Re: The Two Twin Time Travelers 11:11
I just read through the whole thread and I am a little confused Blair.
I haven't seen TimeCop 2(never evwn knew there was a sequel - just a tv spin-off) so I can only guess at the understanding of what you're trying to say.
In the thread you seem to imply that the second traveller knows that the future is ok or not through a video left by the original traveller.
The paradox problem still exists if time is linear and the second Traveller uses the information on the video to stop the first Traveller before the journey is made. If the first Traveller never went to the past, no video was ever made, therefore the second Traveller never received this information and so, never had a reason to stop his friend.
The first Traveller was now never stopped and so went back to the past and made the video. the cycle begions anew, and we have a verifiable paradox!