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Matt, I think I know where you are headed with your theory. But I need to know whether you mean by 'out of time', you are looking for a material which has always existed throughout time with a null field or whether it is a material exiting literally outside of time in another dimension withoutout time but that is somehow reachable through our own.
Well, if a null field were a collection of neutrons, why wouldn't you just call it that? Seems easier. And if it isn't... What's a null field?
True. A 'field' implies that it has some sort of effect on anything within the parameters of the field (of course a field in terms of most physical properties doesn't really have parameters as such, but you know what I mean). A 'null field' seems to imply that it is the ultimate in being affected by any other field eg electro-magnetic.
Isn't "null field" an oxymoron? A field is just the area affected by some collection of partials. An EM field is the result of dissimilarly charged partials and a magnetic field is the result of a flow of electrons (ie. electric current. I guess it could be argued that the partials and current are a result of the field, but they still are there.

Are you talking about a field that would eliminate or nullify all other fields? The stuff your talking about would have to change the universal constants of e0 (8.854187871x10-12) and m0 (4p10-7). These are use in calculating EM wave propagation and their degradation over distance. There are modifiers for these for different medium such as space, air, or water. Water for instance doesn’t propagate high frequency EM waves very well, but is a real good conductor of low freq sound waves. A medium could reduce the effect of a field like water.
I sent a reply accros this but when I went back to the page it was not posted I am not sure how long it takes to post but perhaps someone can let me know how to post a reply?
I would appreciate it very much thanks for your help and sorry for any inconvenience. sincerely<G>
Dear everyone, please nevermind my last letter I think I figured it out on account the last letter and this one went through.

In responce,
time is the sum of to equil opposites for without two distinguished points of referance there could be no finite quantity only infinite quantity. If one were to compress a mass that is zero degrees kelvin to half its size the temperature of that quantity would be zero degrees kelvin. If one were to compress a mass that is zero degrees kelvin in half an infinite number of times then the temperature of that mass would reach one and a positive kenetic force of one in the mass of infinite density. If one were to split a particle with a null field the particle would bycome nine dimentional with an infinite density and would have a time mass of one throughout all time. A obtain a source of this energy by prying apart a magnetic field thereby increasing the relative size of an infinitely small point to a finite size thereby creating a gap in the space time continuum. Through this gap will a tachyon pulse emerge transdimentionally with a forward velocity of the speed of light. The tachyons within the field-pulse will be traveling at a superluminal velocity giving the field an infinite kenetic force there by creating a hyperspherical black hole in all directions from the pulse which travels outward increasing to the inverted square from your point to the forward edge of the pulse. The creation of a curved event horizon in the direction of the traveling pulse. As energy is drained from the tachyons within the field the velocity with in the field will increase and so the energy of the kenetic strength of the field will increase to the square of the distance from the source event...the gap ... from infinity at the source to infinite to the infinite power at an infinite distance which will accure instantaneously at the edge of the field and in the past within the field where the velocity is greater than light and in the instantaneosly at the instant of the event outside the field and then in the past as then kenetic energy of the forward field goes from transfinite to a higher transfinite at the passing of the instant of ignition. If you have any questions E-mail me at [email protected] or post it on this sight and I will be gladd to answer any questions or reexplain any part of what I wrote above. Also feel free to critique the above mentioned model I value all input and have yet to aquire any input that has no value.
sincerely, humbly, and as down to earthly as possible;
Edwin G. Schasteen
Hmmm... if you halve the volume of something at 0 K infinite times, its temperature becomes one? This is a recursive function, right? f0=0, f1=2*f0=0, fn=2*fn-1=0, right? I don't see how the limiting value could be one if the tendency is toward zero. Besides, if you are physically compressing the stuff to halve its volume, you're adding energy and thus heating it up, so you won't keep it at 0K at all.

um, tachyons (theoretically) would have negative mass, right? They wouldn't have infinite energy, though, would they? Unless they were decelerated infinitely close to c.

Hey, you mentioned a null field. Do you know what that is? No one's been able to explain it yet.
Yes the tachyons would themselves have a negative mass but exist within the region of the pulse which is accelerated in N space at the velocity of light giving the causing the forward edge of the pulse to have an infinite positive kenetic mass mind you only within the region where the tahyons exist is superluminosity possible on account of the relative infinite density and considering the extra dimensions added as a result of folding hyperspherical spacetime to a point. Also, I believe that superluminisity follows after cantorian mathematics for the simple fact that were are dealing with transfinites. Let us consider the logic behind the negative mass at superluminal speeds. The equation states that as a mass accelerates to the velocity of light the kenetic energy absorbed by the mass aproaches the static energy contained in the mass. The kenetic energy acts in an opposing manner to the static energy. Trying to apply a quantity of kenetic energy to an equil quantity of static energy is the same as trying to force to objects of equil mass to the same space at the same time. To do this requires the application of infinite work upon the two objects(kenetic infinite * static infinite). Therefore there is now difference in applying an infinite kenetic force to an object to accelerate the object to a velocity of light and applying an infinite kenetic energy to compress the object to a singularity. Therefore there is now diffence between acceleration and compression in relation to light speed velocity. It takes an infinite amount of energy to compress a mass to subinfinity or te velocity of light the mass becomes infinite to compress it further will makee the mass attain a higher level of infinity ... negative finite one?! I think not the math must follow cantorian math so lat the next level is equal to infinity times infinity, which is the same as infinity plus infinity in our dimension but negative finite one in superluminal land. So negative mass does exist and the definition of finite is a quanity of exponential acceleration insinc with a time incremental exponential diminishment of the inverted square of T to infinity with completion at t0. As for the temperature of a mass that is absolute kelvin the velocity at which the thermal energy is transfered to the quanum fluid is super luminal thus enabling our mass to be compressed to infinity with the thermal energy from the compression arriving at a point in the past enabling our mass to maintain a constaint temperature of 0 unless causality causes the new mass to atain a temperature as a result of the cause and affect nature of the beast. However this will only accure if the mass and space time creates a lupe with the ends of the fourth dimension being confined to the same space time which will cause to points in time to exist at the same time in the same space giving our mass an infinite density. a mass with infinite density that is zero degrees kelvin is a super conductor of thermal energy and conducts thermnal energy at the speed of light through the medium. As for null force I anticiate that there is no difference between infinitely large and infinitely small. For at the instant that a mass is compressed to a point the angle between all points on the infinitely small mass and all other points in the universe become infinitismal. Thus the universe would become an infinitely small point to a mass that is infinitely small. Because at subinfinity all fractions of the mass become equivalent thus making a mass containing an infinite number of half divisions each equil to on making the mass infinitely large. For infinitely large is an infinite number of ones and finite is an infinite number of halves and zero is an infinite number of ones.
Thsnkyou for your input it has helped clarify my theory. What do you think of the above model?
inquisitely, and respectfully Edwin G. Scahsteen