible maybe G-D "did" allow for September 11th to happen and "why" did G-D not restrain this evil from happening?

Perhaps we need to take a closer look at the Twin Towers themselves? The Bible states that there will come a time when we will not be able to buy or sell without the mark of the Beast 666.

A Clue could have been found inside the Trade Center itself by riding its elevatore to the observation deck.

An exhibit on display once there illustrated the history of trade by arranging various artifacts, (Anchient Coins)(Wampum Beads used by N. American Indians as money)(Old Paper Bills.)(And every piece of currency used by the world to conduct and promote trade.) It showed the complete evolution process of money!

Turning to the windows one could have seen beyond the Verrazano Narrows Bridge to the Atlantic Ocean, the Maritime Highway that first gave New York access to the world's markets. Looking up the length of Manhattan, high above the great Metropolis one could have also envisioned the Trade Center itself as an artifact! A giant symbolic antenna in the electronic global economy, sending and receiving great sums of money the new fangled way! at the speed of light!

The Twin Towers represented a replica of Babylon!!! WOW what a conspicuous paradigm!!!


P.S. of course we all know the story and the reason behind the destruction of the city and tower of Babylon.
RE: TO much.


>>>P.S. of course you all know the story and the reason behind...<<<<<

No not really. Wasn't the tower (hey >tower<!) of Babylon some kind of universal language translator?

The WTC might be considered a global money translator. An attack on money hmmmm. Time is money....

Personal time and the quality there of is the ultimate value. Goods are cashed out into money but money is cashed out into time.

Time is the stuff that money is made of.

Yes Shadow, that is correct Babylon is the biblical city where people tried to build a tower to the sky and were caused suddenly to speak in different languages and there was a confusion of voices. There was tumult and Prostitution, Adultery, Gambling and all manor of life was corrupt and in defiance of G-D's ways.

Maciek, I read into that web site that you supplied above. I almost shed a tear in realizing that G-D's presents was definitely there on that dreaded day! But there are so many conflicting stories in the Bible concerning suffering its hard to decifer what it is that G-D really wants from us? We all for short of G-D's glory!

Who can really understand G-D's infinite reasoning for the way things are or why bad has to happen? I don't claim to know all the answers myself?


The real truth, is thatr there is more than one God.

There is actually a God's Union of sorts, it seesm with the Christian God leading the forfront?

This is information brought out inthe books, (Psychic Warriors) as well as (Cosmic Voyage), by Courtney Brown Phd.

The had wanted to observe what was going on in other countries as far as weapons development had gone and had developed the remote viewing treams, as headed by a Major Edward Dames U.S. Air Force ret.

Within both of these dual expierments, they had found that all of these gods kind of got along.

Further analysis had proven the reason why there is a Gods Union, is mainly due to the many differnt types of cultures placed here on Earth.

Not one God, or belief system could of course cover them all.

So it is understood that a Gods union of sorts was approved and founded for Earth based mankind.

As you had spoken in the past, the Tower of Babbel was an attempt by man to move foward an exprress new intelectual frontiers.

Howevewr remember that at this time, the main Judeo-christiananic God was favouroing early Hebrew sects and at times, not all of their opperssors.

So other than bad archatecture, which was probably one of the main causes for the fire and subsaquent ruin of the Tower of Babbel, there might have not have been a favouring of this said structure as you had said.

However this is not the case.

The current thought is, either explore space and get people off this planet, or don't do so well?!

The old attage of worring about the sky falling, is demanded out of the way, by the pressing needs of the people of Earth, to find and colonize new reaches of land.

This would be the moon, Mars as well as possably other new places within the galixy?

The Gray hybrids on Mars, as told in Ronald Stories book Encylopedia Of UFOs, had even realized the need for manure on Mars, and had come to a midwest farm, to ask a farmer for manure, so telling their difficulty of growing anything below the surfacxe of Mars.

They may however be doing better on Mars now.

The new main problem out side of any religious retoric, is however for centers of orginization and power to start letting out the truth about the hidden E.T. presence here on Earth, as well as the moon and Mars.

We don't have a choice placed upon this and must facilitate uinderstandings to a greater population concerning extraterrestials to the general public, whether we, or the government, of the local popcorn vendor, like it or not!

President Johnn F. Kennedy had seen this situation coming way, way back in the 1960s.

I feel that this is why Kennedy with all the problems that he had, still had pushed very hard with what the U.S. had then, to at least try to establish some presence based on the moon!

This would be inspite of an even then hidden alioen presence based on the moon???

This is reflected in such series as Moon 1999, the UFO t.v series out of G.B., as well as other attempts to televise within a srfies, that there were indeed aliens based on the moon.

Now what they certainly push at you on the television, is weirdness, such as people transforming into monsters, to get us all away from the truth?

Thjanks CAT, creedo299 out.


So, you finally decide to respond to one of my posts properly and give me some input on G-D! But you still decline on the frequency subject?

My understanding of your post above is that you are conveying to me that Aliens/E.T.'s are the G-D's that you are refering to?

I can certainly see the connection and confusion between the Aliens/Time Travlers being mistaken for the one all powerful G-D!

I have a sneeking suspicion that Biblical charactors, world leaders, historically popular people and the scrupulous sacrilegious scoundrels known as the Global Elite could have been Time Travelers themselves or visited by Time Travelers.


No' I'm not mistaking aliens dfor Angels and God, D-d, as you call him.

There are crooked politicans, who are barely capable of walking accross the street on their own power.

Additional to these are idiot aliens, who do such wonders as offbreed so producing some humans to have wings on their back.

These said acts go on at such places, as the Arizona based Dulcea Underground Genetics Complex, placed upon an American Indian Reservation.

However God and the Angelics are not these two groups and I do not have them confused.

And there is more than one powerfull God as I had pointed out, there is a God's union, as both collegate and military R.V. techniques have pointed out?

This is all publically open information and no real biggie, as Inner Light Publications has written about these facts for years?

Well knock me down and steal muh teeth! So it is?

Those superficial sacrilegious irreverent verging numbers keep showing up! and ironically in the right corresponding thread about September 11th as well.

What more proof do we need to show that these numbers are confessing their true intentions and schemes involving September 11th and consuming control over man kind!



So if I'm understanding you correctly, When you say <<Additional to these are idiot aliens, who do such wonders as offbreed so producing some humans to have wings on their back.>>

You are in acknowledging and are in agreement that this genetic altering is wrong and goes againsts humanities principles?

Therefore you would also be against Time Travel because that's the main goal and purpose of these gods/time travelers in accordance with the human race to genetically atler us "spiritually" to resurect your dear Atlantis from the deapths of the great Atlantic ocean for another cataclysmic event to finish what they "wrongly" started.

So than we are all in favor that Time Travel is wrong?
