RE: \"Time\" Changes Everything
Rebuttal concluded.
Refered source, from a certain person, as said and it goes like this.
"In my contacts with the Thelosian Grays, it was revealed to me, that these Grays in part had contributed to the physical engineering of Earth based mankind.
I have implants placed within me and can talk to them from time to time.
Information had been revealed to me, that only a few certain Earthlings, who are earmarked for extraction,, will be taken by these Grays shortly before the cleansing will occur.FINSIH
It was said by other sources, that the Grays in some way, had introduced atomic bomb technology into this culture, in the 1940s.Source (Extra-terrestials Among Us) by George C. Andrews.
This introduction may have been, with the certain knowlege that we would use these weapons later, in a bid for dominanace which would euthanize a great part of the population of Earth?
Note here, what is the right of Earth based man, in the course of his own fate and do we as a society have the vested right, to plot our own course, without this it seems planned interfearance from the Grays?
So the story of time travler John Titor and what he has said will happen in the future, does indeed check out.
However in the same vein, Titor had also told of the future civilization having extreme difficulty with reproduction.
It does seem to me, that God in only the administrative sence, has opted out, or called it a holliday week, with reference to the planned fate of man?
I mean you just don't show that you really care for a certain people, such as the early Hebrews, as is factually recorded within the bible.And then the next day, say, " Ahh' well, there is too many of them, I'll euthanize a few"?!
If you look carefully within the text Extra-terrestial Freinds And Foes, by George C. Andrews, in the Khyla interview, you will obsereve by Khyla's telling, that the Grays millions of years ago, had great troubles after their atomic war with the Procyion Empire.
As a matter of fact, you will also find that the Atlantian sect of the Pleiadeans, who just happen to have a hidden intermoutain base near the Billy Meier Farm in Switzerland, have said in the book, UFO Contact From The Pleides, that the early Lyrians also had horrific atomic wars.
This might or might not be the true Christian God's actions, however in some measure, it does seem that we are inheariting other beings past.
Yes I do believe that Earth based man is an engineered product.
Even S.B. Leaky had trouble with the proposal that Cromagnon Robustus all of a sudden overnight engineered himself up from Neandethal, in one thousands years time.
The French find, of a modern man dig, as shown on the cover of Sci American being dated at 36,000 years of age, put the ki'bosh on Leakey's argument and caused a huge fight in anthropoligical circles.
I myself am asking the question, if Titor is true, "which I feel that he is", is why are so many Earth based people, being permitted to die, as proposed by atomic euthanasia?
I can't do this,I can not abide by it and certainly don't approve of this action.
But hey when the CIA, FBI as well as other Ameri orgs have been started by past recruted Nazies, what do you expect?
Can you imagine why we enjoy today, of having to use birth control, as getting pregnant is so easy today, will in the future tense, looked upon as the act of biological gold, due to the factors of radiation poisioning?
What of the other dimensions, of which there are some said four of them, as main time liners.
Will they all have their nuclear interludes?
I'm starting to sound like Pamela, dear lord, please help me?!
Maybe I should call up Pam and ask her if I can barrow one of her dresses to wear, a wig and some mascara.
How would I look is drag, with a cowgirl dress on, blond wig, with white pantyhose pulled over my hairy legs, attired in cowgirl boots?
Not sure, just thought that I would throw that in...?
Notes,please note that in the web heading Galactic Server 2, that the Pleiadean Cosmonaut under the main page E.T. technology, has her phone number posted, so that the Pleiadeans can call back to their home planet?
I do feel that the Billy Meier landings did happen.
However I also feel like they had already been here, for quite some years.
So the reality of the Pleiadean landings at Heinwel, is they just came out.
This would be like you or me, finnaly stepping out of our homes, and saying,"Hi' I finnaly came outside, now isnt that a great big deal"?!
The answer your more than likly to recieve, is..."Don't forget to use the trash can and please don't spit on the floor"!
They had been here all along, but only came out of the closet in 75?